• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 5 - Honesty is the Best Policy

Arc, Cadance and Shining Armor step through the portal and arrive in Arc’s room. They walk down the corridor together until they come to Luna’s room. Cadance turns to Shining Armor nervously.

“You should probably wait outside.”

Shining Armor shakes his head. “No, Cadance. If I want Princess Luna to trust me I need to show her I’m not afraid.”

Cherry speaks to Arc’s mind. “He’s very brave to do this.”

“Yes. Or very foolhardy.”

Cadance takes a deep breath, sighs, and knocks lightly. A moment later the sound of Luna’s voice is heard.

“Come in.”

The trio enters the room to find Luna pacing the floor. Upon seeing Cadance she hurries over.

“Cadance! Is everything all right?!”

“Yes, Luna. I… need to speak to you about something though.”

Luna gestures to the couch. “Yes indeed! Please have a seat, my dear!”

They walk over to the couches and sit down. Arc and Luna on one and Cadance and Shining Armor on the other. Luna looks over to Shining Armor.

“Thank you for escorting Cadance here, captain. You may go.”

Cadance looks to Luna nervously. “Um… Luna? We need to tell you something. And it involves him.”

Luna appears surprised. “Oh? And you Arc?”

“I’m just here for moral support.”

“Very well. In any case, will somepony please tell me what is going on?!”

Cadance sighs. “It all started back when I went to the Hoofball game with Shining Armor here.”

Shining Armor nods. “Yes. I… we…”

He sighs. Cadance nervously continues in his stead.

“What Shining Armor is trying to say is… um…”

Unable to contain himself, Shining Armor blurts out what’s on his mind.

“…is that we have feelings for one another!”

Luna looks suddenly taken aback.

“W-well now. That was certainly… forward.”

Arc nods. “Very.”

“Luna. The truth is, I’ve been sneaking out of the castle at night to… to meet up with him.”

Luna frowns. “What?!”

“We were afraid of what you and the law might say.”

“Well, the law doesn’t actually say who the princesses may or may not have… relations with. But, from a cultural standpoint…”

Cadance appears nervous again. “C-cultural?”

“Traditionally, a royal only does such things with other aristocrats of proper breeding and status. It’s to prevent commoners from hitching a ride, so to speak.”

Arc frowns. “Whose idea was that?!”

“My sister’s.”

Luna sighs.

“Apparently, something happened many years ago when I was still on the moon. While she never actually told me the details, I trust my sister not to make such a statement without just cause.”

Arc looks to Cadance and Shining Armor. “So what about these two?”

Luna shakes her head. “I’m sorry, but… I have to ask you two not to see each other any longer. At least not outside the capacity of your normal roles.”

Cadance squeezes her eyes shut and leans against Shining Armor. “No…”

Shining Armor puts a hoof around her shoulder. “Please, Princess Luna! Give me a chance!”

“I am very sorry, but… you’re just not on the same level as a princess, captain.”

Luna turns to Arc.

“You understand, right Arc?”

Arc sighs. “I understand what you’re saying. And why Princess Celestia might have instituted such a policy. However culture, personal policy, and laws are all there for the same reason.”

Luna nods. “To keep order.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. To protect the innocent.”

“I don’t believe I follow.”

“When the rules, or whatnot, suppress the innocent or make life difficult for those who have done nothing wrong there’s a problem. After all… shouldn’t the Princess of Love be able to experience love firsthand?”

Luna furrows her brow. “I cannot allow this!”

Arc looking over at the couple on the couch across from them before turning to Luna. “I don’t think you have much of a choice. You can’t really tell someone how they can and can’t feel, now can you?”

“But… but I am the Princess of the Night!”

“No one, not even a monarch, can control their subject’s thoughts.”

Shining Armor looks over. “What about King Sombra?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Okay, apparently I need to read more on Equestrian history.”

Cadance turns to Luna. “Arc is right, you know. No matter what you say, it won’t change how I feel about Shining Armor!”

“Me too, Princess Luna! I care about Cadance, and want to get to know her better!”

Luna sighs. “I’m… not sure what to do about this.”

