• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,651 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - The Royal Duties

All the orphans are lined up outside the Orphanage with Coco Pommel waiting for the princess to arrive. Nearly all of Ponyville has turned up for the occasion!

“Now be sure to be on your best behavior, little ones! The princess is a very busy pony, so she probably won't have time for a lot of questions.”

Aquamarine looks to Coco Pommel. “So which one of the princesses are coming, Miss Pommel?”

“I'm actually not sure dear. My guess would be Princess Cadance, as Princess Luna is probably quite busy with other things these days.”

Pipsqueak looks up excitedly! “I sure hope so! We've never seen her before!”

“I've heard she's as nice as she is pretty! Does she have a husband, Miss Pommel?”

“No Aquamarine.”

Pipsqueak looks confused. “Why not?”

“She's probably too busy with her job to meet somepony nice.”

Pipsqueak looks down at the ground. “That's sad.”

Suddenly Pipsqueak's face brightens!

“I know! Maybe I can marry Princess Cadance someday! Then she won't be alone anymore!”

Coco Pommel smiles at Pipsqueak. “Maybe you can someday, little one. But please don't mention that to her during this visit.”

“Why not Miss Pommel? I thought you said the princess’ job was to watch over everypony?”

“It is, but...”

Aquamarine interrupts. “Well then, shouldn't she have somepony special to watch over HER then! It sounds like a rather lonely job after all!”

“You're probably right Aquamarine. However, you shouldn't push the subject, as I believe it would make her sad.”

“Okay Miss Pommel.”

Coco Pommel pats Pipsqueak on the head. “Thank you dear. I know you mean well, but...”

Aquamarine interrupts and points a hoof at the sky, excitedly! “Look! There's the princess!”

The chariot touches down with a gentle bump and stops in front of the Little Hooves Orphanage. Everyone assembled claps their hooves and cheers for their guest!

Coco Pommel approaches the chariot and bows. ”Welcome princess... Derpy?!”

Everyone assembled looks confused as Derpy and Dinky disembark the chariot along with Arc, Ember, and Sereb. They walk toward Coco Pommel as Dinky waves a little hoof at everyone!

“Hey everypony! We're back!”

Derpy smiles and waves nervously! “You won't believe the day we're having!”

Arc turns to his squad. They appear quite winded!

“Thanks guys. Take a break. You've definitely earned it!”

Max lies down on the ground, panting. “Thank you... sir...”

Xenos shakes his head. “Wimps...”

Hugh looks at Xenos, angrily! “Hey! Not all of us are built like tanks!”

The orphans walk over to the group, confused. Aquamarine and Pipsqueak reach them first.

“Mr. Arc? What are you doing here?”

“Where's the princess? We all thought she was coming!”

Arc kneels down in front of Pipsqueak. “Believe me Pipsqueak, they wanted to come! However... there's been an... incident.”

Pipsqueak looks up at him worried! “Wha... what do you mean, Mr. Arc?”

Coco Pommel looks to Arc. “Has something happened?”

“Sadly, yes. Now why don't we all sit down and have a little chat, eh?”

Arc sits down on the edge of the chariot next to Ember and Sereb. The orphans and Coco Pommel sit down on the lawn along with Derpy and Dinky. Kibitz remains in his place aboard the chariot as the rest of Ponyville gathers around as well.

“You see, right now both Princess Luna and Princess Cadance are very sick.”

Coco Pommel looks worried! “Oh my! I hope they're all right!”

Ember looks over. “I’m sure they'll be fine!”

Arc nods. “Don't worry. They're receiving the best medical care that Equestria can offer as we speak!”

Coco Pommel breathes a sigh of relief! “That's certainly good to hear! But, who's leading Equestria?”

Aquamarine nods! “Yeah! Did Princess Celestia come back?!”

Arc shakes his head. “No Aquamarine, she has not.”

He sighs and turns to Coco Pommel.

“To answer your question Coco Pommel, according to Equestrian law, should the princesses be unable to carry out their duties, the Hero of Light shall rule in their place.”

“You... you mean...?”

Arc nods. “Yes. As of this morning, I am Equestria's Lord Regent.

Dinky grins! “Yup! My dad's in charge now!”

Coco Pommel falls to her knees, all four of them, face down and trembling slightly! “P... please forgive my ignorance! I didn't know that...!”

