• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 1 - Planning Stage

For a moment no one speaks. Arc just stares at Maria as he tries to compose himself.

“So… you’re telling me that Doctor Rieper, the same person whom experimented on The Shards and presumably Frank… is actually Shelly’s father?!”

Maria nods. “That’s exactly what I’m saying."

Auriel gasps. “But how could he DO that to her?!”

“I don’t know the specifics. However I’m absolutely certain that in the report I was reading he referred to her as such.”

Arc puts his face in his hands and groans. “That just… doesn’t make any sense. Rieper and Shelly…”

Maria interrupts him. “And now it is MY turn to remind you to stick to the matter at hand. How to help her.”

Arc sighs. “It’s probably already too late. Shelly’s lying in a hospital bed as we speak.”

Maria nods as she holds up the papers. “Yes, her organs are indeed failing. But now we need to find out why.”

“Officially she’s patient zero of an unknown disease.”

Arc Looks to Maria coldly before continuing.

“That is, unless you know something about this that I don’t.”

“Sadly, no. But we can change that.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “Mother?”

Maria pats the stack of papers as she speaks. “These only tell the official story of what treatments Shelly underwent. What I need to know is the full story in order to fill in the holes.”

“Where would we find such a thing though, mother?”

Arc clenches a fist. “Damocles Base.”


“Think about it, Auriel. Your mother saw the files on Rieper’s computer in his lab all those years ago. There’s no way he’d just discard them.”

Maria nods. “Not if he had even the slightest idea that the data might be valuable. Heck, even if they didn’t I bet Rieper would have them squirreled away somewhere.”

“Why’s that, mother?”

“Because the pompous fool just can’t let anything go. He’s a packrat for information and data. Which I might add is going to work to our advantage.”

Arc smirks. “I think I see where this is going.”

“You need to get me that information.”

“But... but mother! Damocles Base is a veritable FORTRESS!”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “More so after we embarrassed them so badly escaping. But I don’t really know how we’d get back in now.”

“Well, if you want to help Shelly you’ll need to find a way.”

Auriel nods soberly. “We will.”

Arc turns to her. “Woah there! What do you mean ‘we’, Auriel?!”

“I can help you! Remember, I do look like Diva in my human form!”

“But this time it’ll be ten times as dangerous!”

“And how dangerous is it for Shelly to stay as she is?!”

Arc groans. “I… I’m not going to be able to talk you out of this, am I?”


“Well… we can head back to my place on Earth and try talking it over with the guys. Maybe we can come up with something if we put our heads together.”

“Alright. Would you please give me a few minutes to go get my father first though? He can come back here and take care of mother.”

“I’ll be fine, dear.”

Auriel shakes her head. “Not until Doctor Whooves say so you’re not.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“Would you please stay with her while I fetch father, Arc?”

“Oh! Um… sure.”

Auriel stands up and hurries to the door. “I’ll be back as soon as I can!”

Leaving the room, Auriel hurries down the corridor. Arc turns back to Maria.

“So… um… I’m not sure what Auriel’s told you about… uh… her future, but…”

Maria cuts him off. “You mean that so-called herd?”


“She told me all about it, yes.”

“I know that isn’t how things are done back on Earth. But…”

Maria folds her hands on the table in front of her and looks him in the eye. “Arc, I’m a scientist. A woman of reason, logic, and above all… facts.”

“Not sure if you’re for or against this now.”

“Neither actually.”

“I don’t quite follow your reasoning.”

“Rule number one of experimentation. Don’t go into anything with preconceived notions. It’ll just adulterate the process.”

“So you have an open mind then?”

“Think of it more like me giving you the benefit of the doubt.”

“I’ll take it.”

Maria frowns at him. “But know this. If you hurt Auriel in any way, her father will have your head.”

“Yeah… he’s already tried.”

Maria raises an eyebrow. “Has he now?”

“A couple times actually.”

“He and Auriel left that part out.”

“Really? King Malevolence maybe, but I can’t see Auriel skipping over something like that.”

Maria looks away nervously. “Well… I may have only been half listening at the time.”

She puts a hand on the papers before continuing.

“Work, and all.”

“You’re definitely Auriel’s mom.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“She’s just like you in that regard. Very hard working.”

“That’s what my husband tells me. But would you do me one favor, Arc?”

