• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 7 - Awkward Day Off

About 3 A.M. Rarity’s alarm clock rings. She slowly opens her eyes and turns it off with a flick of her hoof. Lying back down she presses her face against Arc’s chest as he yawns.

“Morning already?”

Rarity sighs. “Not exactly.”

“Oh… sorry. I thought I heard ringing.”

Rarity nuzzles him. “You did. I was planning to get some work done before heading over to your base this morning.”

Arc sits up. “Work pilling up?”

“A bit, yes. I know I need to get up, but I really don’t want to. Sorry for waking you.”

“Well, I should get back to Derpy’s house anyways.”

He reaches for the bedside lamp. Rarity’s eyes grow wide. In a flash she jumps on top of Arc, desperation in her voice.


“What’s wrong? All I’m trying to do is get some light.”

“It’s just… you can’t do that?”

“Why not?”

“Because then you’d see…! I… don’t… I’m not…”

“Rarity, you’re not making any sense.”

“You can’t see me like this! My mane and tail aren’t brushed yet!”

“I’m sure I don’t look any better right now.”

“That may be. But I never let anypony see me before I’ve showered and done my makeup!”

Arc sighs. “Very well.”

Rarity turns to roll off the bed but stops.



“I… I suppose… I mean… considering we spent the night together, I could… let you see. Just please don’t tell anypony!”

“Okay. Promise.”

Arc reaches again for the lamp. Rarity turns away as he presses the button. The light illuminates the area around the bed. Arc looks to see Rarity’s back.

“Your mane really doesn’t look all that bad right now.”

“Maybe. But you haven’t seen the front.”

“That’s because you’re facing away from me.”

Rarity slowly turns to Arc. Her mane is matted and her mascara smeared everywhere. She forces a tiny smile.

“I suppose I must look a fright.”

“Nothing a quick shower wouldn’t fix. Not that I look any better, I’m sure.”

Rarity blushes slightly. “You still look very handsome. But you should probably get home and put on some clothes before you catch a cold.”

Arc nods as he stands. “Yeah. I… uh… I’ll do that.”

Rarity looks him up and down. “Can I lend you a blanket?”

“No thanks. I’ll just use this.”

Reaching for his ring Arc pulls out a magic cloak. He quickly puts it on.

“Well, thank you for dinner. So I’ll see you later today?”

“Y-yes! I’ll be there with Sweetie Belle. And don’t worry about your suit. I’ll do my very best to get the stains out.”

“Thanks. We’ll have to do this again sometime. Have dinner, I mean!”

Rarity blushes slightly. “Yes, I’d like that. Can I see you to the door?”

“No thanks. I’ll just Blink out here. See you later.”

Arc cloaks and Blinks onto Rarity’s front lawn. Turning around he looks back to the glow in the window.

“Rarity. What an interesting mare.”

Turning, Arc quickly makes his way toward Derpy’s house through the cool morning air. The glow of the fireplace can be seen through the front windows. Arc Blinks inside and looks toward the couch. Eidolon’s Ward sits there waiting for him.

“Welcome home. You’re certainly late.”

Arc decloaks. “Y-yeah. I, uh… had quite a night.”

Eidolon’s Ward giggles. “Judging from the late hour I can just imagine.”

Arc looks around. “Where’s Derpy?”

“She lay down a few minutes after you left. I carried her to your bed with Dinky.”

“Thanks. Truth be told I really don’t like her sleeping out here on the floor.”

“Me either. That’s why I put her to bed.”

Arc slowly walks over to the fireplace to warm himself.

“So how did your date go?”

“Um… better and worse than I thought it would.”

“Arc? That doesn’t make sense.”

“Better inasmuch that I really did have a good time.”

He pulls aside his cloak sheepishly to reveal his shorts as he blushes.

“Worse, as I… um…”

“If I were still alive, I’d be very upset with you right now.”

“Sorry, Cherry.”

