• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 8 - Layover

As evening falls over the land, Arc and his companions eat supper in the Cafeteria. His earring chirps.

“Arc here.”

Lemon Hearts’ voice rings out. “Sir, we’re approaching the coordinates indicated. What are your orders?”

“Is this area dangerous?”

Wrangler sighs as she scans the ground with her binoculars. “Unknown, sir.”

Thunderlane squints. “I can see some movement below, sir. Not sure if it’s the wind or something large though.”

Malevolence folds his arms over his chest. “In the past this area was relatively safe. However that was due to our presence and hunting parties.”

Auriel nods. “I’m sure much has changed in the centuries since our people were sent to Tartarus, father.”

Sereb bares his teeth. “Indeed. With no one to hunt them it is likely the beasts of the land have taken up residence in your former dwellings.”

Arc calls out. “Agreed. Moon Dancer, are there any known creatures whom could damage the ship if we landed?”

“Nothing known, sir.”

Rainbow Dash takes up a battle ready stance. “They’d have to deal with US!”

Applejack stomps a hoof. “Right!”

Pinkie pulls out her party cannon. “Pony power!”

Twilight puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “We should probably land in a clearing. One large enough to see trouble coming from a distance. Is there anything in sight?”

Soarin looks through his binoculars. “There’s an open field or something some distance ahead. Thunderlane?”

“I see it. Tentatively going to say that we can land the ship there.”

Arc stands. “Good. We will take a look from the Bridge shortly. How long until we arrive?”

Thunderlane turns his head and calls out. “About an hour, sir.”

“Perfect. See you in a few minutes. Arc out.”

He touches his earring, severing the connection. King Malevolence appears hopeful as he turns to his daughter.

“We’re so close, Auriel!”

Auriel smiles happily. “Yes, father. I’m looking forward to seeing the places you told me about as a young demoness.”

“Hopefully they are still standing.”

Scootaloo puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “A wild forest untamed by hooves or demon claws. Sound familiar, Big Brother?”

“Yeah. The forest surrounding Knothole Village.”

Ember smiles at Scootaloo. “Does that make you homesick?”

Scootaloo sighs. “Not really.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “How can it not?!”

“That place was where I lived, yes. But it was never a home.”

Arc frowns. “Didn’t feel that way to me either.”

Twilight clears her throat. “In any case, we should head to the Bridge. I want to see this place with my own eyes as soon as we’re in range.”

Standing, they head out the door. Fluttershy turns to King Malevolence.

“Were the demons here long?”

Malevolence nods. “Thousands of years, yes.”

Auriel smiles proudly. “Our nation predates Equestria by millennia.”

Rarity appears interested. “And it was always united?”

Malevolence chuckles. “Not always, no. Demons have different races just like the ponies, of course. However we learned long ago that banding together to make up for each other’s shortcomings made life easier for everyone in the long run.”

Applejack sighs. “Ponykind didn’t learn that for a long time.”

Pinkie rolls her eyes. “I wonder why!”

Twilight turns to speak. “The history books say that all three races believed themselves to be better than the other two.”

Applejack shakes her head. “So pride kept them apart, eh?”

Rainbow Dash puffs out her chest. “Nothing wrong with a little pride!”

Arc frowns. “There is if it makes for an excuse to look down on others.”

Sereb sighs. “Anything can be taken too far, I suppose.”

Ember chimes in. “But they were able to move past that though. No reason the demons can’t do the same in due time.”

Scootaloo grits her teeth. “I was hated back in Knothole Village because I was different. It’s not something that you can just walk away from and forget easily.”

Arc looks to the king and Auriel. “Agreed. But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t make the effort.”

Twilight shakes her head. “The only other option would be to live in the past and ultimately let it consume you.”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Yeah, that I get.”

Rainbow Dash turns to her, confused. “Cupcake?”

“I did a lot of bad stuff in the past before I fell in love with Arc. He didn’t hold that against me though, and was able to look past it to give me a second chance.”

Ember bows her head. “That and he didn’t care that I was a dragon when we met. To him I was a friend, mentor, and partner.”

“Big Brother didn’t seem to mind that he couldn’t see my face… or any part of me really. Instead he did his very best to look after me and see to it I made it home safely from foraging every night.”

