• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Trottingham Troubles

Several days later Arc and Scootaloo disembark the ship with the captain.

“Thank you for the safe voyage, sir.”

“No problem. I’m sorry for your rather unsightly… accommodations.”

“I understand your reasoning, sir.”

“Will you need a ride back to the mainland?”

“Maybe. It depends how things go here.”

“If you do, we’ll be here until around noon before putting back out to sea. We stop here once a week if that helps.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, sir. Take care of yourself.”

“You too.”

Waving after her, the captain smiles to himself.

“What a polite little filly.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Scootaloo walk down the dirt road toward town.

“That wasn’t so bad.”

Arc sighs. “I guess not. But I don’t think I’d like to make a career out of it.”

“So what now?”

Arc looks to Scootaloo’s saddlebags. “Let’s find a guard and deliver this parcel first.”

Scootaloo giggles. “Yeah. Wouldn’t want to forget about that.”

Approaching a guard, they ask directions to the address given to them by Suri Polomare. Walking the streets of the city they come to a truly massive house.

“Are we sure this is the right place, Big Brother?”

“The address checks out.”

“Um… do we just… knock?”

“I guess. Let’s find out.”

Walking down the path toward the steps they approach the front door. Spotting a large button, Arc presses it. Loud chimes ring out inside as he steps to the side. A short time later an elderly butler opens the door and looks down at Scootaloo.

“Can I help you?”

Scootaloo removes the package from her saddlebags. “I have a delivery here from Suri Polomare of Manehattan.”

“Very good. I’ll take them.”

Giving the butler the clothes he accepts them and motions for the pair to follow. Entering the spacious Main Hall the stallion leads them through numerous hallways into a vast study with numerous plush couches and floor to ceiling bookshelves.

“I will put these away and return with your reward.”

Bowing slightly, the butler leaves the room. Scootaloo looks all around, clearly impressed.

“There must be a million books in here!”

Arc nods. “That might not be far from the truth.”

“Do you think we’d be in trouble if I looked some of them over?”

“Maybe. How about you just use your eyes and not your hooves?”

Scootaloo sighs. “Fine.”

They look over numerous bookshelves while they wait. About a half hour later the butler returns with a small bag of bits.

“Here you are, miss. Payment for a job well done.”

Scootaloo nods as she accepts the sack. “Thank you, sir.”

“I don’t believe I’ve ever seen you in town before. Are you new?”

“We… I just arrived here this morning.”

“Alone, miss…?”

“Yes, I’m the Scarlet Filly.”

“Ah! The young filly from the princess’ speech!”

“Yes sir. I’m here looking for something.”


“I heard from a shopkeeper in Canterlot that somepony here in Trottingham is supplying them with real dragon scales.”

The butler nods. “That would be the master of the house’s company, yes.”

“Can you tell me where they come from?”

“Might I ask why?”

“This may sound a bit strange, but I’m hoping to find a way to get to the Dragon Lands. I thought that if there was a source of scales here, there might be real dragons whom could help me get there.”

“A logical conclusion, yes. However, only the master knows the answer to that.”

“Can I see him?”

“I’m sorry, but he’s very ill.”

“Oh. Well, maybe he’ll feel better by tomorrow.”

The butler sighs. “That is not likely, miss. Years of long hours and little sleep have left his body in quite a state. Sadly, he’s known about this for quite some time but chose to do nothing to change it.”

“So you mean he worked himself to exhaustion?”

“Death might be a better analysis.”

“His condition is that bad?”

“Yes. The doctor said he could go at any time. But, as a courtesy to you as one whom the princess has honored, I will notify you if the master regains enough strength to talk.”

“Thank you. I hope he feels better soon.”

“Might I recommend asking around town. It is possible somepony else knows of a lead you could follow.”

“I’ll do that.”

Nodding, the butler leads them to the front door. Closing it behind them he sighs.

“Good luck with your search.”

Meanwhile, the pair walk towards town. Scootaloo calls out to Arc.

“What should we do now, Big Brother?”

“Check the Writ Board?”

“Worth a look, I suppose.”

Asking directions from a local, they soon come to the Writ Board. Arc nods approvingly.

“Lots to do here.”

“Yeah. But most of it is just gathering assignments from that butler.”

“I’m guessing he’s running things here for his boss while he’s sick.”

“Well, if what he said was true, he’s going to be doing it full time soon enough.”