“What is it?”

“Please watch over Auriel for me. While I can’t actually force her to stay…”

Arc interrupts her. “I’ll bring her back safely.”

“Thank you.”

“But I do have more questions about…”

Maria holds up a hand for silence. “Get the files we talked about and then we can talk more.”

“Why all the mystery though? I mean, it would have been helpful if I had known more about…”

“Would it now? Tell me, how would knowing whom Shelly’s father was have affected your opinion about the infiltration of the hospital?”

“It wouldn’t have. While I’m not happy about this, I still would have done it.”

“But it would have been in the back of your mind. Perhaps been a distraction.”

“What are you getting at?”

“Like I said earlier about keeping an open mind, Arc. It’s easier to do so if the biased information isn’t there at all versus trying to look past it.”

“Maybe. But I don’t like being led around on a leash.”

“Tell you what. If you get me what I need then I’ll tell you everything I know about anything regarding The Organization as well as the experiments they undertook while I was there.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “You’d betray them just like that?”

Maria sighs. “In truth they were the ones whom betrayed the cause. I joined them to make the world a better place. But in my absence all they’ve done is cause harm and manipulate others. At least that’s what my daughter tells me.”

“She’s not wrong.”

“Then I ask you this. Who is doing the right thing here? Them… or me?”

Arc nods and heads for the door as Auriel enters the room with her father.

“I’ll get you what you need.”

Later that day Arc and Auriel sit in his basement around the table along with the squad. Max is the first to speak.

“We did as you ordered and scouted out Damocles Base from the road like you said, sir.”

Viktor grimaces. “That place is just… wow!”

Hugh shudders. “I’ve never seen so many stationary gun emplacements before.”

Xenos looks to Arc. “Hopefully your scouting trip from the shore went better, sir.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not in the least.”

Auriel frowns. “I flew up to get a better view from a tree. Saw the same guns you did from the road. Even a few aimed at the sky.”

Max sighs. “Not getting in from the air or road, sir.”

Viktor groans. “Probably not through the underground entrance either.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Right. Hammer told me awhile back that they sealed that one up permanently.”

Auriel nods soberly. “It seems to me that as it stands there’s only one way to do this.”

Hugh turns to her, confused. “How?”

“By invitation.”

Viktor gasps. “Are you nuts, miss?!”

Xenos rolls his eyes. “Yeah! They couldn’t even call for us if they wanted to!”

Arc frowns. “I hope you’re not suggesting what I think you are, Auriel.”

“Remember, I do look like Diva. And no one over there is going to question me. Well, her.”

Max shakes his head. “It stands to reason that after the last time they would be more careful against infiltrators.”

Hugh looks to Auriel. “And if that fails they’d just take you prisoner.”

Viktor sighs. “No way you could get away at that point.”

Xenos makes a pistol with his thumb and forefinger. “Yeah. No cover and you’d be in their crosshairs the entire time.”

Arc nods. “Too dangerous as it stands.”

Auriel turns to Arc. “I’d still be willing to risk it though.”

Arc slams his palms down on the table as he speaks. “Well, I’m not!”

“But, Arc…!”

“You’re far too valuable to risk in such a manner!”

Auriel frowns. “Because I’m a princess?!”

“Because of how I feel about you!”

There is a stunned silence which no one immediately tries to break. Eventually Arc sighs as he speaks again.

“Look, I’m sorry for blowing up like that, Auriel. But I really don’t want to risk losing you.”

“And I don’t want you doing this either, Arc. However Shelly doesn’t time for us to come up with something better.”

Hugh raises a hand sheepishly. “Begging your pardon, miss. But Equestria does still need both of you.”

Xenos nods soberly. “Yeah. In reality, neither of you should be doing this.”

Viktor smiles. “That’s why we’re doing our best to figure something slightly less dangerous out.”

Max snaps his fingers. “Sir, might I make a suggestion?”

“Go ahead.”

“We know that Auriel could fool the guards with her appearance and a uniform.”

Auriel giggles. “That and I’ve been practicing imitating Diva. Well, what I imagine she’s like anyways.”

Hugh shakes his head. “But we’ve already ruled out that it’s too dangerous for her to just walk up there and…”

Max cuts him off. “Not it we make it look official.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “How though?”

