• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 17 - Helping a Friend or Two

The next morning Coco Pommel and Ember awaken. They both sit up and yawn.

“Good morning, Ember.”

Ember looks out the window. “Are you sure it's morning? I'm still beat!”

She looks down at her bedmate.

“You planning on sleeping all day, Arc? Come on! Up and at em'!”

Arc rolls over to look up at Ember. “Ugh... just five more minutes...”

She looks down at him, concerned. “Arc? Are you okay? You look... terrible!”

He sits up. “I've been better. Last night I went on a little adventure of my own.”

A look of worry flashes across Coco Pommel’s face! “All alone?!”

“It wasn't anything dangerous. I'll tell you about it after breakfast.”

The trio leaves Arc’s room and turns toward the cafeteria. However, Arc heads another direction.

“Uh Arc? The Cafeteria is this way, remember?”

“I'll meet you there in a few minutes. Have to meet up with someone first.”

The part ways. Ember turns to Coco Pommel. “What do you suppose that was all about?! It's not like him to be late for a meal.”

Coco Pommel shrugs. “I'm not sure. But he'll tell us when the time is right.”

“I guess so.”

Arc walks to the Guest Room. The two guards salute and allow him entry. Trixie is asleep on the bed. He walks over and gently nudges her.

“Trixie? It’s time for breakfast.”

Her eyes fly open and dart around the room. “Did... did last night really happen?!”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you really volunteer to help me?!”

Arc nods. “Yes, I did. And in case you didn't remember, the beating also happened.”

She sits up slowly and stiffly. “My extremely sore body reminded me of THAT part!”

Trixie slowly rises and moves to hop off the bed. Upon landing on the floor her legs cannot take the abuse, and she crashes to the floor face first!

“Trixie! Are you okay?!”

She slowly rises on wobbly legs. “I guess I was more hurt than I thought.”

“Do you need me to help you? You wouldn't be the first pony I've carried around here.”

Trixie looks to him, indignantly! “The Great and Powerful Trixie cannot allow herself to be carried like an invalid!”

She slowly walks toward the door. Each step appears to be agony for her beaten and bruised body! As she nears the door she again collapses. This time though she appears unable to rise.

“Um... the Great and Powerful Trixie will take you up on your offer and allow you to... carry her.”

Arc walks over and picks her up. “Don't worry. I got you.”

He moves toward the door with Trixie in his arms. As they exit the room the Royal Guards on duty salute him as he passes. Trixie looks mortified!

“This is humiliating…”

“We all need to be carried at one point or another.”

“Really? I bet you've never had to be carried like a sack of groceries before!”

Arc smirks. “Truth be told, I have. It took two ponies, but they managed to carry me to Ponyville Hospital.”

“What?! Why?”

“Let's just say I took on an Ursa Minor and lost... very badly. I dimly remember them putting me on the backs of two ponies and away we went. On the way I passed out from blood loss. Just think of the sight we must have made running through town!”

“I can just imagine. But you must have known that being the Hero of Light would be quite dangerous!”

“That happened long before I was a hero of any kind! I had no armor and a weapon that was actually a mantelpiece from what I am told.”

“What?! Why would you…”

Arc interrupts her. “Desperate times, desperate measures... that sort of thing.”

Trixie shakes her head. “I'm not sure if you are the brave, or just plain nuts!”

He laughs! “I believe the truth lies somewhere in the middle!”

Arc and Trixie arrive at the Cafeteria. Coco Pommel, Ember, Derpy and Dinky are all sitting together eating and talking. As Arc and Trixie enter the room the orphans look up. When they see Trixie, they immediately run to Coco Pommel. At first Trixie assumes they are trying to hide behind the mare out of fear. However, it soon becomes clear they are running to stand in FRONT of Coco Pommel, shielding her!

Pipsqueak looks at Trixie, menacingly! “You keep away from Miss Pommel!”

Aquamarine stomps a small hoof defiantly! “We’re not afraid of you!”

Arc looks at the orphans. “It's okay little ones. Trixie here is my... uh... guest at the moment. She's promised to be good from now on. Besides... she's not exactly in any condition to be a danger to anyone!”

Pipsqueak looks at Trixie’s bandaged and bruised body. “Well... I guess you have a point Mr. Arc. But I still don't trust her!”

