• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,653 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

  • ...

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*Chapter 17 - Family Outing

The next morning Arc, Derpy, and little Dinky walk to Ponyville Hospital. Coming to the now familiar room, Arc knocks lightly before pushing the door open.

“Might we come in?”

Cherry looks over from her bed. “Sure, come on in!”

The trio enters together. Ruby walks over to them and smiles warmly.

“Derpy! Good to see you again! Cherry, this is Derpy and her daughter Dinky!”

“Nice to meet you. Ruby has told me so much about you and your little one.”

Derpy nods happily as she lifts Dinky from her saddle carrier. “Thank you. I hope you’re feeling better.”

Cherry nods. “Very much so, yes. The doctor should be in any time now to release me. That and I can't wait to get back home, as I'm sure everypony back in Dodge Junction is worried about us.”

As if on cue the doctor enters the room along with Applejack. She turns to the group and smiles sheepishly.

“Sorry I'm a bit late y'all. Had a few things to take care of on the farm.”

Cherry nods. “I can understand that. Don't worry about it, Applejack.”

Ruby looks to Doctor Horse. “What's the news, doctor?”

“Miss Cherry may return home at any time. However, under no circumstances is she to physically or mentally exert herself.”

Turning to Cherry, the doctor continues.

“Take it easy for the next week at least. And see your own doctor at home so he can continue to monitor your progress.”

Cherry nods as the doctor turns to leave the room. “Thank you doctor... for everything.”

Ruby looks to her sister. “Well, shall we be off?”

“Yes! If for no other reason than to stretch my legs and get some new scenery!”

Arc smiles and nods. “I can understand that. After all, I spent quite a bit of time in this very room a while back.”

Cherry looks amazed. “Really?! What happened?!”

“An Ursa Minor and I had a disagreement.”

Applejack shakes her head and groans. “That's putting it mildly. I wasn't aware anypony could lose THAT much blood and live to tell about it”

Ruby gasps. “Was it really that bad, Applejack?!”


Arc shudders at the thought. “I’ll take your word for it.”

With Ruby’s help, Cherry slowly lowers herself off the bed and walks toward the door. The party walks slowly to the Ponyville Train station and boards the train to Dodge Junction. After a short time the train gets underway. Watching the scenery roll by for a time, Ruby turns to her sister.

“It seems like a lifetime ago Arc, Ember, and I were rushing to get you out of here!”

Cherry giggles. “Well, thanks for not giving up on me!”

Applejack chuckles. “If I know Arc, he doesn't give up on anypony. Oh, that reminds me! Twilight wanted me to give this to you.”

Applejack removes a book from her saddlebags and gives it to Arc. He looks at the front cover before flipping through the pages.

“Well, that was nice of her.”

Ruby looks at the book quizzically. “What’s it about?”

“It's a beginner's guide to magic. I suppose it would be good to learn a thing or two about this new power. Let's see here... a simple light spell. Seems pretty straight forward.”

Just then the train passes through a long, dark tunnel. Taking a deep breath, Arc mutters under his breath.

“Here goes nothing.”

Arc focuses his thoughts and a small sphere of light appears in his hand. Applejack looks over at the display, astonished, as does Ruby.

“Woah! How’d you DO that, sugarcube! I thought humans weren’t able to use magic!”

Ruby nods as she stares at the light. “I knew you were talented, of course! But even I thought magic was beyond all creatures other than unicorns!”

Arc chuckles as he toys with the spell in his hand. “You forget, dragons and a few other creatures have the gift as well. I was given Dragon Magic by the Dragon Lord as a reward for liberating the Marquis from Tartarus.”

Cherry looks over at the small light in Arc’s palm. “My, my Arc! You're just full of surprises, aren't you?”

“I guess so!”

He extinguishes the light as the train emerges from the tunnel. Picking the book back up, Arc goes back to reading. A few moments later he grins and calls out.

“Hey, telekinesis!

Applejack raises and eyebrow. “Tele… what now?”

Dinky magically floats towards Arc's embrace, giggling happily at the sensation. Cherry laughs as Arc takes her in his arms.

“I guess that explains it!”

On the trip, Arc is able to learn most of the beginner spells contained within the book. Sometime later the train arrives at Dodge Junction Station and the party disembarks together. Derpy sticks her tongue out at Arc playfully.

“Congratulations Arc! You now have the magical aptitude of a young foal!”