Malevolence sighs. “But what was done isn’t exactly easily forgotten.”

“We can try though, father. In due time the wounds of the past may yet heal.”

“That may not be possible, Auriel.”

Reaching the Bridge they enter and head over to the main window. Soarin walks over and gives Twilight his binoculars as he points a hoof.

“It’s over there, your highness.”

Putting the binoculars to her eyes Twilight scans the horizon.

“I don’t see anything other than a mountain.”

Arc turns to her. “Let me take a look.”

Giving Arc the binoculars, he puts them to his eyes and looks ahead.

“Very strange looking mountain.”

Thunderlane frowns. “We thought so too, sir.”

Moon Dancer looks over her console. “It appears to be a large structure carved directly into the cliffside, sir.”

Malevolence grins. “That is… was the old palace.”

Rarity’s eyes light up excitedly. “Palace?!”

“It was built by my great grandfather when he led the demons here from across the sea.”

Ember frowns. “From the Dragon Lands?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Our ancestors came from the west. Where from before that we know not where.”

Scootaloo looks to Twilight. “What’s west of Equestria?”

“Nopony knows. We haven’t actually explored too far that way.”

Pinkie tilts her head to one side, confused. “Why not?!”

Twilight shrugs. “Exploration of uncharted areas isn’t exactly a popular job.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Yeah. After all, nopony’s paying for it.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “I do remember reading in the newspaper a few times in the past about Princess Celestia funding certain exploratory expeditions.”

Fluttershy smiles. “Where to?”

“Sadly I don’t remember. It was just something I saw while scanning the headlines.”

Twilight bows her head. “The exploratory expedition story was just a front. In truth, they were looking for dangerous artifacts.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “How do you know, sugarcube?”

“Because Princess Celestia told me about it.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Some kind of secret organization or something?!”

“Actually, yes.”

Rarity giggles. “Oooo!!! Scandalous!”

Fluttershy appears suddenly nervous. “Should we really be talking about this?”

Pinkie grins. “Why not?! Who would we tell?!”

Ember motions to Hammer. “Uh…”

“I have pretty high security clearance back on Earth, so no worries there.”

Scootaloo shrugs. “The Scarlet Filly won’t tell anypony either.”

Arc frowns. “While I don’t know if I’m supposed to know about this, I am however a bit miffed that no one said anything about this to me when I was Lord Regent.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “What would you have done about it?”

“Probably nothing admittedly.”

Auriel appears confused. “Then what’s the issue?”

Malevolence folds his arms over his chest. “A leader needs to be able to make decisions based on the information they have. If they aren’t made aware of everything it can severely hamper their ability to make the best choices possible.”

Arc turns to Twilight. “So what’s the name of this secret branch?”

Twilight shrugs. “I don’t actually know.”

Ember frowns. “Come on! At least tell Arc!”

“Sadly it’s the truth. What I’ve already said is literally everything I know about it. Well, the last bit would be that they report to and receive their orders directly from Princess Celestia herself. Nopony else outside of their organization is supposed to even know they exist.”

Applejack frowns. “Well I don’t like the idea of these sort of things being” hidden from everypony.

Rainbow Dash stomps the floor angrily. “Applejack’s right! We have a right to know what’s going on!”

Hammer puts a hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Easy there, blue. Maybe there’s a good reason it’s been kept a secret all this time.”

Pinkie nods. “Yeah! After all, they wouldn’t want to announce to everypony that they were on the trail of something really dangerous!”

Fluttershy gasps. “Everypony would be looking too.”

Rarity shudders. “And not just the honest, law-abiding ones.”

Hammer grits her teeth. “If this place is anything like Earth, there’s probably a TON of money that could be made selling things like that on the black market.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Black market?”

Arc nods. “It’s a general term for the buying and selling of illegal stuff.”

Twilight sighs. “While I don’t want to imagine anypony doing something like that, somewhere it has to happen.”

Scootaloo groans. “Okay, I’m going to say it. Do you think that shadowy organization came here and took all the dangerous stuff away, Big Brother?”

“Probably. After all, it wouldn’t do to leave things lying around after relocating the demons to Tartarus.”

Malevolence laughs. “Ha! There’s no way they would have found our vault!”