Arc quickly walks over to Coco Pommel and kneels down in front of her! “Coco Pommel, look at me.”

She slowly raises her head nervously. He puts a hand under her chin and slowly raises her head to look him in the eye.

“Please, Coco Pommel! I'm still the same old me! A fancy title and a crown won't change that!”

Ember smiles over at him. “How about a boatload of extra responsibility?”

“Very funny Ember.”

Arc looks back to Coco Pommel.

“I don't want you to bow and scrape at my feet. After all, you're my friend! Please... can't we just continue our friendship as it was? Forget my role and just talk to me like before, okay?”

“I... I'll try, sire.”

“No, Coco Pommel. Arc… remember?”

She nods. “Sorry... Arc!”

Arc leans forward to give Coco Pommel a hug which she returns. The orphans surround them and join in the moment.

“Well, now that we have that out of the way, where is this new teacher? I'd like to meet them!”

“She called earlier today to let us know that she will be delayed. Apparently, there was some kind of mechanical problem with the train. Fortunately it was discovered before they left the station!”

Arc smiles and nods! “As long as she and the other travelers are safe, everything is fine. Well, I'm told that everyone here is expecting a speech.”

Ember grins! “Keep it short and sweet like this morning, would you Arc? I'm looking forward to the snacks!”

Arc smiles. “I'll see what I can do!”

He stands on the chariot and looks out over the assembly.

“I'm sorry the princesses themselves could not be here today. Hopefully I will do as a substitute.”

The citizens of Ponyville smile and nod their heads, understandingly.

“As you all know, the old Ponyville Schoolhouse was rather old and not able to house the additional two dozen orphans that have come here to escape the horrors of the New Beginnings Orphanage in Vanhoover! Hopefully this building can be a new beginning for all of them!”

All assembled clap their hooves together!

“Education is very important to any society, whether great or small! As I look around this gathering, I assume many of you were born here, educated here, and have chosen to make Ponyville your home! All of you have been given the tools to succeed by Ponyville School. But it was up to YOU to apply them! A quick look around town will prove that all of you took your lessons to heart!”

Arc looks over to the orphans and the other townsfoals whom have come.

“Little ones. For some of you this will be just a place where you come to learn. However, for others, it will be your home. You will live here, play here, and learn here! Right now I want all of the foals to look around please. Do you see the mares and stallions that surround you? One day they will step aside and YOU will take their places in the community! Perhaps a baker! Maybe a shopkeeper! Even the future Hero of Light may be standing here now!”

Arc looks over to the mares and stallions.

“Now I'm not trying to belittle your service to the community, as without all of you there would be no Ponyville... no Equestria! Don't think of these foals as your replacements... but as your future! So let's make it a good one, shall we? Help them become everything they can be, and Equestria can and will go on!

Everyone assembled cheers and claps their hooves together!

“I just want to close by saying that many of you have known the warmth of loving parents. However, I would like to remind all of you that the foals that live here don't have that privilege. If you, or anyone you know, would be interested in taking in one of these little angels, please see Matron Coco Pommel to talk about adoption. Do not hesitate, thinking that someone else will do it! Remember... change begins with YOU! Thank you.”

Arc jumps down from the chariot as Coco Pommel approaches him.

“Thank you for those kind words of encouragement, Arc.”

Coco Pommel turns to the townsponies.

“Now, there are some refreshments in the Main Hall. Everypony is welcome to come inside and see this grand new building!”

The townsponies and Arc enter the Little Hooves Orphanage. They marvel at the new facility and its welcoming atmosphere! Many come forward to pay their respects to the new Lord Regent, starting with the Cakes!

“Congratulations on your promotion Arc!”

Mrs. Cake nods! “We're sure you’re very excited!”

Arc smiles at them! “Thank you! But I don't think the chefs in Canterlot can hold a candle to your cupcakes!”

The pair smile and nod respectfully as Apple Bloom and Babs Seed run up together! Arc kneels down to give them a hug!

“We really liked your speech, Mr. Arc!”

Babs Seed nods happily! “Yeah! It was tops!”

“I'm glad you liked it! How are you doing in your new home, Babs Seed?”

“It's great! I've never felt so loved in my whole life! Thank you for finding me a home, sir!”

Arc smiles at her! “It was my pleasure!”