Eidolon’s Ward shakes its helmet. “But I’m not. Arc, I told you to see others and move on, remember?”

She pauses before continuing.

“But this is further than I thought you would go on a first date.”

Arc hangs his head. “I guess this look pretty bad.”

“That it does. Thankfully you came back before Derpy and Dinky got up. Now I understand that you have certain needs, but you can’t let Dinky see you come home like this.”

“Yeah, you’re right. It doesn’t set a good example.”

“Now that I have that out of the way, how did it go?”

“In my defense, nothing happened.”

“You didn’t sleep with Rarity?”

““What?! No! Uh… kinda. Look, it’s complicated.”

“Do you want me to stay away from those memories when I get back in your head? I’m perfectly fine with you having these secrets.”

Arc shakes his head. “No. You should know what happened. But would you mind if I put my armor on first?”

“If you want to. But why?”

Arc removes the cloak and stashes it neatly in his ring. “This is why. Remember?”

Eidolon’s Ward stands and walks toward his Bedroom door, giggling. “I’ll get you something to wear.”

“No. I don’t want to risk waking them up. They need their sleep.”

“Okay. If that’s what you want.”

Arc walks over to his armor. It melts away as he steps inside. Walking back to the couch he sits down.

“Go ahead and check my mind for the events of last night, Cherry.”

“I’m not sure if I should.”

“Trust me. You have to see this.”

Cherry is silent for a few minutes. Arc clears his throat.

“So what do you think?”

“I… wouldn’t have guessed it. You and Rarity really hit it off.”

Arc chuckles nervously. “Are you angry?”

“Not in the least. She’s a very nice young mare, after all. You two were very cute lying in her bed together too.”

Arc blushes. “Uh… can we keep that part between us please?”

“Of course. I do have one question though.”

“What’s that?”

“Why didn’t you just pop back to Light’s Hope for a change of clothes? I know you keep spares there.”

“I left you my armor. No sigil making gauntlet, remember?”

“Oh… right. Sorry about that.”

“No, no! I want you to have freedom of movement for times like that. Just sitting in a helmet has to be so boring.”

“Thank you for thinking of me. But I suppose now you’ll have to think about Rarity too.”

“I guess so.”

“So… do you love her?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well, I do care about her. Until last night I never really thought about her romantically though.”

“What changed?”

“I saw her in a different light. She’s quite the dinner companion after all.”

“Rarity’s also quite the looker too”.

“Yeah. Another thing I never really noticed before. But putting that aside, she has quite a deep personality. I always knew she was generous with her belongings. But I didn’t know just how much zest for life she contained.”

“Considering what was done to her in the past, I’m really impressed that she was able to move on with her life.”

“Yeah. Wait, what?!”

“After she was raped in that dorm room. What else would I mean?”

“Oh no! Cherry, you have to promise me you won’t tell anyone else about that! Rarity trusted me with that secret!”

“I will. She deserves that much. But what are you going to do about her request?”

“Well… first I want to get to know her better. I’m sure she’d like the same. But right now we should probably head to Light’s Hope and get some clothes”

Cherry giggles. “Very well. But I’m rather enjoying this.”

“Enjoying what?”

“The feeling of your skin.”

“What?! I thought you couldn’t feel anything!”

“I’m kidding, silly!”

“Everyone’s a comedian.”

Arc raises his gauntlet and teleports to his quarters in Light’s Hope. Quickly putting on some clothes he returns to Derpy’s house and dozes on the couch for a couple hours. Sometime later the Bedroom door opens and Dinky runs out.


She jumps on Arc’s stomach as he opens his eyes.

“Did you have a nice time at Miss Rarity’s house?!”

“Ah, yes. It was a very… interesting evening.”

Derpy walks over happily.

“Good morning, Arc. Did you get home late?”

“Yup. I… ah… didn’t want to wake you two, so I just kinda camped out here on the couch.”

Dinky wrinkles her nose. “What’s that smell?”