Arc smiles back at her. “Thanks, I'll take that as a compliment.”

The party slowly follows Cherry down the main street toward her ranch. Many of the townsponies stop to hug her and wish her a speedy recovery. Arc observes as yet another pony gives her their well wishes.

“You’re quite popular around here, Cherry.”

Cherry laughs happily. “Dodge Junction is quite a tight knit community, after all. Everypony pretty much knows everypony else.”

Derpy nods approvingly. “It kinda reminds me of Ponyville.”

Applejack laughs. “Everypony is just so nice here.”

Ruby looks to Cherry as she does her best to steady her. “How are you holding up, sister?”

“I think I’ll be all right. But let's hurry on to the ranch. Who knows how long I can keep going.”

They continue on their way. Now with Cherry Hill Ranch in sight, Applejack notices that Cherry has slowed considerably since they arrived. Looking to her, she calls out.

“Are you all right, Cherry?”

Cherry is out of breath as she sits down on her haunches. “I'm sorry all, but I don't think I can make it.”

Arc stoops down to pick Cherry up. “Don't worry about it. In truth, you made it quite a bit further than I originally expected.”

Cherry rests her head against Arc’s chest as he carries her toward the ranch. “Thank you... Arc. For everything.”

Arc carries Cherry the final mile or so to Cherry Hill Ranch. As they approach the house Cherry looks fondly at her home.

“Thank you. Would you be a dear and set me down on the porch swing, Arc?”

“If you’d like. But shouldn't you be in bed?”

Cherry shakes her head. “It feels like I’ve been in bed this past week more than I’ve been my whole life! Besides, it always felt good to just sit on the porch and smell the wind from the cherry trees.”

“As you wish then.”

Arc sets Cherry down on the porch swing.

“There you are, Cherry. Home again, safe and sound.”

“I hope you three don't have to rush back to Ponyville just yet.”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin. “Well... not really. We just don't want you to tire yourself out on our account.”

Arc chuckles. “That and last time I stuck around, things quickly got... messy.”

Cherry waves a hoof dismissively. “Nonsense! If it hadn't been for you, I would have been forced to marry Buffalo Bull! I owe you my life, Arc. Please remember that.”

Ruby walks toward the screen door. “Would the four of you like to stay for lunch? It’s not fancy by any stretch of the imagination. But the two of us would like to show our thanks for all you have done.”

Applejack nods behind them. “Thanks for the offer, Ruby. But I think lunch is on its way.”

She points a hoof toward Cherry Hill Ranch's front gate. The others turn to see what may possibly be the entire town's population walking toward the farmhouse carrying food. Cherry smiles widely as she explains.

“It's a tradition here in Dodge Junction that when someone is ailing they shouldn't have to cook.”

The visitors each approach the porch one or two at a time and deliver their offering of food and a hug to Cherry. Many of them thank Arc for saving their friend and then present him with a bag. As he takes one of the bags he addresses the pony whom gave it to him.

“What’s this?”

The elderly mare before him looks confused. “Payment for you completing our writ.”

Her elderly husband looks over. “With Buffalo Bull laid up in the hospital his gang is no longer terrorizing us.”

Arc smiles sheepishly. “Oh! Um... glad to be of service.”

Eventually the crowds return home, leaving Cherry Hill Ranch as it was. Cherry sits on the swing completely surrounded by food.

“Oh my! That was certainly generous of everypony! I don't know how we’ll ever eat all of this!”

Arc smiles. “Need a hand with that?”

Cherry laughs heartily. “Thanks for the offer, Mr. Problem Solver! Dig in!”

All assembled eat until they can eat no more. Derpy sits down on the porch steps next to Arc and looks to him happily.

“The ponies in this town sure can cook!”

Arc puts a hand on his full belly. “I'll say! I'm not sure I can still move!”

He tries to stand, but fails. Turning to Derpy, he grins.


Ruby points a hoof at a sleeping Dinky in Arc’s lap. “It looks like your little one enjoyed the food as well.”

Arc nods. “On Earth, we would call this a ‘food coma’.”

Cherry looks over. “While we sit here and digest, would you mind telling us more about your homeland, Arc?”

“Ah, where to begin. We have rolling mountains and vast oceans. Cold tundra and broiling deserts. To tell the truth, I don't really know what to say. Can you be a bit more specific on what you’d like to hear?”

