• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,654 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 22 - Propositions

Meanwhile, Arc heads downstairs to the Kitchen. The others are just finishing their meal. Ember looks over as he enters.

“You sure took your time up there.”

“I guess I did.”

Sereb looks to Arc’s plate. “Your food is stone cold.”

Max stands up. “I’ll heat it up for you, sir.”


Max picks up the plate and puts the contents back into a skillet. Ember frowns.



“Care to tell us what you were up to?”

Arc shrugs. “Just asking Minerva some questions.”

Hugh nods. “We believe you, sir.”

Xenos grins. “Yeah. That and there couldn’t have been much else going on with Miss Cherry up there with you two.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Thanks for the vote of confidence.”

Viktor chuckles as he begins doing the dishes. “Anytime, sir.”

Arc sighs. “In any case, I need you guys to help Minerva with her work after you finish cleaning up the Kitchen.”

Max looks to him, confused. “Sir?”

“She was blinded last night.”

Ember gasps. “What?! How?!”

“Something Wiseman did to save her, I suppose.”

Xenos shrugs. “Not that we mind, but how do we know she’s not faking?”

“I guess there’s no way to know for certain. She refused to let me take her to the hospital though.”

Viktor sighs. “That makes sense after what happened.”

Hugh nods. “Agreed.”

Sereb looks toward the doorway. “In any case, I shall keep an eye on her.”

“Not a bad idea, Sereb.”

Ember frowns. “What about me?”


The telephone rings. Arc stands.

“Perfect timing.”

He leaves the room to answer it as Ember fumes.

“I don’t like her being here!”

Xenos sighs. “Miss Moore’s presence makes us all a bit nervous, Ember.”

Hugh nods. “Right. But the commander says she’s welcome here.”

Viktor calls out from the sink. “That and it IS his house.”

Ember grits her teeth. “Well, let’s help her recover so she can get out of here!”

Max looks to Ember as he puts the freshly heated food back onto Arc’s plate. “Why are you so intent on her leaving, Ember?”

“Because she’s a REPORTER! They REPORT things! Can’t you see we’re all in danger of being exposed!”

Sereb chuckles. “Perhaps. But one can report little without their sight.”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “I suppose.”

Meanwhile, Arc picks up the receiver and puts it to his ear.


“Hey! Is Frank there?!”


“Who else would it be?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No. As far as I know he’s still… you know where.”

“I thought so too. But a couple of the guys said they saw him here!”

“At the Shard Base?”


“Are you sure it was him?”

“He ain't exactly someone you can mistake for anyone else. I already called Wolf, and he says the boss isn’t in his bed!”

Arc frowns. “That’s not possible. He’s still far too weak to be walking around, much less walking all the way to your base.”

“Well, either that or all of us are seeing ghosts.”

“Equally unlikely.”

“I know that!”

“Want me to come down and take a look?”

Snake sighs. “Might as well. You should probably… WHAT THE HECK?!”

“What is it?!”

There is no response from the other end for several moments.

“Hello? Snake?”

The sound of the receiver being picked up fills Arc’s ear. A few seconds later a familiar voice rings out.

“Hello, Arc.”

“Frank?! Is that you?!”

“That it is.”

“So you ARE there!”

“Yes I am.”

“Why aren’t you in bed?!”

Frank chuckles. “There’s far too much to do for me to be lazing around any longer.”

“Um… okay. But I suppose a larger question would be how the heck did you get over there?!”

“That is both complicated and simple, Arc.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “Thank you for clearing that up.”

“My apologies, old friend. But things have… changed for me.”

“How about you and I sit down and have a nice talk, Frank?”

“That would probably be for the best.”

“Good. Shall I come and pick you up?”

“That will not be necessary. I’ll see you shortly.”

The line suddenly disconnects. Frowning, Arc puts the receiver down as he mutters to himself.

“Was that really Frank? While it certainly sounded like him, I just can’t…”

The feeling of a magical backwash from behind Arc flows over him. Whirling around he finds himself face to face with Frank.