Derpy sniffs the air. “I don’t know.”

“It’s coming from you, dad!”

“Uh… that’s kinda complicated. Why don’t I explain it over breakfast?”

Dinky hops down and trots happily over to the Kitchen. “Okay! I can’t wait to hear all about your date!”

“It wasn’t a… okay it kinda was.”

Derpy looks over from the stove where she is setting out a skillet. “Did you have fun?”

“More than I thought I would, yes.”

Dinky looks to him as she helps her father set the table. “What do adults do on dates?”

“Well, a lot of talking. And there’s usually a meal involved.”

“Why’s that?”

“If gives you something to do to fill any awkward silences or breaks in the conversation mostly. That and who doesn’t love eating?”

Cherry giggles. “That’s Arc for you!”

Derpy calls out from the stove where she is cooking eggs. “Are dates fun?”


“I… uh… I’ve never been on one.”

“Oh, right. Um… that was actually my first time.”

“Really, dad? You didn’t have any marefriends back on Earth?”


Derpy appears surprised. “What about Shelly and Lily?”

Dinky nods. “Right! They’re girls!”

“Well, I have gone out to dinner with them many times. But that was as a friend.”

Derpy looks confused. “What’s the difference?”

“Between a girlfriend and a friend who is a girl?”


“Well… that’s a tough one.”

Arc thinks for a moment before responding.

“A girlfriend is someone whom you… um… care about. And… ah… go out with on dates with… I guess.”

“How is that different than what you do with Miss Shelly and Miss Lily?”

“I suppose the only real difference would be when you go out with a girlfriend you’re looking for romance.”

Derpy puts a hoof to her chin. “Romance. I’m not really sure what that word means.”

“Me either. Dad?”

“Romance is… I guess a special kind of attraction one has for another. A different kind of love.”

“There’s different kinds of love, Arc?”

“Oh yes. For example, I love cupcakes. But I’m not romantically in love with them. Similarly, someone who has a pet might care for and love them. But they don’t feel romantically attracted to them.”

“This is really complicated. Do you get it, mom?”

Derpy walks toward the table with a plate of eggs. “Kinda. But frankly I think I’m just as confused as you are, sweetie.”

“Sorry. I can’t really think of any other way to explain it.”

Derpy smiles at him as she sits down. “Thank you for trying though, Arc.”

“Yeah dad. But what IS that smell on you?!”

Arc sighs as he serves Dinky some eggs. “Well, after dinner Rarity brought out a cake and tea.”

“Was it good?!”

“I have no idea. We never got to eat any of it.”

Derpy raises an eyebrow. “Why not?”

“Well, she tripped and dropped the tray. And by dropped I really mean threw straight up.”

Dinky gasps. “Was she okay?!”

“Yeah. I Blinked over and saved her from taking the tea in her face. But my back wasn’t too happy about it. “

Derpy drops her fork and hurries over to him.

“Are you okay?!”

“Yeah. She led me to her shower to stop the blistering and then put some kind of magical cream on me. That’s what you’re smelling. No idea what was in that stuff, but it worked really well.”

Arc lifts his shirt as Derpy examines his back.

“It just looks a little red.”

“Does it hurt, dad?!”

Arc shakes his head as he puts his shirt down. “Not really. At the moment it just kinda feels a bit warm. Like after a long, hot shower.”

“That’s good, dad! Can we still go to Sugar Cube Corner?”

“Sure. Let’s just finish breakfast first.”

Derpy smiles. “Maybe you should take a shower first, Arc. A cool one I mean.”

“That actually sounds like a good idea.”

“Dinky and I will get the dishes done while you’re doing that.”

“Are you sure? I don’t mind helping.”

Dinky nods fervently. “It’s okay, dad. You look like you need it. Smells like it too.”

As suggested, Arc takes a shower while Derpy and Dinky get to the breakfast dishes.

“Mom, is dad really okay?”