Ruby sits down on the swing next to her sister. “Well, we just finished eating. How about you tell us about the food there?”

Arc laughs. “I could talk about that all day! The food in each region is as diverse as the people living on Earth. It mostly revolves around what grows best in that region. For example, in some parts of my world, rice is a staple food in the diets of many. There are innumerable ways to prepare it and everyone does it a bit differently.”

Derpy looks over to him. “So, what is your favorite food, Arc?”

“That would have to be pizza. Ah... some nights I lie awake thinking about its cheesy goodness.”

He suddenly appears lost in thought. Cherry smiles at Arc.

“I've heard of pizza. But I admit I haven't yet had the pleasure of trying it.”

Arc suddenly snaps back to his senses. “WOAH, WOAH, WOAH! Are you telling me that pizza exists here in Equestria?!”

Ruby laughs. “Sure. It's not exactly mainstream though, as such a thing is rather hard to eat with hooves.”

Derpy looks confused. “I've never heard of pizza. Can you describe it to me, Arc?”

“Well, first you start with the crust. Think of it like bead dough, but it doesn't rise near as much. You roll it flat and put it in a round pan. Then you spread seasoned tomato sauce all over it and cover that with cheese. After that comes the other toppings. Some people like it with different kinds of meats, vegetables, fruits such as pineapple or even mushrooms. Everyone enjoys something a bit different on their pizza. In fact, I’ll have to make you and Dinky one when we get home.”

Derpy appears suddenly nervous. “Thank you, Arc. I'm sure it's delicious. But... um... would you...?”

“Don't worry. I won't put any meat on yours.”


Ruby moves to continue the earlier conversation. “You said before that every region has its own unique foods. How many different countries are there?”

“Almost two hundred.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Now just hold on there a minute, sugarcube! Are you telling me that Earth has two hundred different countries?! How the hay do you all manage that?!”

“Pretty much, yes. As to how we manage it... wars. Lots and lots of wars. I learned in history class that wars were pretty much a constant in the world up until the modern age. Now we have something called the United Nations where representatives from each country can come together to talk problems out. Usually before things get out of hand and troops start lining up at the border. If it's one thing humans are good at, it's killing each other.”

Derpy shudders at the thought. “Sounds terrible! Have you ever been in any wars, Arc?”

“I have not, fortunately. But my grandfather was a part of what we now call World War II, in which over fifty million humans were killed. Fortunately the world I left behind was, for the most part, fairly peaceful. At least compared to the one from the history books. I suppose there will always be fighting and bloodshed, naturally. But at least whole races aren't being wiped out anymore. It's sad, but perhaps the Equestrian view on humans isn't too far off.”

Applejack shakes her head. “I think the humans who wage the kind of war you described could learn a thing or two from you, Arc. Now don’t take this the wrong way but, by pony standards, you're a pretty... uh... violent individual. While you probably have more combat experience than any Equestrian soldier has, you also don't seem to be driven by a lust for power, conquest or wealth. But for the innocent.”

Arc nods. “Some humans get a sort of thrill from ending the lives of other. Whether that be an animal, or another human. Please understand that I have no qualms taking the life of another, if completely necessary. But for me such a thing is a last resort and not a first impulse.”

Cherry smiles. “That's what I like about you, Arc. Always so straightforward. I think we all know you wouldn't ever hurt anypony who didn't truly deserve it.”

Applejack tips her hat in a salute. “Darn tootin’! Thanks for being so Honest about this though, Arc. I know it couldn't have been easy to admit the shortcomings of humans. But just so you know, I judge you for what YOU have done. Not what other humans do.”

“Thanks for that, Applejack. Considering what ponies think of humans, I'm glad I wasn't immediately thrown in a cage, or worse, upon my arrival.”

Applejack shudders. “If Captain Decimus had been the first one to spot you, that's what would have more than likely happened!”

“If given half the chance, I’m sure he would do so right now! Although I hope he has learned his lesson, I somehow doubt that he has. I'm not sure what his interest is in Ember though. As the Captain of the Royal Guard, there's no way he wouldn't have known of Princess Cadence's order to release Ember to me pending her appeal. Something tells me there is more to this than meets the eye.”

Cherry looks worried. “What are you going to do about this, Arc?”

“I think I may just have to start an investigation of my own... on the Captain himself.”