“Hello, Arc.”

Arc gasps in surprise. “Frank! How did you…?!”

“Come along. All will be explained shortly.”

Putting a hand on Arc’s shoulder Frank smiles as the world around them fades away. A moment later Sereb runs at top speed into the room followed by Ember.

“Sereb?! What’s gotten into you?!”

The wolf’s eyes dart around the room frantically as he sniffs the air. “I know I heard his voice!”

“Heard who?”

“Arc’s friend, Frank Fontaine!”

Ember frowns. “Frank?! But he’s laid up in that old house.”

“His scent is fresh on the air! Believe me, he WAS here!”

The sounds of footsteps running up the basement stairs can be heard. Rose hurries into the Living Room and looks around as Arc’s squad follows her in.

“Sereb, have you seen Arc?!”

“I have not. But tell me. Did you detect any magical abnormalities a few moments ago?”

“Yes. A strange form of Teleportation Magic just registered.”

Max looks to Rose. “Could it have been the commander?”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. He’s always Blinking around.”

Rose shakes her head. “That’s not possible. The magical signature was certainly not his.”

“Sereb said he smelled Frank when he ran in here.”

Rose puts a hand to her chin thoughtfully. “That would explain it.”

Hugh frowns. “Explain what, Rose?”

“A few minutes ago Frank’s energy signature disappeared from his safehouse. I assumed it was a technical issue or hardware failure.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “Did you run diagnostics?”

Rose nods. “Yes. I was in the middle of a more detailed scan when I detected the anomalies up here.”

Ember turns to Rose. “I know this is going to sound strange, but did you detect Frank in this room a few moments ago?”

“Actually, yes. Again I assumed it to be an error, as that is not possible.”

“My nose knows he was here.”

Xenos turns to Hugh. “That’s good enough for me.”

“Right. But where do you suppose the commander went?”

“Scanners show that he was Blinked away.”

Xenos gasps. “Wait. He was Blinked? By whom?”

Rose frowns. “It should be impossible, but my sensors show the source of the magical energy to be Frank Fontaine himself.”

Ember grits her teeth. “So Arc was kidnapped?!”

Sereb growls. “We will find him, Ember!”

Xenos grits his teeth. “Yeah! But how?”

Max snaps his fingers as an idea comes to him. “How about we listen in on the commander’s earring? Then we might be able to see if he’s in any danger.”

They rush downstairs and take their places as Sereb turns to Ember.

“I do not believe Frank would bring about harm to Arc.”

Ember clenches a fist. “He’d better not! For HIS sake!”

Viktor sits down at his computer. Pressing a few keys the signal begins to come in.

“You guys don’t think the commander will be mad about this, do you? I mean… we’re essentially hacking his private frequency.”

Rose shakes her head. “Given the circumstances, I do believe he’d understand.”

Ember glares at Viktor. “Less talking, more button pushing!”

Meanwhile, Arc and Frank materialize in the back room of Shelly’s Kitchen. Lily’s eyes grow wide as they do so.

“A-Arc? Frank? How did you…?!”

“Just a little trick I recently figured out, my dear.”

Arc frowns. “Trick?!”

Frank smiles at their friend. “Lily. I just want you to know that everything will be fine. Trust me.”

Lily appears nervous but nods nonetheless. “Oh… okay. Um… are you two hungry?”

“I am. How about you, Arc?”

“Truthfully I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.”

“How about I treat you to a meal then? For old times’ sake.”

Arc shakes his head. “No, I’ll pay.”

Frank shrugs. “Have it your way.”

Lily leads them out of the Kitchen and past Shelly. She appears just as confused. Frank turns to her and smiles.

“Ah, Shelly. It’s wonderful to be able to see your face again.”

“Um… likewise, Frank. But how did you get back there?”

Arc shrugs. “It’s… complicated, Shelly.”

Frank chuckles. “That it is. Or not. Whichever.”

Lily gesture past the counter. “Let me show you two to a table.”

Frank nods. “Very well, Lily.”

