• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Inquisition's End

Celestia looks to Arc coolly as Hammer leaves the room.

“Twilight tells me that there were a number of things I was lied to about or kept in the dark regarding. Can you fill in some of the blanks?”

“Yeah. For starters, the night you, me, Decimus, and Admiral Gaston met in the corridor. I didn’t attack you back there. You attacked ME!”

“My… apologies for that.”

“Second, Decimus manipulated Tight Ship into thinking I was trying to conquer the land with Twilight, or something.”

“And where is Tight Ship? I haven’t seen or heard from him since regaining my senses.”

“He’s… gone.”


“The Equinox… was forced to shoot him down.”

Celestia glares at him as her horn glows. “You have ten seconds to improve my mood!”

Twilight hops off the couch and runs over to her mentor. “He was trying to stop Arc from delivering me to Canterlot, Princess Celestia!”

Arc nods. “Tight Ship took the experimental airship which someone, presumably Decimus, had filled with explosives. He set the heading to a collision course with The Equinox knowing full well Twilight was aboard.”

Luna sighs. “The crew was forced to fulfil their sworn duty and protect her at all costs.”

Cadance groans. “It was all they could do.”

Celestia bows her head and sighs as her horn ceases to glow.

“I see. And… General Virtuous Lance?”

Arc sighs. “He was killed by Sunset Shimmer.”

“Are you… certain?”

“Yes. I saw her do it.”

“This is… just so overwhelming. Two of my closest friends… gone. One dead by insanity and the other killed by one of my former students.”

She turns to Luna before continuing.

“What… happened to Decimus?”

“He betrayed us, sister.”

“I know that! But WHY?!”

“We don’t know, Aunt Celestia.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Most of the trouble we’ve had since I came to Equestria was either directly or indirectly a result of him and the Council of Shadows.”

Twilight frowns. “But now they’re being helped by the changelings.”

Luna grimaces. “When they got involved is anypony’s guess though.”

Cadance nods. “It’s possible that they’ve been here for a very long time.”

Arc turns to Celestia. “Agreed. The trouble in Vanhoover was proof of that.”


“The Scarlet Filly and I investigated a strange illness there that had hospitalized nearly every foal in town.”

“And what was the cause?”

“They were being poisoned.”

“By whom?!”

“A group of changelings whom were feeding on their parent’s love.”

Luna nods in agreement. “The records show that it was the Scarlet Filly whom uncovered the plot.”

“We did it together.”

Celestia looks out the window. “So far north… how…?”

She frowns and turns to Twilight.

“Any other sightings?!”



Arc nods as he walks over to the window to look at the city floating a short distance away.

“They had kidnapped the Town Council along with a number of Rainbow Factory employees to feed on them.”

Twilight gestures out the window. “I offered to allow the city to be towed to Canterlot airspace for security purposes.”

“That and the Wonderbolt’s Academy too. Headmaster Wing agreed to it after he and the entire staff were nearly killed by changeling operatives.”

“One even masqueraded as you, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia gasps. “To do what though?!”

Arc sighs. “You, or more accurately the imposter, ordered them into a panic room to die. Presumably of dehydration. I found them in time fortunately though.”

Cadance turns to Luna. “Such a thing would have crippled our air forces.”

“We would have been vulnerable, yes.”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I believe it to have been part of a larger plot to make a move on us. Perhaps even on the capital.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “That’s a possibility, yes. But who’s to say that their plan failed?”

Celestia grits her teeth. “I see what you mean. What I have been told in addition to the records show a common theme.”

“What would that be, sister?”

“Every move was made to sow fear and distrust amongst the population.”

“But to what end, Aunt Celestia?”

“To bring us to the point where we are fighting one another. Potentially… a civil war.”

Twilight sighs. “That actually did nearly come to pass, Princess Celestia.”

Arc nods. “Yes. Some towns accepted Twilight’s rule after I put her on the throne. Others did not.”

