• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,651 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - Herd Meeting

Arc and Applejack awaken early the next morning. She looks to him and smiles sleepily.

“Good morning.”

Arc grins. “And a very good morning to you too, sleepyhead.”

Applejack rests her head on his chest. “I slept like a foal last night.”

“So did I.”

“Maybe it’s the company I kept.”

Arc chuckles. “Or the fact that I’m soft and warm.”

“There’s that too, I suppose.”

“And the sleeping potions probably didn’t hurt in that regard.”

“True. Um… but there was something I wanted to say to you, Arc.”

“What is it?”

“I just wanted to apologize for being so forward the other day. It’s not like me to throw myself at somepony like that.”

“It’s not a problem, Applejack. Besides, I’m blaming this one on Celestia.”

“Well, I still don’t feel right knowing what I said and did recently.”

Arc puts a hand on Applejack’s shoulder. “I’m not willing to hold it against you. But at the same time you need to be able to forgive yourself.”

“I’ll try.”

Arc smiles as he sits up. “In the meantime, let’s get some breakfast.”


“Of course.”

“Then why don’t we head to Twilight’s room? We’ve been taking breakfast together there since Princess Celestia got back.”

“Sounds like a plan. That is, as long as you and the others don’t mind a bit of male company.”

Applejack chuckles. “I think I can convince them to let you in, sugarcube.”

Leaving the room, they head down the corridor together. Coming to Twilight’s room Applejack pushes the door open and leads them inside. They spy Auriel sitting at the table with Twilight chatting away happily. Twilight motions for them to approach.

“Good morning, you two.”

Applejack grins. “Hey Twilight.”

Arc smiles at Auriel. “You’re looking more healed today.”

Auriel nods sheepishly. “Yes, I am.”

Applejack chuckles. “Any luck trying to get the Crystal Heart repaired?”

Twilight shakes her head. “That’s what we were just talking about.”

Auriel sighs. “Repairing a destroyed magical artifact is much harder than I thought it would be.”

Arc turns to her. “You mentioned in the Infirmary that you were trying to use plant essences to act as an adhesive. Any more headway on that?”

“Sadly it appears that idea is a total failure.”

Twilight bows her head. “The shards couldn’t contain the magical power coming from the essence.”

She gestures to Auriel’s bandages before continuing.

“And this was the explosive result.”

“At the moment Twilight and I are brainstorming new ideas.”

“Yes. But we really are back to square one here at the moment.”

Arc sighs as he sits down. “I’ll try to help think of something too. Not sure how much help I can be though.”

Auriel chimes in quickly. “Twilight and I will keep working on it.”

Twilight nods. “Right. We’re not giving up on this.”

The doors open and in walks Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy.

“I’m telling you, I could do that in ten seconds flat, Flutters!”

“Maybe. But accuracy is also a factor.”

Spotting Arc and Applejack they hurry over to them. Fluttershy is the first to speak.

“Good morning you two!”

Rainbow Dash grins. “So how’d it go?!”

Twilight frowns. “That’s not a very nice way to start that conversation, Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash trots in place. “But I wanna KNOW!!!”

Applejack groans. “Well…”

The doors swings open again as Rarity, Pinkie, Ember, and Hammer walk in. Grinning, they join the others as Hammer calls out loudly.

“Here’s the happy couple now!”

Rarity smiles warmly at Arc. “I do hope you and Applejack had a nice time last night.”

Ember grins. “Sure they did!”

Pinkie hops up on the table. “Yeah! Tell us all about it!”

Arc chuckles as he turns to Applejack. “Guess we’d better do that.”

“Darn right. These gals really want to know.”

Twilight groans. “Let’s at least sit down first.”

Arc nods. “Good idea.”

Heading to the table, everyone takes a seat and looks at the pair expectantly. Twilight is the first to speak.

“Now then… I’d like to start by apologizing again for this method of dating.”

Arc smiles at her. “It’s fine, Twilight.”