Apple Bloom nods to her cousin! “I hope the other orphans will get loving homes someday too!”

“I hope so as well. But in the meantime, Coco Pommel will take good care of them. Now why don't the two of you take a look at the playroom. It's quite impressive!”

Apple Bloom and Babs Seed’s eyes light up excitedly! “We will!”

Arc spots Sweetie Belle and Dinky together a short distance away. Seeing the unicorn filly looking a bit sad he walks over to her.

“Sweetie Belle? Is something wrong?”

She looks up to him sadly. “My sister Rarity promised me she would be here to see my new school. But she had to leave earlier this morning. She didn't even say why or where she was going!”

Dinky nods to her friend. “She's in Canterlot right now. There was... trouble.”

Arc kneels down to Sweetie Belle's level. “I'm sorry about that. This is actually my fault.”

Sweetie Belle looks up to Arc, confused. “Huh? How?”

“I was the one who told Rarity and her friends that I needed them in Canterlot this morning. As an Element Bearer, I felt she needed to know the truth about the princesses before it was announced to the public. I'm really sorry she broke her promise to you Sweetie Bell.”

Dinky puts a hoof around her sad friend's shoulder. “I know how you feel, Sweetie Belle. My dad isn't always able to be around either.”

Arc nods. “Not trying to make you feel sad or anything Dinky, but I'll probably be around even less now that I'm the Lord Regent. Sorry about this.”

Dinky wraps her small hooves around Arc and hugs him. “It's okay dad! I understand. Equestria needs you now more than ever!”

Sweetie Belle looks over to Dinky. “Doesn't that make you sad? Being so far away from your dad and all!”

Dinky nods. “It does. But my dad isn't leaving mom and I because he wants to, but because he has to keep Equestria safe!”

“I'm glad you understand sweetheart. I do wish there was another way!”

Arc looks over to Sweetie Belle.

“I'm sure your sister wanted to be here for you. She'll probably be home later today though Please don't be mad at her, okay? It's been quite the day for all of us!”

“Well... okay. Thanks for cheering me up you two!”

Dinky laughs! “That's what friends are for!”

The pair trot off together happily!

Arc stands back up and mutters to himself. “Ah... to be so care-free again.”

He spots the Hammer family talking with the mayor and walks over to join them.

“Mr. Arc! I mean Lord Arc! Please join us!”

Mayor Mare bows to Arc as he approaches. “Ah, thank you for coming today Lord Regent! It wouldn't have been the same without somepony important making a speech!”

“It was my pleasure, Mayor Mare! Although I had hoped to meet the new schoolteacher.”

“My apologies Lord Arc. I suppose it couldn't be helped.”

Arc nods. ”I understand. Perhaps next time.”

“Yes indeed! Well, if you will excuse me, I need to talk to Matron Coco Pommel about the upcoming school year and her role in it. Carry on without me everypony!”

Mayor Mare walks over to Coco Pommel as Arc turns to the Hammers.

“I think we should speak in private. Would the three of you please come with me to the Matron's office?

Steel Hammer nods. “Yes, Lord Arc.”

Arc leads the Hammer family to Coco Pommel's simple office. He closes the door behind them as the Hammer’s turn to him.

“Congratulations, Lord Arc! You've sure come a long way!”

Silver Hammer nods. “In but a few short months your exploits as the Hero of Light has surpassed our wildest expectations!”

Steel Hammer nods and smiles. “It's true. You've already done more than we did in our entire tenure as Equestria's protectors!”

Platinum Valve looks to her parents. “I'm still really proud of you both! But, I'm also glad you decided to retire and take care of me!”

“As am I, Platinum Valve. But right now there are a few things I need to talk to your family about.”

Silver Hammer nods! “Sure Lord Arc! We'll help in any way we can!”

“Thanks. First of all, I don't want any of you calling me by any fancy titles. We're all heroes here, so please just call me Arc, okay?”

“If that's what you want then that's what we'll do, Arc.”

Silver Hammer looks to him nervously. “Are the princesses going to be okay? Sorry to be so forward about this, but old habits die hard I guess!”

“Doctor Whooves is doing his very best to get to the bottom of this matter. I wish I could investigate this vexing problem myself. However, my duty now lies in another direction.”

“We understand! You can't be in two places at once, Mr. Arc!”

“Any leads?”