He takes Shelly’s hand momentarily and smiles.

“We’ll talk again soon, my dear.”

“Okay, Frank.”

Bewildered, Shelly watches as Lily leads Arc and Frank to a table. They sit down across from one another as Lily pulls out her order pad and pen.

“What can I get you two?”

“My regular, please.”

Frank nods. “I’ll have the same.”

“Alright. This shouldn’t take long.”

She heads toward the Kitchen. Shelly touches her arm as she passes. As Lily turns to her, Shelly lowers her voice.

“What’s going on?”

“No idea. I know this sounds crazy, but Frank and Arc just appeared in the back!”

“What?! How?!”

Lily shrugs. “I wish I knew. One moment I was alone. The next they were standing in front of me.”

Shelly frowns. “We’ll have to talk to Arc about this later.”

“Right. In any case, I’ll get their orders in.”

Meanwhile, Viktor’s voice comes over Arc’s earring.

“Sir? Can you hear me?”

Frank folds his hands on the table in front of him. “Now then, you and I should have a nice chat.”

Arc nods as he touches his earring. “I hear you, Frank.”

Ember turns to Max, nervously. “Was that intended for Frank or us?”

“I think the commander was trying to acknowledge Viktor’s question without alerting his friend.”

Rose nods. “Agreed. Let’s see if we can’t get some information on where he is right now.”

Arc continues. “So… how have you been? Last I saw you were still laid up in bed.”

“I’m feeling much better now. And I believe I own much of that to you.”

“To me?”

Frank nods. “Yes. After all, it was you who suggested the old base for my recovery.”

“You had to go somewhere.”

“That I did.”

“Can you tell me what changed?”

Frank chuckles. “Not exactly, as I don’t really understand it myself.”

He stops to think for a moment.

“It was as if somehow the world was suddenly brought into focus. As if everything at once became clear.”

“But why did you go back to the Shard Base?”

“To check up on my followers, of course. They do still need a leader.”

“Snake thought the place was haunted.”

Frank laughs. “I suppose my antics might have been misconstrued back there.”


“This morning when I awoke I found that everything had become apparent. My mind, which had been befuddled up until then, was suddenly clear and alert.”

Ember frowns. “The Shard Base? But that’s half an hour’s drive from where Arc left Frank!”

Rose nods. “Indeed.”

Hugh turns to Max. “How did he travel that far without a vehicle?!”

“Let’s keep listening. Maybe he’ll spill the beans on that.”

Arc clears his throat. “Did that have anything to do with how you got to the base?”

Frank nods. “Yes. I found that by concentrating very hard as I visualized where I wanted to go, I would find myself suddenly spirited there.”

“That sounds almost magical in nature.”


“Can I assume you couldn’t do that before?”

Frank chuckles. “If I could, I would have saved a fortune in gas.”

Ember turns to Viktor. “That sounds like Teleportation Magic!”

“Right! But how did Frank figure out how to do that?!”

Hugh looks to Max again. “Yeah. Magic isn’t something you can just learn, after all.”

“Agreed. You’re born with it.”

Ember shrugs. “Or infused as Arc was.”

Xenos puts a hand to his chin thoughtfully. “Which do you suppose…?”

Rose chimes in. “Humans are not born with such abilities, Xenos. So it would stand to reason Frank was somehow infused.”

Max groans. “Great. But how?”

Sereb growls. “And by whom?”

“Frank, do you have ANY idea how these new developments came to be?”

“None whatsoever. However, I am grateful for the chance to…”

Frank suddenly stops talking and puts a hand to his stomach. Arc looks to him, concerned.

“Are you okay?”

“Forgive me, but I believe it to be a bit of indigestion. Excuse me.”

Closing his eyes, Frank suddenly Blinks. Arc frowns and looks around as he touches his earring.

“Arc to Viktor. Come in please.”

“We read you, sir.”

Ember leans over Viktor’s workstation. “Arc, we’ve been listening in!”

Max nods sheepishly. “Yes sir. I hope that’s okay.”