Aquamarine glares at the intruder! “We'll be watching you, so don't try anything!”

Dinky walks over to face the orphans. “Come on everypony! My dad wouldn't have brought her here if she was going to cause trouble!”

Coco Pommel nods. “Go back to eating, little ones. I'm sure Arc knows what he's doing. Have faith in him, as I do!”

Listening to Dinky and Coco Pommel, the foals warily go back to their respective tables. Although they constantly look over their shoulders to Trixie, whom Arc has set down at the opposite end of the table as far away from Coco Pommel as possible!

Trixie watches them as they stare daggers at her. “Why are those little urchins so protective of that mare?!”

Ember scowls at Trixie. “You would be too if you were them!”

Derpy nods. “She's looked after and protected them their whole lives!”

“Miss Pommel is the kindest, gentlest, most loving pony I have ever met! Well, other than my mom.”

Dinky grins at Derpy as she pats her daughter on the head and returns the smile.

Arc looks over at Trixie. “Trixie. For YEARS she was the only thing standing between them and starvation! Tempest was certainly not very charitable with food around the Orphanage. Ask any of the orphans here how they feel about Tempest and you'll get an ear-full!

Trixie looks conflicted. Arc looks at Dinky.

“Dinky, would you get Trixie a plate of food please?”

“Okay dad!”

Trixie looks at Arc, wide-eyed! “DAD?!”

“I adopted Derpy's daughter, Dinky.”

“Why would you do that? I don't understand what you could have to gain by taking such action!”

Derpy looks over. “Trixie, was it? Arc has always been there for me as long as I have known him! He took care of me when I was in the final stages of pregnancy and was the one who delivered my baby! And, although he most certainly didn't have to, he even volunteered sign her Birth Certificate!”

He nods. “I wanted to be sure Dinky would know the love of a father. She's... very special to me. I have no doubt that she will grow up to do great things one day!”

Dinky returns with a plate of food for Trixie and one for Arc. He accepts the food and tousles Dinky’s mane! “Thank you dear!”

“Hee, hee! You're welcome, dad!”

Dinky sits back down and continues eating.

“Can I see you all in the Meeting Room after breakfast? There have been some... developments in the Captain Decimus investigation that I want to share.”

“Me too, dad?”

Arc shakes his head. “It's a bit...disturbing, Dinky. I myself found it to be quite appalling! You might find it too scary.”

Dinky narrows her eyes. “Uh dad? I stood up against Tempest and the Angel of Darkness. They weren't too scary for me!”

He sighs. “Very well. You may join us if you want.”

“Thanks dad!”

Arc's squad walks in to the Cafeteria for breakfast. They each grab a plate and sit together at a nearby table. He walks over to them. They stand and salute.

“Good morning, commander!”

“At ease. How are you all feeling after yesterday?”

Max smiles! “Good as new, sir!”

The others nod approvingly.

“Glad to hear it! Come to the Meeting Room after breakfast. I have something to show you.”

“Yes sir!”

Hugh looks over at Arc’s table at Trixie. “Sir? Lieutenant Flash Sentry told us you two took that mare to the Canterlot Dungeons yesterday? If I may, what is she doing here?!”

Xenos looks over as well. “And her condition! You didn't hurt her anywhere near that bad the other day!”

“All will be explained at the meeting. Trixie is still a prisoner though, so she can't leave her room without me personally present.”

“Understood, sir!”

“Good. See you later!”

He returns to his table to finish eating. Arc turns to Trixie.

“You can come to the meeting too. Or I can escort you back to your room. Your call.”

“I'll join you and the others.”

They all stand to leave the Cafeteria. Trixie makes it only a couple feet before collapsing from her injuries. Arc bends over and picks her up.

“Don't worry. I got you, Trixie.”

She looks embarrassed. “Thanks…”

Arc, Trixie, Ember, Derpy, Dinky and Coco Pommel head to the Meeting Room. Upon their arrival Arc sets Trixie down in on a small sofa and then sits down at the head of the table. He picks up the phone next to him and dials the front desk.

“Raven? I want you to send Flash Sentry and Sandstorm Mirage to the Meeting Room at once.”

“Yes Commander! Shall I have Saffron bring some snacks?”