Arc looks around. “Funny thing.”

“What is?”

“I heard that this place was supposed to be a mining town.”


“If it is, why are there no writs associated with that?”

“Like what?”

Arc shrugs. “Trying to hire more miners or other employees related to office work.”

“Maybe they have everypony they need.”

“It’s possible. However I think there’s more to it than that.”

“Where do you want to start?”

“How about by checking out the mines?”

“Worth a shot.”

Looking at a nearby town map, they find the mines. A red sticker over it says ‘closed’. Scootaloo frowns.

“The mines are permanently closed?”

“According to this they are.”

“Why isn’t this town abandoned then?”

“Good question. Things look busy enough around here. Commerce is flowing and everyone looks relatively happy.”

“There has to be more to it though.”

Arc nods. “Right. Let’s wait here and see if anyone comes by to look at the Writ Board.”


“So we can ask them some questions.”

An hour later a stallion runs over to the board. Looking over it frantically he eventually sighs. Arc calls out to Scootaloo.


“What should I…?”

“Just get him talking.”

Scootaloo walks over to the stallion. “What’s wrong, sir?”

“I overslept is what’s wrong! Missed all the good writs!”

“Like what?”

“Rare gems and trace minerals mostly.”

“Sorry, but I’m new in town. How does this work?”

“You take a writ from the board and try to find whatever’s on it. In the evening there’ll be a table here with the foreman trading completed writs for pay.”

“Do a lot of ponies participate?”

“Pretty much the whole town. After all, it’s our only source of income since the mines shut down a year ago.”

“Why’d they close?”

“Supposedly they ran dry. Allegedly anyways.”

“You don’t believe that?”

The stallion shakes his head. “Nah, I worked in the mines. There was plenty of ore hauled out every day.”

Scootaloo frowns. “That doesn’t make sense.”

“I know. But the one whom owns it says it’s closed, so it’s closed.”

“The stallion whom lives in that really big house by any chance?”

“Yeah. He’s been really sick lately though. Not sure if he’s gonna make it.”

“What if he dies?”

The stallion sighs. “Nopony knows. He’s the source of pretty much all the bits in town. I mean, we got other businesses. Shops, an inn, the tavern… but anything that pays decent enough goes through him. Now then, if you’ll excuse me I need to get to work.”

“Okay. Good luck.”

Grinning, the stallion runs off with a couple writs. Scootaloo looks at the board again.

“There has to be something here we can do.”

Arc chuckles. “We can always use more bits, I suppose.”

“Staying busy helps too.”

“Yeah. What about that one?”

“Which one?”

Arc chuckles. “Sorry. Forgot I was invisible again.”

Pulling down a writ, he lets it flutter to the ground. She groans.

“A job in a library?”

“I thought you’d like a bit of a rest from all the more dangerous things we’ve been doing.”

“It just sounds kinda… boring.”

“Probably. But it is safe.”

“I’m safe with you by my side though! That and I’m tougher than I look!”

Arc chuckles. “You are pretty hardy, I’ll give you that. But I feel bad for making you do all that stuff since we left Knothole.”

Scootaloo grins. “Are you kidding?! I’m having a BLAST!”

“Well, hopefully our little adventure is coming to an end.”

“Wait… what?”

“When I get my memories back I’ll be able to continue wherever I left off.”

“Me too though, right?”

Arc sighs. “With any luck, someone I know will be able to take you in. Give you a good home.”

“But I already have a home! With you, Big Brother!”

“Traveling all over the world as a caped crime fighter is no life for a little filly.”

“What could be better?!”

“You being able to grow up in a loving home and making friends your own age.”

Arc smiles as he continues.

“I just want you to be able to have a real life. And I’ll come visit you often.”

“But I don’t want to…!”

“Scootaloo, please. I just want what’s best for you.”

Scootaloo sighs. “Thanks… but…”

Arc frowns. “Sorry for making this into a big ordeal. Please understand that I really do care about your future. Now then, please head to the library and remember that I’ll be right behind you.”

Nodding, she turns to walk down the road. Eventually Scootaloo arrives at the large stone building. Entering, she spots an elderly mare sitting at the front desk sorting books on a cart. The mare looks up and smiles at the newcomer.

“Good morning, dear. Can I help you find something?”

Scootaloo sighs as she holds up the writ. “I’m actually here about this.”

The aged unicorn takes the writ and looks it over.

“Gracious! I had almost given up hope that somepony would answer this!”