Arc chuckles. “Luna, I don’t think there’s anything you CAN do! They’re both adults and capable of making their own decisions.”

“What about my sister?”

Arc shrugs. “Let her deal with it after I bring her back. If she’s anything like what I’ve heard, I think she’ll like Shining Armor.”

Luna thinks for a moment.

“Perhaps you are right, Arc.”

She turns back to the couple.

“Cadance. I want to say that it makes me rather sad that you would put your personal feelings before that of Equestria, and that I am completely against this relationship.”

Luna sighs.

“But I admit there is little I can do to stop you. However, you will have to explain this to my sister when she returns.”

Cadance smiles as she breathes a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Luna! I will!”

Shining Armor stands up and salutes. “I will do my best to protect you both in the meantime.”

Luna nods. “I am sure you will. Now Cadance, I have only one request of you.”

“A… request?”

“Please do not do anything that would… dishonor your station of princess.”

Shining Armor looks confused. “Like what, Princess Luna?

Arc facepalms. “Think about it a moment.”

Cadance blushes. “Oh… I understand.”

Shining Armor turns away as his face grows red. “Yes. I do as well.”

“Good. Believe me when I say you do NOT want to invoke my sister’s wrath! Now both of you get to bed now.”

The pair stand up. Cadance turns to Luna.

“Thank you… for understanding.”

Luna smiles at her as Shining Armor leaves the room ahead of her. “I want you to be happy, as does my sister I’m sure. But know this. Love is not the wide boulevard of happiness you believe it to be.”

Cadance looks confused.

“Just… think on what I’ve said. Alright, Cadance?”

“Very well. Good night Luna.”

Luna nods as she closes the door behind her. Arc breathes a sigh of relief.

“Thanks, Luna. They went to pretty extreme methods to keep this a secret.”

“Yes, they did. But I still don’t like this, Arc!”

Arc shrugs. “You can’t stop love.”

Luna sighs. “I suppose not. However, I do worry that she is young and foolish. Her and I don’t have time to waste on puppy love.”

Arc chuckles. “That the thing about love, Luna. When you feel it, you’ll make time.”

“You would know better than I on that particular matter.”

Luna stands up.

“Well, I should be getting back to bed now. Thank you for looking into this matter for me.”

“It’s no problem.”

“I’ll try not to bother you in the future with such silly matters.”

Arc stands up and puts a hand on her shoulder. “If you feel something is wrong, don’t hesitate to call me. Day or night.”

“Thank you.”

Arc heads for the door. “Well in any case, good night Luna.”

“Good night.”

The door closes behind Arc. Luna slowly walks toward the bed and lies down on her side. Her breathing becomes ragged as she begins to sweat. She curls up and grits her teeth.

“Sunburst… find my sister! Hurry! I… I don’t know how much longer I can…”

The next morning Arc and his family sit around the breakfast table together. Derpy walks over with a bottle of milk.

“So how did last night go, Arc?”

“Just fine. As it turned out, the whole thing was just one big misunderstanding.”

Dinky looks over. “What happened, dad?”

Arc gently boops Dinky’s nose. “Sorry sweetheart. It’s secret.”

Dinky giggles. “Okay dad! I’m just glad your back safe and sound!”

Derpy nods. “Me too! So what’s the plan for today, Arc?”

“The Hammer’s should have my armor fixed by now. Then I need to pick up Rose from the library.”

Derpy looks nervous. “Are they getting along now?”

“I would hope so. Twilight’s really grown to like her.”

“That’s good, dad! She’s a really nice lady!”

Arc smiles. “Yes she is! How are things going over at school, Dinky?”


“Are the griffons and foals getting along alright?”

“Uh huh! The others were kinds scared of them at first. But they’re really just like us! Now we’re all friends!”

Derpy looks to Arc as she clears the table. “You should see them playing behind your base! They’re just so cute!”

Arc looks confused. “Behind my base?”

“Yeah dad! Light’s Hope is the temporary orphanage right now!”

Derpy looks surprised. “Coco Pommel said you gave her permission to use it.”