“If he says he is, I believe him.”

A short time later Arc emerges from the Bathroom. Derpy and Dinky are just wiping down the counter. Arc looks at his pocket watch.

“Ready to go?”

“Yeah! Let’s have fun!”

Arc smiles at Dinky. “Lead the way, sweetheart.”

Dinky leads Arc and Derpy out the front door and toward town. A short time later they arrive at Sugar Cube Corner. Entering they find Pinkie Pie behind the counter. She greets them with her normal flair.

“Good morning everypony!”

Dinky trots up to the counter. “Hi, Miss Pinkie! My parents and I are here for some park snacks!”


Derpy nods. “And some muffins too please.”

Arc steps up to the counter. “Two dozen, please.”

Pinkie looks to him as she fills a box with his order. “Would you like your regular as well, Arc?!”

“Yes, thank you.”

She trots back to the Kitchen. Arc picks up the box of muffins and holds it open. Derpy and Dinky each take one and munch away happily.

“Thank you, Arc.”

“Yeah, these are great!”

“Glad you like them.”

“Hey dad? What’s did Miss Pinkie mean when she asked about your ‘regular’?”

“Lately I’ve been ordering the same thing when I come. So it’s known as my regular order, or just regular for short.”

Derpy smiles at him. “Well, knowing you it must be awfully sweet.”

Dinky giggles. “And big!”

“Yes, well…”

The sound of hooves approaching the door can be heard. Pinkie returns to the front of the store with quite a few boxes on her back. She rounds the corner and places them on the counter.

“There you go, Arc! One gross!”

Dinky looks at the boxes suspiciously. “A… what?”

“A gross, dear.”

“What’s that, mom?

“I have no idea, sweetie.”

Arc chuckles. “A gross is twelve dozen.”

“But that’s a hundred forty-four, dad!”

Arc grins. “I know.”

Placing a bag of bits on the counter Arc puts the boxes in his ring one by one as Pinkie looks on approvingly.

“Just enjoying the calm before the storm, Arc?!”

“Yup. Monday morning is the big day.”

Pinkie salutes him playfully. “Applejack and I are more than ready!”

“Thanks. With any luck this will summit will go well.”

“Do you really think it will?!”

Arc sighs. “No. But we’re giving it a shot anyways.”

“Come on, dad! Let’s get going!”

“Sounds like somepony’s anxious!”

“Yup. I’ll see you Sunday evening, Pinkie.”

“I’ll be there!”

Pinkie waves after them as they leave the shop.

“I have to give it my very best! Arc will be watching! I HAVE to make a good impression!”

Meanwhile, Arc and his family make the short walk to the nearby Park. They see Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle playing together.

“Mom, can I go play?!”

“Of course, sweetie.”

Arc calls out after her. “Ask your friends if they’d like a cupcake, Dinky.”

“Okay dad!”

Dinky runs off as Arc turns to Derpy.

“Would you like to sit down?”

“Sure. I see Rarity over there at the picnic area. Would you like to say hi?”

“That I would.”

They walk over. Rarity smiles nervously as she sees Derpy.

“G-good morning you two.”

“Hello again, Rarity.”

Derpy smiles warmly at Rarity. “Good morning.”

Rarity quickly turns to Arc. “How’s you back doing? I’m dreadfully sorry about last night!”

“Oh, it’s feeling just fine. I don’t know what was in that salve you put on, but it really did the job.”

“Are you sure you’re all right?!”

Derpy nods happily at Rarity. “Yes, I took a look at his back at breakfast. It was just a little red.”

“D-did you now?”

“That I did. Thank you for taking such good care of Arc.”

Rarity looks confused. “I… it was my pleasure.”

Arc looks around. “Say, where’s Applejack?”

“She’s working. I volunteered to take Apple Bloom to the park today.”

Dinky runs up with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

“Good morning, Arc!”

“Did you have a nice dinner with my sister?!”