“Why’s that, ma’am?”

“We don’t pay much here. Can’t afford to, as our budget is pretty much nonexistent. But I am happy to have help now. Please follow me.”

Sighing, Scootaloo does as she is told. The librarian leads her into the back room where the scent of old paper and dust hangs in the air. She points to several large piles of books on the floor.

“These are our damaged books. Most just need a bit of tape, or have a loose binding. Nothing terribly hard.”

“How do I know what each book needs though?”

The librarian picks up a book and points. “There’s a post-it note that I wrote the issue on stuck to each cover. Like I said, it usually isn’t anything too difficult. I just haven’t had the time or energy to take care of them myself.”

She gestures to the piles.

“As you can see, they’ve really piled up. Now then, do you think you can handle this?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Good. I’ll head back up front to reshelf some books. Call me if you need anything.”

Nodding, Scootaloo is left alone in the dimly lit room. Sighing, she sits down in a chair and takes the first book from the table. Arc calls out to her.

“Want some help?”

Scootaloo jumps in surprise. “B-Big Brother?!”

“Sorry about that. You looked a bit upset.”

“I can handle it.”

“How about we do this together? After all, it’ll get done that much faster.”

Scootaloo smiles. “I’d like that.”

Arc reaches over and picks up a smaller pile of books. Setting them down on the table between them, he and Scootaloo get to work. A short time later Scootaloo grins as she looks over the dwindling pile.

“This is kinda fun!”

Arc nods. “That it is!”

“I thought this was going to be boring too!”

“Alone it probably would have been. But working together makes is much easier.”

“Why is that?”

“Probably because we’re spending time together.”

Scootaloo appears confused. “But we do that every day.”

“Well… think of this more as quality time than anything else.”

“What’s that?”

“Spending time with someone you care about to bond with them.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Give it time.”

A few hours later the sound of hooves slowly approaching rings out. Arc cloaks as Scootaloo puts another book on the finished pile. The librarian walks in and looks at the stacks.

“Oh my! It looks like you’re making wonderful progress in here!”

Scootaloo nods. “Yeah! Once I got going, it really came together!”

“Well, it’s lunch time. Would you like a sandwich, miss… oh my… I just realized that I never asked your name.”

“I’m the Scarlet Filly.”

“From the princess’ speech?!”

“Yes ma’am.”

“Come along with me and I’ll make you a nice sandwich for you, little hero.”

“Thank you.”

Arriving at the kitchen, the librarian quickly makes them two sandwiches as Scootaloo pours them each a glass of milk. Sitting down across from the filly the elderly mare watches her eat hungrily.

“So what brings you to our little town, Scarlet Filly?”

“I’m looking for dragons.”

The librarian smiles. “Well, I don’t think you’ll find them here in the library.”

“Probably not, I suppose. But I’ve reason to believe they might have been here.”


“A shop in Canterlot that sells scales says they get their shipments from this very town.”

“That they do.”

Scootaloo appears hopeful. “You know where they come from?!”

“Oh, yes.”

“Tell me!”

“You see, they’re a very rare find. Many years ago, when the Dragon Lands invaded Equestria, there was a massive battle on this very island. When it was over many scales littered the ground and were trampled underhoof. But every so often the rains will allow the tip of one to come to the surface. Those with good eyes can sometimes spot them.”

Scootaloo frowns. “So there aren’t any dragons around here?”

“I’ve lived on this island my whole life and haven’t seen or heard of one, no.”

Scootaloo groans. “Great.”

“If I may, why do you want to find a dragon so badly?”

“To find out how to get to the Dragon Lands.”

“Oh, that’s a dangerous place, Scarlet Filly! You’d do well to stay away from there!”

“I need to find something that only grows there. It’s very important.”

“Sorry, but I don’t think anypony around here can help you with that.”

“Well then… I guess I’ll have to come up with a new plan.”

“Tell me, do you have any plans in the meantime?”

Scootaloo shakes her head. “Not really, no.”

“I was hoping you could help me with a little problem.”

“Maybe. What is it?”

“This town is home to a good number of foals. We used to have a daily story time here in the afternoon.”

“Used to?”

The librarian sighs. “Our stock of foal’s books are pretty much depleted. Over the years the fillies and colts have read every one. The few we have left aren’t enough to keep their attention during story time, as they’ve heard them all so many times. As time went on the groups got smaller and smaller. Eventually foals stopped coming in altogether.”