Arc shakes his head. “We just ate breakfast. I think we'll skip it... this time.”

“Very well sir!”

“I also need you to contact Canterlot Castle and inform them that Trixie Lulamoon will be staying here at Light's Hope as my prisoner until her trial.”

“Right away, commander!”

“Good job as always, Raven!”

As he hangs up the phone there is a knock at the door.


The squad enters the Meeting Room and salutes. “Reporting as ordered, sir!”

“Good. Do me a favor and bring the prototype projector and screen from my office. The crystal we need is in my upper-right drawer. We're still waiting for a couple more faces.”

Arc's squad leaves the room and returns several minutes later with the requested items in tow. Saffron. Flash Sentry and Sandstorm Mirage are right on their heels. With Arc’s help they set up the projector and load the crystal.

“Now that we're all here, let's get this over with.”

Derpy looks to Arc. “Is it really that bad?”

Arc dims the lights. “In truth, I found it almost as hard to watch as my battle with Tempest!”

He walks back over to the head of the table and presses a button. The shutters lower over the windows. The door locks and a magic barrier forms over them!

“There. Now we can watch this in absolute secrecy.”

The projector comes to life. Arc sits down on the small sofa next to Trixie, as Dinky jumps in Arc's lap and sits down. All assembled watch in horror at the scene that unfolds before them! At some point Dinky jumps out of her father’s lap! Even Arc's squad seem genuinely moved at the violent display against the mare who only yesterday attempted to kill them! The scene ends and Arc brings up the lights. He sees Dinky sitting next to a freshly traumatized Trixie on the couch, patting her fetlock with a small hoof.

“There, there! It's over now. Don't worry, my dad will protect you!”

Coco Pommel looks aghast! “And I thought the Matron was bad!”

Flash Sentry seethes! “This is... UNSPEAKABLE behavior for anypony who wears the armor of a protector! Much less the Captain of the Royal Guard!”

Even Ember is angry at what was shown! “While part of me liked watching Trixie get a lesson in humility, the more reasonable part of my brain says Captain Decimus is a prick!”

Sandstorm Mirage nods! “Commander! You should tell the princesses about this!”

Arc walks back to the head of the table and presses the button to disable the room security. “And I plan to. This recording will be added to my growing collection of evidence against the Captain.”

Max looks confused. “But sir! Why not just take what we have now to the princesses? They certainly can't ignore your findings!”

The others nod their heads in agreement!

“I would, but let's think about this rationally instead of emotionally. Other than the recording we just saw, all the "evidence" we have is circumstantial at best. Decimus could easily talk his way out of most of it. We need an iron-clad case before I report him.”

Ember looks at Arc, incredulously! “So we’re just going to let this go?!”

“No. We’re going to get more evidence!”

Derpy looks to the angry dragon next to her. “Ember, please have faith in Arc's decision. I admit, even I don't always agree with his methods but I know he always has a plan!”

“I know, and I'm sorry for blowing up like that. Knowing that Captain Decimus has done these things and is still allowed to roam free just makes me so MAD!”

Arc nods. “Don't worry Ember. We ARE going to take down Captain Decimus. It's just a matter of timing!”

There is a knock at the door.

“Come in!”

The door opens and Raven walks in levitating a scroll. “Commander, this just arrived for you from Canterlot.”

He accepts it. “Thank you, Raven.”

She leaves as Arc breaks the seal. “Let’s see what we have here…”

Arc silently reads the message.

“It appears that Captain Decimus isn't too happy about our guest being here at Light's Hope. He's informed the princesses that he is ready to prosecute Trixie, and they in turn have set her court date for... first thing tomorrow morning?!”

Everyone gasps!

“Flash Sentry, do trials in Equestria usually happen this soon?”

The lieutenant shakes his head. “Usually no, sir. Normally the prosecutor needs significantly more time to gather and catalog all the evidence against the accused.”

Sandstorm Mirage nods in agreement. “But since the captain has a signed confession, he doesn't really need anything else, does he?“

Max shakes his head. “I would say he doesn't. If he presents that to the princesses, Trixie will be Tartarus bound before lunch!”

Xenos rubs his chin thoughtfully. “Is that... really such a bad thing? I mean come on! She ENSLAVED an entire tribe of ogres and raised an army!