Ruby grimaces “Be careful, Arc! Even you can't just accuse the Captain of the Royal Guard of wrongdoing. Decimus has guarded the princesses and the citizens of Equestria for many years now. He has the respect and admiration of the princesses and the citizenry, as did his father and his grandfather before him.”

Derpy appears worried as well. “I'm not disagreeing with you Arc, but what do you expect to find?”

“Hopefully nothing. All I know right now is that he wanted to close Ember's case quickly and silence her permanently by sentencing her to Tartarus. Then, upon learning she was free he quickly moved to, again, wrongly imprison her. Even going so far as to challenge the Hero of Light to do so. No sane individual goes to such lengths without having quite the reason for doing so.”

Applejack sighs. “Looks like you're going to be using that new Command Center as soon as it's ready, huh Arc?”

“So it would seem.”

They sit in silence for a time just enjoying the peace of the moment. Cherry looks out over the ranch as she speaks.

“I guess it goes without saying, but please be careful, Arc. If this Captain Decimus truly is as desperate to hide something from the public, as you think he is, there’s no telling what he might stoop to in order to keep a lid on things.”

“I’ll try Cherry, but... well... it just seems nothing I do lately would be classified as ‘safe’. That and if I’m right, and the Captain of the Royal Guard truly is dirty, I don't believe any of us are truly safe.”

Ruby looks over to Cherry. “Sister, can I ask you something?”

“Of course, Ruby. What’s on your mind?”

“Well, it's about the events of the past week or so. They got me thinking about how close I actually came to losing you. Although Arc and Ember did most of the work to save you from a forced marriage, the truth of the matter is that if I hadn't been here to ask for their help, well... I guess what I’m trying to say is that I can't bear the thought of losing you.”

Cherry smiles. “And thanks to your quick thinking, I’m okay.”

“Yes, but… would you mind... if I moved back to Dodge Junction, and Cherry Hill Ranch permanently?”

Cherry leans over to embrace Ruby. “Yes, Ruby Nothing would make me happier than to have you come live with me again!”

Ruby returns her sister’s hug. “Thank you, Cherry. We can take care of the ranch... together. Just like old times.”

Applejack looks over at the pair and smiles. “I guess everything worked out in the end.”

Derpy nods. “You said it!”

Cherry looks over to Arc. “Thank you Arc for all you’ve done for me and my family. Please know that you and your friends are welcome here anytime. In fact, why don't the four of you all spend the night? I wish I could do more to repay all the Kindness you have shown me and my sister. Maybe someday I can pay you back for all the bits you spent to save me.”

Arc chuckles. “You already have.”

Cherry looks confused. “Huh?”

“Ruby said roughly the same thing when she found out what I did to get you medical help. I told her if I could see the two of you smiling together again that I would consider the debt repaid.”

Ruby gasps. “Wait! You were SERIOUS?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, I was. You see, while it is true that humans are notoriously greedy, we like to use what we have to make ourselves happy and or comfortable. To be fair, Filthy Rich and humanity really aren't that different when you get down to it. But while he uses his wealth to accumulate even more wealth, what makes me happy is bringing joy to others. It may have cost me ten thousand bits, but the joy I have witnessed since doing so... you have repaid me a hundred time over.”

Cherry looks down at her hooves, a tear a joy in her eyes as she struggles to find the words to say.

“I... I don't really know what to say, Arc! Your Kindness and Generosity are certainly legendary in my eyes!”

Ruby nods fervently. “I've never seen anything like it either! You truly are the Hero of Light!”

Cherry slowly stands. “Now then, I must insist that you all stay the night! I still wish to repay you for all you have done, at the very least in some small way!”

Arc too rises. “Thank you for the hospitality, Cherry. I accept.”

Applejack grins. “Me too, sugarcube! It's been far too long between visits!”

Derpy nods. “I go where Arc goes!”

In the excitement of the moment Dinky wakes up and holds her hooves out toward Arc.


Arc picks up Dinky and tickles her belly. “Aw... come here little one!”

Applejack raises an eyebrow, confused. “Excuse me, sugarcube. But did I just hear Dinky call you... ‘daddy’?”

Arc nods as he turns to her. “That you did. You see, I signed her birth certificate and have officially taken Dinky on as my daughter.”

Applejack smiles. “Well then... I guess you really are her daddy! You sure do have a big heart Arc!”

Derpy grins. “I'll say! I never thought I’d meet someone as nice as Arc when I first moved to Ponyville!”

