• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 12 - An Auspicious Day

A couple days later a train pulls into the station at the base of Canterlot. Arc and Scootaloo look out the window together.

“We’re here.”

Arc sighs. “Yeah.”


“When your face is plastered all around town with a massive reward, it makes one a bit jumpy.”

“I guess so. Um… do you want me to go see Decimus alone then?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nah. I’ll come with you. After all, we have a few hours to waste.”

Cloaking, Arc follows Scootaloo to the exit. They leave the train car and head for the street only to find a Royal Guard standing at the base of the steps holding a sign that says ‘Scarlet Filly’. Scootaloo calls out to Arc.

“What do we do?”

“Approach him and announce yourself.”

Scootaloo does so. The guard salutes as she approaches.

“Welcome to Canterlot, Scarlet Filly. I’ve been ordered to bring you to my commanding officer as soon as you arrived. If you’d be so kind as to board the chariot, we’ll get underway.”

“Thank you.”

Stepping onto the large platform, Scootaloo sits down on one side to leave enough room for Arc himself to take a seat. The guard motions to the stallions and the chariot begins its trek down the cobblestone street.

“The captain was very surprised to receive your call the other day.”

“Didn’t he think I could do it?”

“Oh, yes. I only meant that your task was completed in what he referred to as record time. He had thought such an undertaking would have taken several months.”

“I’m very efficient. But why all this for me?”

“The captain will explain that personally when you meet.”

A short time later they arrive at the castle. Pulling up to the drawbridge, they disembark and walk inside. Scootaloo is quickly ushered through the corridors. Looking around she spies innumerable guards marching to and fro.

“Something happen?”

“Nothing. The captain is merely being proactive regarding castle security.”

Reaching an office the guard turns to Scootaloo and motions for her to come closer as he lowers his voice.

“Do be quick to conclude your business here, miss. The captain is a very busy stallion with a myriad of other tasks to complete. “

“I’ll see what I can do.”

Nodding, the guard opens the door and steps inside. Turning to the desk, he stops and salutes the stallion going over mountains of paperwork.

“The Scarlet Filly, as ordered, sir.”

“Very good. Leave us.”

The guard backs out of the room and shuts the door behind him as Decimus stands and walks around the desk.

“Welcome back, Scarlet Filly. I trust you have good news for me?”

“That’s debatable. However I have completed the mission set forth in your letter.”

“Very good. Let’s hear it.”

“The so-called rebels you spoke of were not plotting any sort of action against the country. Instead, they were merely victims of a very… ambitions ogre.”

Decimus raises an eyebrow. “An ogre?! That far out?! Are you certain of this?! Could they have been lying?!”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “No, sir. I saw him personally.”

Decimus grabs the telephone receiver. “I must handle this at once! We can’t very well let…!”

“That will not be necessary.”

“But such a creature must be…!”

“I have already dealt with the ogre in question.”

Decimus appears surprised. “In what way?”

“As per your instructions, I eliminated the problem.”

“WHAT?! HOW?!”

“Brute force.”

“Where is he now?!”

“I buried him under a pile of rocks in front of the cave.”

“May I ask why?”

Scootaloo shrugs. “It didn’t seem prudent to leave a dead body lying around.”

Decimus nods soberly. “Very good, Scarlet Filly. I will send scouts to verify the ogre’s existence and defeat, of course. When confirmed I will personally order your payment transferred to the Canterlot Bank. However, it sounds like you’ve taken care of everything over there.”

“Thank you, sir. Maybe now those in that little settlement can live out their lives in peace.”

“Yes, well… I have bigger issues to deal with right now. To be honest, your arrival is well-timed.”


“Princess Celestia will be making a very important speech this afternoon. You have a role to play in it.”

“What do you need me to do? Work security?”

Decimus shakes his head. “Nothing like that, per say. You may have heard this already, but your name is getting around.”

“Is it now?”

“Oh yes. The Defender of Dodge Junction, Savior of Vanhoover, and soon to be Slayer of Monsters, I’m sure.”

