• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,654 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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CHRISTMAS EVE SPECIAL - Chapter 21 - Hard to Say

Arc can only sit there stunned by what he has heard. Shaking his head in disbelief, he looks at her.

“I’m sorry, what?!”

Cybil puts her face in her hands. “It’s true! I’m one-hundred percent responsible for that!”


“She was spending some time with me while Sam ran some errands. I had been giving him a lot of grief lately about her and I not having any mother-daughter time! You see, he didn’t like me drinking around her. So we usually went somewhere together. The three of us!”

Arc nods. “Understandable.”

“I finally convinced him to let me watch her alone! It was supposed to be a fun time for us!”

“So what happened?”

“We sat down at the kitchen table and started playing a board game together. I… had a few drinks.”

Arc looks worried. “How much?”

“Too many.”

“I have a feeling this ended very badly.”

Cybil nods. “It did! She… my little angel started winning! I’ve always been very competitive, and somehow I got the idea in my head that she was cheating!”

“Impaired judgment?”

“Yes. But for some reason it made me angry. VERY angry!”

“So what did you do?”

Cybil’s voice breaks as she attempts to hold back the tears. “When she went for the dice, I grabbed her arm and led her over to the stove where we had supper cooking. Then I… I…”

Arc waits uneasily for her to finish.

“I pressed both my daughter’s hands against the pot on the stove and held them there!”

Unable to stand the guilt any longer Cybil lets loose her tears and sobs!

“How? How could you do that?!”

Cybil shakes her head between sobs. “I… I know I’m a terrible monster! I know I’m an awful parent! And I KNOW my angel should never hear from me again!”

Arc shakes his head in disbelief. “I don’t know what to say. This is just… so much to take in! Did you at least get her some help?!”

“Sam burst in a few moments later and stopped me! He pushed me out of the way, grabbed our sobbing daughter, and ran out the door with her!”

Cybil is completely inconsolable by this point.

“That… that was the last time I saw either him or her!”

Arc sighs. “When I saw her, there were bandages on her hands. He must have rushed her to the hospital.”

Cybil nods through her tears. “It was then that I realized I didn’t deserve to go on living! That I was going to kill myself! And I tried to! I tried to kill myself with drinking! I really did!”

Arc stands up and walks over to her. Putting his hands on her shoulders, he sighs. “What you did was truly horrible, Cybil. I should probably call Marshal Raynor about this.”

She nods. “Go ahead! After all, I deserve it! Whatever sentence is handed down to me will be too lenient though!”

Arc is silent for a time.

“Maybe not my most well thought through idea, but why don’t we deal with this after Christmas?”

“…what? But why?!”

“When I saw your daughter, she was sitting all alone on the side of the room under a blanket. I asked her what she wanted for Christmas. Do you know what she told me?”

Cybil smiles sadly. “That she wanted her father back?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. She wanted… you.”


Arc nods. “Yes. All she wanted was her mother.”

“Did… did she say anything else?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I tried to talk with her, but she would only cry.”

“Look, I would like to see her again. I really would! But… you should probably just turn me over to the police for now.”

“If that’s what you really want. But, would you do me one favor?”

“What is it?”

“Come with Ember and I to the orphanage tonight. Let your daughter see you to fulfil her Christmas wish. After all, it’s Christmas Eve.

Cybil looks down. “But what about…”

“On our way back I’ll take you to Marshal Raynor’s house so you can confess and turn yourself in. Do we have a deal?”

Cybil sighs. “I… I don’t really want to, but… very well. On the condition that we leave right away if she becomes frightened at seeing me again.”

Arc turns around and heads for the door. “Fine. We need to put a few things in the Jeep, and then we’ll be off.”

Cybil wipes her red, puffy eyes and follows Arc out of the room. “Okay. I’ll help too.”

The trio quickly loads the Jeep. Arc grabs his wallet and keys off the counter as he turns to Derpy.

“We’ll be back later tonight. Don’t wait up for us though.”

Derpy nods. “Do be careful driving in the dark!”

Arc heads for the door. “I will!”



“She… she’s been through a lot, hasn’t she?”

Arc nods. “More than you know.”