Applejack puts her front hooves on the table. “Yeah. I had a really good time.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “And I’m sure you’re eager to hear of the test results.”

Auriel giggles. “As am I.”

Rainbow Dash pounds the table with a hoof. “You eggheads can go over the data later! I want DETAILS!”

Arc laughs. “Alright. But I’ll have to start at the beginning.”

He clears his throat before continuing.

“Last night Princess Celestia escorted me to the Royal Gardens to where Applejack was waiting for me under an apple tree.”

Fluttershy smiles. “How very appropriate.”

Rarity nods. “Such probably set the tone perfectly.”

Arc grins. “Oh, it did. Especially with her outfit.”

Pinkie gasps. “Was it fancy?!”

“Very. And it was worn by a human Applejack.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “I’m sorry, what?”

Auriel sighs. “It’s true. She used my human side as a spell basis.”

“Princess Celestia took me to a large dressing room with a number of Hoof Maidens yesterday. When I saw the dress hanging up I thought it looked a bit strange. I was told to close my eyes and stand perfectly still. The next thing I knew I was a human mare.”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “So you were just standing there bare?!”

Applejack sighs. “Yeah. It was a bit jarring to say the least. But that didn’t last for more than a few seconds. Before I could even say a word the Hoof Maidens began dressing me and doing my human mane up.”

Hammer grins. “I can just imagine how beautiful you must’ve looked.”

“She was, yes.”

Pinkie giggles. “So where’d you two go?”

Applejack smiles nervously. “Earth.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. “Say what?!”

Arc sighs. “Celestia transported us to the Celestial Realm, which had been modeled from my own memories.”

Rainbow Dash turns to Twilight. “She can DO that?!”

“I… guess so.”

Fluttershy giggles. “So you got to experience being a human mare then, Applejack?”


Rainbow Dash leans forward excitedly. “Was Earth cool?!”

“It was certainly a change from Equestria.”

Pinkie licks her lips. “Did you go out and get dinner?!”

Arc nods. “That we did. I took her to Roberto’s Pizza.”

Hammer grins. “Then you two had a meal and a half!”

Ember glares at Arc. “Why haven’t I been to this place with you yet?!”

“The opportunity just hasn’t presented itself.”

Hammer smiles wickedly as she turns to the dragon. “Mio said she liked it too.”

Ember gasps. “You’ve even taken HER?!”

“It was just business, Ember.”

Pinkie pouts. “I wanna go now too! The Scarlet Filly said it was REALLY good!”

Applejack laughs. “Darn right.”

Ember groans. “Okay seriously, next trip to Earth…!”

Arc interrupts her. “Fine, fine. When you and I go out, that’s where we’ll go.”

Pinkie grins. “You mean on a DATE?!”

Arc shrugs. “Sure. I’m going to date all of you numerous times, after all.”

Rainbow Dash raises a hoof. “Can I come too?!”

Rarity rolls her eyes. “Rainbow Dash, I don’t think you quite understand how dating works.”

Hammer smirks. “Yeah, blue. So I should come with you and…”

Applejack interrupts. “Let’s keep going with our explanation.”

Auriel looks to Arc, clearly interested. “Yes, indeed. I want to hear the rest of that.”

“Alright. So we went out for supper, had a nice time, and drove back to my house as the streetlights came on.”

Ember raises an eyebrow. And that was the end of it on Earth?

Applejack sighs. “Not exactly.”

Hammer grins wickedly. “You two went all the way?”

Fluttershy’s eyes grow wide. “Oh… my… goodness…!”

Rarity stammers. “Now, now… l-let’s give them a chance to explain.”

She turns to Arc with a visible eye twitch.


“Like I said, we got back to my house and were ready to return to Equestria. I pulled out the Rainbow of Light and tried to open a portal. But nothing happened.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Nothing?”

Auriel gasps. “Then how did you get back?”

Applejack bows her head. “We didn’t.”

“Right. The pendant didn’t allow us to leave since we were in the Celestial Realm, not Earth.”