“Not sure how I feel about all that. After all, I didn’t really do THAT much in those places.”

“You’ll find that the common citizens are always in need of a hero to look up to. Somepony they can point to and say ‘they keep us safe’.”

“I suppose that knowledge would help them sleep easier at night. But that doesn’t explain what it is you want me to do.”

“You’re needed as a figurehead of sorts. An icon to allow the citizens to know that peace and order are still being maintained. This speech will be broadcast all over the country and I want you to be a part of it.”

“In what way?”

“I’ve already informed Princess Celestia of your exploits and asked her to talk about you in her speech. She’ll let the whole country know you exist. In addition, she’ll tell everypony what you’ve done thus far, praise your efforts, and give you a medal for all your efforts.”

“Th-thank you, I guess.”

“Is something wrong?”

“Not exactly. I’m just not much for large crowds.”

“Don’t worry about that. The speech will be given from her majesty’s balcony far above the spectators. I’ll see to it there’s a special platform for you to stand on so everypony can see you though.”

“Sounds like you’ve thought of everything, captain.”

“I do try, yes. Now then, all that’s left is for you to accept.”

“I’m not so sure I…”

Arc calls out telepathically. “Do it.”

“…I could pass up such an opportunity. I accept.”

“Wonderful! Now, there’s quite a bit of work for me to do before the tonight’s event, so I’m going to have to get back to it. The guard outside will escort you to one of our finest suites. You’ll have plenty of time to rest, clean yourself up, and make ready for tonight’s affair. But before we part, do you have any questions?”

“No, sir.”

“Good. Now then, I’ll personally come get you when the time is right. Dismissed.”

Nodding, Scootaloo leaves the office. The guard from earlier appears relieved as he motions for her to follow.

“That was a surprise.”

Scootaloo turns to him. “What was?”

“To hear somepony give the captain a report and not hear him yelling constantly.”

“I thought he was going to be upset at one point.”

“Oh, that I heard. How’d you diffuse him?”

“All I did was remind him that I was merely following his orders.”

A short time later they come to a large door. The guard pushes it open to reveal a luxurious room.

“I’m sure you’ll be quite comfortable in our…”

He is cut off as another guard runs over to them and looks down at Scootaloo.

“Scarlet Filly?!”


“Princess Celestia would like to invite you to breakfast in the Dining Room!”

“She would? When?”

“Right now, miss!”

“I’m not really that hungry…”

Arc calls out to her. “Go ahead. I’ll wait here.”

“…but I suppose I should come anyways.”

“Please follow me.”

The guards lead Scootaloo down the corridors yet again. Soon they come to two large double doors. Several platoons come to attention as they pass. Nodding to the guards on either side of the doors, they push them open and step aside to allow Scootaloo to enter. Before her lies a truly massive room with a long table at which the head is Celestia. Twilight sits on her right side, looking nervous. Seeing their guest, the princess stands and nods cordially.

“Welcome to Canterlot Castle, Scarlet Filly.”

“Thank you, your highness. It’s quite an honor to be here.”

“And it’s quite an honor for me to meet the one whom has been on everypony’s tongue lately.”

She motions to the chair on her left with a hoof.

“Please join us.”

Scootaloo walks over to the chair and sits down. Celestia gestures to the mare next to her.

“This is my personal student, Twilight Sparkle.”


Scootaloo nods. “A pleasure, miss.”

Arc muses to himself as he calls out to Scootaloo. “Twilight Sparkle?”

“You’ve heard of her, Big Brother?”

“Yeah. Somehow. Let’s just play this by ear though.”

Celestia smiles at the filly. “We have a few minutes before the food is ready. Might I ask you a few questions?”

“Certainly, your highness.”

“Word of your exploits has reached us here in Canterlot. But I wanted to ask you personally if everything they say about you is true.”

“I’m not sure what it is they’re saying, your majesty, as I’ve been in the wilderness for some time now.”

Twilight clears her throat before speaking. “We’ve heard that you rescued two fillies whom were kidnapped by a gang of thugs.”

