• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 15 - Nailed

Arc and company run down the corridor together. Rose comes to a corner and motions for the others to stop as Arc hurries to her side.

“What is it?”

“Significant enemy troops are down this corridor.”

Auriel groans. “Great. Now what?!”

Max looks to Arc. “We could go around, but that’ll take time!”

Xenos clutches his spear tightly. “Yeah. And who’s to say that way will be clear?”

Hugh frowns. “It’s quite the gamble, sir.”

Viktor nods. “Your orders, commander?”

Sereb bears his teeth. “Let’s rush straight through!”

Arc looks behind him at the beleaguered Shards.

“These guys won’t make it much further. I hate to say it, but…”

Snake knocks his fists together. “Then we waste these tin cans!”

Wolf grins. “We’ll show em what happens when you mess with the Shards!”

Jackal frowns. “Yeah! They bad robots anyways!”

Arc turns to Auriel. “What do you think?”

“You’re asking me?!”


“I think we need more information. There was a terminal in that last office we passed.”

Sereb grins. “Maybe it can tell us something useful.”

Arc nods. “Worth a shot! Try it, Auriel!”

Viktor takes up a defensive position. “We’ll cover you!”

Auriel runs into the room and sits down at the keyboard. A few moments later she groans.

“The security camera feeds show a large force a few corridors past the initial vanguard!”

Arc calls out. “Is there a better way?!”

Auriel shakes her head. “No! They’ve take up positions just outside the Maintenance Bay!”

Hugh looks to Rose. “They must know about our escape route.”

“Most likely. It’s also possible that they’ve now sealed that route out of the base.”

“That would make sense.”

Snake grunts. “Then let’s ditch that way and find another path!”

Sereb shakes his head. “We cannot.”

Auriel returns to the group. “Right. We left someone very important there.”

She turns to Arc before continuing.

“But I think we can take the first group with proper planning.”

Viktor grins. “And a good first strike!”

Max nods. “That too.”

Arc takes a deep breath. “Alright, follow me.”

Xenos sounds hopeful. “You got a plan, sir?”

“Not exactly the best one, but yes.”

A short time later a dog with a satchel in its mouth approaches the platoon lying in wait. He spots the commander and walks over to him. Whining he drops the bag in front of the android and runs back the way he came. Stooping down the leader opens it to see a large stack of hastily assorted files. As he slowly goes through the bag Sereb returns to Arc’s side.

“Package delivered.”

Snake turns to Arc. “Now what?”

“Everyone, put your fingers in your ears.”

Jackal looks confused. “What for?”

“Trust me.”

As the others do so, Arc pulls a small handheld device out of his ring. Turning it on he presses a few buttons as a green light comes on. Meanwhile, the android reaches the bottom of the bag. He stares confused at a couple large brick-like objects at the bottom. As Arc presses one final button on the device an ear splitting roar rings out as shrapnel and various other detritus flies past them. Grinning, Arc stashes the device in his ring as he motions for the others to follow him. Hugh laughs.

“Gotta love Equestrian detonators!”

Xenos grins as they pass what’s left of the androids. “At least they went out with a bang!”

Meanwhile, the explosion rocks the floor slightly as Celestia raises her head and tries to looks around.


Ember shakes her head and strokes the injured alicorn’s back gently. “It’s okay. That was just one of Arc’s backup plans.”


“Don’t worry. We’re still safe.”


Ember sighs. “They’ll be back soon, alright? Then we can get you out of here for good.”


Meanwhile, Arc and his group come to another corner and stop. Auriel turns to Arc.

“The Maintenance Bay doors are right through here!”

Rose nods. “Yes. But so is that larger force.”

Max turns to Rose. “What are our chances of taking them on successfully?”

“As it stands?”

Xenos frowns. “Yeah.”

“You don’t want to know.”

Hugh grimaces. “We kinda do.”

Viktor gulps. “I don’t anymore.”

Arc looks to Rose. “What if we started our attack with a diversion?”

“It would have to be a pretty good one to even these odds.”

Arc grins. “One localized diversion coming up.”

Reaching into his ring he pulls out a crate. Opening it he turns to the others.

“Xenos, you and Rose have the best throwing arms here. Get ready.”

Snake looks confused. “Uh… what are those?”

Viktor smiles with evident pride. “Grenades.”

Wolf stumbles back. “WHAT?!”

Jackal scratches his head. “They don’t look anything like the ones on TV.”

Auriel grins. “I would hope not. These are literally out of this world.”