Hammer shrugs. “Makes sense.”

Rainbow Dash appears surprised. “It does?”

“Sure. Think of it like this, blue. Doors, or in this case portals, are used to connect two points and only those two points. It would be like trying to open the door to this room and expecting to come out on the moon.”

Ember shrugs. “Somehow I don’t think that’s the best analogy.”

Auriel looks over. “It kinda is.Think of it like this though. Trying to open a portal from Earth to Equestria from a pocked dimension would be like attempting to make a phone call from Earth to Tartarus.”

Twilight nods. “Right. They’re not remotely connected.”

Pinkie groans as she slams her face down on the table. “That’s even MORE complicated!”

Fluttershy puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Agreed. So let’s just say that the Celestial Realm is like Tartarus inasmuch as it’s inescapable without Princess Celestia’s permission.”

Rarity nods. “That does make sense, yes.”

Rainbow Dash rolls her eyes. “Okay, okay. So you two couldn’t leave. How DID you get back then?”

“We didn’t.”

Auriel frowns. “Oh?”

Applejack sighs. “The date lasted roughly a week.”

Hammer appears confused. “But you two just left yesterday evening!”

Arc shrugs. “Time moves a lot faster in the Celestial Realm. At least according to Celestia herself.”

Pinkie grins widely. “So you two got in bed then?!”

Applejack shakes her head. “No. Arc took me to his old room and let me bunk there.”

Rainbow Dash moves her hoof in a circular motion. “You didn’t… you know…?”

“Went right to sleep.”


Rarity smiles. “And then?”

Arc chuckles. “Woke up the next morning and went shopping for groceries.”

Applejack giggles. “Arc suggested we try to perfect recipes.”

“Something I’d wanted to do for a while.”

Ember frowns. “That CAN’T be all you two did though!”

Pinkie groans. “Right! Two can only eat so much home cooking! Believe me, I know!”

“We did go camping too.”

Hammer grins. “That one beach overlooking Damocles Base?”


Applejack nods. “We went swimming and roasted veggies over an open fire.”

Auriel smiles. “Sounds like fun.”

Pinkie leans back in her chair, nearly tipping it over. “Aw… I wish I could have been there!”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “On their date?”

“It sounded tasty!”

Fluttershy clears her throat. “So you two had a good time in the woods?”

Applejack sighs. “We did, yes. That is, until that night.”

Rainbow Dash grins wickedly. “Now you’re talking!”

Twilight frowns. “What happened?”

“A storm blew in out of nowhere and forced us to run back to the campsite.”

Applejack bows her head. “It soaked the inside of the tents since we hadn’t zipped them up.”

Hammer groans. “So you two took a portal back?”

Auriel gasps. “That would have been very dangerous during a storm.”

Arc shudders. “I did remember being told that at one point. So for safety’s sake we just slept in the Jeep.”

Ember grins. “Sounds cozy.”

Applejack sighs. “It wasn’t as fun as one might think. Remember, we were both wet from the run back.”

“Fortunately I had an emergency blanket in the Jeep. It kept us warm that night.”

Ember elbows Arc. “Just the blanket?”

“Yes, Ember.”

Applejack nods. “Arc was a perfect gentlestallion back then.”

Twilight appears relieved. “So you went home the next morning when it was safe?”

“Right. But that was just the start of it.”

Applejack puts a hoof to her belly. “I woke up feeling really sick.”

Fluttershy gasps. “Oh my! Are you alright?!”

“Yeah. Arc put me in the shower to lower the fever and got me some medicine too.”

Hammer nods. “Did that help?”

“Quite a bit actually. He went back to take care of the campsite while I lay in the bathtub too.”

“She wasn’t in any condition to help with that at the time.”

Rainbow Dash laughs heartily. “Sounds like you took care of everything, Arc.”

“I tried to, yes. But she was really weak at that point. I had to carry her downstairs to the couch in my arms.”

“We sat there watching television all day.”

