• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Echoes of the Past

No one says anything for a time as Arc’s words sink in. Spike is the first to speak.

“Um… where now?”

“A long forgotten town a couple hours walk west from the Winsome Falls.”

Spike walks over to the map on the wall.

“Are you sure, Arc? There’s nothing about it anywhere on here.”

Ember chuckles. “Trust me, Spike. If Arc says something’s there, we should believe him.”

Sunburst joins Spike at the map. “Are you certain of the location, sir? Perhaps you were traveling in the wrong direction.”

Luna narrows her eyes. “Sunburst, I am fairly certain Arc knows how to read a map.”

Cadance nods. “Yes. Luna and I believe him on this matter wholeheartedly.”

“Forgive me. I meant no disrespect.”

Sereb sighs. “I believe the question now is, what do we do about this matter?”

“The only thing we CAN do is head over there and look around.”

Rose nods soberly. “Arc, I’d like to come along. If there’s magical dampening there I should study and catalogue it.”

Spike laughs. “You’re definitely Twilight’s creation!”

“Sure Rose. Your sensors weren’t affected by the lack of magic at the southern temple. Maybe you can see what I couldn’t.”

“I will do my best.”

Ember thinks for a moment. “Arc, was that the town you were telling me about a while back?”

“Maybe. What did I say?”

“That you stumbled upon Tempest’s hometown.”

Arc nods. “Yup. Why?”

“Then I’m coming too!”

Sereb nods. “As am I.”

Luna sighs. “Arc, I must caution you on this matter. Tempest may not look favorably on you bringing such a large group.”

Cadance nods. “Luna is right. All of you would be in extreme danger the entire time!”

“Well, what do you suggest I do?”

Sunburst looks at the android. “I recommend taking only Miss Rose with you, sir.”

Ember frowns. “What about ME?!”

“I’m fully capable of protecting Arc in your absence, Ember.”

Sereb growls. “That may be. However I too would still like to accompany you, Arc.”

“Much as I hate to say it, Sunburst is right about the small group. It will help keep Tempest calm.”

Ember’s eyes grow wide. “But she could KILL YOU!”

“Right. She could also kill you, me, AND Sereb. After all, we don’t have any true counter for this opponent.”

Luna nods. “Other than Rose, that is.”


Cadance walks over to Rose. “Yes. I had a long talk with Twilight about your construction, Rose. You have the ability to repair yourself upon taking damage, correct?”

“That is true, yes.”

Spike’s eyes grow wide. “She can?!”

Arc nods. “Yes. I’ve seen that for myself. Rose’s ability to heal her wounds is remarkable!”

Ember frowns. “What?! When did she ever get…?”

Rose interrupts her. “I took several blows during our escape from the southern temple if you recall.”

Arc looks surprised. “You did?”

Ember shakes her head. “I don’t remember that!”

“That’s not surprising, as I treated them during the battle.”

Luna nods. “While I can’t force you to do so, I highly recommend that you and Rose go alone, Arc. She may be somewhat able to counter Tempest’s regenerative abilities with her own.”

Spike’s eyes grow wide. “But what if she can’t?!”

“Then I’ll buy Arc time to escape.”

“What about you?!”

“You forget, Arc. I’m a machine and can be repaired or replaced.”


“Don’t worry. I won’t fall easily.”

Cadance turns to a visibly shaken Ember. “It may be hard to imagine, but Arc will be safer if you and Sereb DON’T go.”

“I… I just… I can’t accept that!”

Livid, Ember storms out of the office. Sereb calls out after her.


The wolf turns to follow his friend, but Spike holds up a claw.

“You might want to give her some space right now.”

Sunburst nods. “Agreed. While not much is known about dragons, I wouldn’t want to face an angry one under ANY circumstances!”

Arc sighs. “Yes, well… I should probably go talk to her.”

Spike hurries over to him. “Why don’t you leave that to me, Arc. Ember and I go way back.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “I thought you only met her a couple years ago?”

Spike rushes out the door. “Leave it to me!”

Sunburst smiles after his assistant. “He’s quite the hard worker. Smart too. If anyone can do this, other than you, he can.”

Arc sighs. “I hope so.”

Luna nods. “Agreed. In any case, Cadance and I leave this matter in your hands, Arc.”

Cadance shudders. “Do be careful out there though. There’s no shame in retreating from an unbeatable foe.”

“Cadance is correct. However, we need to return to our duties now.”

Arc nods. “I’ll do what I can.”

The princesses leave the office and walk down the corridor together. Cadance turns to Luna and frowns.

“Stableton. Did such a town exist before your banishment, Luna?”