Cadance groans. “Most likely fueled by the changelings.”

Luna looks to her sister. “Agreed. They and Decimus did everything they could to make sure those towns did not come over to Twilight’s side.”

Celestia stands. “Then it is clear what we must do.”

Twilight looks to her. “Strengthen ties between the towns and Canterlot?”

Luna puts a hoof to her chin. “Perhaps a royal tour of the realm would be in order.”

Cadance smiles. “I’d be willing to help as well.”

Celestia shakes her head. “While those are indeed good ideas, they would do nothing to solve the underlying problem.”

Arc frowns. “The changeling’s interference.”

“That is correct, yes.”

“Now the only question left to answer would be what to do about them.”

Celestia walks over to the window. Looking out over the city, she sighs before speaking.

“I can think of only one thing. We must lead our forces south and assault the Badlands directly.”

Twilight gasps. “Princess Celestia?!”

“Are you suggesting war, Aunt Celestia?!”

“I am.”

“Is there no other way, sister?”

Celestia shakes her head. “Sadly, no. I’ve had problems with them since you were banished, Luna. In the past it was a simple matter of showing our military might. Parading our troops near the border mostly. That used to be enough to bring them back into line. However these altercations deep within our territory show a brazen disregard for our nation and its inhabitants.”

Twilight turns to Arc. “Surely you can think of a different path!”

“I’d like to say that we should try opening a dialogue, I did try that in the past as Lord Regent.”

Cadance appears surprised. “You did?”

Arc nods. “I sent a letter asking for a meeting with their leader. No response of any kind was ever received.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “Then perhaps we should try again!”

Celestia bows her head. “If we did the result would be the same, Twilight.”

Arc frowns. “So do they have some kind of city we can head to?”

Cadance purses her lips. “It’s a hive of sorts actually.”

“Any intel on it?”

Celestia sighs. “Sadly, no. I’ve tried sending scouts out that way in the past. However, none of them ever returned. Rather than lose more soldiers I turned my attention to making sure that the changelings stayed where they were.”

Twilight frowns. “So let’s say that we head over there and approach their… hive. What do we tell them is our reason for such action?”

Luna grits her teeth. “Attack of our citizen on sovereign soil is more than reason enough.”

Cadance sighs. “To say nothing for what happened in Cloudsdale.”

Twilight gasps. “Cadance! You don’t actually condone this, do you?!”

“I do, Twilight.”

“But you’re the Princess of Love!”

“That I am. However I love Equestria and those whom call it home. We cannot allow a foreign power to commit such atrocities unchallenged.”

Luna nods. “If we did, they would only be emboldened to do such things again.”


Arc puts a hand on her shoulder. “Twilight… this isn’t something any of us wants to see happen. However we can’t just let our citizens be used as food.”

“I… suppose not. But this isn’t something I can get behind.”

Celestia looks to her former student sadly. “Not every decision we make is a simple one, Twilight. Sometimes there are nothing but bad choices available to us.”

Luna sighs. “However we make the best with the information at hoof.”

Arc turns to Celestia. “Right. Now then, do you have someone whom could advise us on the proper course of military action?”

“Normally I would send for Captain Decimus, General Virtuous Lance, or General Wind Rider. But with them unable to do so...”

Luna frowns. “That does put us into a very bad position then.”

Arc sighs. “Let me guess. They were our main strategists?”

Celestia nods. “Yes. However I believe this may be a good time to test our newest officer, General Shining Armor.”

Twilight and Cadance cry out in unison. “NO!!!”

“Why not?”

Twilight fumbles with her words. “Because he… um…!”

Cadance stammers. “…he… might… get hurt!”

Celestia sighs. “That’s always a possibility, yes. However…”

Luna walks over to Celestia and looks her in the eye. “Believe me, sister, you need to send someone else.”

“Very well. Then I shall go myself.”