“Try to give the two of them a happy ending, would you?”

“I’ll try.”

Arc heads out the back door and gets into the Jeep. Ember and Cybil are buckled up and waiting for him. Ember rubs her hands together in the passenger seat.

“Can we get moving please?!”

Arc puts the vehicle in drive and pulls out of the driveway. “You could put on some gloves if you’re cold.”

“I don’t like my cl… hands restricted like that!”

“Have it your way.”

Cybil gestures to the supplies in the back. “Arc? What are we going to do with all this stuff?”

“Give the orphans a bit of a party. They don’t get much excitement in their lives, after all.”

Sometime later they arrive at the Farburg Orphanage. Arc, Ember and Cybil get out and each grab a package Cybil looks up at the building before them.

“This place… this is where she is?!”

Arc nods as they head for the main entrance. “Yes. It’s the only orphanage in the area.”

Cybil looks over to him as they’re buzzed into the building. “Is it… safe here?”

Ember nods. “From what I could tell, yes.”

Arc shrug. “The security here is certainly adequate. No one is getting inside without being seen.”

Ember rolls her eyes as she mutters to herself. “No one indeed.”

Arc walks up to the Night Watchman on duty in the secretary’s chair.

“We’re here to see Headmistress Kulara.”

The elderly man before them nods. “Yes, she’s expecting you.”

He buzzes open the door to the facility’s interior and meets them in the corridor.

“She’s waiting for you in the Commons.”

Arc nods. “Thank you. We’ll head over there now.”

The trio make their way to the Commons Area. The children are playing as usual. Kulara sees them and waves them over.

“Glad you could make it!”

Seeing Cybil, she looks to him.

“Who is this, Arc?”

“This is Cybil. She’s… why don’t we get set up and talk in your office.”

Kulara nods, confused. “Well, okay.”

She gestures to an empty table.

“We can put what you brought over there.”

Cybil looks to him as they make their way to the table. “What exactly did we bring?”

Ember turns to her. “Ice cream and snacks.”

Arc nods. “I do this every year.”

Kulara looks back. “Yes! Arc has joined us every Christmas Eve since he moved out.”

Cybil looks at them with a confused look on her face. “Moved… out?”

Arc nods as he sets out bowls and disposable silverware. “Yes. You see… I grew up in this very building. We spent a lot of time in this room.”

“So that means…”

Arc continues with his task. “Yes. I’m an orphan like them.”

Ember shakes her head. “Not quite, Arc. You have a family now. Di… Daisy and her mother need you!”

Cybil’s eyes grow wide. “That little girl?!”

“Yes, well… it’s kinda complicated.”

They finish their task as the children come forward to get their treats. Ember turns to Arc.

“I’ll serve up some ice cream if you two want to talk to Headmistress Kulara about… you know.”

Kulara nods. “Yes. Please follow me.”

Arc and Cybil follow Kulara to her office. She closes the door behind them and gestures to some chairs in front of her desk.

“Have a seat!”

Cybil nervously nods. “Th-thank you.”

They sit down as Kulara heads for her office chair.

“Now then, Arc. What is it you wanted to tell me?”

“It’s about the rules around here. Are they still the same?”

Kulara appears confused. “What do you mean?”

“Children whom are brought here are supposed to be placed with a relative if at all possible, right?”

“That is correct. Nothing about that has changed since you lived here. Why do you ask?”

Arc sighs. “Do you remember that little girl I sat with when Frank and I were here last?”

Kulara nods sadly. “How could I forget? She’s not any better, mind you.”

“Can I assume none of her relatives have been located?”

“Sadly, no. Arc, what are you getting at?”

“When I sat with her that day, I asked her what she wanted for Christmas. I assumed it would be some kind of toy or whatnot. But that’s not what she wanted.”

“Oh? Did she tell you anything?”

Arc nods. “Only that she wanted her mother.”

Kulara closes her eyes and nods. “That’s typical of any child that is brought here, as you yourself have witnessed, Arc.”

“Not wanting to disappoint her, I took it as a challenge.”

Kulara looks over to him. “Oh?”