“The doctor found a strange substance in both princesses’ blood samples. While he's currently trying to figure out what to do about it, Twilight is going to try some experiments on their blood and see if she can identify this substance.”

Silver Hammer nods soberly. “Is there anything we can do to help?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nothing right now. Until Doctor Whooves and Twilight figure out what it is we're dealing with here, there isn't really anything we can do for them! Sorry I don't have better news.”

Steel Hammer sighs. “Thank you for telling us. It helps put our minds at ease knowing you’re there for Equestria in its time of need.”

“Would you like to see Princess Luna for yourselves? The doctor isn't sure if she can hear us, but if she can, I'm guessing hearing your voices will be of great comfort to her.”

Silver Hammer’s eyes light up! “Thank you Arc. That is very kind of you!”

“We accept!”

“Wonderful! Now I'll send Ember back with you. She will inform the guards of my orders and they will allow you to enter the princess' chambers.”

“Thanks Mr. Arc. My parents have been on edge since they heard the princesses were ill!”

“Would you go find Ember for me, Platinum Valve? Tell her I need to see her right away.”

Platinum Valve scurries away! “I'm on it!”

Arc smiles after her. “Ah! Such energy she has!

Steel Hammer grins broadly. "Yes. We're so proud of her.”

“She's just started her first big research project! It sounds a bit complicated for her though.”

“Oh? What's she working on?”

“She wants to find a way to combine magic and machinery.”

Arc nods, clearly impressed! “That's quite ambitious! What gave her the idea?”

“Well you see, back in Dodge Junction at the Cherry Festival, Platinum Valve noticed several ponies with disabilities.”

Steel Hammer nods. “One was a stallion in a wheelchair, and the other was a filly missing a leg.

“They both stopped at our booth to take a look at our wares. Platinum Valve struck up a conversation with the filly while we talked to the stallion.”

“We came to find out that the stallion and the filly were both injured in an airship crash some time ago!”

“That's terrible! Please tell me this isn't a normal part of flying!”

Silver Hammer shakes her head. “Not to worry! Such things are VERY rare these days. But accidents do happen!”

“That little filly and stallion were the only survivors of the crash! Apparently he was able to somehow get her to safety! But she lost both her parents that day!”

“I can't image how horrible it must have been for her! One moment she's with her parents. The next, she's an orphan!”

Ember, followed by Sereb, and Platinum Valve enter the office together.

“I found her!”

“You wanted to see me Arc?”

“Yes, Ember! I want you and Sereb to escort the Hammer family to Canterlot Castle so they can visit Princess Luna. They're... close friends of hers.”

Ember nods! “Sure. I can do that!”

Sereb looks to Arc. “As you will.”

Arc opens a portal to the Canterlot Castle Audience Chamber. “Thanks. I'll be back at the castle myself in a bit.”

Ember winks at Arc as she, Sereb, and the Hammers walk through the portal. “Don't be too long, Arc.”

Arc closes the portal and sits down in Coco Pommel's large office chair. He swivels around to look out the patio window to quietly enjoy the peace of the moment. There is a small knock at the door.


Coco Pommel slowly opens the door and steps into the office with another mare.

“Arc? I'm sorry to bother you right now, but the new teacher has just arrived. I believe you expressed an interest in meeting them?”

Arc continues to look out the window. “Yes. There were a few things I wanted to tell them. Sorry for taking over your office like this. I needed someplace... private for a few minutes.”

“I understand. Today has been rather hectic for everypony! You more than most!”

Arc slowly swivels the chair around to face the two mares as the teacher steps forward.

“H-hello sire! My name is... AHHHHHHHHH!!!”

The mare, upon seeing Arc, screams and faints!

“Oh dear! My apologies Arc! I had no idea she would respond that way!”

Arc stands up and walks over to the unconscious mare lying on the floor. “It's okay Coco Pommel. I'm pretty used to that response. Would you mind if I carried her to your room to recover?”

Coco Pommel quickly opens the door to the adjoining room. “Not at all! Please follow me!”

She leads Arc into her private quarters. He lays the mare down on her bed, covers her with a blanket and steps back.

“Will she be okay?”

Arc turns to face Coco Pommel. “Yes. She should wake up shortly. Why don't we sit down and chat while we wait? There are a few things I wanted to ask you about.”