“Don’t be so sure of that, father. Ponykind is very perceptive.”

Twilight looks to the king. “While Princess Celestia never actually said so, they must have.”

Rainbow Dash tilts her head to one side, confused. “What makes you say that, Twilight?”

“Several of the items in the vault that she showed me were of demon construction.”

Arc frowns. “Could they have been from some other demon culture?”

Auriel shakes her head. “Not likely, as we’re a united race.”

Malevolence puts a claw to his chin thoughtfully. “It is possible that other demons did indeed live outside the city and escaped capture. However without sufficient numbers to keep the population going they most likely would have died off long ago.”

Rarity sighs. “That does make sense.”

Sometime later the ship lands in the clearing. The sun hovers just above the horizon as Twilight looks to the palace and gasps.

“It really is part of the mountain!”

Malevolence grins. “More so than you know, princess.”

Rainbow Dash glares at the king. “And what’s that supposed to mean?!”

“You’ll see when we go inside.”

Pinkie bounces toward the door. “Great! Let’s go!”

Applejack runs in front of her and holds up a hoof. “Now hold on just a second, sugarcube.”

Rainbow Dash flies by. “What’s the holdup? Let’s go.”

Rarity frowns. “In the dark?!”

Fluttershy looks around, clearly frightened. “That and the moon will be rising soon!”

Scootaloo grins. “Yeah. Isn’t that great?”

Rainbow Dash gasps and runs over to Scootaloo. “Can I watch you transform?!”

“If you want to, sure.”

Rainbow Dash squeals happily. “I can’t wait!”

Ember rolls her eyes. “Whatever speeds this along.”

Hammer groans. “What she said.”

Twilight shakes her head. “The palace and grounds will still be there in the morning. Now then, I suggest we all get a good night’s sleep and be ready for exploring tomorrow.”

Sereb nods. “A tired warrior is soon a dead one.”

Auriel sighs. “So close and yet so far.”

Malevolence puts a claw on Auriel’s shoulder. “The princess is right, my dear. There is no need for us to risk our safety exploring our ancestral palace at anything less than full strength.”

“Very well, father. But might we look over the grounds from the Observation Deck?”

“For a time, yes. With Princess Twilight’s permission, of course.”

Twilight motions to Arc. “This is Arc’s ship. He makes the decisions here.”

“It’s fine with me.”

Ember groans. “Aren’t you at least a little concerned that he might, oh I don’t know… ESCAPE?!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Uh… escape to where?”

Scootaloo points a hoof at a nearby window. “We’re currently in the middle of nowhere.”

Malevolence nods. “Indeed. That and I couldn’t leave behind my daughter.”

Auriel giggles as she looks to Arc. “And I’m certainly not going anywhere.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “Well, somepony should still watch Auriel’s dad!”

Hammer chuckles. “Glad to see you’re volunteering, blue.”

“I said SOMEPONY! As in somepony other than me! Besides, I’ve got plans already!”

Ember narrows her eyes. “Doing what?!”

“Watching the Scarlet Filly transform, of course!”

Scootaloo appears confused. “It doesn’t take but a few moments.”

“But then I get to watch you sit there looking COOL, right?!”

“I… guess so.”

Rainbow Dash turns back to the others. “See?! Busy!”

Sereb steps forward. “Then I will remain with the king.”

“I’d kinda like to bask in the moon for a bit. The Observation Deck might just be the best place to do that. Is that okay, Big Brother?”

“Sure. Just don’t stay up too late.”

“I won’t.”

Rarity giggles. “Well then, I guess you ARE watching them, Rainbow Dash.”

“With the Scarlet Filly, yeah!”

She heads for the door with King Malevolence, Auriel, and Scootaloo. Arc turns to Twilight.

“Guess the rest of us should get to bed.”

Applejack yawns. “Darn right. It’s past my bedtime.”

Pinkie bounces around happily. “Not mine!”

Rarity smiles. “Arc’s right. Tomorrow may very well be quite a busy day, after all.”

Hammer frowns. “Hopefully not.”

Ember chuckles. “Getting cold feet now, Hammer?”

“Hardly. Busy means problems and problems mean folks get hurt!”

Arc sighs. “Then we’d better be at our best.”