Xenos picks up an Equestrian grenade. “That and they pack more punch than anything this world has.”

Rose nods as she takes two of them. “Ready when you are, Hero.”

Arc pulls the detonator from his ring again. “One moment. I think our diversion… needs its own diversion.”

Hugh narrows his eyes. “Really, sir?”

Max shrugs. “We need all the help we can get.”

Arc turns to everyone and points to the device. “As soon as I set the charges off on the other side of the base the guards should turn toward the noise. Then we’ll throw the grenades around the corner. After they blow up, we rush in and finish off anything left in there ourselves. Got it?”

The Shards grin in affirmation. Arc looks to Xenos and Rose as they nod as well. Pressing a few buttons he looks around. Sitting, Arc presses his back against the wall.

“Everyone down.”

Pressing the button, the entire base shakes literally knocking the androids off their feet. Xenos and Rose lean over and throw their grenades. As they explode Arc jumps up and turns to the others.


Everyone gets to their feet and runs down the corridor with Arc. Meanwhile, General Mustang sits in his quarters watching the video feed.

“Very good. Very good indeed, son. You and your little friends may get out of this one yet.”

A moan can be heard behind him as Diva sits up.

“What the…? General?”

“You’re awake. And here I thought you could sleep through anything.”

She stands and walks groggily toward the general and his monitors.

“What was that explosion?”

“Arc just blew up the base’s emergency generators.”

Diva appears confused. “Then why are the lights still on?”

“Because we’re still on the power grid.”

“Why did he…?”

Her eyes grow wide as she spots Arc and the others rushing toward the Maintenance Bay with the Shards.

“How did THEY get out?!”

“One of Arc’s friends lured Doctor Rieper out of his quarters and over to the lab.”

“They forced him to release the prisoners?!”

Mustang shakes his head. “Oh, no. They knocked him out and took his keycard. With that it was a simple task to override the protocols and dump the tanks.”

Diva reaches out a hand. She pulls her uniform and boots to herself as she grimaces. “I’ll head over there and take care of that menace once and for…!”

She stops suddenly as Mustang grabs her arm and pulls her into his lap.

“There’s no need for that. After all, what will happen will happen.”

Diva smiles as she leans into him. “I… suppose that’s true. But I should probably get over to the vault and see to it the Secret stays safe.”

“He already has the horse.”


Mustang shrugs. “She’s of no more use to us as it is. Truthfully, I was going to dispose of her soon anyways.”

“But what about…?!”

“We have everything we need from her, my dear. Come now. Don’t you trust me?”

Diva smiles meekly. “I… do. It’s just that… we’re losing the Secret along with the captured Shard members. Isn’t that rather… counterproductive?”

“Think of it more like ‘consolidating’. Cutting off that which we don’t need right this second. After all, we could always retrieve that which we need, right?”

“Yes, but…”

Mustang plants a kiss on her lips. Diva moans softly as she leans into it and smiles.

“I… love you.”

Mustang grins as Diva pulls back. “So do I, my dear. Now then, why don’t you and I watch the show together?”

Diva nods obediently. “Yes sir. What can I do to help?”

“Just sit here on my lap and look pretty.”

Meanwhile, Arc and the Shards finish off the surviving androids. Arc pulls out the general’s badge.

“This way everyone!”

The door clicks and slides open. Arc leads the group inside as Rose looks around the darkened room.

“This is… odd.”

Xenos frowns. “What is?”

“There appear to be active sensor dampeners in here.”

Max turns to Arc. “What?! Sir! We have to…!”

The doors shut behind them and lock. A chuckle rings out as the lights turn back on. Hammer steps out from behind a vehicle with a contingent of soldiers behind her.

“That’s far enough, Hero!”

“What the…?”

She looks at the Shards.

“All of you boys need to get back into your tubes and recommence sleeping. It ain't time for you to be up and about yet.”

Auriel clenches a fist. “What are you TALKING about?! That’s kidnapping!”

Hammer shrugs. “What do you care! They’re the Shards! Just dregs of society!”

Rose points her L-Blade at Hammer. “They’re people! Same as you I would imagine!”

Hammer cracks her knuckles. “Whatever helps you sleep at night, sweetheart. Now then, unless you want me to get physical, I suggest you step aside and let my troops here sweep up this trash.”

Sereb growls as Arc holds up a gauntlet and speaks.

“Trash, huh?”

Hammer nods. “Yup. Guilty as the day is long of everything imaginable. Them… their boss Fontaine… and even you Hero.”