Coco Pommel motions to the “Living Room” part of her room. There are a pair of couches facing each other.

“That would be wonderful! We haven't had much time to talk lately, what with us both being so busy and all!”

The pair sit down across from each other.

“I see you're still wearing that robe. It's fine and all but, are you eating enough now?”

Coco Pommel smiles and nods! “Oh yes! Like I told you back then, I started wearing it to hide what was happening to my body. Now, it's just a part of who I am!”

She removes her robe and sets it on the couch next to her, allowing her whole body to be seen.

“As you can see, I'm still a bit thin. Doctor Horse tells me that it's going to take quite a while for me to fill out like everypony else.”

“How about your energy levels? How do you feel?”

Coco Pommel sighs. “I can't join the foals in any strenuous games, as I’m still very easily winded! Sadly, there isn't anything else that the doctor can do for me. In time I will recover. However, the road will be long and hard.”

Arc nods and sighs. “I'm sorry Coco Pommel.”

She looks to him, confused. “What could you have to be sorry about?”

“If I had come along sooner, maybe your recovery wouldn't have to be so long and arduous.”

“Please Arc! Don't blame yourself for my condition! You saved my life after all! One thing’s for sure though. Without your intervention I don't believe I would have lived to see many more winters. No matter what anypony else says, you will ALWAYS be a hero to me and the orphans!”

“Thanks. I'm glad you're doing better physically. How about emotionally?”

Coco Pommel looks down, embarrassed. “It's... been really hard to adapt to a post Matron Tempest orphanage. The orphan's minds are healing nicely! My own... not so much.”

“Loud noises?”

Coco Pommel nods. “Yes. The orphans understand my... condition, and are very careful not to do anything that would surprise me!”

“Have there been any episodes like... what happened that day in my office?”

“A couple times, yes. Not as... extreme as back then though. Now I kinda just fall to the ground and cower under my robe. The few times it's happened when the orphans were around, they surrounded and nuzzled me until I could stand up again!”

Arc smiles at the thought! “They really are sweet! I hope their future's will be happy and bright!”

“As do I! Hopefully them attending school with a REAL teacher in a REAL classroom with help them become everything they can be~ Like you said in your speech earlier... one day these foals will take their places in this world. I can only point them down the right path. But it's they who must be willing to take that first step!”

“Well put Coco Pommel! And I believe you're doing a wonderful job! Speaking of jobs, how is your new Assistant Matron doing?”

“Very well! She's had a hard life herself, so she can relate to the orphans and their day to day struggles. Her and Dinky have helped them come to terms with most of their problems. Together, they’re probably more effective in that regard than I myself am!”

“The orphans will always have need of you Coco Pommel! They would be lost without you there to lead and protect them!”

Coco Pommel sighs. “Thank you for saying that Arc. However, I don't want them to be completely dependent on me! They have to learn how to make it out there on their own someday. I've always felt sad when a little one grew up and left the orphanage. But I know it is for the best!”

Arc nods, understanding. “Is there anything you need? More help around here? All you have to do is just say the word, and I'll send someone!”

She shakes her head. “Thank you for the offer, but I believe the orphans and I need to work through this together.”

“I understand. Feel free to call me if you need anything though. Even if it's just to talk. Okay?”


The mare on the bed begins to stir. Arc looks over to the bed.

“I think she's coming around now.”

Coco Pommel rises from the couch, quickly puts her robe back on and walks over to the mare.

“Miss? Can you hear me?”

The mare slowly opens her eyes. “Ugh... what happened?”

“You fainted, dear. Are you okay now?”

She slowly sits up and rubs her head. “I think so. Sorry for worrying you. When we entered your office, I thought… I thought I saw a monster sitting at your desk! Perhaps the stress of moving finally caught up with me.”

Coco Pommel laughs! “That wasn't a monster! It's the new Lord Regent of Equestria, silly!”

“Oh my! Is it still in your office?!”

Arc stands and turns to face her. “Nope. I'm right here.”

The mare bounds out of bed as quickly as she can, but trips and lands on the floor face first. Arc quickly walks over to her!

“Ouch! Miss, are you all right?!”

“I... I think so...”

Arc extends a gauntlet to the mare. “Let me help you up.”

She cautiously reaches up to Arc's outstretched hand but quickly bows as she notices his royal raiments! She bows low, her face to the floor.