“Truthfully, that makes this a lot easier. What do you all think of what Frank said? Before he Blinked to… I’m assuming the bathroom”

Rose shrugs. “Such a feat should have been impossible.”

Hugh nods. “True. But he did Blink the commander away a short time ago.”

Sereb growls. “And Blink himself inside this house.”

Xenos grimaces. “That too.”

Ember turns to Rose. “Can you sensors pick anything up? Shelly’s Kitchen isn’t that far away.”

“Sadly, no.”

Max turns to his microphone. “Sir, should we have someone drive Rose over there? Maybe she could figure something out.”

“Agreed. Xenos, drive her over to Shelly’s Kitchen. But I want you two to wait in the Jeep.”

“Yes sir. We’ll be there shortly.”

Xenos and Rose head for the basement stairs as Sereb frowns.

“This matter has become far more than we could have imagined.”

Arc nods soberly. “Yeah. But we have to figure it out that much faster now.”

Viktor raises an eyebrow. “Sir?”

Ember clenches a fist. “He’s right. If Frank really does have magic, who knows what he’ll do with it.”

Hugh shudders. “Maybe try to take over the town?”

Arc shakes his head. “Probably not that far. But we still need to be ready for whatever he’s up to. I worry for his mental state as it is.”

A short time later Rose’s voice comes over Arc’s earring.

“Xenos and I are in position.”

“Good. You two stay put and observe. Scan Frank for anything you can think of.”

“Will do.”

Lily walks over with two orders of cheeseburgers and fries. She looks around as she sets the food down.

“What happened to Frank?”

“He had to use the restroom. I’m sure he’ll be…”

Frank suddenly Blinks back into his seat. Lily jumps back clearly frightened.


“My apologies, Lily.”

He looks down at his food ravenously and begins to eat.

“Thanks, Lily. Um… I think you’d better make Frank another plate though. He looks to be pretty hungry.”

Lily nods and steps back cautiously before returning to the kitchen. Arc looks back to Frank and frowns.

“What the heck was that?!”

Frank looks up. “I don’t see what the problem is. That’s the third time you’ve seen me do it.”

“No, no! I mean doing that in front of Lily! You really scared her!”

“That was not my intention.”

“Well, intended or not, if someone just appears it makes some folks nervous. And for good reason I would think.”

“They’ll get used to it.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “What are you saying?”

“That I’m not going anywhere. Everyone will just have to learn to deal with me occasionally popping up.”

Arc frowns. “I see. So everyone ELSE needs to change?”

“That was not what I meant.”

“But it is what you said.”

Frank frowns as the pair go back to eating. Arc changes the subject.

“You seem especially hungry today.”

“Yes. I can only assume it has to do with my recent recovery. It seems everything is working overtime in my body.”

“Lily should have another order ready for you soon.”


“Didn’t you hear me tell her you needed more to eat?”

“My apologies. I must have been so engrossed in my meal at the time that I didn’t hear you.”

“Yeah. You didn’t appear to be paying attention to anything else at the time. Other than your meal, that is.”

“Semantics, Arc. But we should probably come to the reason for my visit.”

“I wish you would.”

Frank chuckles as he takes a sip of his Coke. “Ah, Arc. Always so business minded. That attitude served the Shards well in the past.”

“That was a long time ago, Frank. A lot has happened since then.”

“I suppose that’s true. And much more will happen in the near future.”

Arc narrows his eyes. “Stop playing word games, Frank! What is it you want?!”

Frank stops eating. He puts his cheeseburger down and looks Arc evenly in the eye.

“You and your armored friend.”

“Say what?”

“Wolf and Jackal told me you could get in touch with him. I want a meeting.”

Arc frowns. “I don’t believe he’d be interested in joining the Shards if that’s what you’re after.”

Frank chuckles. “Maybe not at the moment. However, from what I’ve gathered about him, he’s very interested in keeping people safe and trying to make the world a better place.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

Ember frowns. “I don’t like where this is going.”

Rose eyes Arc and Frank inside the restaurant. “Me either. His magic levels are quite strange.”