“So you want me to fetch some more books?”

“Not quite. You see, we don’t have the money for that. So I was hoping you could lead a very special story time this afternoon.”

“I guess I could do that. But I thought you said nopony came to them anymore.”

“True. But they will if I call every mother and tell them a real hero will be leading the story time.”

“Won’t that take a long time?”

“Not really. I know everypony in town, so it’ll just take an hour or so. So will you do it?”

Scootaloo nods. “Sure. If it means that much to everypony.”

“Thank you, thank you! I’ll get to work calling everypony right away!”

She hurries out the door as Arc rematerializes and picks up one of Scootaloo’s sandwiches.

“This should be interesting.”


Arc chuckles. “With any luck you’ll get to make some new friends.”


“You’ll see. But let’s see how many more of those books we can fix before showtime.”

A couple hours later the librarian trots into the back room.

“We’re ready!”

“Did anypony come?”

The librarian grins. “Are you kidding?! Every foal in town is in there!”


“It’s not every day they get to have a real hero honored by a princess read them a story!”

Scootaloo stands up. “Well, I guess I shouldn’t keep them waiting. But what book will I be reading?”

“I’ve taken the liberty of putting every foal’s book we have left next to the big reading chair. Feel free to read whatever you like.”

Leading the robed filly out of the back room the librarian escorts her into a large brightly colored room. The foals gasp as Scootaloo comes into view.

“Everypony, this is the Scarlet Filly. She’s the one Princess Celestia gave a medal to a few days ago.”

Scootaloo holds up a hoof. “Hello, everypony.”

A colt calls out. “Can we see your medal?!”

Scootaloo reaches into her cloak and pulls out the small award. Holding it up, everypony gasps and cheers. The librarian motions to the large chair at the head of the room. Scootaloo walks slowly up to it and sits down as the librarian puts a hoof on the stack of books.

“Would you like to pick out a story, Scarlet Filly?”

“Oh, well… any one is fine with me.”

“Well then… how about ‘The Hungry Little Parasprite’?”

The foals groan in unison.

“We’ve heard that one a zillion times!”

“Yeah! Don’t you have anything new?!”

The librarian sighs. “I’m sorry, but…”

“Can you tell us a story about one of your adventures, Scarlet Filly?!”

“I want to hear about the kidnapped fillies!”

“What about the train heist?!”

The librarian appears hopeful. “Now, now everypony. It’s up to the Scarlet Filly.”

Scootaloo looks at the sea of expectant faces before her.

“Well, I suppose I could tell you about my adventure in Dodge Junction.”

“Where’s that?!”

“It’s southeast of Canterlot.”

“I don’t get it.”

“I’ll show you.”

Standing up, Scootaloo points to a large map on the wall.

“We’re here in Trottingham.”

She moves her hoof to the center of the map.

“Here’s Canterlot, the capital of Equestria.”

Sliding her hoof to the southeast it comes to rest on the proper spot.

“And this is Dodge Junction.”

“You’ve come a long way!”

“How did you travel?!”

“A couple train rides. But there was also a LOT of walking.”

Tapping Canterlot again, she traces her route to Vanhoover.

“Once I walked all the way from Canterlot to Vanhoover.”

“That must’ve been a lot of fun!”

“Can we hear about that story too?!”

“Maybe next time. That one isn’t actually very interesting. Now then… who wants to hear about my very first adventure in Dodge Junction?”

All the foals cry out in unison. “WE DO!!!”

Scootaloo tells the tale (with Arc’s help) of her exploits after arriving in Dodge Junction. Everything from the first bounty, to rescuing the kidnapped fillies, as well as how she captured the rest of the gang as they attempted to free their companions.

“…and with that I left Canterlot and started walking to Vanhoover.”

“What then?!”

Scootaloo looks at the clock overhead. “I think that’s a story for another day. After all, it’s getting close to suppertime.”


The librarian steps forward. “Now, now, everypony. Let’s all give the Scarlet Filly a big round of applause for telling all of us that wonderful story.”

The foals smile and clop their hooves loudly as the librarian joins them.

“Will you be here again tomorrow?!”

“Yeah! I wanna hear more!”

Scootaloo shrugs. “I can try to be, sure. If it’s okay with the librarian.”

“Of course. See everypony tomorrow.”

She and Scootaloo wave as the foals stand and rush happily to the door.

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