He turns toward the main window before continuing.

“Just let me get the moon going first.”

Fluttershy gasps. “NO!”

Soarin hurries toward her. “Miss?!”

Arc steps back. “I… guess I can hold off for a few more minutes.”

Applejack puts a hoof around the frightened mare. “Come on, sugarcube. Let’s get you to a suite.”

“Can I go to a room with the drapes closed please?!”

“Fine, fine.”

Applejack and Fluttershy leave as Soarin turns to Arc.

“Everything alright, sir?”

Arc nods. “Yeah. She just has issue with the moon.”

Moon Dancer raises an eyebrow. “Afraid of it?”

Rarity nods sadly. “I suppose we all have our fears. But hers are as numerous as the leaves on a tree.”

Arc turns to Soarin. “Have someone on duty at all times just in case something comes up here or a transmission from Canterlot comes in.”

“Yes sir. We’ll each take two hour shifts.”

“Good. I’ll let you figure out the order.”

Arc and the others leave the Bridge together. Ember turns to Twilight as they catch up to Applejack and Fluttershy.

“You heading to Arc’s quarters?”

Twilight shakes her head. “I don’t think so. After all, I had a turn last time I was aboard.”

Rarity giggles. “Who’s next?”

Hammer raises a hand. “Me, I hope!”

Pinkie frowns as she points a hoof. “Applejack hasn’t had a turn yet! How about her?!”

Applejack blushes. “Wha?!”

Ember appears confused. “You okay?”

“F-fine! Why do you ask?!”

“You look like you just swallowed your tongue, for starters.”

Arc clears his throat loudly. “I think she’s just tired. Would you like this suite, Applejack?”

“Thank you, I would.”

She walks over to the door and opens it as the others pass.

“Goodnight everypony.”

Twilight steps toward her. “Applejack?”

“You wanna bunk together?”


She steps aside to let Twilight enter the room before turning to Arc. He smiles and winks at her. Applejack returns the smile and mouths the words ‘thank you’ before closing the door behind her. Ember looks to Arc.

“I’m gonna head to the Cafeteria for a bit of a midnight snack. You wanna join me, Pinkie?”

“Sure! I love snacks! Let’s go!”

They leave together as Arc comes to his quarters. Rarity turns to him.



“Might I make a bit of a request of you?”

“What is it?”

“May I sleep with you tonight?”

“Sure. I’d like that.”

Hammer sighs. “Well, I guess I’ll let you two get to it then.”

Rarity turns to the young woman. “Would you like join us, Miss Hammer.”


Arc shrugs. “The bed is certainly big enough.”

Hammer smiles. “I… I’d like that, yes.”

Rarity motions to the door. “Then let’s get into bed and get comfortable, shall we?”

Entering the room, Arc heads for the bathroom.

“I’m going to get changed. There’s some night clothes in the drawer over there, Hammer.”

Hammer grins mischievously. “Clothes? Whatever for?”

Arc rolls his eyes. “You know why.”

Hammer shrugs. “Can’t blame a gal for trying.”

Entering the bathroom, Arc removes his clothes and tosses them into the hamper. Pulling out shorts and a t-shirt he dresses and walks over to the sink to peer into the mirror. Chuckling, he muses to himself.

“Never thought I’d be looking at myself BEFORE going to bed.”

Splashing water on his face, Arc sighs.

“I really have changed since coming here. The old me would never have had the courage to get into bed with someone like Hammer. Much less an individual as beautiful as Rarity. To say nothing about doing both of those things at the same time.”

He dries his face with a towel before continuing.

“Back on Earth I used to wonder what my future wife would be like. Or if I would ever be able to find one at all.”

Putting a hand to his face, he continues staring into the mirror.

“Now I have so many whom want to spend their lives with me. The previous problem seems almost laughable at this point.”

Groaning, he chuckles.

“And now I’m monologuing.”

Shaking his head, he turns toward the door. Opening it he spots Rarity lying on the edge of the bed. Hammer however is bending over as she slowly pulls a pair of shorts up over her knees. Hearing the door open she turns and looks over her shoulder with a sly grin on her face.

“Hey there, Arc. You didn’t take quite as long as I thought you would.”