Arc turns to his friend. “Thank you, Derpy. I will do my best not to disappoint.”

Arc hands Dinky back to Derpy and grabs several of the bags containing his reward money before speaking again.

“I think I’ll take a stroll around town. There's somepony I need to see while we're here anyways. Care to join me Derpy?”


Applejack pats Dinky’s head. “Cherry and I can talk about old times in the meantime.

Arc chuckles. “Don't worry. We won't be too long.”

Cherry waves from the swing. “Don't worry about little Dinky. We'll keep an eye on her for you. Just take care to be back in time for supper.”

Arc looks to Dinky whom is crawling onto Applejack’s back. “Alright you be a good girl now.”

She babbles happily as Arc and Derpy walk towards town. As the pair do so Dinky watches them walk away and waves her little hoof. Applejack turns to looks at Cherry with a sly smile on her face.

“So... how are things between you and Arc?”

Cherry’s face turns red as she looks away. “What?! How did you know?!”

Applejack smiles at her. “A blind pony could see that you're sweet on him. But I suppose after what's happened, it's only natural that you feel that way.”

“That may be true. But I'm not the only mare whom has their eye on him.”

Cherry looks over to her sister who immediately averts her gaze to look at the floor and blushes slightly. Meanwhile, Arc and Derpy head for the chapel. Entering the building through the smashed doors, they see the destroyed stained-glass window, damaged walls and numerous destroyed pieces of furniture. Derpy takes it all in as they slowly walk inside.

“Woah! This place is trashed! Who could have done this?!”

Arc sheepishly raises a hand. “Well... um... to tell you the truth... I did.”

Derpy gasps. “What?! How?!”

“This is where I fought Buffalo Bull to save Cherry. I wanted to come back here and apologize to the priest.”

Arc walks up to the altar where the priest is tending to some candles before continuing.

“Pardon me, Father.”

The priest turns around. “Ah, so the hero returns. What can I do for you today, my son?”

“Actually, I came here to see if I could help you. Are you doing alright? I heard that you took quite a blow in the battle the other day.”

“Don't worry about me. I am doing just fine. Considering the injuries Miss Jubilee sustained, I believe I got off lightly in that regard.”

Derpy looks to the candles. “What are you doing here, sir?”

“Right now I’m straightening up the chapel as best that I’m able in order to get ready for an upcoming fundraiser to help pay for the repairs.”

Arc grimaces. “That’s another thing I wanted to talk to you about.”

He hands the priest the bags of bits before continuing.

“I hope this will at least be enough to fix the stained-glass window and buy some new doors.”

The priest accepts the money and nods. “Thank you very much! This should cover all the repairs, and then some!”

“If there is anything left over, just put it in the offering plate.”

The priest smiles. “Thank you, my son! That is very Generous of you! It is good to know the fate of Equestria is in the hands of such a conscientious young fellow such as yourself! Is there anything a lowly priest can do to help?!”

“Just keep Equestria and I in your prayers and we'll call it even, Father. Oh yes! And a speedy recovery for Cherry.”

“Yes, Hero of Light! I shall do as you ask of me.”

Arc turns to leave. “Thank you, Father. We’ll let you get back to work now.”

“You are always welcome here, my son.”

Arc and Derpy leave the chapel together and walk back towards Cherry Hill Ranch. Derpy turns to him.

“How do you do it, Arc?”

“Do what?”

“Carry the weight of protecting Equestria and still find time to be such a darn nice person?”

“I suppose I have you to thank for that.”

Derpy appears surprised. “What?”

“Do you remember when I saw your past in the Dream World? No matter what happened to you or how badly you were treated, you never once retaliated against any of those whom were cruel or took advantage of you. In truth, you’re an inspiration to me!”

Derpy ponders Arc’s words. “Really?! Arc, I never knew that! What should I do?”

“Just keep being yourself. After all, Dinky will need good role models to look up to in the near future.”

Derpy looks down, a bit sad. “I was actually hoping she would look up to you instead. You're my hero, Arc. And... I'm just... me.”

“You are so much more than that though, Derpy. Remember, you were the one who was most determined to rescue me from Tartarus. Even going so far as to fight on the front lines to get me out.”

Arc stops walking and kneels down in front of Derpy. He takes her face in his hands and looks her square in the eye.

“Remember this Derpy. In my eyes YOU are MY hero! So don't sell yourself short.”