Xenos turns to Rose. “Define ‘strange’.”

“Unlike anything previously recorded. Stay vigilant.”

Frank continues. “Nothing at all, Arc. However, there are those in this world whom are… shall we say, in a better position to bring order.”

“Who did you have in mind?”


Arc leans back in his seat. “I see. What’s this have to do with the Hero and I?”

“As with any organization, large or small, there is a need for strong leadership. You’ve always been someone I can count on in the past, Arc. With my newfound magical power, your organizational skills, and the Hero’s physical might we can bring the peace this world so desperately needs.”

“And how would we do that?”

“By showing that we’re more than mere brigands. That we have the solution to the chaos.”

“This doesn’t sound like a good idea, Frank.”

“Maybe not. But the rewards far outweigh the risks. If you won’t join me, might you do me one favor and ask the Hero to at least come hear me out. Should he care to join me, he and I can talk more of my plans.”

“I’ll… pass on your message.”

“Good. I knew I could count on you, my friend. Should you change your mind please feel free to join he and I tonight at the Shard Base.”

“What time?”


“I’ll… think it over.”


Ember hisses into the microphone. “Arc, what are you DOING?!”

Max pushes her away gently. “Easy there, Ember. Let’s give the commander the benefit of the doubt on this one.”

Xenos nods. “Yeah. He wouldn’t go along with Frank’s plan if it would hurt anyone.”

Sereb nods soberly. “It would appear we now have another late night mission.”

Rose continues with her scans. “Yes, I… wait!”

Viktor looks over his screen. “Something on your scanners, Rose?”

“A strange magical energy is building up within Frank!”

Hugh gasps. “The cause?!”


Sereb grimaces. “What should Arc do?”

“Look for any physical signs of stress!”

Arc frowns as he glances up at Frank.

“You okay?”

Frank loosens his collar. “I’m fine. It’s just a… a bit warm in here.”

“Are you sure you’re…?”

He is cut off as Frank suddenly reaches across the table and puts a hand on his shoulder. The pair vanish just as Lily walks out of the kitchen with their next order. She looks toward the table before turning to Shelly.

“Where did Arc and Frank go?”

Shelly shrugs. “They were just sitting there a moment ago.”

“That’s strange. It’s not like Arc to leave without saying goodbye.”

“Or paying.”

“I’m sure he’s good for it. Arc wouldn’t have left unless it was important, after all.”

Shelly frowns. “That’s true. But I can’t help but wonder just what’s going on.”

Lily sighs as she looks to the vacated booth. “Me too.”

Meanwhile, Xenos gasps as Arc and Frank disappear.

“What the…?!”

Ember frowns. “What happened, Rose?!”

“Both Arc and Frank have disappeared!”

Max gasps. “What?! Viktor, can we get any visual?”

“Not unless the commander puts on his armor, no.”

Ember runs for the stairs. “I’m heading over there!”

Hugh looks over his shoulder. “Where, Ember?”

“To Arc! Where else?!”

Xenos frowns. “How? We don’t know where they…”

Sereb growls. “Shush! Arc’s transmission is coming through again.”

Meanwhile, Arc sits up and looks around.

“What the…? Frank?”

He spots Frank sitting on the ground nearby against a tree.

“My… apologies, Arc. I’ve yet to fully master my newfound abilities.”

Arc stands and walks over to Frank. He extends a hand.

“I’ll say. Where are we?”

“I’m… not sure.”

Arc frowns. as he helps his friend up. “Yet you want to put you faith in a power you can’t control.”

Frank nods as he dusts himself off. “Not to worry. I’ll figure it out. The fate of the world may hang in the balance.”

“This isn’t wise, Frank.”

“Maybe not. But what other choice do I have?!”

“How about, oh I don’t know… ANYTHING ELSE?!

Frank sighs. “I do believe I can convince you of the merits of my ways in due time. Hopefully the Hero will be more open to new ideas than you.”

Arc rolls his eyes. “I wouldn’t count on it.”

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