Arc nods. “It was a lot of fun, yes. I’m told that was your idea.”

Sweetie Belle nods sheepishly. “Yes, it was.”

“Well, thank you for it. And don’t worry. I took good care of her for you.”

Sweetie Belle smiles. “Thanks! Sorry Rarity’s kinda high-maintenance.”

Rarity blushes. “Sweetie Belle!”

“It’s true!”

“Yes, but…!”

Arc interrupts. “Why don’t we all have a few cupcakes?”

Dinky laughs. “Yeah! And muffins!”

Derpy smiles at Arc. “That does sound nice.”

Arc removes two boxes from his ring and sets them on the grass.

“Eat up everyone.”

The three fillies cheer as they eat happily. Eventually Dinky and her friends go back to playing. Rarity does her best to avoid eye contact with either Arc or Derpy.

“So… how are things going at the Orphanage, Derpy?”

“Very well. Arc asked for volunteers among his soldiers to help out in the Kitchen.”

Arc chuckles. “No shortage of helpers applied.”

Derpy nods. “Today was the first time they’re cooking breakfast without me there to watch them.”

Arc turns to look in the direction of the orphanage.

“Arc? Is something wrong?”

“Just looking for a column of smoke.”

Derpy giggles. “Come now. They’re doing much better. I’m going to head over there later to oversee lunch preparations though.”

“That’s probably for the best.”

Dinky runs over with a ball.

“Dad! Can you play with us?! We need a fourth for even teams!”

Arc stands up. “Sure, if you want me to.”

Derpy laughs as she calls out after them. “Have fun you two!”

The two mares watch in silence for a time. Rarity is the first to speak, but still does not make eye contact.

“So… Derpy. Did… ah… Arc say anything to you this morning about… last night?”

“About the tea?”

“Well, there was that, yes.”

“Why? Did something else happen?”

“Um… kinda. I… may have asked Arc to… ah… get into bed with me.”

Derpy smiles broadly. “I can’t really blame you. He is quite warm.”

Rarity sighs. “Derpy, I need to apologize to you.”

“Whatever for?”

“When I invited Arc to dinner, I never considered your feelings.”

“My feelings?”

“Yes. After all, you and him are very close. What with him being Dinky’s adoptive father and all, I really should have asked you before extending such an invitation. Even worse, sleeping with him!”

“It’s fine. Really! I understand your reasoning, after all.”

“You… you do?”

“Yes. Arc is quite a stallion after all. And a very nice bed mate.”

Rarity blushes. “How can you be so candid about this?! I slept with you stallionfriend for Celestia’s sake!”

“What’s wrong with that?”

“I didn’t even stop to think about how this would make you feel until Arc turned off the light! Please forgive me!”

Derpy giggles. “There’s nothing to forgive, Rarity. Arc is just Dinky’s father. Not my stallionfriend.”

“What?! But… but you said he’s a nice bed mate!”

“Yes. He’s very warm. It’s always a comfort when he sleeps with me. But that’s what you were after too, right?”

“What I… wanted?”

“Yes. To be held in Arc’s comforting arms.”

“Um… pretty much, yes. And you’re okay with that?”

“Of course! Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Well, it’s generally considered very… uh… rude to sleep with somepony else’s stallionfriend. You would think I was trying to steal him from you!”

Derpy turns to look at Arc and the fillies running around. “If that makes him happy, then that’s what I want for him.”

Rarity’s jaw drops. “Are you serious?! You’re really okay with me… pursuing Arc this way?!”

“Completely. Just do one thing for me please.”

“What is it?”

“Make him happy.”

“I’ll certainly do my best. But I want you to do something for me too, Derpy.”

“Sure. What is it?”

Rarity turns and soberly looks Derpy directly in the eye. “Promise me that if you ever change your mind you’ll tell me right away.”

Derpy smiles and extends a hoof to Rarity.


The pair shake hooves as they go back to watching Arc and the fillies play ball together.

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