She leans forward to hug him. “Thank you, Arc! That makes me so very happy!”

The pair continue walking back to Cherry Hill Ranch. The sun has begun to set as they walk through the gates. Cherry and Ruby are sitting together on the front porch. Dinky is fast asleep on a small blanket in the grass next to Applejack. She throws up a hoof and calls out as they approach.

“Hey there, y'all! Did you have a nice walk?”

Derpy walks over to Applejack. “Yes, we did. It was very... enlightening. I hope Dinky wasn't too much trouble though.”

Cherry looks at the sleeping filly on the blanket. “Not in the least. She's the sweetest little thing I ever laid my eyes on.”

Applejack chuckles. “She kinda reminds me of Apple Bloom back in the day. I could watch her play all day.”

Ruby turns toward the house. “How about I heat up some leftovers for a late supper?”

Arc nods. “Sounds good to me. Not too much though. I don't think any of us are too hungry after such a large lunch.”

The others nod in agreement. Ruby laughs as she enters the house.

“You got it!”

She returns a short while later with a tray containing some of the leftovers from earlier. All assembled eat and watch the sun slip beneath the horizon. Sighing contentedly, Arc speaks.

“This kinda reminds me of when I was a boy visiting my grandparents. The adults would just sit around all afternoon and talk. I didn't understand back then how they could just sit there and do nothing for so long. Now I see that they were just enjoying being in each other's company.”

Dinky lies on her blanket on the front lawn staring up at fireflies, sometimes batting at them with her tiny hooves as Derpy lies next to her and smiles. Applejack chuckles at the sight before her.

“Now that is just too cute!”

Arc looks at Dinky and nods. “You said it.”

Derpy giggles. “It's just so... peaceful out here. ”

Arc chuckles. “Maybe someday I can retire to such a place. That is, assuming something hasn't eaten me before then.”

Cherry begins to doze off. Ruby nudges her sister as she herself yawns.

“How about I help you to bed now sister? I wouldn't want you to overexert yourself. That and I may just turn in for the night myself.”

Cherry slowly gets up, aided by Ruby. “Thank you. I think you're right. Good night everypony,”

The two sisters enter the house together leaving Arc, Dinky, Derpy and Applejack on the porch to continue enjoying the peace of the moment. Arc looks over at Applejack.

“Well, I guess this is as good a time as any. Applejack, can I talk to you about something?”

“Sure thing sugarcube. What's on your mind?”

Derpy stands up. “I should probably put Dinky to bed now. Give you two some privacy.”

Arc turns to her. “Would you please stay, Derpy? This concerns you as well.”

Derpy appears confused. “Oh! Um… okay.”

Arc continues as Derpy sits back down. “Applejack, do you remember the letter I left in my room on the dresser? Derpy says she read it with all of you. I believe I addressed it to ‘The Mysterious Robed Pony’.”

Applejack nods. “Yup. What about it?”

“Well, it’s about Apple Bloom. I was just wondering if you have noticed anything... different about her lately. I can still feel that strange power within her. Have you noticed it as well?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Can't say that I have. I asked Twilight to take a look at her after we read your letter. She didn’t feel anything though, nor could she pick up anything on her machines. Could you have been mistaken?”

“I don't think so, as I sense it whenever she’s nearby. In any case, the reason I’m bringing this up at the moment is, well… now I don't want to worry you Derpy, but... I felt the same thing from Dinky when I delivered her. The feeling was so small, just like she herself was, but it was definitely there. And I feel it’s slowly growing with her.”

Derpy looks down at Dinky as she continues to look up at the night sky. “I know.”

Applejack gasps. “You do?”

Derpy nods. “I can feel it too. At first I thought it was just the extreme love I have for my little Dinky, but... well... I felt it coming from Apple Bloom one day when I was visiting Sweet Apple Acres. It was much stronger than Dinky's power though. I was just so surprised and couldn't bring myself to bring it up then.”

Applejack lowers her voice. “I admit, I didn't think much of it when you mentioned it in your letter, sugarcube, but... maybe there is something to it. Should... should I be worried?”

Arc shrugs. “I'm no expert of magic by any stretch, but I don't think so. Maybe it's linked to her special talent and will be revealed along with her cutie mark. If Twilight isn't able to sense it, measure it, or study it then... well... I'm not sure what we could hope to do about it. My own opinion, for what it's worth, is that Apple Bloom's destiny will help shape the future of Equestria. For better... or for worse.”