Arc laughs. “I forgot! Oh well. Everyone adjusting to their new surroundings?”

Dinky nods. “Yup! Even the griffons like it! All except Gallus, that is.”

“I figured as much. He isn’t a supporter of the military.”

“Why not, dad? They protect the country!”

“Well, in the Griffon Kingdom they spend most of their money on the military rather than providing for their citizens. Gallus doesn’t like that they don’t pay for things like orphanages and schools.”

“Why not?”

Arc shrugs. “Probably because it would take money away from the military. Truthfully, if I grew up there, I don’t think I’d like the military either.”

A short time later Derpy and Dinky head out the door.

“Have a nice day, Arc!”

“See you later, dad!”

“Bye! I’ll stop by the base later.”

They go their separate ways. Arc heads for the Hammer’s shop. Entering he sees Silver Hammer behind the counter.

“Good morning, Arc.”

“Morning. Just came by to see how my armor was coming along.”

Silver Hammer gestures for him to follow her. “It’s good as new! My husband brought it back and has it in the back . Follow me!”

She leads Arc to their back room. He sees his armor hanging up on a nearby armor rack. Steel Hammer and Platinum Valve are working on something together at a workbench. The filly runs over to him.

“Hi Mr. Arc! I finished fixing your hoof… I mean Hand Cannons!”

Arc walks over to the workbench with Silver Hammer. “Thanks! Those things really come in handy.”

Steel Hammer points a hoof to Eidolon’s Ward. “And Mythic Honor and I fixed the holes in your armor.”

“It looks great!”

“We had to melt down some adamantium to act as filler. I hope that was all right.”

Arc feels the spot where the hole was. “I was kinda wondering how you were going to do that. Whatever you feel was right is okay with me.”

Platinum Valve levitates the gauntlet off the table and over to Arc. “This is working great again too! What exactly happened?”

“Something bit my arm. REALLY hard!”

Silver Hammer’s eyes grow wide. “Are you all right?!”

“I am now.”

He looks over at the strange contraption on the workbench.

“Is that your project, Platinum Valve?”

“Yes sir! Do you want to see it?!”


They walk over to the bench. Platinum Valve picks up the device.

“This is my idea for an artificial leg! It’s for a filly I met at the Cherry Festival some time ago!”

Arc nods. “I remember your parents telling me about that. How is she?”

“She’s… been depressed ever since the accident.”

Steel Hammer sighs. “Considering her condition, it’s not surprising.”

Silver Hammer nods. “Walking for her is quite difficult with the loss of her leg. Fortunately for her she’s a pegasus and can still fly to get around.”

Platinum Valve holds up her creation. “Right. But I want her to be able to walk again! That’s why I invented this!”

“Tell me about this. It looks very well made.”

“I started with a solid mithril inner core. Think of it like replacement bones.”

Arc appears confused. “With mithril?”

Silver Hammer nods. “It’s lightweight, strong and conducts magic well.”

“Right! That’s really important to the design! If the leg was too heavy it could hurt her back!”

“Make’s sense.”

Steel Hammer nods. “She and I studied medical books and even ordered a skeleton for reference.”

Silver Hammer shudders as she looks at the skeleton in the corner. “I know it’s fake, but that thing still creeps me out!”

“Well, it has to be perfect. Dad and I casted it together!”

Steel Hammer nods. “Quite a bit of work.”

Platinum Valve pulls out a box from under the bench. “Right! Next we took a casting of my front leg. It was almost identical to her other leg’s diameter!”

“Platinum Valve insisted on making it as real as possible.”

The filly removes a tube-like object and lays it on the workbench. “I want her to feel more… normal.”

Steel Hammer points to the tube. “Next we used the casting as a reference to construct this silicone gel inner layer.”

Platinum Valve giggles. “Go ahead and touch it, Mr. Arc!”

Arc does so.


Platinum Valve takes Arc’s other hand and puts it on her front fetlock. “Right! It’s roughly as soft as my own!”

Arc nods as Platinum Valve installs the silicone layer over the mithril bones. “Interesting. How will you keep it clean though? This silicone feels like it would pick up dirt and whatnot.”