Ember nods! “I'm with Xenos on this one! Trixie deserves to spend the rest of her days in Tartarus!”

Trixie narrow her eyes. “Um... you all know I'm still here, right?”

Hugh looks to Arc. “Sir, they do raise a valid point.”

Derpy stands up! “I can't believe this! Isn't it the job of every one of you to protect the innocent?!”

Flash Sentry nods. “Yes. But she’s not innocent!”

Arc holds his hands out to signal for silence. “Enough! All of you! Look... Trixie is a terrible pony and the world would probably be a lot better without her...”

Trixie again narrows and rolls her eyes. “Seriously, am I invisible now or something?!”

“...but even she deserves a fair trial. If the princesses do decide she should be sentenced to Tartarus, it should be for her real crimes! Not for the fabricated ones Decimus came up with!”

He looks at his squad.

“: Now I'm going to get that confession! Are you four coming with me?! This will be a "volunteers only" mission.”

None of them say a word.

Arc nods. “Alright. Forget I even mentioned it! Lieutenant, I want you to gather every guard under my command! Send everyone to the Armory for full battle armor and weapons! We will meet in the Main Hall. I will lead the troops personally.”

Flash Sentry looks over to him confused. “Sir?”

Arc calls forth his armor and spear. He toys with the spearhead as he talks. “This mission is going to be extremely dangerous, but I believe the reward far outweighs the risks!”

Sandstorm Mirage appears nervous. “Commander?! What are you saying?!”

Max joins Sandstorm Mirage in his wariness. “Are you all right, sir?” You seem… different somehow.”

Arc continues to play with his spearhead. He continues, emotionless. “Never better Max. The four of you have opened my eyes, that's all. It's such a simple solution... to a complex problem.”

Ember looks over warily. “So... what's the plan, Arc?”

“All of us... Royal Guards, Lunar Protectors, even you Ember... are going to attack Canterlot Castle. Captain Decimus will, of course, rally the castle defenders. However, when the dust settles, that piece of crap will lie dead at my feet and our little problem will be dealt with!”

Ember looks at him, wide-eyed! “WHAT?! That’s insane!”

Arc looks at Ember, confused. “I thought you would be the first to agree with me Ember. After all, considering what Captain Decimus did to you, I thought you would have wanted the honor of killing him yourself.”

“I... I admit I have thought about it, but... but we can't DO that?!”

Max nods fervently! “Ember is right, sir! You can't just go around killing anypony you disagree with!”

Arc shrugs. “Why not?! We all know Captain Decimus is out of control! I'm tired of trying to make a legitimate case against him!”

Xenos stands up angrily! “That's not what we stand for, sir!”

Flash Sentry nods! “Commander! You know as well as I do that even Captain Decimus deserves a fair trial... for... his... crimes...”

The realization of what Flash Sentry has said finally sinks in to the group. Arc smiles and recalls his armor.

“Well said Lieutenant. Now do you all understand why we have to get that confession from Decimus?”

Max nods. “Yes sir... I'm sorry. You can count on me for this mission.”

Xenos smiles! “I'll come with you too! Somepony has to stick it to Decimus!”

Hugh chuckles. “I wouldn’t miss this for the world! I’m in!”

Viktor grins! “You won't get in without me, I'm with you, Commander!”

Flash Sentry looks at the floor, embarrassed. “Commander, you once gave me the benefit of the doubt when you found out about... my past. Please forgive me for not trusting your judgment. I'll help in any way I can as well.”

“Thanks everyone! I'm glad you're coming with me... mostly because I had no clue how I was going to pull this off on my own!”

Ember raises an eyebrow, skeptically! “Exactly what DID you have planned Arc?”

“Let's just say it wouldn't have stayed a stealth mission for very long. A few half-baked plans and a bashed in door later… let's just say one way or another that confession is coming with me!”

Derpy sighs. “Arc, why am I not surprised?! But... I'm still not so sure about your plan to break in!”

Dinky nods. “Yeah dad! Isn’t stealing… bad?”

“Normally yes, Dinky. However, sometimes you have to BREAK the rules to do the right thing! You'll understand when you get older. Believe me, if there was a better way to go about this, I would go that route.”

“I don’t understand, but I believe in you, dad!”

“Thanks, Dinky!”

He turns to his squad.