Applejack seems very concerned. “What... what should I do though?! I don't want anything bad happening to my little sister, after all!”

Arc nods soberly. “All I can suggest is that you just keep surrounding her with the love she deserves. Like you always have.”

Derpy picks Dinky up and holds her close. “I agree.”

Bopping the little filly’s nose, Derpy continues.

“And no matter what happens, I will always be there for you, my little Dinky.”

Arc puts a hand on Dinky’s shoulder. “As will I, little one.

Arc looks up at Applejack and then at Derpy before speaking again.

“Now then, I'm not trying to scare either of you. I just felt you both should be... aware of what is happening. No matter what comes of this, we will get through it together.”

Applejack smiles weakly. “Thanks for letting me know, sugarcube. I'm sure it wasn't easy to come forward and be Honest about something nopony can really explain.”

Derpy looks to the yawning filly in her hooves. “I think I’ll take a cue from Dinky and head for bed now. Good night, both of you.”

Derpy heads inside with Dinky as Applejack looks over to Arc and nod to the screen door.

“Maybe we ought to take a cue from the others get some shuteye as well. Tomorrow is another day, after all.”

Arc nods as he slowly stands. “Yes, I do believe you're right, Applejack. But why don't you take the other guest room? I’ll sleep down here.”

“That's mighty Kind of you Arc. Are you sure?”

“Yes. I believe I need some time alone now. There are many things I want to think over. Mostly about... where we are now... and the future.”

“We're here if you need somepony to talk to about anything. You don't have to go through this by yourself, you know.”

“Thanks, Applejack. Well, good night.”

Applejack heads up to bed. Arc follows her inside and heads over to the Living Room couch. He puts some wood in the fireplace and casts a flame spell which leaps from his hand to the dry wood as he mutters to himself.

“That should help me think.”

Arc sits in front of the fireplace for several hours just staring into the fire, thinking. The light clopping of hooves coming from upstairs are the only sound in the room other than the wood burning. Cherry descends the stairs and walks over to the couch.

“Arc? Are you all right?”

“Yes. I... I just needed some time to think. And how about you?”

Cherry appears confused. “Me?”

Arc nods. “What are you doing up at this hour?”

“I woke up and couldn't seem to fall back asleep. Too much on my mind, I guess.”

“Same here.”

Arc pats the couch as he continues.

“Care to join me?”


Cherry sits down next to Arc on the couch and looks over to him as she smiles and speaks again.

“So, why don’t you tell me what’s on your mind?”

“It’s quite a few things really. Captain Decimus, the Vile Tribe, the safety of Ponyville, this strange power I feel coming from Dinky and Apple Bloom, along with several other problems facing Equestria that I can't really talk about. State secrets and all that.”

Cherry looks down at her hooves and sighs. “It sounds as if the weight of the world is on your shoulders, huh?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah, it's not really that. In truth it’s more about the fact that I have no idea how to even begin to solve any of those problems. Well, other than investigating Captain Decimus, which is not really going to be that hard in theory. Just time consuming.”

“Then why not just start with that? Focus on one task at a time and take on other projects as you can. Remember, nopony expects you to solve all of these problems by yourself, Arc. Or overnight for that matter.”

“I suppose you’re right. Thanks Cherry.”

“You're welcome. I, ah… also came down here to... apologize to you.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Apologize?”

Cherry nods. “You did so much to help me, and the best I could offer in return was a meal cooked by others on my front porch.”

She shakes her head before continuing.

“Sorry. I'm not much for entertaining out here.”

“Don't think that. I really did have a great time today.”

Cherry turns to him. “You did?”

“It felt good to just sit back and relax with those I care about, as I feel this is the last time I will have a chance to do so for quite some time.”

Cherry suddenly blushes. “Yes, well… to tell you the truth, there was another reason I came down here, Arc. Something I wanted to talk to you about... alone.”

“I’m listening.”

“While I know that I have thanked you, several times even, for all you’ve done for me and my sister. Sorry if it seems like I’m pestering you with this, but... it's just... well... the truth of the matter is that I... I really like you, Arc.”

“And I like you too, Cherry.”

Cherry shakes her head. “No, no... that's not it. I mean, I really... like you.”

The young mare leans closer, places her hooves on Arc's shoulder and gives him a small kiss on his cheek. Arc turn to her surprised at the turn in conversation.

