• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Infection

Sometime later Arc reappears in the living room of his house with Frank. Derpy looks over to him from Dinky’s side and smiles.

“She just fell asleep.”

Arc nods. “Good. Some rest will do wonders for her.”

He looks around before speaking again.

“Uh… is Hammer still writing her letter?”

Sereb shakes his head. “No. She came upstairs some time ago complaining she didn’t feel well.”

Frank frowns. “That may also just be a front.”

Scootaloo sighs. “If she was acting, it was pretty good. Not sure how somepony fakes a fever and chills.”

Arc sighs as he puts a hand on Dinky’s forehead. “At least Dinky feels almost normal. Where is Hammer now?”

“I had her lie down on the couch for a bit. But she said the television was giving her a headache.”

Sereb motions with a nod of his head. “She went upstairs to sleep.”

Frank narrows his eyes. “Which room?”

“The one Arc typically sleeps in.”

Arc looks to the stairs. “I’ll go check on her. Frank, you should probably get back to the hideout.”

“Agreed. It’s about time for the mid-morning lessons anyway.”

“Take care.”

“You too. And watch Hammer like a hawk!”

Sereb nods soberly. “That I will.”

Frank Blinks away as Arc makes his way up the stairs. Heading to his parent’s room he quietly opens the door and peeks inside.


The young woman under the covers does not stir. Arc walks over to her and puts a hand on her forehead. It is hot to the touch. Frowning, he gently shakes her. Hammer slowly opens her eyes and smiles up at him.

“Hey, Arc.”

“Hi there. Um… I’m told you’re not feeling well now.”

Hammer sighs. “I think Dinky gave me her cold.”

“Sorry about that.”

“It’s not your fault. I choose to stay with her.”

“How do you feel?”

Hammer puts an arm over her face and groans. “Really tired and achy. My stomach isn’t too happy with me right now either.”

“Did you throw up?”

“Earlier, yeah. Right into the sink though fortunately.”

“Did it help?”

“Not really. That’s when everything seemed to hit me all at once. Derpy suggested I rest up here where it’s quieter.”

“You’re really hot.

Hammer grins weakly. “Thanks. So are you.”

“I mean your temperature.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know. But you can’t blame a girl for being optimistic.”

“Did you take any medicine?”

“Derpy offered some of that stuff you gave Dinky. But I’m not much for that sort of thing.”

“How about a shower to cool you off?”

Hammer shakes her head. “Nah. I just came up here and flopped down.”

“What’s your temperature?”


“You didn’t take it?”

Hammer frowns. “Like I said, I’m not much for that sort of thing!”

“Would you let me do it then?”

“Yeah. But only because you’re you.”

Sighing, Arc leaves the room and heads for the bathroom. Picking up the thermometer he returns to Hammer’s side. She eyes it suspiciously.

“Always hated those things.”

“Why? It’s just going under your arm.”

“I just do!”

“Well, do you want to do this, or should I?”

“Go ahead.”

Arc pulls the covers back, which brings Hammer’s bare chest into view. Blushing slightly, he looks her in the eye.

“Are you naked under there?!”

“I was hot! That and it’s not like I’m walking around the house.”

Arc rolls his eyes as he puts the thermometer under her arm and turns it on. “You did that on purpose, didn’t you?”

Hammer chuckles weakly. “Kinda. I really was hot though. Seemed like a good idea at the time.”

“But you knew I would come to check on you when I got home.”

“That you did. And there’s no other men here to see these perky puppies other than your mongrel. But I don’t think he counts.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “You know he can hear us, right?”

Hammer frowns. “Is he outside the door, or something?!”

“Maybe. But you have to remember that he’s a canine.”


“That means he has sensitive hearing.”

Hammer mutters under her breath. “Darn crazy magical mutt…”

A short time later the thermometer beeps. Arc pulls it out and looks at the display.

“One hundred and three. That’s pretty high.”

Hammer rolls over. “I’ll be fine. Just let me get some rest.”

“Can I please get you some medicine?”

“Already told you that I’m not a fan of that stuff.”

Arc sighs. “Then at least take a warm shower.”