“That is true. They were being guarded by half a dozen stallions in a cave near the town.”

Celestia appears concerned. “How did you save them?”

“The only way I could think of. By killing their captors.”

Twilight gasps. ”Wasn’t that going a bit far?!”

“No. Their ultimatum was for me to personally turn myself over to them in exchange for the fillies. They stated that if I did not, they would have killed their hostages. In that moment they sealed their fates.”

Celestia turns to the mare. “It may sound cruel to you, Twilight, but sometimes justice can only be found at the tip of a blade.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia continues. “It’s also said that you took down a gang of a hundred vigilantes alone while defending a prison train bound for Canterlot.”

“That I did.”

Twilight frowns. “Might we know how? After all, a filly wouldn’t normally be capable of such extraordinary feats.”

“It was simple really. I just caused a bit of infighting between the stallions. Before they knew what was going on, a full-on brawl was underway.”

“Couldn’t a more peaceful solution have been reached?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “Not that I could see, no.”

“There isn’t always a non-violent solution to every problem, Twilight.”

“That and I’m just one filly.”

Celestia turns back to her. “Are you?”

“Your majesty?”

“I do admit, you appear to be a filly, yes. However, it is difficult to believe one so small would be capable of accomplishing so much.”

Twilight hisses. “Princess!”

“No, Miss Twilight. Your teacher is right to question that.”

She turns back to Celestia.

“While I may be a filly, that is not all I am.”


“It’s difficult to put into words, but I had certain… abilities bestowed upon me to enhance my otherwise frail form. While I really am a filly, both in mind and body, I’m also more than that.”

Twilight frowns. “I don’t understand.”

Celestia nods. “Yes, I can indeed sense your… power.”

“Will that be a problem?”

“No. After all, you’ve proven yourself to be a capable individual as well as exhibiting a desire and willingness to do that which is right. It would be pointless for me to take action against one whom has thus far only used their dark powers for good.”

Twilight gasps. “Dark powers?!

Celestia nods. “You’ve had little exposure to Dark Magic, Twilight. I’m not surprised you can’t sense them.”

“But Dark Magic is a bad thing!”

Celestia frowns. “Is it?”

Twilight nods fervently. “Yes! King Sombra, The Dark One, Tempest, and any number of villains in the history books used it!”

“Those individuals are, or were, certainly threats. However, it was not their power that made them so.”

“What else could have…?!”

“They made choices of their own free will to act as they did. Their Dark Power was merely a tool used to achieve their goals.”

Scootaloo nods. “There are bad mares and stallions in this world, yes. However, we shouldn’t shift the blame to their powers. After all, they were the ones whom made their own choices.”

Twilight sighs. “Yes, well… I only see their Dark Magic as the common denominator.”

Celestia sighs. “There was another, Twilight.”


“Each of them chose to sacrifice others to attain their own goals.”

She gestures to Scootaloo before continuing.

“However, this filly has done nothing but help others since arriving on the country’s stage. We would do well not to dismiss them due to their powers.”

“Yes, Princess Celestia.”

A number of Hoof Maidens enter the room and serve them breakfast before returning to the kitchen. Scootaloo eats carefully in order not to dirty her robe.

“Please forgive my student. She’s a bit… overprotective of me.”

Twilight groans. “Considering what happened to you, the caution is warranted.”

“I suppose it is, Twilight. But one can’t live in constant fear their entire lives.”

Scootaloo nods. “That’s understandable, your highness. Honestly, I agree with Miss Twilight.”

Twilight appears surprised. “You do?”

“Yes. Princess Celestia is a very important mare. And should any harm befall her it would be catastrophic to this land. That’s why Captain Decimus has asked me to stand by your side this evening during the speech.”

Twilight gasps. “He has?”

Celestia nods. “Yes. Did he also mention the other reason?”

“The captain did say something about a medal.”

Twilight frowns. “What for?”

“Rounding up the gang terrorizing Dodge Junction and finding the cause of a sickness affecting Vanhoover’s foal population.”

“I’ve also just returned from what was thought to be an unmarked rebel town to the northeast.”