Hammer chuckles as she looks to Arc. “Lazy bum.”

Arc shrugs. “Wanted to keep an eye on her.”

Ember raises an eyebrow skeptically. “Really?”

“Yes. She was really miserable back then.”

Auriel smiles. “I’m sure you did everything you could for her, Arc.”

“That he did. And it gave us a good chance to talk too.”

Pinkie’s eyes light up at this. “What about?!”

Arc looks away. “It was kinda personal stuff.”

Rarity puts a hoof on his shoulder. “Then we won’t pry about it.”


Fluttershy attempts to move the conversation forward. “Fortunately you recovered. You are better, right?”

Applejack nods. “Yeah. It was kind of a one day thing luckily.”

“Right. After a day of rest Applejack felt a lot better. In fact, she felt well enough to go out with me again.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “Are you KIDDING ME?!”

Rarity raises an eyebrow. “What are you…?”

“She got to go TWICE!”

Pinkie nods happily. “And got to spend a week alone with Arc!”

Applejack sighs. “That wasn’t really our fault though.”

Twilight grimaces. “Yes. It was part of Princess Celestia’s plan, after all.”

Auriel motions to the young mas sitting across from her. “This whole thing was for the benefit of Arc though. To convince the princess that his heart was in the right place.”

Fluttershy smiles. “Agreed. I for one don’t mind that he and Applejack had an extended date.”

Twilight smiles warmly. “It sounds like things went well enough.”

Rainbow Dash looks away angrily. “Well I think all of us should have a week with him then!”

Rarity frowns. “Now, now. No need to be pushy about it, Rainbow Dash.”

Pinkie chimes in. “But we all want these experiences!”

Arc puts a hand to his chin. “A week, huh?”

Rainbow Dash nods fervently. ”It seems only fair to me!”

Applejack sighs. “I hate to say it, but I think Rainbow Dash is right.”

“I am?”

“Yes. That time alone with him was the most eye-opening time of my life. Nothing else even comes close.”

Twilight smiles. “It sounds like you two really bonded.”

Arc grins. “That we did.”

Rarity puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Then perhaps we should take a bit of advice from Rainbow Dash and spend some alone time with Arc.”

Fluttershy giggles. “Uninterrupted, I might add.”

Hammer raises a hand and grins. “Can I go first?!”

Ember groans. “You lived with him back on Earth, remember?!”

“Yeah, but that wasn’t alone time! His squad was still there!”

Arc nods. “That’s true.”

Applejack sighs happily. “And I don’t think we would have made the same connection had they been there. Nothing against them, of course. But this was nothing short of magical.”

Rainbow Dash grins. “Then I should go next!”

Fluttershy raises an eyebrow. “Why you?”

“Because I’m the coolest!”

Pinkie motions with a hoof. “What about Rarity?! She was the first to get Arc to admit his feelings!”

Rarity appears surprised. “Yes, indeed. But I’m willing to let somepony else go ahead of me.”

Arc raises an eyebrow. “Really, Rarity?”

Rarity sighs. “Sadly, I have a lot of work ahead of me, what with trying to rebuild my business from the ground up… literally.”

Applejack grins. “And I’ve already agreed to help others get resettled in Ponyville when the time is right. That and I’ve already had my turn, I suppose. How about Pinkie?”

Pinkie smiles nervously. “The Cakes and I have a lot to do when Sugarcube Corner reopens! Now really isn’t a good time for me! Fluttershy?!”

“I have to help Doctor Fauna get the animal clinic back in operating condition. Twilight?”

Twilight sighs. “While that sounds wonderful, I need to help make plans for the eventual invasion of the Badlands. Perhaps you would like to have some time with Arc, Auriel?”

“It sounds nice, yes. But might I suggest a different course of action?”

Ember appears hopeful. “Like a certain Dragon Lord going next?”

Hammer pumps the air. “Or me!”

Auriel smiles. “I was actually going to suggest that the one to go next should be… Arc.”

“Um… what?”