“That I can do. “

Hammer tosses the covers aside to reveal her birthday suit. Arc shakes his head.

“Even now?”

Hammer smiles weakly and coughs as she sits up. “You know you like what you see.”

“Fine, whatever. Let’s go.”

As Hammer stands up she stumbles and falls to the floor. Arc rolls his eyes.

“Quit playing around. We need to get that fever down.”

“I ain’t!”


Hammer shivers. “Right now I just feel so weak.”

“Are you serious?”

“As a bullet wound!”

He sighs. “Fine. I’ll help you.”

Arc kneels down next to Hammer and pulls her arm over his shoulder as he puts his own around her back.

“Let’s go.”

Hammer smiles as they head for the door together. “If I wasn’t feeling so bad, I’d be loving this.”

“Har, har. Honestly, that sounds like something Ember would have said in a situation like this.”


“Let’s get you in the tub first.”

Entering the bathroom, Arc leads Hammer over to the tub. Helping her lie down he sets the water temperature and aims the shower nozzle at her midsection. Sighing, he pulls the shower curtain shut.

“There you go.”

Hammer sighs contentedly. “Thanks. That does feel pretty good.”

“I thought it would. In any case, I’ll come by to check on you in a bit.”

“Hold on there a second.”

“What is it?”

“We need to finish our chat first.”


“About someone named ‘Ember’.”

“Oh… that.”

Hammer chuckles. “She another one of your herd-mates?”

“That’s… complicated.”

“So sit down and explain it to me then.”

Arc sighs. “Fine.”

Sitting down on the lid of the toilet Arc clears his throat before speaking.

“Ember is one of the individuals whom is interested in me back in Equestria.”

“I gathered that much. Tell me about her?”

“What do you want to know?”

“Which kind of pony is she, for starters.”

“She’s actually a dragon.”

Hammer whistles. “That’s impressive.”

“I had to duel her, and by winning became worthy of becoming her mate.”

“That’s even more impressive! So what’s the problem? Would the sex not work out due to a size difference, or something?”

“No, she’s only a tad shorter than I am.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“She’s the daughter of the Dragon Lord.”


“The leader of all dragon-kind.”

Hammer nods and smiles. “Talk about shooting for the stars. Getting between her legs would certainly be something to brag about.”

“I didn’t do anything like that.”

“Why not? Her old man not like you, or something?”

“We started out on rocky footing. After all, she being next in line to be Dragon Lord meant her mate had to be capable of impregnating her. That and I’m a LOT smaller than he is.”

“How big is he?”

“About the size of a mountain.”

“I actually meant… never mind.”

“But I was able to prove myself in his eyes. Some time ago he even proclaimed that I would be given an exemption and allowed to take his daughter.”

“Nice! So you’re royalty now?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. Her and I are still just friends.”

“She good looking?”

“Pretty, yes.”

“Sounds like she’s the total package then. Attractive, interested in you, royalty, and all that mushy stuff. She like a princess over there, or something?”

“Kinda, yeah. But not in the traditional sense of the word.”


“Like I said earlier, you remind me of her.”

“How so?”

“Well… you’re both outspoken and loyal, for starters.”

Hammer frowns. “Not sure how I should take that.”


“Now you’re just being mean! I think.”

“She doesn’t care much about her physical appearance. And she’s always making sexual advances and inuendo.”

Hammer laughs. “Sounds like the kinda girl I’d get along with. When do I get to meet this Ember chick?”

“Not sure if that would work out.”

“Why not? She sounds awesome!”

“She wouldn’t take the news of you and I living together very well. Ember would probably attack you on sight.”

“Come on! She could at least get to know me first!”

“Trust me, you and her have met.”


“She’s Dragon. The Hero of Light’s partner.”

Hammer is silent for a time before speaking again.

“I could take her.”



“Please don’t.”

“What’s she got that I don’t?!”

“A spear for starters.”

Hammer grins. “I gotta gun, remember?!”

“Somehow I doubt your weapon would piece either her armor or her scales.”

“Wanna bet?”

“But if they did, you’d have her father after you.”

Hammer gulps. “The mountain thing?”