Celestia raises an eyebrow. “Have you now? What did you find?”

“I’m sure it’ll be in the report Captain Decimus will be filing, but I discovered that the ponies there weren’t rebels at all. In fact, they were themselves being oppressed by a rogue ogre.”

Celestia frowns. “An ogre, you say.”

“Yes. Sadly I was forced to kill him.”

Twilight narrows her eyes. “What was his crime?”

“Using the energy of the ponies in the nearby town to sustain his own life.”

Twilight gasps. “HOW?!”

“By using dark powers to drain their lifeforce. Captain Decimus is sending scouts now to verify my claims.”

“Very interesting. Ogres haven’t been seen in many years.”

Twilight turns to Celestia. “There was one in Ponyville not that long ago, princess.”


Twilight nods. “Yes. He was attending a peace summit hosted nearby. Hero of Light Arc organized it on behalf of your sister.”

Celestia frowns. “Luna. She must’ve been manipulated into allowing it.”

“With all due respect, it did go fairly well.”

“Did it?”

“Well… there was a bit of a battle at the end, but…”

Celestia grits her teeth. “Then I am glad it failed. We can’t be responsible for the degradation of diplomatic relations regarding the neighboring countries.”

“If you could have been there, I’m sure you would have agreed that everything was done with the best of intentions. Both Princess Luna and Cadance agreed to make him the Hero of Light, after all.”

“I do understand that, Twilight. However, I’ve seen first hoof just how cunning and manipulative humans can be. This one must’ve had both of them along with you and your friends completely under their power.”

Scootaloo frowns. “A frightening thought.”

Twilight sighs. “Nonetheless, I do wish you could have met him.”

Celestia grits her teeth. “If Captain Decimus is correct, I may yet.”

“I do hope he’s alive and well.”

Scootaloo calls out telepathically. “She sounds like she really does know you, Big Brother.”

“Yeah. And I’m sure I know her too.”

“Should I say something?”

“No. Princess Celestia would just attack me on sight.”

Celestia continues. “In any case, we cannot allow this rogue human to take our focus off the true objective. The safety and security of our citizens.”

She turns to Scootaloo.

“I’m hoping I can count on you to help keep this land safe.”

“Yes, your highness.”

They finish their food and stand up. The guards escort Scootaloo back to her room as Celestia turns to Twilight.

“Now then… can I also count on you to do what is needed, Twilight?”

“Yes, Princess Celestia. I’m ready to help you in any way I can.”

“While that is admirable, there is a higher priority than I.”

“There is?”

Celestia nods as they walk down the corridor surrounded by guards. “Yes. Our nation as a whole.”

Meanwhile, Scootaloo returns to the room and shuts the door. Arc sits on the bed and holds his head in his hands.

“Big Brother?”

“I… I should’ve gone with you.”

“Why’s that?”

While I did see Twilight Sparkle through your eyes, I feel as if it would have helped to see her face to face.”

“But Princess Celestia would have sensed you!”

“I know. However, her student may have been able to help me figure this mess out.”

“Don’t worry about that. As soon as we finish that potion you’ll have all the answers you want.”

“Assuming it works, you mean.”

“I guess.”

“What do you think will happen if it fails?”

“Generally potions that aren’t compatible with an individual don’t do anything. You’ll be okay. Just try to have hope.”

“Yeah. It’s really all I have left.”

Later that day, as the sun begins to set, there is a knock at the door. Scootaloo walks over to it as Arc cloaks. Opening the door she spots Captain Decimus waiting for her in the corridor.

“Is it already time?”

“Actually, no. I just wanted to talk to you in private.”

“Oh… well… won’t you come in?”

Steeping aside, Decimus enters and walks over to the balcony door. He gestures to the city below as Scootaloo walks over to him.

“Tell me, Scarlet Filly… what do you see?”

“The city of Canterlot.”

“Yes indeed. But it’s so much more than that. It’s the culmination of centuries of planning, building, and expanding. A few of the structures here at the city’s center are the originals. Including the castle itself.”