Arc gestures to Cybil. “I spent an entire day tracking her down, but this is that little girl’s mother, Cybil Mason.”

“What?! How did you…?”

“I just followed the trail. There was quite a bit of luck involved, to be sure!”

Cybil reaches into her pocket and pulls out her driver’s license. She puts it on the desk and slowly slides it toward the headmistress.

“It’s true. I… haven’t been the most accessible parent in the past, mind you.”

Kulara nods as she looks over the license. “This does appear to be you.”

She walks over to the cabinet and pulls out a file before returning to her desk.

“Let’s see here… the name and birthdate match what we have on file.”

She looks up at Cybil.

“Would you happen to have her birth certificate?”

Cybil hangs her head sadly. “I… I don’t.”

Kulara nods. “Please understand, I’ll have to file a report with Child Protective Services before she can be released to you.”

She looks Cybil up and down silently.

“If I may… why didn’t you come forward earlier?”

“I… didn’t know Sam was gone until Arc here found me and let me know.”

Arc nods. “She didn’t take the news very well, mind you.”

Kulara takes some notes. “That’s not uncommon. I’ll need to photocopy this identification for the record.”

Cybil nods. “I understand.”

Kulara quickly does so and returns the original to Cybil. She looks over the copy and frowns.

“This appears to be expired. Were you aware of this?”

“No. I’m sorry.”

Kulara sighs. “For identification to be valid and legal, it must be current and in good standing. Do you have anything else I could submit in its place? A passport or your social security card would do while you get your license renewed.”

Cybil again shakes her head. “No. I don’t have either of those.”

Kulara nods sadly as she leans back in her chair. “I’m sorry, but until you can prove your identity, there is little I can do to help you. In the meantime I need to update your contact information. For starters, what is your address?”

“I don’t have one at the moment.”

Arc turns to Kulara. “She’s been staying with me for the past few days. You could put down my address for the moment.”

Kulara nods as she writes. “Very well. Now, what is the name and address of you place of employment?”

Cybil bows her head. “I’m sorry. I know it doesn’t help my case, but I just lost my job.”

Kulara puts down her pen and looks at Cybil. “No place to stay and no job. I’m going to be honest with you miss. This isn’t going too well.”

Cybil nods sadly, but says nothing.

“To be blunt… can you please tell me why I should release your daughter back into your custody?”

“You… you shouldn’t.”

Kulara raises an eyebrow. “Beg your pardon?”

Cybil looks up at Kulara. “My little angel deserves a loving, stable home that can provide for her, be there for her, and love her as I should have! I… I hate to say this, but I’m not able to give her that amount of love and support.”

She looks down at her hands sadly.

Kulara looks to her for a long moment. “Are you saying you’re willing to terminate your parental rights?”

Cybil nods sadly. “I… I am.”

Arc frowns. “Are you sure about that? Once something like that goes through, it’s permanent!”

Cybil looks at Kulara and nods as the tears begin to fall. “You should see about placing her in foster care. Please find someone to care for her as I should have!”

Kulara nods. “I’ll do my best.”

Arc looks over to the Headmistress. “Ma’am? Would you please honor one last request?”

“I can try, Arc. What is it?”

“Might Cybil see her daughter one last time? She should be the one to tell her this.”

Kulara nods. “I agree, Arc.”

She turns to Cybil.

“Would you like to say goodbye?”

Cybil shakes her head. “No. But… I don’t want to spend the rest of my life wondering what she would have said.”

Kulara looks up. “Arc? Would you please go get her? She’s in the Dormitory right now.”

He stands up. “Sure.”

Arc leaves the office and walks slowly down the corridor toward the familiar destination. He pauses to look out the window at the falling snow.

“I guess I failed.”

Cherry sighs. “This may be for the best, Arc. Cybil may be repentant for her crimes, but she really isn’t in any position to care for a foal!”

Arc nods as he touches the window pane in front of him. “I hear what you’re saying. But that doesn’t make this any easier.”

He continues on his way. Before long Arc enters the room filled with rows of bunk beds belonging to the younger orphans. He quickly spots a small figure sitting on her bed and looking out a nearby window silently. Cherry speaks to Arc telepathically.