Rainbow Dash groans. “That doesn’t make any sense!”

Pinkie raises an eyebrow. “Are you saying he should get to know HIMSELF better?!”

Rarity shrugs. “I don’t think so. Guess you’d better explain it then, Auriel.”

“Certainly. While Arc is indeed open to us spending time with him alone, I believe he needs more time with his family.”

Applejack raises a hoof. “Um… I think you’re on the right track, yes. But remember Ponyville is still being rebuilt.”

“I was thinking more along the lines of them going to Earth for this.”

Arc grins. “A family vacation?”

Auriel nods. “Yes. After all, Derpy is hoping to join the herd as well.”

Fluttershy giggles. “And they already have a filly together.”

Everyone turns to Fluttershy as she looks away and blushes slightly before speaking again.

“That… came out wrong.”

Rainbow Dash laughs heartily. “Good one!”

Pinkie shrugs. “We all knew what you meant though!”

Rarity looks around the table. “While I agree that they would do well to bond, should Dinky accompany them as well?”

Hammer raises an eyebrow. “Where else would she be?”

Ember puts a hand to her chin. “I kinda see the issue here. After all, things might… develop over there.”

Applejack smiles nervously. “You can say that again.”

Fluttershy sighs. “So maybe she should stay here in Equestria.”

Rarity looks to Arc. “I’d be willing to look after her while you two are gone.”

Arc shakes his head. “While I appreciate that, I want to spends more time with her too, after all.”

Auriel nods. “Then that settles it.”

Arc frowns. “But what about the upcoming invasion?!”

Twilight waves a hoof. “It won’t be for quite a while.”

Rainbow Dash frowns. “How long is ‘a while’?”

“I spoke to Luna about the timetable for a military intervention. She says there’s more red tape and planning to handle than she originally thought. That and we still have to wait for spring anyways.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “But isn’t Princess Celestia handling that?”

Arc clenches a fist. “She’d better not be.”

Auriel shakes her head. “Arc relieved her of her… princess-hood, or whatever you call it, remember?”

Pinkie gasps. “So Princess Luna is handling this matter?!”

Twilight nods. “For the moment, yes. Princess Celestia is still wanting to lead the actual attack though.”

Rarity frowns. “Is that… legal?”

Rainbow Dash grits her teeth. “Not a chance! Uh… right?”

Arc shakes his head. “Nope. I spoke to High Justice Gavel yesterday about this very matter. According to her, at the moment Celestia has the same rights and privileges afforded to every other citizen. But nothing more.”

Pinkie giggles. “That means Twilight outranks her!”

Twilight looks around nervously. “I… wouldn’t say that.”

Hammer grins. “Why not? You’re legally a princess and she ain’t.”

Arc looks to Twilight. “You’re still afraid of her, huh?”

“More along the lines of worried that she might still come after you, Arc.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “She’d better not!”

Hammer draws her gun. “You’ll have company, Ember!”

Auriel attempts to diffuse the situation. “I don’t think Princess Celestia would go that far. However her dedication to Equestria may blind her to what’s before her.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “Nothing we can do about that though.”

Applejack puts a hoof to her chin thoughtfully. “Maybe we can.”

Fluttershy appears confused. “Oh?”

Rarity frowns. “Are you thinking what I am?”

Applejack bows her head. “That Twilight REALLY needs to go with Princess Celestia on the campaign to the Badlands.”

“I was planning to go anyways though.”

Arc nods. “Right. Me too.”

Pinkie grimaces. “But now you two need to make sure she doesn’t do anything NAUGHTY!”

Rainbow Dash raises an eyebrow. “Like what?!”

Hammer grits her teeth. “Like trying to command the army, for starters.”

Ember brandishes her claws. “Yeah. That’s not for her to do.”

Arc folds his arms over his chest. “I’ll see to it she behaves herself.”

Auriel grimaces. “And if she doesn’t?”

Arc cracks his knuckles and frowns.

“Then I make her see reason.”