“Really? I… um… if I may, why me Cherry? It's certainly not for my looks!”

Cherry looks Arc in the eye and blushes slightly. “Well, nopony has ever stuck their neck out as far as you have for my sake. You're strong... brave... smart too! You’ve rescued me, three times now I might add, and kept my sister safe during one such rescue. Then you made a great financial sacrifice to see to it that I would live to see another day. And I don't mind admitting, I do think you are quite handsome, even if you aren't like other stallions. I admit, I wasn't sure what Ember saw in you when we first met, but... now it all makes perfect sense.”

Cherry suddenly draws back from Arc.

“I'm sorry! If you and Ember are already an item, I completely understand!”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead and sighs. “That's... kinda complicated. You see, back in Tartarus I defeated Ember in one on one combat which made me worthy of becoming her mate. And the next in line to become the new ruler of the Dragon Lands. However, when I spoke to her father, Dragon Lord Torch, on what should be done he refused to allow such a thing to pass.”

Cherry gasps. “What?! But you’re… just so strong and brave! I would have thought he’d have been ecstatic to have somepony like you marry his daughter!”

Arc shakes his head. “As he put it, the Dragon Lord must always be a dragon. He was right, of course.”

Cherry sighs. “Well, please tell her that I apologize for what I may have said or did in the past. I’m honestly not trying to come between her and you, after all, and really don’t want a jealous dragon coming after me and my sister.”

“Please understand that while I do like Ember as a friend, I’m not really interested in becoming her mate. Fancy Dragon Lord title or not. I told her as such some time ago.”

Cherry grimaces. “And she’s… okay with your answer?”


“That’s good to hear. But do you think she’ll be jealous of anypony else you decide to see?”

“It’s not likely. When you were still laid up in Ponyville Hospital, Ruby was staying with Derpy and I at her house. One morning Ember awoke to find Derpy lying on top of me. Even though nothing had happened, Derpy was a bit worried that Ember would be jealous. But as it turns out the Dragon Lord often has several ‘concubines’, so she was okay with it. Alright, end of complicated and awkward explanation.”

“That's a relief! I do like you Arc. But as I said before, I really don't want to cut in. Especially when a dragon is involved.”

They are quiet for a time. Eventually, Cherry turns back to Arc and speaks again.

“And what about Derpy? Do you love her?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I do. I love her as an older brother loves his little sister. She is quite special to me. Her and Dinky, that is.”

Cherry jumps up to a standing position. “Please Arc, I have to know. Could you ever think of me as your special somepony?”

“I like you very much as well, Cherry. You’re smart, caring, brave, and… to be Honest with you quite lovely to look at as well. But, I already have so much to do at the moment. Even without an official special someone back home. You see, when I leave the house, Derpy and Dinky just look so sad. It wouldn't be fair to you, to Derpy, Dinky, or Ember to split my attention any further than I do am.”

Arc takes Cherry's face in his hands and holds it close to his own. He kisses her forehead lightly before drawing back.

“I'm... really sorry, Cherry. While this certainly isn't what you wanted to hear, I hope you understand.”

Cherry looks a bit sad. “I kinda thought you would say something like that, but... at the same time I had to be sure. Thank you for being Honest with me about how you feel. It couldn't have been easy. But, as long as we’re both being honest with one another, please know that this doesn't change how I feel about you in the least.”

Arc smiles at her. “Thank you for understanding, Cherry. I hope you find a stallion who can make you happy one day.”

“Since meeting you Arc, I doubt very much that anypony else could even come close. But I wish you the very same thing. I hope you also find a mate someday. Be it a pony, human, or even a dragon.”

Arc turns to look at the fire. “Who can say for sure what the future holds for any of us?”

The pair sit in silence for some time just staring at the fire before Cherry breaks the silence.

“Well, I should probably let you get some sleep now, Arc. Thank you for listening. It really meant a lot to me.”

As Cherry moves to get up from the couch Arc puts a hand on her shoulder.

“Cherry. Um… I’d just like you to know that as I travel this land to protect it, I’m sure that I’ll meet many other ponies. Whether my journey lasts only a matter of months, or decades, I want you to know this. And that is that I will never forget you or this time we spent together.”

The young mare leans into Arc’s embrace with a smile. In a few minutes her breathing slows and she falls asleep. Arc gently strokes her mane as he again looks into the fire.

“Rest well, Cherry.”

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