Snake grits his teeth. “Just what makes you so high and mighty that you can judge us like that?!”

Wolf frowns. “Right! We’re just trying to help each other!”

Jackal nods. “Uh huh! Make world better for everyone!”

Hammer shakes her head. “You’re delusional. A bunch of thugs can’t make the world better for anyone!”

Arc points his finger at Hammer. “And you can?”

“We stand a better chance than the Shards AND you, Hero.”

“Is that your final thought on the matter?”

“It is. We’re fighting for the betterment of the whole world!”

Hugh gestures to the Shards. “Well, they still deserve a place in it!”

Viktor clenches his fists. “Right! Your plan only puts you and your ilk on top! It does nothing for the citizens!”

Hammer laughs. “Fools! They’ll be safe from tyranny and oppression under the general!”

Arc nods soberly. “Like the rest of the world?”


Auriel frowns. “And if someone doesn’t play by YOUR rules?!”

“Reeducation would probably be in order. Maybe even hard labor in a work camp would show them the virtues of our…”

Rose interrupts Hammer. “So you would then USE tyranny and oppression to bring dissenters into line?”

“That ain't what I mean!”

Sereb growls. “Nevertheless, it is what you said.”

Arc nods. “Right. Face it, Hammer. You and those you follow are no better than dictators!”

Hammer points an accusatory finger at Arc. “Ha! You’re one to talk! I’ve seen what you do! You think you’re above the law in your own actions!”

“There’s a difference between what I’m doing and what you are though.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest as she smiles smugly. “Oh? And what’s that?”

“I’m risking my life to save others. You’re risking others’ lives to save yourselves.”

Xenos scoffs at the woman before him. “Yeah! The commander’s willing to fight and DIE for this world and everyone in it!”

Hugh grits his teeth. “But you and your sisters just want the world to die for YOU!”

Max fumes. “Go ahead! Tell us we’re wrong! Tell us that you’re doing all this for the greater good! Tell us how the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few! TELL US!”

Viktor nods. “He’s right! There’s no justice in using people to fuel your war machine like this!”

Auriel points a finger at the androids standing with Hammer.

“That’s why you surround yourselves with machines! They don’t have any choice but to follow your commands!”

Hammer turns to Rose.

“Same as you in that regard.”

Rose steps forward. “You’re wrong. The Hero intentionally removed my directives long ago.”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Removed your… what?!”

“I’m free to come and go as I please.”

“You’re lying.”

“Why would you think that?”

“Because you’re still with him! If you’re truly free, prove it!”

Rose appears confused. “How?”

“Leave him, you fool!”

Rose shakes her head. “No.”

“Why not?!”

“At one time I had no choice but to follow the Hero’s commands, as per my programming. However, now I continue to follow because that’s what I choose to do. Fight against those whom would cause harm by his side! Not as a mechanical slave, but as an EQUAL!”

Hammer rolls her eyes. “You’re delusional. He’ll toss you aside the moment you cease to be useful.”

Rose shakes her head. “He won’t. Of that I am certain.”

“Right. Rose is a good and loyal friend to me. She watches my back, and I watch hers.”

Arc calls forth his magic blades and points one at Hammer and her forces.

“Now then… I suggest you stand aside and let us pass.”

Hammer laughs. “Why?! So you can scurry back through the tunnel to the lake?!”

She reaches into her pocket and pulls out what appears to be a Zippo. Flicking the top open she presses a single button inside. An explosion rocks the room, knocking Arc and the others to the ground. Auriel gasps and points.

“The tunnel!”

As the dust clears they see several tons of rocks have fallen in front of their escape route. Hammer looks to them smugly as she tosses the detonator aside.

“That’s that. Now then, I suppose all that’s left for you to do is surrender peacefully.”

Arc shakes his head. “Not happening.”

Hammer gestures to the collapsed tunnel. “Maybe you’re a bit slow, but I’ve just cut off your only escape route. There’s literally no way out of here now.”

Auriel chuckles. “There is one way.”

Hammer smiles smugly. “Oh, is there now?”

Auriel nods. “Yes… THROUGH YOU!!!”

Without warming Auriel returns to her demon form, levels the Spear of Righteousness, and flies toward Hammer’s forces at breakneck speed. Arc and the others take the opportunity to engage her troops as well. In a few moments the androids lay in pieces and Auriel stands in front of Hammer, spear in claw. The young woman gasps as the blade touches her neck.

“Wha… what ARE you?!”

“My name is Auriel, princess of the once great Demon Kingdom.”