Luna shakes her head. “To the best of my knowledge, no. However there are certainly small settlement all over Equestria that we know little or nothing about.”


“Yes. My sister was never much for forcing the citizens to submit to Canterlot’s rule. Perhaps it was just a town of ponies who wished for peace and quiet.”


“Or it may have been some secret project of my sister’s.”

Cadance looks confused and angry at the same time. “Aunt Celestia would never…!”

Luna interrupts her. “She would never put anypony’s life needlessly at risk, I know. But what if the need was great?”

Cadance thinks for a moment. “Then I suppose she would have done what was necessary to protect the land.”

The pair walk on in silence for a time. Eventually Cadance turns to Luna.

“Do you believe that was the case?”

“For the sake of those long-gone ponies, I hope it was worth it.”

Meanwhile, Spike hurries down the corridor after his friend.

“Ember! Wait up!”

Ember does not slow down. “Going off to see Tempest WITHOUT ME! Is Arc really that dumb?!”

Spike runs up to Ember and walks next to her. “Finally caught up with you!”

Ember turns to him angrily. “Arc send you after me?! If he’s so big and strong he should have come after me!”

“No, I came myself.”

“After all we’ve been through together and now he wants to leave me behind?!”

“I don’t think that was his intention.”

“Could’ve fooled me! I thought we were friends! That he cared about me!”

“Ember, if he had let you come THAT wouldn’t been showing he didn’t care!”

Ember stops and turns on her heels to look down at Spike. “What are you talking about?!”

“I believe Arc just wants you to be safe.”

“That may be! But all I’ll do is sit here worrying about him! Doesn’t he GET that?!”

“He probably does, Ember. I’ve seen how you look at him, and how he looks at you.”

Ember blushes. “He… he looks at me?”

“Yeah! Arc really cares about you! So much that I don’t think he could stand it if something were to happen to you.”

Ember stomps her foot impatiently. “Well I want to GO!”

“And I think you should stay.”

“Well, what am I supposed to…!”

Ember stops talking and rubs her chin for a moment. Spike looks confused.


“It just might work.”

“What might work?”

A thoughtful smile spreading across her face. “I have an idea. But I need your help to make it work, Spike.”

“Not sure I like where this is going.”

“You want to help though, right?”

“Of course!”

“Okay, Spike. Here’s my idea then.”

A short time later Ember and Spike return to the office. Arc, Rose and Sunburst are going over a map on the desk. Sereb walks over to them.

“Is everything alright?”

Spike smiles nervously. “Kinda.”

Ember nods and replies in an even tone. “Everything’s fine.”

Sereb frowns. “Your words say one thing. But your posture says another.”

“I’m telling you, everything is alright. And I’ll clobber you if you disagree with me!”

Sereb shakes his head and sighs as Ember walks over to the desk with Spike. Arc looks up from the conversation.

“Did you two have a nice, uh… chat?”

Ember nods. “Very!”

Spike shrugs. “I suppose so.”

“Good. Sunburst and I were just going over alternative escape routes.”

“What! Why?!”

Rose turns to Ember. “Just in case this Tempest individual isn’t as hospitable as Arc says she was on their last visit.”

“Right. Never hurts to have a plan, huh Ember?”

She nods. “I couldn’t agree more.”

Sunburst looks to Ember. “You’ve put aside the idea of going on this excursion, have you Miss Ember?”

“More or less.”

Arc looks back down at the map. “Good. It’s not that I don’t WANT you to come, Ember. It’s just that Tempest kinda likes me… in a frienemy sort of way.”

Sereb raises an eyebrow. “Frienemy?”

Rose frowns. “I don’t believe that is a real word.”

“Right. Tempest is certainly not my friend. But she’s not really me enemy either. Hence the invented word.”

“I believe I understand now.”

Sereb sighs. “Now that we have that out of the way, I don’t believe much more can be done to plan this out.”

Sunburst nods. “Agreed. That village is far too remote for us to have any decent maps of it. Much less roads to use for escape.”

Ember shudders. “Not that Tempest will let you go if she doesn’t want to.”

“I suppose not. But the citizens of that town deserve to have their mystery solved.”

Sereb thinks for a moment. “If you can discover that which she cannot, perhaps Tempest will spare you.”

“I wouldn’t hold my breath on that one, Sereb.”

Ember nods. “Agreed. That banshee is crazy!”

Sunburst sighs. “I’ve shown you all we know about the area as per our records, sir. The rest is up to you.”

“Thank you, Sunburst.”

“Good luck.”

Arc turns to Ember. “We should be getting back to Ponyville.”