“Please forgive me, your majesty! I... I had no idea... I mean...”

The mare’s voice suggests she is on the verge of tears. Arc kneels down to the mare’s level, putting a hand under her chin and slowly lifting her head to look her in the eye.

“All is forgiven! I'm Hero of Light Arc. Although with the princesses sick in bed I'm the temporary Lord Regent of Equestria. And you are...”

“M-my name? I-I'm Ch-Cheerilee! The new s-school t-t-teacher!”

Cheerilee is visibly shaking at his appearance.

“Cheerilee, please don't be frightened! I know I may look quite a bit... different from a pony, but I'm not going to hurt you.”

Coco Pommel walks over and places a hoof on Cheerilee's shoulder. “He's telling you the absolute truth miss! Arc here is actually a very good friend of mine! You don't have to be afraid of him!”

“O-okay... I'll try. You said there was something you wanted to tell me... earlier?”

Arc nods. “Yes. But why don't we sit down first?”

“Probably a good idea. You still look like you might fall down any moment now, Miss Cheerilee!”


The trio walks back to the couches. Coco Pommel and Cheerilee sit down together on the couch opposite Arc.

“Now then, Miss Cheerilee. What have you been told about your new job?

“Well... I know that I'm going to be teaching a rather large class of foals here at the Little Hooves Orphanage. I was also told I would be living here, as most of the students are staying here full time.”

Cheerilee looks suddenly nervous again!

“Is there more to it then I was told?!”

Coco Pommel nods. “A bit. The orphans here have had a very rough life. Not just because they've lost their parents, but due to the fact they have lived most of their lives in total fear of their previous caretaker, Matron Tempest.”

“Oh my! How are they now?!”

“Much better than when I took them out of that place! They lived in my base down the path for a while to recover, both mentally and physically.”

Cheerilee looks confused. “Begging you pardon sire, but foals on a military base?!”

Coco Pommel nods. “At the time it was the best place for them. I had done my best to take care of them as best I could over the years. But when Arc liberated the orphanage and took down Matron Tempest, my strength was at its end.”

“I remember you coming forward to thank me. You got about half the words out before you collapsed.”


Coco Pommel nods, sadly. “Yes. I was... a bit malnourished at the time.”

“A bit?!! Coco Pommel, you were DYING!”

“Yes, well... I'm doing much better!”

“You are NOW! I would certainly say that major organ failure is more than just ‘a bit malnourished’!”

Cheerilee's eyes grow wide. "Matron Pommel, what in Celestia's name happened over there?! Were you an orphan or an employee?!”

Coco Pommel sighs. “Both actually. I grew up at New Beginnings Orphanage, but became an assistant to Matron Tempest when I aged out of the program.”

Arc nods. “She had been giving her food to the foals for YEARS to keep them from starving!”

“Well I must say, you sure must have a big heart to do that, Matron Coco Pommel!”

“Thank you! And you can just call me Coco Pommel. Now, are you ready to meet the residents of Little Hooves Orphanage?”

Cheerilee nods happily! “Yes! Is there anything I need to do... differently for the orphans?”

“A bit, yes. They've improved greatly in their time at Light's Hope down the way. There’re just a couple things you need to know. For starters, don't raise your voice to them! Matron Tempest used to do that to them several times a day.”

“From where I stood, it looked more like every chance she got!”

Coco Pommel sighs. “Yes, you're right about that Arc.”

Cheerilee nods! “I understand. Don't worry about that, as it's not how I teach. Anything else?”

“The only other thing you need to know is that they were pretty much cut off from the rest of the world back then. There are many things that, while common knowledge to you, are unheard of to them. I did my best to teach them what I could, but I admit I too will need some... lessons from you.”

Arc sighs. “For example... when I took them home with me, I had to explain what the concept of LUNCH was!”

“You can count on me, Coco Pommel! I'll do my very best to teach them everything I can!”

“Thank you. I can't really ask for more than that. Now if the two of you would please meet me in the classroom, I will gather the orphans and meet you there.”

Coco Pommel leaves the room as Arc and Cheerilee proceed with her down the hallway and down the stairs. Upon reaching the ground level Coco Pommel goes out the back door while Arc and Cheerilee head over to the classroom. The townsponies have all gone home, presumably to have lunch.