“We could steal one of the police’s SUVs and pretend to be escorting a suspected trespasser to the base as per our fake Diva’s orders.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Go in as a captive?”

Max raises a hand. “I’d volunteer to be a prisoner while Xenos drives. He looks the most military of the four of us.”

Xenos flexes his muscles. “I never miss arm day.”

Viktor chuckles. “Or leg day.”

“Hey, just because you pansies get tired after an hour of working out doesn’t mean…!”

Hugh interrupts him. “Viktor and I could be sitting on either side of him as extra guards.”

Auriel nods. “And I’d be in the front passenger seat.”

Arc chuckles. “And I suppose you’d hide me in the back seat?”

Max shrugs. “I haven’t actually figured out what your part would be, sir.”

Viktor sighs. “Considering his importance, I think the commander should stay here.”

Arc frowns. “That’s not happening.”

Hugh groans. “Sir…”

“If you guys are going to risk your necks I’ll want be right there just in case something goes wrong.”

Auriel looks around the table. “Okay, so let’s talk about the first issue. How to get one of those vehicles.”

Viktor smirks. “There’s lots of them at the Police Station.”

Hugh rolls his eyes. “Yes, and they have a sign out sheet right out front next to the keys.”

Xenos grabs an imaginary steering wheel. “We could just grab one and floor it!”

Arc shakes his head. “You’d never outrun a radio.”

“What, sir?”

Max sighs. “I believe what the commander means is that all they’d have to do is put out a call on the radio with the vehicle number.”

Arc nods. “And the moment one of them saw us they’d call it in.”

Hugh nods soberly. “Next thing you know every one of them would come running. Well, driving.”

Auriel puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “The vehicle idea IS a good one though. We just need to acquire one legitimately.”

Xenos chuckles. “How? By asking nicely?”

Auriel nods. “Actually, yes.”

Xenos turns to her, confused. “I’m sorry, what?”

“I could use my position of authority in the military to order one be lent to us.”

Max looks to Arc. “Does a Colonel in the military have the authority to do that, sir?”

“Usually, no. They would generally call the nearest base for pickup, or something.”

Viktor pipes up. “But the police are still driving around in those big SUVs, sir.”

Hugh sighs. “So it looks like the general is still controlling the gua… law enforcement here.”

Xenos frowns. “Yeah. But we should probably find out for sure first.”

Max looks to his commanding officer. “Aren’t you friends with the Marshal here, sir?”

“Yes, Marshal Raynor is a good family friend of mine. But I can’t just ask him if the military is still pulling the strings down at the station. It’d look suspicious.”

Auriel smiles. “We could drive by the station and maybe even head inside to scope it out.”

Xenos snaps a finger. “Yeah. Even think up a couple questions to ask the person at the desk, or something.”

Viktor nods. “I’d be willing to go with Xenos, sir. Maybe even ask a few questions of my own to give us more time inside.”

Max turns to him. “That’s a sound plan. Sir?”

“It’s safe as safe can be, yes. That part’s approved.”

Auriel grins. “Now then, assuming the military is still calling the shots with them we could work with that. After all, in an official vehicle we’d look even more believable.”

Hugh shrugs. “That and with ‘Colonel Diva’ in the front seat they won’t ask too many questions.”

Viktor appears hopeful. “And aren’t those things supposed to be bulletproof?”

Xenos rubs his palms together. “Yeah. And have REALLY powerful engines too!”

Max shrugs. “I can’t imagine us being safer than that, sir. Well, other than driving up in a literal tank.”

Auriel raises an eyebrow. “Is that an option?”

Viktor looks to Arc. “We could borrow Hammer’s Charger. Well, one of them anyways.”

“That’s out. They’d ask WAY too many questions. Starting with how we got something that was taken by someone who is currently A.W.O.L. and at-large.”

Auriel appears hopeful. “How about the earlier vehicle idea then, Arc?”

“Well… I suppose that’d be the safest way to get in while at the same time looking the most legit.”

Max smirks. “And it’d give us a chance at escape if things didn’t go our way.”

Auriel pulls out her mother’s badge and grins wickedly. “I’d just flash this with my finger over the picture and they wouldn’t say another word.”

Xenos chuckles. “Probably couldn’t get that gate open fast enough!”

Arc nods soberly. “Alright. Let’s say we get that far and they let us into the base. What then?”