Twilight gasps. “Princess Celestia?!”

Cadance frowns. “You?”

Celestia shrugs. “Somepony has to do it.”

“But we just got you back!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “And you don’t currently have any royal authority until cleared by both Doctor Whooves and Emerald Dream.”

“Unless you know of someone else with military leadership experience, Hero of Light, I have to go.”

Twilight points a hoof. “Arc could do it!”

Arc gasps. “Wait, what?!”

Celestia looks him up and down. “As numerous as his exploits may be, leading a small squad and commanding an army are two VERY different things.”

Twilight trots in place nervously. “But it’s just on a larger scale, right?!”

“Not really. In fact…”

She puts a hoof on her chin before continuing.

“But this may be a perfect opportunity for you, Twilight.”

Twilight gasps. “P-princess! I can’t lead an ARMY!”

“I know that. However I would accompany you as an advisor.”

Luna frowns. “Sister, I’m not sure Twilight is ready for the horrors of war.”

Celestia sighs. “Nopony ever is.”

Cadance shrugs. “She has to learn about it sometime.”

Arc grits his teeth. “But isn’t that risky? Having two princesses out in the open in hostile territory.”

Celestia smirks. “We’ll be surrounded by soldiers the entire time, of course.”

Twilight looks to Celestia. “And they can’t kill either of us, right?”


Arc shakes his head. “I still don’t like the idea.”

Celestia narrows her eyes. “Your opinion is noted but largely unnecessary, Hero of Light.”

Arc frowns. “Fine. I’m coming with you then.”

Twilight gasps. “Arc?”

Celestia chuckles. “As my bodyguard?”

“Don’t flatter yourself. I’m coming along to watch Twilight’s back. Not yours.”

Twilight appears relieved. “That would actually be a great comfort to me.”

“Well then what says you, sister?”

Celestia sighs. “There’s nothing I can do to stop him.”

Arc grins. “Correct.”

“Just try not to get in the way.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “No problem there. I’ve had my fill of fighting already.”

Luna nods approvingly. “A refreshing attitude from one so skilled in it.”

Cadance smiles, clearly relieved. “Agreed. That and I will feel better knowing Twilight will be safeguarded by such a powerful warrior.”

Celestia clears her throat. “In any case, I recommend that you return to the Crystal Empire as soon as possible, Cadance.”

Twilight appears confused. “But why?”

“In case the changelings decide to attack again, the city will need her there to rally the defenders.”

Luna shrugs. “And she can activate the Crystal Heart in greatest need.”

Cadance grimaces. “Actually… I can’t.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Oh?”

“It… broke.”

“What broke?”

“The Crystal Heart.”

Celestia gasps. “How?!”

“During the changeling’s earlier invasion I activated it to shield the city. I’ve kept the fact that it was destroyed a secret from everypony in an effort to prevent a panic among the citizens.”

Twilight frowns. “But using it shouldn’t have destroyed it!”

Arc nods sadly. “Sunset ordered her ships to ram the barrier simultaneously. As they did so the barrier shattered.”

Celestia frowns as she puts a fetlock to her chin. “Interesting.”


“Those ships shouldn’t have been able to breech the barrier, much less destroy the Crystal Heart.”

Twilight groans. “But it certainly happened.”

Arc nods. “Rather spectacularly I might add.”

“Aunt Celestia. Any idea how exactly Sunset Shimmer’s forces were able to do that?”

“It’s possible that their ships were fitted with sonic resonators.”

Twilight gasps. “Of course! They could have been broadcasting the signal through their hulls!”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “But how did it destroy the heart as well?”

Celestia draws a hasty sketch on a piece of paper. “The barrier and the Crystal Heart were connected to maintain it. Our enemy had to know that any feedback through it would have transferred to the heart itself.”

Arc frowns. “Like a singer shattering a glass with their voice.”


Cadance sighs. “Well, they certainly accomplished that.”