“Maybe her and I would find some common ground, or something.”

“That would be nice.”

Hammer sighs as she closes her eyes.

“Do you think her and I could ever get along? You know… considering out past.”

“You mean after what happened between you two at that farmhouse some time ago?”


“Sure. If you both wanted to, that is.”

“I would. If it would make you happy, that is.”

Arc chuckles. “It would, yes.”

“But what about her?”

“That’s the ten thousand dollar question right there.”

“Any guesses on which way she’d go?”

Arc puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “I could probably convince her to give you the benefit of the doubt… if you wanted me to, that is.”

“Thanks. She big on second chances?”

“Not exactly.”

Hammer sighs. “Great…”

They sit there in silence for quite a while. Sometime later Hammer calls out.

“I’m feeling a lot better now.”

“Good. Just let me get you some clean clothes.”

Standing up, Arc heads for the door. Retrieving a clean pair of shorts and a t-shirt he returns and sets them on the sink.

“There you go. Can I assume you can get out of the tub by yourself?”

Hammer giggles. “I’m not sure that I can. Think you can help me dry off and get dressed?”

“Are you serious?”

“I am if you want me to be.”

Arc shakes his head. “Hammer…”

“Fine, fine. I can take care of it myself.”

“Good. I’ll see you in the hallway.”

“Can’t blame a gal for trying.”

Arc rolls his eyes as he closes the door behind him. “Guess not.”

Turning off the water, Hammer stands and towels off. Looking in the mirror at herself she gazes down at her chest.

“Maybe I just need bigger tits.”

Arc calls out from the hallway.

“You look fine, Hammer.”

“A-Arc?! How did you…?!”

“I told you I was waiting out here, remember?”

“Wait! I said that out loud?!”

“Yes, you did.”

Hammer blushes heavily. “Do you… like girls with smaller…?”

“Again, you look fine!”

Giggling, Hammer dresses. A few minutes later she steps out of the bathroom. Arc is sitting on the steps waiting for her.

“Feel any better?”

“Quite a bit, actually.”

“Why don’t we take your temperature just to be sure.”

“Fine with me.”

Returning to the room, Hammer lies back down on the bed as Arc picks up the thermometer from the nightstand. Hammer grins as he looks at her.

“Go ahead.”

Arc raises an eyebrow, confused. “And what?”

“Pull my shirt up.”

Arc rolls his eyes as he pulls the collar of the t-shirt down to expose Hammer’s armpit. Sticking the thermometer under her arm, he pushes it down gently before pressing the button and looking her in the eye.

“There’s a reason I picked this old shirt.”


“The collar was already blown out.”

“Is that important?”

Arc nods. “It is if I don’t want to pull your shirt up to do this.”

Hammer groans. “You’ve got me figured out.”

“Ember gave me some practice.”

“She want to bed you as much as I do?”

“Maybe more.”

“That’s hard to believe.”

Arc sighs. “She’s pretty brazen sometimes. But I think that’s mostly her cultural upbringing.”

“Uh… what’s that mean?”

“Dragons aren’t much for subtlety. If they see something, or in my case someone, that they want they’ll just go for it.”

Hammer grins as the thermometer beeps. “Sounds like my kind of folks! Say, you don’t suppose I could become a dragon too, do you?!”

Arc rolls his eyes as he pulls the device out. “I would guess not.”

“Ya gotta admit, it’d be pretty cool though, huh?!”

“Think what you want.”

Looking at the readout he smiles.

“Your fever is down to only one-hundred. That’s quite the improvement.”

“I feel a lot better too. Still kinda achy though.”

“There’s medicine downstairs that will help with that and the fever.”

Hammer shakes her head vehemently. “No thanks.”

Arc shrugs. “Fine. I won’t try to force you.”


“In any case, I’ll let your rest.”

“Could I get some help with that?”

“How would I…?”

Hammer grins weakly. “It’d be nice to fall asleep in your arms.”

Arc sighs. “I need to get downstairs and check on Dinky.”

“Oh… right. Sorry.”

Arc leaves the room as Hammer rolls over and groans.

“Darn it. Cockblocked again.”

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