Arc chuckles as he closes the door. “Oh really? Because I thought I gave you PLENTY of time.”

“I must’ve been dawdling then as I thought of you.”

Rarity giggles from the bed. “She’s been standing there like that pretty much since you went in to the bathroom, Arc.”

Hammer quickly pulls up the shorts. “Rarity?!”

Arc smiles at her. “I figured as much.”

Hammer slaps her backside. “Well how else was I supposed to show off this body?!”

Rarity smiles. “She does have a point, Arc.”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “Yes, take it from the one whom doesn’t wear clothes.”

Arc groans. “It sounds bad when you say it like that, Hammer.”

Hammer walks over to Arc and latches onto his arm. Leading him over to the bed, she lies down with him. Rarity takes her place on one side with Hammer on the other. Gently pushing him down onto his back, she lays down and presses her body against his as Rarity pulls the covers over them. Snuggling up to him, Rarity also presses herself to his side and sighs contentedly. Arc turns off the lights with his magic, plunging the room into near darkness. Hammer looks toward the light spilling through the window.

“Uh… think you forgot something, Arc.”

“Oh… right!”

Getting up, he walks over to the window and looks out at the sun. With a wave of his hand it lowers. Gesturing with his other hand the moon peeks out over the horizon. Looking at it for a moment he turns back to the pair on the bed as Hammer leans over and switches on the bedside lamp.

“I gotta say, that’s hot!”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “What is?”

“You doing the sun and moon thing.”

“I don’t understand how.”

Rarity smiles at him. “Believe me, she’s right.”

Arc sits down on the side of the bed and sighs as he turns to Hammer. “Can you explain it to me?”

“How you’re magic is hot?”


“It’s… complicated.”

Rarity giggles. “I don’t think it is.”

“Then you tell me, Rarity.”

“Alright then.”

She takes a deep breath before continuing.

“It’s not exactly the power as much as what you do with it.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Think about it this way. You could certainly use your magical might to overthrow the monarchy and move to topple the rest of the world’s governments. In doing so you’d become emperor overnight.”

Hammer grins. “But instead you choose to use your power to help others.”

Rarity nods. “And protect everypony.”

“That too.”

Rarity stands and walks over to him across the bedsheets. “A stallion whom can protect those he cares about is quite a catch, after all.”

Hammer looks him over and grins. “That and you do have a nice body.”

“Thanks… I think.”

Hammer smiles as she puts a hand on his leg. “Trust me, it was a compliment.”

She turns to Rarity before continuing.

“But I do have to ask one thing of you. Why did you want me here?”

“I had a feeling there was something you wanted to say.”

“How’d you know?”


Arc raises an eyebrow. “Hammer?”

“I just… wanted to know something, Arc.”

“What would that be?”

“Are you… are you attracted to Rarity and her friends?”

Arc nods. “Yes, I am. Is that a problem?”

“I don’t know. But that was only half my question.”


“Are you… going to have sex with them at some point?”

“Not anytime soon, no. But at some point yes. That is as long as we both want it.”

“I’m having some trouble wrapping my brain around that.”

Rarity points a hoof at Arc and herself. “He’s a stallion and I’m a mare. That’s how it works.”

Hammer shakes her head. “No, no. I mean… you’re beautiful and all, Rarity, but… I just can’t imagine Arc… penetrating you.”

“I can.”

Arc turns to her. “To be honest with you, Hammer, I’ve had several talks with Canterlot’s Royal Physician about this very subject.”

Rarity appears surprised. “You have?”

Hammer grins. “What did he say?”

“Well, he took some measurements of my… you know, and compared it to data on the average mare’s insides.”

Rarity appears hopeful. “And…?!”

“He says sex without causing damage to you is totally possible, yes.”

Hammer smiles. “I’m glad that you did that, Arc. But… I’m still uncertain about you having sex with an… um… you know.”

Rarity looks to Hammer evenly. “An animal?”

Hammer turns away. “I’m sorry! That was rude of me to even bring up!”

“Well, I suppose Arc is an animal to us too. But my friends and I are fully committed to sexual intimacy with him.”

Hammer grimaces. “Could Arc himself be hurt though?”