Hugh shrugs. “We find the files we need and leave. Mission complete, right?”

Max rolls his eyes. “There’s going to be a lot of ‘in between’ though, right?”

“Naturally. I’m just hoping it’s that simple.”

Viktor groans. “We can’t count on that, so we’ll need a plan.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “Right. It’s not likely Rieper’s just leaving that data lying around. After all, it wasn’t on his laptop that we took.”

Auriel frowns. “So where would we look, Arc?”

“Someplace really secure.”

Hugh grimaces. “Like the vault?”

“Probably not that secure.”

Viktor nods. “After all, what good is data if you can’t readily access it when you need to?”

Xenos smirks. “So he has to keep it within arm’s reach.”

Auriel grins. “A safe of some kind?”

Max shrugs. “Or in his quarters.”

Hugh chuckles. “How about a safe IN his quarters?”

Arc nods. “All plausible, yes.”

Auriel raises a hand. “Crazy idea here. Could we maybe get to this Rieper individual and somehow force them to just tell us?”

Max shakes his head. “There’s no way he would give up data that important.”

Xenos cracks his knuckles. “Yeah. Not without certain… physical convincing.”

Hugh grins. “So we hurt him?”

Viktor looks around the table. “How?”

Auriel smiles wickedly. “I’d be willing to break his fingers one by one.”

Arc facepalms. “That’s a bit extreme, Auriel.”

“Do you think so? I did tame it down in my head from the first idea before I said it.”

Max turns to her nervously. “Dare I ask what your original plan was?”

“Biting them off.”

Hugh shudders. “Well thank you for not leading with that.”

“I’m still willing to do it though.”

Arc sighs. “Please don’t, Auriel.”

Xenos chuckles. “She does bring up a good idea though, sir.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “The biting part?”

“I meant doing whatever it takes to force Rieper to give up the information.”

Arc shakes his head. “Well I think it’s too big a risk. If he feels threatened Rieper might just clam up about everything.”

Max nods. “That and we’re not sadists.”

“I wouldn’t go that far, Max.”


“Believe me, I’ve done a few… over the top things to certain individuals in the past.”

Auriel turns to him, surprised. “Arc?”

“Next time you see Ember, ask her how Decimus died when he attacked Canterlot Castle a while back.”

“Why? What…?”

“Trust me. She tells it better.”

Xenos appears hopeful. “I wouldn’t mind hearing about…”

Arc interrupts him. “Talk to her then.”

“Yes sir.”

Max clears his throat loudly. “In any case… we still need a plan to get, or at the very least locate, the information in question.”

Hugh motions to Auriel. “We’ll still have our Diva impersonator. Couldn’t she just order Rieper to hand over what she wants?”

Viktor nods. “Might work.”

Xenos sighs. “But then again it might not. Remember, we don’t actually know how the power structure works over there.”

Auriel grins. “You forget that I’m a Colonel! Well, Diva is.”

Arc puts a hand on Auriel’s shoulder. “True. However for all we know Rieper might actually be superior to Diva as the head of their research division.”

“Then how about your Crimson abilities, Arc?”

“Which one?”

“Mental domination. Could you force him to give you the information somewhat willingly?”

Max nods approvingly. “That might work.”

Xenos groans. “Only if he doesn’t remember what happened afterwards.”

Viktor turns to Arc. “Is that an option, sir?”

“Maybe. However it works best on individuals with less mental fortitude.”

Hugh frowns. “What does that mean, sir?”

Auriel grins. “I believe what Arc is trying to say is that it’s a tool more suited to idiots.”

“Something like that. When I mesmerized ponies in the past I found that messengers for the gangs around Dodge Junction were considered easy pickings. However when Scootaloo and I tried to mesmerize a nurse it took some time. She almost had a chance to call for help.”

Max shudders. “And Rieper is certainly smarter than a nurse would be. Logically speaking, of course.”

Arc nods. “Yes, I wouldn’t be surprised if he were able to resist such a thing completely.”

Auriel sighs. “I hate to say it, but we might have to just wing that part of the mission.”

Xenos frowns. “Not a good idea there.”

Hugh looks to Arc. “While we don’t have a concrete plan, just going in and hoping for the best would make the careful planning that got us inside moot if things went wrong.”