Celestia shakes her head. “As was their objective perhaps.”

Luna raises an eyebrow. “You believe their entire attack was simply to destroy the Crystal Heart, sister?”

“Did they accomplish anything else?”

Twilight shakes her head. “Not really, no.”

Arc shrugs. “At the time I simply thought their attack to be a means of destabilizing the country by attempting to overthrowing the Crystal Empire. From there they could have launched attacks on the rest of the nation.”

Luna taps the table before her. “However taking territory so far from the Badlands didn’t make much sense to me either.”

Cadance sighs. “We didn’t really have the chance to consider their reasoning at the time.”

Celestia groans. “I believe this to be part of a larger plot. With the Crystal Heart gone, the empire is vulnerable and they know it.”

She turns to Cadance before continuing.

“Tell me, has there been any further actions by the changelings, or their allies?”

“None fortunately.”

Luna narrows her eyes. “Why though I wonder.”

Arc sighs. “All the more reason to stop them as soon as possible, I suppose.”

Celestia nods with conviction. “Yes. Before they muster their forces and attack again in force.”

Luna groans. “I suppose we have no choice but to fight at this point.”

Cadance stands. “The Crystal Empire will be kept safe by Shining Armor and myself in the interim, Aunt Celestia.

Luna nods. “And I shall watch over Canterlot.”

“Thank you. I know you’ll both do your best. Now then, it’s going to take quite some time to complete preparations. Supplies need to be loaded, troops gathered and assigned to commanders, and a strategy formed.”

Arc looks to Celestia. “When do you think we’d be ready to move out?”

“Not until after the spring’s thaw.”


Luna nods. “Yes. Heading out to the field of battle is dangerous enough. But to do it so close to winter would be catastrophic.”

Cadance sighs. “While I do wish we could do something sooner I also understand the mentality behind this decision.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I don’t. Let’s just get it over with. Right, Twilight?”

Celestia sighs. “And this is why you are not spearheading this matter. Don’t you know anything about our enemy’s homeland?”

“Admittedly very little.”

Twilight sighs. “The Badlands are an anti-magic place in addition to being very remote.”

Luna nods. “For that reason, amongst others, there are no towns or settlements anywhere near the border.”

Cadance frowns. “In addition to our airships not functioning there due to being magically powered. Should a retreat be needed there really is nowhere to fall back to.”

Celestia stomps a hoof. “We’d lose too many in the blinding snowstorms AND the freezing temperatures.”

Twilight looks to Arc. “We could take The Equinox as far as the border and use it to secure a base camp. From there we could establish a perimeter using your ship’s cannons and instruments.”

Luna frowns. “A decent starting plan, Twilight. However the use of the ship is up to Arc.”

Cadance appears confused. “But The Equinox belongs to Equestria.”

Arc sighs. “Well, at the moment it’s still being overhauled from the battle at Light’s Hope.”

Celestia frowns. “Was it heavily damaged?”

“The exterior held up pretty well to the enemy attack thanks to my forces holding the line. However my Chief Engineer highly recommended the procedure considering the extensive changes that had to be made to accommodate the magic dispersion unit.”

“I’m sorry, the what?”

Twilight grins nervously. “Arc got a prototype from the demon king when he returned to his palace. He used it to take down the barrier around Light’s Hope to get to you.”

Celestia facehoofs. “Of course he did.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “In any case, the process is going to be a long and slow one as I told her to check and recheck literally everything.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “But why, Arc?”

Cadance nods. “Yes, I thought you said that the ship was largely undamaged.”

“True. But with the battle over I thought we’d have a bit of a respite.”

Luna sighs. “Sadly that isn’t the case though.”

Twilight appears hopeful. “With any luck this will be over with just a show of force though, right?”

Celestia shakes her head. “Not this time, Twilight.”

“You mean…?”

“Yes. This time it will come to violence. That much I assure you, my dear.”

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