“Interesting. How have they stayed standing so long?”

“Those whom engineered them looked to the future and did their best to plan for whatever disaster might befall them.”

He turns and looks down at Scootaloo.

“Much like we do now.”

“What do you mean, sir?”

“The city itself is built, yes. However, we must always be fortifying it… watching it… protecting it.”

“From what?”

“Whatever may come. It may be an enemy army. Perhaps a domestic attack. But whatever happens, this city and castle MUST remain standing at any cost!”

Decimus puts his hoof on the glass as he continues.

“Should this city or its monarch fall, the effects would be felt all throughout the kingdom, if not the world.”

“Why are you telling me all of this?”

“Because I sense in you great power. The ability to do amazing things for the betterment of everypony.”

“But I’m only a filly.”

“A filly, yes. But a filly whom has already proven themselves to be a great asset. If you are this efficient and dependable now, I look forward to see what you can do as a fully grown mare.”

“I suppose time will tell.”

“Yes, indeed. But you would do well to cultivate your power now while you are young.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’re exuding dark energy like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I know somepony whom could teach you how to manipulate your power if you’re interested.”

Arc calls out telepathically. “Make an excuse and be vague about it.”

“Thank you. But I’m kinda in the middle of another mission for somepony.”


“They’ve hired me to acquire some hard to find reagents for their alchemical research.”

Decimus smiles at her. “I understand. But when you finish that, I would recommend returning here for training.”

“I’ll… consider it.”

“You like to work hard just like somepony I knew a long time ago. But it’s not good to always be working.”

“Well, I like to stay busy.”

“That’s fine. But you should find a way of unwinding. Let me show you.”

Motioning for Scootaloo to follow him, Decimus leads her down the corridor to another room. It is filled with all manner of different plants.

“What is all this?”

“My way of unwinding. I’ve always enjoyed botany, so I keep a bit of a greenhouse here. It’s nice to come here and work after hours. Relaxing, and I’m still accomplishing something important to me.”

Scootaloo points with a hoof. “Is that fluxroot?”

Decimus nods, clearly impressed. “Why yes, it is. Are you an herbalist as well?”

“My mother was an apothecary… before she died.”

“I’m sorry to hear that.”

“She passed on a lot of what she knew, so I guess you could say that I’m above average in my plant knowledge.”

“Most of these plants are fairly rare, so I’m surprised anypony would recognize them.”

Scootaloo looks around and points with a hoof as she speaks.

“Fjord Raspberry, Bleeding Betty, Pygmy Rock Fern, Blessed Holly, Canis Clove…”

“Very impressive! Your mother taught you well! Tell me, are there any plants here that would help you finish your other mission faster?”

“Probably not, but let’s see.”

Walking up and down the rows of plants under their grow lights, Scootaloo eventually stops in front of a single pot.

“Would this be Poison Joke by any chance?”

Decimus nods. “It is.”

“Might I have some of its pollen?”

“If you really need it, yes. But be careful, as the effects can be… unexpected at the very best. How much do you need?”

“Just a dash.”

“One moment.”

Grabbing a pair of gloves and an envelope, Decimus carefully bends a stem. Tapping it gently the pollen falls into the envelop. Sealing it, the captain gives it to Scootaloo.

“There you are.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“Let’s drop that off back at your room and head over to the princess’ quarters, shall we?”

Nodding, Scootaloo follows Decimus out the door and back the way they came. After putting the envelope in her saddlebags they head to Celestia’s room. The guards on duty part to allow them entrance. Walking over to Celestia, Decimus salutes.

“We’re here, your highness.”

“Very good. Sergeant Sandstorm Mirage tells me we should be ready to start in just a little while.”

She turns to Scootaloo.

“Now then, all you need to do is stand on my left and wait for me to give you your award. Do you have any questions?”

“No, princess.”


A short time later the sergeant enters the room and walks over to Celestia.

“We’re ready, your highness.”

“Are the transmitters running?”

“Yes. Everypony will be able to pick this up.”

“Good. I don’t want a single subject to miss this.”