“Exactly. And it’s not like we could just call for help either. Once we go down there, that’s it. It’s success or bust.”

Auriel clenches a fist. “But we HAVE to get that data! Shelly’s life is at stake here!”

Arc sighs. “I know that, Auriel. However I’m not going to risk others to help her.”

Max salutes. “Sir, I’d be willing to take that risk.”


“I know that Shelly and I splitting up was a rough time for both her and I. “

Hugh groans. “She didn’t believe your honest confession of you being from another world.”

“But even so I’m still grateful for the time she and I spent together.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “How, Max?”

“She showed me things that I’d never known before. A smile that made me woozy. A laugh that made me weak in the knees. And even the feeling of anxiety when she wasn’t doing well.”

Xenos grins slyly. “Sounds like you still miss her.”

“I do, yes. However even through all the pain of losing her I still wouldn’t trade the time we spent together for anything in either world. That’s why I want to help her in any way that I can.”

Arc nods. “Very admirable, Max. That and I think you’ve just given me the inspiration we need to get that data from Rieper.”

Auriel appears surprised. “He has?”


Viktor grins. “What is it, sir?”

“I’ll explain the full plan over lunch. We can talk it over, tweak it, and then work on a timetable for implementation. But now I’d like Xenos, Hugh, and Viktor to start cooking while Max and I have a bit of a private chat.”

They nod and stand. As the trio heads for the stairs Auriel turns to Arc.

“I’ll give them a hand.”

“Alright. I won’t be long.”

She follows the others upstairs and closes the door. Arc turns to Max.

“I think you know what I’m going to say.”

“Yes sir. Please forgive me for not saying anything sooner. But you’ve been so busy lately that I…”

Arc interrupts him. “While that is true, I don’t think it would have taken more than five seconds to say something.”

Max sighs. “I know, sir. Are you mad?”

“Not really. Truthfully, had you told me about this from the start I would have gladly approved it. So that leads me to the question I now pose to you.”

Pausing, Arc looks Max in the eye before continuing.

“Why did you do it, Max?”

Max bows his head. “Because I was afraid you would say ‘no’. That and I was worried about her.”

Arc nods as he stands. “Then let’s have a look, shall we?”

Max follows Arc over to the computer. Sitting down, he double clicks on an icon to start a program. A moment later a window opens with a video feed of Shelly’s room displayed. Arc presses a few buttons and the picture turns to the head of the bed.

“Looks like she’s sleeping.”

Max nods. “It’s probably the best thing for her right now.”

“Most likely. However… I don’t think I could easily do that were I in her position.”


“If I knew my end was near I’d probably be doing everything in my power to stay awake and see my loved ones.”

“Not Shelly, sir.”

“Yes. She’s doing her very best to distance herself from us.”

Max gasps. “But why?”

Arc sighs. “To make it easier for all of us when she passes. Frank and his guys have already taken over the day to day activities of running her restaurant. That and she still thinks I’m busy with my cousin and daughter. Shelly hasn’t actually asked me to come and visit pretty much since she was hospitalized for that reason.”

“And Miss Lily?”

Arc turns the camera to focus on the young woman sitting in a nearby chair dozing. “She made a promise to Shelly years ago to stay by her side no matter what. Shelly never forgot that and always did her best to reciprocate that mentality.”

Zooming out, Arc sighs and looks at the sleeping women for a few moments before speaking again.

“I’ve already assured Shelly that I’ll see to it that Lily is provided for should things go wrong for her, and I meant that.”

“Yes sir. I’d do that for her too in honor of Shelly.”

“Well, all we can do now is our best.”

“And we will.”

Arc stands. “Yes. I don’t want to have any regrets stemming from this matter. However I think I’ll give you some time alone now.”


“I know you’d like to see Shelly again. But this is the best that can be done as it stands.”

Max nods. “Yes sir. Thank you.”

“You are free to use this equipment to watch over Shelly and Lily during your free time. I only ask that you avert your eyes whenever Shelly is being examined, bathed, or her hospital gown changed.”

Max salutes. “You have my word, sir.”

Arc nods and heads upstairs as Max sits down and zooms in on Shelly’s face. Smiling, he gazes at her for a long moment before speaking softly.

“We’ll help you, Shelly. No matter the cost… no matter the risk.”

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