Arc sighs. “That was another question I had for Doctor Whooves. He said that as long as the mare didn’t start flailing her hooves everywhere that I’d be okay.”

He pulls a book from his ring and opens it to a certain page before holding it out for the pair to examine. Hammer appears confused.

“What’s this?”

Rarity blushes heavily. “It’s… um… the Pony Sutra. A visual representation of various sexual positions.”

Arc nods and points. “See this picture here. It’s known as the standard mounting position.”

Hammer looks the page over. “Kinda reminds me of doggy style.”

“It is, yes. The doctor told me to stick to this until the mare in question was certain she would be able to handle human… anatomy. All the other positions were a bit too dangerous to start with. For both of us, I mean.”

Hammer sighs. “Well, if you’re okay with it, then so am I.”

Rarity smiles and blushes. “And I’m ready to go when you are, Arc.”

“Um… thanks. But were a bit too busy for things like that at the moment.”

Hammer looks at the clock. “Should we get some sleep now?”

Rarity sighs. “It’s probably for the best.”

Arc nods as he puts the book back in his ring. “Agreed.”

Lying back down, Hammer moves to turn off the light as Rarity snuggles up to Arc again. She lies there with her hand resting on the switch, unmoving. Arc looks to her, confused.

“Something wrong, Hammer?”

“I… was just thinking about a few things.”

Rarity looks over. “Oh?”

Arc frowns. “Such as…?”

“Pony anatomy.”

Arc pats his ring. “According to what I read in that book their internal organs work about the same as a human’s would.”

“That’s not what I meant.”

Rarity appears confused. “Then what…?”

Hammer interrupts her. “Can I look you over, Rarity?”

“Yes, I suppose.”

Arc sits up with his back to the headboard. Rarity steps over him and sits down in his lap as Hammer turns to face her.

“Um… now feel free to say no to this if you want, but…”

Hammer leans forward and whispers something in Rarity’s ear. She appears genuinely surprised as she speaks.

“You want to do… that?”

Hammer nods. “Yeah. I mean, if it’s okay with you.”

“I… suppose it would be okay. Go ahead.”

Hammer takes a deep breath and looks Rarity in the eye. Slowly she raises her hands to the side of Rarity’s head. Gritting her teeth, the young woman squeezes her eyes shut and moves her fingers the last few inches. Resting them on Rarity’s ears she slowly strokes them. Arc raises an eyebrow, confused.

“Um… Hammer? What are you doing?”

“Feeling Rarity’s ears.”


Hammer blushes and looks away. “Because I’ve wanted to do that ever since I saw your pony friends!”

Rarity smiles. “And how do they feel?”

“Soft and supple. Just like I thought they would.”

Rarity giggles. “Careful now. That tickles!”

Hammer grins. “You gotta try this, Arc!”

“Feeling pony ears?”


“But I’ve felt them before.”

Hammer laughs. “And what do they feel like to you?”

“I’d… rather not say.”

Rarity appears confused. “Arc?”

“It’s kinda rude.”

“Please tell me. I promise I won’t be upset.”

Arc sighs. “Okay… pony ears feel like… dog ears to me.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her ear. “They do?”

Hammer nods as she continues rubbing. “Sure does. I just thought it was too awkward to ask before, so I didn’t say anything.”

Arc chuckles. “So what changed?”

“I realized that Rarity here was just like a human inasmuch as she was concerned for my personal needs.”


“Isn’t that why you invited me in here?”

“I suppose it was. But I didn’t think it would lead to such a strange looking endeavor.”

Arc chuckles. “Maybe we should get to sleep now then. After all, we have a busy day tomorrow.”

Hammer nods as she lays back down. “That’s true.”

Rarity giggles as she steps back to lie on Arc’s other side. “Yes, well… I’m just glad you were able sate your curiosity.”

“Thanks. I really do appreciate it.”

Hammer shuts off the light, plunging the room back into darkness. For a few minutes there is only the sound of their breathing. Eventually Rarity calls out.



“Am I… still going to be the first?”

“Yes, Rarity.”

Hammer looks over. “First what?”

“To be bred by Arc.”

“For such a high society mare you’re awful nonchalant about that.”

Rarity giggles as she winks at Hammer over Arc’s shoulder. “What can I say? The heart wants what it wants.”

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