Arc closes the classroom door behind them and turns to Cheerilee. “There is one other thing you need to be aware of, Cheerilee.”

“There is?”

Arc nods soberly. “Yes. Coco Pommel herself is probably the most mentally scarred of all of them! She was resting in my office shortly after being released from the hospital when I accidentally knocked my phone off the desk. Without going into detail, let's just say I have NEVER seen anyone so completely and utterly terrified!”

“Is there anything I can do?!”

“Just know this... if you ever see Coco Pommel going through one of her... episodes, the orphans will most likely surround and comfort her. Do not interrupt them. This is something that they must deal with themselves. Please understand.”

“I... I really don't. But I will do as you say, Lord Arc.”

Coco Pommel returns to the Classroom with the orphans behind her. They appear nervous upon seeing Cheerilee.

“Everypony please take a seat now.”

The orphan silently sit down at their desks as Cheerilee walks over to her desk at the front of the room.

“Everypony, this is Miss Cheerilee. She's going to be your new teacher starting tomorrow.”

Cheerilee smiles at them. “Hello everypony! I look forward to becoming your new teacher!”

Pipsqueak looks to Coco Pommel. “But Miss Pommel, why don't you teach us yourself”! You did such a good job of it back at the... other orphanage!”

Aquamarine nods! “Yeah! We loved your lessons!”

The others nod their heads in agreement.

“I would if I could, little ones. But the fact of the matter is, I don't actually know anything else to teach you.”

The orphans look confused.

“You see... my own education as a filly under Matron Tempest was practically nonexistent! To tell you the truth, what I taught you back then was only what I was able to learn myself the night before while reading the lesson books the Matron gave me! I'm sorry, but I want you all to learn and grow smart!”

Coco Pommel motions with a hoof toward Cheerilee.

“Miss Cheerilee here can teach you things that will take you far in this world! Things I can't! Pay close attention in class and do your very best, okay?”

The orphans nods, albeit sadly.

Arc turns to the orphans. “Don't worry everyone. Coco Pommel isn't going anywhere! She'll still be here to make your meals and be there for you when you need her. But you see, Miss Pommel can't do everything herself! She needs help to see to it all of you are raised properly. That's why Derpy is here as her assistant, and Dinky is here to... um... just be there for you, I guess.”

Aquamarine smiles! “Yeah! Dinky's our hero!”

Pipsqueak nods! “She's totally brave and stuff! We all really like her!”

“Well I'm sure she’ll approve of Miss Cheerilee when she meets her tomorrow morning”

“Do you really think so Mr. Arc?”

“I know so! So please, just give Miss Cheerilee a chance, okay?”

The orphans nod.

“We will!”

“Thank you everypony! I'll do my very best to teach you everything you'll need to know in order to make it in the real world!”

Coco Pommel steps to the front of the classroom. “Now I'm sure Miss Cheerilee has a lot of things to do in preparation for tomorrow. All of you may go back to playing outside now while you wait for lunch to be ready!”

“Thank you, Miss Pommel!”

The orphans run happily out the classroom door! Cheerilee breathes a sigh of relief.

“Thank you both for the vote of confidence! I was rather worried they wouldn't accept me!”

“Don't worry about it. Just be the best you can be, and I'm sure they will soon come to trust you.”

“I look forward to hearing a positive report soon. Now if the two of you will excuse me, I think I’ll just pop into the kitchen for a few minutes before heading back to Canterlot.”

Coco Pommel smiles at him! “Thank you for coming Arc! It really means a lot to the orphans and I.”

“It was my pleasure. I'll always be there for you and the orphans! Take care of yourself.”

Arc stands and walks to the door. He turns back before leaving the room.

“Have faith in yourself and your abilities, Cheerilee. I know you can do this!”

Arc closes the Classroom door behind him. Cheerilee turns to Coco Pommel.

“Lord Arc certainly is a kind... what is he now?”

“He's a human.”

Cheerilee looks to Coco Pommel, wide-eyed! “He's a HUMAN?! But... he seems so... NICE! Are you sure?”

“That's what he said.”

“But... humans are supposed to be...”

Coco Pommel holds up a hoof for silence.

“I've heard the stories about how humans are supposed to be as well! But he's nothing like what we've been told! I trust him completely!”

Cheerilee nods, nervously! “Very well. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt then.”

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