Ember folds her arms over her scaled torso. “Not just yet.”

Sereb narrows his eyes. “Ember?”

“If this is about you coming, you can just forget about…”

Ember interrupts Arc. “I was thinking more along the lines of a deal.”

Rose appears confused. “A… deal?”

“Sure. Arc doesn’t want me to come because I’d kick Tempest’s flank. I want to stay by his side and keep him safe.”

Arc sighs. “Ember, we’ve gone over this. If you come, Tempest will…”

“Oh, I understand that.”

Sereb frowns. “Then why…?”

“That’s why I’m going to have someone else join you in my place.”

Arc looks confused. “What?”

“As the future Dragon Lord, I’m ordering Spike to accompany you.”


“That or I come along! Take it or leave it!”

“Ember, you can’t just force Spike to do whatever you want!”

Spike looks nervous. “She kinda can.”

Sereb frowns. “Is it the power of the Bloodstone Scepter?”

“Right. She is the Dragon Lord’s daughter after all. And my friend too.”

“Tempest isn’t completely dead inside. She won’t hurt a baby dragon like Spike.”

Rose sighs. “Are you sure?”

“Of course! He’s quite resourceful as well. Kinda like you, Arc.”

Spike smiles. “I am?”

“Sure! You were the first to take the Bloodstone Scepter during the Gauntlet. Even though you weren’t the biggest or strongest.”

Cherry sighs. “Arc, you’re not really going to go along with this, are you?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well… I think Ember’s right about Tempest. She was very… personable last time we met.”

Rose shakes her head. “From what I’ve heard, that was due to powerful magic clouding her judgment though. We shouldn’t assume Tempest has changed for the better.”

Sereb growls. “Agreed.”

“I’d actually like to come with you, Arc.”

“Really, Spike? This isn’t exactly a pleasure trip.”

“True. But everyone else seems to come back changed when they travel with you.”

Rose looks confused. “They do?”

“Sure! Twilight and the others always talk about their time with you! Ember’s learned so much from her travels as well! I want to be part of that!”

Sunburst nods. “I can make do without my assistant for a bit, sir.”

Arc sighs. “Shouldn’t you call Twilight or something first?”

Spike frowns. “Why? She never told me when you two left for the southern temple!”

Ember grimaces. “Ouch. Really?!”

Arc turns to Ember.

“If I agree to this, do you promise not to follow me?”


“I… fine, Spike. You can come. “


“But you have to do what I tell you to. No questions asked.”

“Sure! I can do that! When do we leave?!”

“Tomorrow morning. Bright and early.”

Rose looks to Arc. “We could go right now, Arc. Nothing’s really stopping us.”

“I know. But I need to talk to Twilight about this little trip.”

Spike frowns. “What for?!”

“Because she’s my friend. That and she deserves to know if you and I are going to do something like this.”

“She’s not my…!”

Arc interrupts. “I know, Spike. But you two are my friends.”

Rose nods. “Mother cares for both of us. We shouldn’t leave her in the dark on this.”

Arc sighs. “You’ll understand someday when you have children of your own, Spike.”


“Be careful, Spike. Learn what you can during this trip and tell me all about it upon your return.”

“I will, Sunburst.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal.

“Let’s go, everyone.”

All assembled step through the portal and are gone. Arc turns to Sunburst.

“I’ll bring Spike back here safe and sound.”

“Thank you. He’s really quite a help to me.”

Arc nods and steps through the portal himself. As it closes Sunburst turns back to the items on his desk, puts them back on the tray, and returns the tray to the security of his safe. He pulls an ancient looking book from within, opens it, and looks its pages over carefully.

“So much activity around a small stone and a forgotten town. I can only do my part to see to it the Stableton incident will never be repeated.”

Meanwhile, Arc and company appear on the sigil in Derpy’s small house. They step off and head out the door together. Spike frowns.

“Are we heading there NOW?!”

Arc nods. “No time like the present. Right Ember?”

“I suppose not.”

Rose appears suddenly nervous. “ How do you think mother will react to this, Arc?”

“I have no idea. But let’s find out.”

Ember looks down the road. “Sereb and I will meet you back at Light’s Hope.”

“Sure. See you two in a bit.”

As the pair turn to walk away Sereb turns to Ember.

“This is quite odd of you.”

“Which part?”

“Allowing Arc to go off to a dangerous location without you.”

Ember sighs. “He was right. If Tempest sees me, it’ll end badly.”

“There’s more to it than that though, isn’t there?”


Meanwhile, Arc, Spike and Rose make their way toward the Golden Oaks Library. Arc knocks. A few moments later Twilight answers. Happily she smiles at Spike.