She walks toward the balcony as Decimus and Scootaloo follow. Arc calls out to her.

“You okay over there, Scootaloo?”

“I guess. Where are you?”

“Watching from our room’s balcony.”

“Um… how many ponies are out there?”

“All of them.”

“What does that mean?”

“You’ll find out.”

Scootaloo steps out onto the balcony with Celestia and Decimus to the din of hooves clapping and voices chanting. As they reach the edge she gasps as the streets are filled with innumerable ponies. Celestia waves as the citizens continue cheering. Eventually she motions for silence.

“Good evening my little ponies. Today is a grand day for us all, and I have several announcements to make. First, I would like to take this opportunity to honor a young filly whom, against all odds, has saved dozens of fillies from a deadly illness as well as brought over a hundred criminals to justice.”

She motions to Scootaloo. Stepping onto the platform, she gazes out at the throng.

“This is the Scarlet Filly! An ally to good and defender of the righteous path! May we all aspire to follow her lead!”

They cheer as Sandstorm Mirage steps forward with a small case. Celestia picks up the medal with her magic and drapes it around the filly’s neck.

“May your future deeds be numerous, Scarlet Filly.”

Scootaloo nods and looks to the sergeant. He motions for her to step down. Walking over to him, he smiles at her.

“Good work!”

“Thanks. Um… should I go now?”

Sandstorm Mirage shakes his head. “No. Just step to the side so that everypony still knows you’re here.”


As Scootaloo does so, Celestia again addresses the crowd.

“I now have the honor of bestowing yet another great honor! Captain Decimus has served as a protector of this land since he took over for his father many years ago! Never once did he waver in his diligence to duty!”

Sandstorm Mirage steps forward with an item which he presents to Celestia as he kneels. Picking it up with her magic she turns to the captain as he too kneels.

“Captain! As the ruling monarch of Equestria, I hereby bestow upon you the title of Hero of Light! May you use your new authority to protect us all from harm and bring about peace to the land!”

Decimus takes the Crest of Light and puts it on his armor. It magically affixes itself to the metal as another round of applause rings out.

“Thank you for this great honor, Princess Celestia. I promise to use this new position to root out those whom would endanger our country and its ideals.”

“I am certain that you will.”

Bowing, Decimus steps back as Celestia smiles and clears her throat.

“Lastly, I would like to address the rumors of my sister’s departure. Princess Luna is currently away on personal business and may be for some time. However, with Princess Cadance ruling the Crystal Empire, I’ve seen fit to bring on somepony to help me in my royal duties.”

She turns and motions for someone behind them to step forward. The sound of hoofsteps approaching can be heard as Celestia continues.

“We are gathered here today in celebration of a momentous occasion. My most faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, has done many extraordinary things since she moved to Ponyville. She has learned about the power of friendship, been the driving force behind uniting the Element Bearers, and even surprised me with what a small group of dedicated friends can accomplish.”

She pauses and looks around with a smile before continuing.

“Fillies and gentlecolts! May I present to you, for the very first time… PRINCESS TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!”

Twilight sheepishly steps forward, her new lavender colored wings spread wide. She stands there in her new gown specially tailored for her new body as Spike enters behind her carrying a crown. It's design is clearly based on the Element of Magic resting on a velvet pillow. Celestia picks it up and carefully places it upon her student’s head as the crowd roars in celebration. Waving nervously, Twilight turns to Celestia.

“Wha-what do I do now?”

“Address them.”

Celestia steps back as Twilight takes her place. Waiting for the cheers to subside, she eventually speaks.

“A little while ago, my teacher and mentor Princess Celestia sent me to live in Ponyville. She sent me to study friendship. Which was something I didn’t really care much about. But now… on a day like today… I can honestly say… that I wouldn’t be standing here if it wasn’t for the friendships I made with those I met there. Each one of them taught me something about friendship. And for that I will always be grateful. Today I consider myself the luckiest pony in Equestria!”

The crowd cheers. Decimus nods as the new monarch continues to smile and wave her hoof.

“Everything is coming together very nicely.”

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