Silver Hammer opens a nearby drawer and removes a pink sock-like cloth. “That’s what the outer layer is for.”

Platinum Valve takes the cloth from her mother. “We did our best to match her coat’s color! Hopefully others won’t stare at her so much then!”

Steel Hammer nods soberly. “A three-legged filly tends to turn heads.”

Platinum Valve nods as she slips the outer layer over the silicone and makes a few adjustments before holding up the assembled leg.

“And there it is!”

Arc kneels down and takes the leg from her. “This is really well done! You even remembered the coat!”

Silver Hammer sighs. “It was very hard to find a supplier of realistic looking AND feeling fur.

Steel Hammer nods. “This wasn’t cheap either. But if it will help that little filly, then I say it’s worth every bit.”

Arc nods as he bends the leg at the knee and fetlock a few times. “So how does the leg function? I mean, I can hear something moving around in there, but how would she move it?”

Platinum Valve grins. “That’s where the real magic happens!”

She picks up a pair of earrings from a corner of the desk and puts them on.


Arc does so as Platinum Valve concentrates. A few moments later the leg slowly flexes in his hands.

“What? How?!”

Silver Hammer giggles. “A very special enchantment on the leg linked to the one on the earrings!”

Steel Hammer chuckles. “I don’t get it myself.”

“I learned this enchantment from that book you left here some time ago, Mr. Arc!”

“The one you used to enchant my armor?”

Platinum Valve nods. “This should allow her to control her leg! Hopefully, with practice, she’ll even forget which leg she lost!”

Steel Hammer looks at the clock. “She and her guardian should be here early this morning.”

As if on cue the bell over the front door jingles and the sound of hoofsteps coming inside can be heard. Silver Hammer walks toward the front to greet the newcomers. A moment later she returns to the back room with a pegasus stallion carrying a sad looking filly on his back. He has a light brown coat with a black and purple mane. The stallion’s hind quarters are supported by a rather strange looking wheelchair.

“Glad you could make it!”

The stallion nods. “Thank you for having us. I…”

He stops as he sees Arc. Kneeling as best he is able with his wheelchair and the filly on his back, he stammers out a partial sentence.

“Sir, I…!”

“Please! There’s no need to bow. Besides, it looks like you have some rather precious cargo on your back there.”

The stallion nods as he rises. “Yes. Oh! I’m sorry! My name is Stellar Eclipse! And this is…”

The filly looks over at the synthetic leg on the workbench.

“Wha… what is that?!”

Silver Hammer smiles at her. “Just a little gift from our daughter to you, dear.”

Platinum Valve picks up the leg as the filly flaps her wings and flutters over to her. “It’s a replacement leg for the one you lost!”

The filly looks confused, but allows Platinum Valve to attach the leg to her nub as she sits down on the floor.

“Um… it looks very nice, but… I can’t move it.”

Steel Hammer walks over with the earrings. “These should help with that.”

Platinum Valve nods as she puts the jewelry on the filly. “Uh huh! This should help you control your new leg!”

She checks the leg one last time before stepping back, giddy with excitement.

“Okay, now I want you to concentrate on moving your leg.”

Um… I’ll try.”

Doing as she is told, the filly concentrates. A few moments later her new leg twitches. She yelps in fear.

“Oh my!”

Silver Hammer smiles at her. “It’s okay, dear. Try tapping your hoof.”

The filly does so. Stellar Eclipse notices the sound it makes is similar to that of a real hoof.

“Impressive! Will this help her walk again?”

Steel Hammer nods. “With practice, yes.”

Platinum Valve watches intently. “Try standing up!”

“I… I’ll try.”

She nervously puts her weight on the new leg. Shakily she stands. A moment later the filly crashes to the floor. Her guardian hurries over.

“Are you okay?!”

“I… I think so. Remember, I’m pretty good at falling now.”

Stellar Eclipse sighs. “I suppose you are.”

“But… it did feel good to stand again. Normally, I mean!”