“Spike, you’re back!”

The pair hug for a few moments before Twilight looks to Arc and Rose.

“Come in, everypony! Come in!”


They step inside the warm library as Twilight closes the door behind them and turns to Spike.

“So are you here to stay?!”

Spike shakes his head. “No, Twilight. I… um… we need to tell you something.”

“Oh? What is it?”

Arc sighs. “We should probably sit down for this one.”

Twilight leads them to a table in the middle of the library.

“Can I get you three anything? Tea perhaps? Or something sweet?”

Arc shakes his head. “No, thank you.”

“Nothing for me either, mother.”

“I’m fine.”

Twilight looks concerned. “That’s strange. You never turn down snacks, Spike.”

Arc sighs. “We should probably just tell you, Twilight. You see…”

Spike interrupts. “No, Arc. I should tell her.”

“Spike? Is something wrong?”

“I… just wanted to come over here and tell you about a little trip Arc, Rose, and I are going to take tomorrow.”

Twilight smiles. “Wonderful! You really needed to get out of the castle. So where is he taking you?”

“An abandoned village west of the Winsome Falls.”

Twilight looks confused. “Town? There? I don’t recall seeing anything on any map over there.”

“It’s not on the map, mother.”

“Oh? Is this some kind of archeological dig?”

Spike sighs. “Not exactly.”

Arc nods. “It’s Tempest’s hometown.”

Twilight’s pupils shrink. “It’s… what now?!”

Arc pulls out the stone from the southern temple. “You remember this, Twilight?”

“From the temple, right?”

Rose nods. “Sunburst and I believe there’s something in or near that town that’s prevented the use of magic over the years.”

Twilight shakes her head. “That’s not possible. For an area to be tainted like that would require quite a lot of this special stone.”

Arc frowns. “Impossible? Like our inability to cast even simple spells in the temple?”

“That was very real, mother.”

Twilight sighs. “I suppose that’s right. But what are you looking for?”

Spike grins. “Clues mostly. Sunburst told me an entire town’s population disappeared there a long time ago!”

Arc frowns. “Well, not everyone.”

Twilight sighs. “Tempest?”

“Yes. She and her sister were the only ones who made it out of there.”

“Could… might Tempest be there?!”

Rose nods. “Probably. We don’t want Arc to go alone. But if only I and Spike go with him…”

Twilight interrupts. “I don’t like the idea of you going there, Spike! What if…?”

“What about your own trip to that crazy temple?! You never said a word to me before you left!”

“I… that was…”

Arc puts a hand on the baby dragon’s shoulder. “Spike, Twilight was trying to make up for her mistake.”

Rose nods. “Creating me caused a number of diplomatic problems with the Dragon Lands.”

Twilight sighs. “Right! Sorry for not telling you about it. You know how I get when I’m really focused on something.”

Spike sighs. “That I do.”

Twilight stands up and walks over to her assistant.

“You’re like a baby brother to me, Spike. I hatched you from an egg. Watched you grow and mature into the dragon before me now. And… and watched as you left home… and me.”

She puts her head down sadly.

“I always knew it would happen. But I never expected it to be so… soon.”

Spike puts his claws on Twilight’s cheeks. “I’m coming back soon, you know. This isn’t permanent.”

Twilight looks up at Spike and forces a smile. “A dragon’s wanderlust. If you want to go, I won’t try to stop you.”


“You’re growing up. I can’t keep you penned up in a library forever. A dragon needs to roam to grow up big and strong.”

She turns to Arc and Rose.

“Please take care of Spike for me you two.”

Arc nods. “I will.”

“Yes, mother.”

Spike looks at the door.

“We should probably get going now. I’m sure you’re busy with experiments and whatnot, Twilight.”

“I am, but there’s no hurry! Would you like to spend the night, Spike?”

“Kinda. Would that be okay, Arc?”

“Sure. We’ll come get you in the morning.”

Rose turns to him as they stand up. “Can we make supper together, Arc?”

“Sure. Derpy and Dinky would like that.”

He turns to Twilight and Spike.

“Have a nice evening.”

Twilight walks the pair to the door. “You too, Arc. Say ‘hi’ to Derpy for me.”

“I will.”

Rose smiles. “Goodbye, mother.”

“Bye Rose.”

They leave. Twilight closes the door behind them and turns back to Spike

“Twilight, I…”

Spike finds himself cut off as Twilight rushes over to him and wraps her hooves around his neck.

“I missed you, my number one assistant!”

Spike returns the hug happily. “I missed you too, Twilight.”

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