“You boys remember that plan I laid out for this mission earlier.? Well, were still going through with it, but getting that confession is being added to the list. Understood?”

“Yes sir!”

Arc turns to Coco Pommel. “I don't know how long this mission will take, so would you be against coming as well? You can stay in my quarters in the castle while we do this. Flash Sentry will stay with you.”

She nods. “I'm actually feeling much stronger these days. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine here!”

“Well... okay. But only if you're completely sure!”

“I am! You boys just concentrate on getting your mission completed safely!”

He turns back to his troops.

“Flash Sentry, it will be your job to guard the rear and take care of any evidence we find. If something goes wrong don't wait for us. Just get out of there!”

He salutes. “It will be done!”

“We’ll meet in the Main Hall at 1 A.M. The rest of you bring whatever gear you think you’ll need. Until then, you are all on liberty. Dismissed!”

Flash Sentry and his squad salute and leave the room. Arc turns to Sandstorm Mirage.

“You will be in command of Light's Hope while I am away. I'll be back before morning.”

“Yes sir! Don't worry about a thing!”

Arc nods. “I know I can count on you, sergeant. Dismissed!”

Ember looks at Arc, peeved!

“Hey! What about me?!”

Arc puts his hands on his hips. “How good are you at stealth again, Ember?”

“I… never mind.”

Derpy and Dinky walks up to Arc as the sergeant leaves the room.

“Good luck tonight Arc! But do be careful! I... we both need you!”

Dinky runs over and gives Arc a hug! “Stay safe, dad!”

Arc returns the hug! “I will. You be a good girl for your mother while I'm gone.”

Dinky grins at Arc and leaves the room with her mother. Ember follows them out, turning as she passes Arc.

“You be careful, Arc…”

She leans in close and gives his face a quick lick!

“…I need you too!”

Arc turns to Trixie who is blinking quickly and shaking her head!

“Are you all right?!”

Trixie continues to shake her head. “What I have just seen... cannot be unseen! Are you and Ember...”

Arc interrupts her. “No. As much as she wants it, no!”

Trixie thinks for a moment. “You know, I can help you on this mission if you want! You've seen what I can do! With my help, there's no way this job can fail!”

“Thanks for the offer, but I would rather you stay here.”

“Still don't trust me?”

“Well, there is that yes. But bear in mind, if we get caught by Decimus you would most certainly become a "shoot on sight" target.”

Trixie’s pupils shrink and she gulps! “You know what? I think you and your troops have this well in hoof! Good luck!”

He picks up Trixie and heads for the door. “I thought you would see it my way.”

Arc returns Trixie to her room and lays her on the couch.

“There you are. Securely in your ‘cell’. Now if you will excuse me, I have a few things that need doing before tonight's mission.”

He turns to leave.

“Arc! I have to know! Why are you doing all this?!”

He turns to face Trixie. “Because you need my help.”

She looks at him skeptically. “There's got to be more to it than that?!”

“Um... because you’re helping me take down Decimus?”

Trixie rolls her eyes. “Really? How dumb do you think I am?!”

“Because... you’re a... nice shade of blue?”

“Now you’re not even trying!”

Arc walks over to the couch and sits down next to Trixie. “Fine... if you really want to know. I believe you have the potential to do much more than even you think. Equestria needs as many heroes as it can get, and you could be counted among them! So I'm trying to give you a second chance, as it were.”

She looks surprised! “You... you think I can still do good?”

He nods! “I know you can! Look, you wanted to join forces with Tempest, right? Why?”

“Well, I wanted to help her make Equestria a better, safer place!”

“And do you HAVE to join Tempest to do that?!”

Trixie thinks for a moment. “I... guess not. It's just that, she's such a great leader! The entire Special Forces division looks up to her! I just wanted to be a part of that! Just look at me though! I'm no leader... I'm just a follower, and a pretty crummy one at that.”

“There's nothing wrong with being a follower! All good leaders need good followers to help them carry out their tasks! Now listen Trixie. No matter what happens at you trial tomorrow, I want you to find someone to follow who truly cares about doing right... unlike Tempest.”

“I… I have a lot to think about...”

Arc stands to leave. “I’ll leave you to it then.”

“Thanks for the talk Arc. It means a lot to me!”

Arc nods and leaves the room.

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