“You’re a… a monster?!”

“No, I’m not! But you are!”

As she prepares to attack Hammer, Arc Blinks over to Auriel and lays a hand on her shoulder.

“Let it go.”

“But she’ll just keep coming after us! We should deal with her here and now!”

“Then we’ll be no different than she is. Thinking ‘might makes right’.”

Rose nods. “She’s lost the tactical advantage. Surrender is now her only viable option.”

Hammer grins. “Is it now?”

Max shrugs. “Might as well.”

Viktor glares at Hammer. “You can’t take us all by yourself.”

“Maybe. Then again…”

Closing her eyes, Hammer suddenly vanishes. Blinking behind the Shards next to the door controls, she grins.

“Sayonara, suckers!”

Snake turns and cries out. “NO!

He reaches out a hand from across the room in vain to stop Hammer from slipping through the now opening door. As she steps through, an invisible force pulls her back toward the gang. She lands roughly on the ground in front of them. Wolf turns to Snake.

“What the heck?!”

Jackal scratches his head. “How you do that, Snake?”

Snake looks at his hand. “I… don’t know. But… GET HER!!!”

They lunge forward. Hammer scrambles to get to her feet but is immediately overwhelmed. Jackal grabs the young woman and slams her to the ground as the rest of the Shards begin pummeling her mercilessly. Arc Blinks over to them and casts a barrier between them and Hammer.

“Stop it!”

Wolf glares at him. “But…!”


Rose and Sereb hurry to Arc’s side.

“Back off!”

“We shall not warn you again!”

Snake looks at them incredulously. “What are you DOING?!”

Jackal nods angrily. “Yeah! Mean lady needs to be taught a lesson!”

Arc sighs. “Maybe. But not by you guys. Now, all of you follow my troops and steed over to The Landmaster and we’ll get out of here.”

Snake clenches his fists. “Not until we have our revenge on…!”

“Go now or I’ll leave you here!”

Wolf narrows his eyes. “You wouldn’t!”

“Try me!”

There is a tense silence,. Eventually Snake motions for the others to follow him.

“Come on, guys. We’ll get her another time.”

Sereb, Auriel, and Arc’s squad walk toward The Landmaster as Arc calls after them.

“Shrink them down so everyone fits inside.”

Sereb sighs. “Very well.”

Arc turns to Rose.

“Make sure they behave.”

“Sure. But what about… her?”

She points to Hammer as the young woman clutches her gut.

“I’ll handle her.”

As Rose turns to leave Arc kneels down to Hammer’s level. She sits up and leans heavily against a nearby vehicle. Coughing, she and looks to Arc, angrily.

“So… you just wanted to… finish me off yourself, huh?”

Arc shakes his head. “No.”

“Why not?”

“That’s not what a hero does.”

Hammer chuckles weakly. “Your little pet monster is right, you know. I’ll just come after you again.”

“Then I’ll just have to take you out.”

Hammer winces. “Go ahead!”

“Another time. I need to figure out how we’re getting out of here.”

“How? By walking right out the front door?!”

Arc nods. “I guess so. No other way out.”

“My… sisters will stop you!”

She gasps and clutches her chest

“Are you alright?”

“No I’m not alright! One of those goons must’ve cracked a few of my ribs!”

Arc points. “They did more than that judging by the blood pooling on the floor.”

Hammer winces. “Nah. That was when they pulled me back. Must’ve caught a crack in the floor, or something.”

“Let me take a look at it.”

“What for?!”

“Well, for starters, you’re bleeding all over the place.”

“That should make you happy.”

“It doesn’t. Now let me treat your arm, or else.”

“Or else what?!”

“I’ll knock you out and treat it.”

Frowning, Hammer complies. Arc pulls a med-kit from his ring and opens it. Removing a few pieces of gauze he presses them to the wound. Following them with a bandage wrap he carefully circle her arm and fastens the clasp.

“That should hold long enough for you to get real medical attention.”

Hammer looks away angrily. “I suppose you’ll be wanting thanks.”

“No. Just stay out of our way before you get hurt even worse.”

“I can’t do that. You leave me here and I’ll just warn the front that you’re coming.”

Arc sighs. “Great.”

“That and I don’t think you’ll do so well against Stingray, Mio, AND their forces.”

Rose hurries over. “Everyone is aboard The Landmaster. Let’s go, Hero.”

She looks at Hammer and frowns.

“Should I knock her out for you?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. Truth be told I’ve just come up with a very special place in my plan for her.”

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