Platinum Valve cheers her on. “Come on! I know you can do this!”

Arc nods. “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

“I’ll give it another try.”

She does so, standing again shakily. Silver Hammer watches her intently.

“Try walking around a bit.”

Stellar Eclipse holds out his front hoof. “Can you walk to me?”

The filly looks down at her hooves. A look of fright on her face.

“I… I’m not sure I can! This is REALLY hard!”

Arc smiles at her. “Everything in life worth doing is, my little pony.”

Nodding, the filly takes her first step toward her guardian. Testing her new leg she takes another step. Then another. Stellar Eclipse holds out his hooves expectantly.

“Come on. You can do it!”

She unsteadily walks to him before falling into his outstretched hooves. Looking up at him, the filly beams happily.


He gives her a hug. “Yes you did! I’m proud of you!”

The filly turns to Platinum Valve.

“I can’t thank you enough! This… this new leg feels so good! Did you make it all by yourself?!”

Platinum Valve shakes her head. “No. My mom and dad helped a lot!”

Steel Hammer smiles. “Our daughter came up with the design and drew it up.”

“My husband and I only made suggestions and bought what she needed. Platinum Valve was the one who did almost everything.”

The filly giggles as she looks down at the new leg. “Thank you, Platinum Valve!”

Stellar Eclipse nods as he walks over. “Yes, we can’t thank you enough! Now what do I owe you for this?”

Steel Hammer shakes his head. “It’s just good to see the little one so happy.”

“Besides, it gave our daughter a chance to prove herself.”

Platinum Valve runs over to her parents and gives them a hug. “Thanks! It means a lot to know you two believe in me!”

Stellar Eclipse looks to Steel Hammer. “Please sir! I can’t just take this without repaying you! I’d like to work for this!”

Steel Hammer looks at his wife. “Well, what do you think, Silver Hammer?”

“It’s really not necessary. That and we don’t have enough work to justify an employee.”

“I’ll work for free!”

The filly nods. “I can help too!”

Steel Hammer looks confused. “What about your own livelihood?”

“The two of us live in a small shack in the middle of nowhere.”

“Right. Stellar Eclipse and I moved there to… um…”

Stellar Eclipse sighs. “To escape the stares of other ponies.”

“The other fillies used to make fun of me!”

“I’ll work very hard for you, if you’ll just give me a chance, sir!”

Steel Hammer nods. “Well… alright. But on one condition.”


“That you at least accept food and housing here with us as your wages.”

“Yes sir!”

Steel Hammer and Stellar Eclipse shake hooves.

Platinum Hammer looks the stallion’s special wheelchair over. “I might be able to make something to help you walk again, sir!”

Stellar Eclipse shakes his head. “Please! Not until I’ve paid all of you back for this wonderful new leg! After all, as long as my little friend here is happy, I’m okay staying like this.”

The filly shakes her head fervently. “No! Someday you have to walk again, Stellar Eclipse!”

“We can talk about it after the Hammers are paid back. I just want you to have a normal fillyhood. Who knows? Maybe you can start a new life here!”

“You mean ‘we’, right?”


Arc nods approvingly. “I think you’ll like Ponyville. They took me in when I had nothing.”

Silver Hammer smiles at him. “And look at you now! Hero of Light and former Lord Regent of Equestria!”

“Yes, well…”

They are interrupted as Arc’s earring chirps.

“Arc here. Go ahead.”

“Sunburst here, sir! There’s been a development on Earth! Would you and your friends please come to Princess Celestia’s room in Canterlot at once?!”

“I’ll be there shortly. Arc out.”

Arc touches his earring to sever the connection as he looks to the others apologetically.

“Sorry, but something’s come up.”

Silver Hammer smiles. “We understand.”

Arc walks over to Eidolon’s Ward and puts it in his ring before turning back to the Hammers.

“Send the bill to Light’s Hope, will you?”

Steel Hammer nods. “I’ll take care of it.”

As he opens a portal Arc turns around and looks at the filly.

“I’m sorry, miss. I never actually asked your name.”

The filly smiles at him.

“Cozy Glow!”

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