“There she is. How are you going to explain this, Arc?”

Arc sighs inwardly. “I’m just going to bring her to the office and see what plays out. Nothing else I CAN do!”

He walks over to the girl and kneels down in front of her. She does not acknowledge his presence.

“Miss, I… Headmistress Kulara wants to see you in her office. Would you please follow me?”

The girl makes no attempt to move.

“You’re going to have to carry her, Arc.”

“Yeah… I guess so.”

He looks the girl in the eye. She returns his gaze with a blank stare.

“Miss? I’m going to carry you there, okay?”

If the girl hears Arc, she does not show it. He carefully picks her up and carries her down the hall in his arms like an infant. Only the sound of her breathing can be heard as he walks with her down the hallway. Before long they reach the office. Arc looks down at her.

“Here we are. Are you ready for your Christmas gift, little one?”

The girl does not make a sound as Arc opens the door and walks into the office. He sets her down in his chair and steps back. As she looks up at her mother, her eyes grow wide!

“Sweetie? I… I just wanted to tell you that… I’m sorry for what happened. For what I did to you.”

The girl nods slightly as a tear courses down her cheek. Cybil wipes it away as she puts a hand on her small face and brushes the blonde hair from her eyes.

“You’re so precious to me! The things I’ve put you through… what I’ve done… you deserve better!”

Cybil takes a moment to compose herself before continuing.

“I wish things could be different for you… for us, really! But… “

She looks to Kulara before turning back to her daughter.

“The Headmistress here is going to find you a mother and father who can love you like the little angel you are! I can only hope you grow up strong and happy!”

Cybil turns to look at Arc as the tears flow freely. When she speaks it is almost a whisper.

“We… I should go now.”

Arc says nothing, but nods.

Cybil turns to look at her daughter one final time, barely able to speak through the tears as she hugs her. “Goodbye, my little angel. I’ll always love you!”

As she stands and turns to leave, a small tug at her hand gives her pause. Cybil turns back to see a small, bandaged hand in hers. Tears flow from the little girls eyes as she opens her mouth.

“Mommy… I… I missed you so much! Please don’t go!”

Cybil drops to her knees, weeping, as her daughter jumps into her arms. The pair hold each other and cry together.

“I love you mommy! Please take me back! I promise I’ll be good this time!”

Cybil strokes her daughter’s hair as she continues to cry. "You have nothing to apologize for, my little angel! This is mommy’s fault. All of it is!”

“Please don’t leave me alone again!”

“I… I can’t take care of you right now. I’m sorry. I am so… SO sorry!”

Kulara stands and motions for Arc to follow her. They step into the hallway together and close the door.

“Arc. I don’t know how you managed it, but you did! You reunited a lost daughter with her mother! I’m sure your own parents would be very proud!”

“I hope so. Tell me, what happens now?”

Kulara sighs. “Well… I would love to send the two home together. However, she doesn’t have a home to go back to.

Arc nods. “I understand.”

“I wish there was something I could do for them. But from what she’s already told me, that woman isn’t able to care for a child as it stands.”

Arc nods. “I think I may have an idea that would be good for everyone involved.”

Kulara nods. “I’m listening, Arc.”

Author's Note:

The story of Cybil's daughter was actually one told to me by an old friend of mine decades ago. A reporter was doing a news story in an orphanage. There was a single, solitary, sad little girl under a blanket sitting all alone while the others played. The reporter went over and sat next to her in an attempt to make her feel better. Failing to get her to talk, she asked the girl what she wanted most for Christmas, figuring it would be a new to of some kind. The girl turned to her with tears in her eyes and simply said, "I want my mommy". The blanket fell slightly as the girl covered her face with her bandaged hands.

After that, the reporter couldn't get her to say anything. Being a caring individual she asked the staff if she might track down the girls mother for her. They told her she was in jail for numerous crimes. Apparently she was a drug addict whom, while wasted, burned her daughter's finger off at the stove.

I don't know what happened to that little girl. Hopefully she went on to have a better life. But I'm certain she would always remember that terrible night every time she looked down at what was left of her fingers.

The next chapter is my own personal story of hope for that nameless little girl...

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