Rarity puts a hoof on his hand and smiles. “I’m sure you will, dear. But for now let’s get back to the matter at hoof.”

“Fine with me. After all, there was one more aspect about the date that I wanted to share with all of you.”

Twilight appears confused. “There’s more?”

“Yeah. Applejack?”


“Why don’t you tell everyone how you felt back there?”

Applejack sighs. “Very... sexually aroused.”

Rainbow Dash grins slyly. “Nice!”

Pinkie giggles. “Nothing wrong with that!”

Auriel appears confused. “Was there more to that than what could be taken at face value?”

Arc nods soberly. “There was, yes. Celestia... manipulated the situation numerous time to try and force certain outcomes.”

Hammer frowns. “Like what?

Applejack bows her head. “She... put me in situation where I was vulnerable... sexually.”

Fluttershy gasps. “That’s terrible!”

Ember seethes. “Are you saying she was trying to get Arc to have SEX with you?!”

“It seems so, yes.”

Arc groans. “I didn’t give in to her. In my mind that would have amounted to rape.”

Twilight furrows her brow. “Agreed.”

Auriel turns to Twilight. “Maybe you should have a talk with her about this.”

Rainbow Dash takes flight and smacks her front hooves together. “Yeah! Along with a smack to the face!”

Arc smiles slightly. “Too late.”

Rarity grits her teeth. “Good job, Arc.”

“I didn’t do it.”

Hammer frowns. “Then who...?”

Applejack raises a hoof. “It was me.”

Ember appears surprised. “You, Applejack?”


Pinkie grins. “How’d you do it?!”

“I simply thanked her for the experience and told her that I wasn’t too happy about her manipulating me before slapping her.”

Auriel gasps. “In the face?!”

Arc nods. “Yup! It was awesome!”

Twilight grimaces. “Was she... angry?”

Applejack shakes her head. “Not really, no.”

Arc shrugs. “I can only assume that Celestia understood Applejacks reasoning for that and agreed with her.”

Pinkie grins. “At least she’s not in the dungeon!”

Auriel turns to Twilight. “Celestia wouldn’t do that to her though, right?

“Probably not, no. After all, she’s very concerned for my thoughts and feelings regarding my friends.”

Rainbow Dash folds her hooves over her chest. “Well, I still don’t like the idea that she was trying to get Arc and Applejack to have sex!”

Arc nods. “Neither do I.”

Applejack bows her head. “She said that she would have intervened had I called for Arc to stop though.”

Fluttershy grits her teeth. “That still didn’t make it right! I don’t even let my critters engage in sexual encounters unless their both consenting and in the right state of mind!”

Rarity frowns. “So what are we going to do about this?”

Hammer clenches a fist. “Keep her off the throne, for starters!”

Arc nods. “That much is a given.”

Rainbow Dash looks to Applejack. “How about you tell her therapist about this?”

Applejack bows her head. “But what about patient/caregiver confidentiality?”

Auriel frowns. “She wouldn’t have to tell you anything about the treatments the princess is under.”

Pinkie nods. “And Emerald Dream really needs to know what happened here!

Twilight sighs. “Agreed. I’ll write up a full report later informing her of this development.”

Hammer groans. “But we need to do MORE!”

Ember seethes. “Right! She can’t just get away with doing things like that!”

Arc nods. “Agreed. I’m glad I took her authority a while back. Now she’s unable to give royal decrees or orders of any kind.”

Fluttershy grimaces. “To be fair though, it might also have had something to do with her current mental trauma.”

Rarity frowns. “It doesn’t make such things right though!”

Auriel shudders. “Agreed. Sexual encounters, while perfectly acceptable, require the consent of ALL parties.”

Rainbow Dash seethes. “And nopony should be FORCED to partake!”

Twilight nods sadly. “That is correct. I’m very sorry for what was done to you, Applejack.”

Applejack nods. “I’m not.”

“Come again?”

“The princess may have manipulated me into doing certain things, yes. However, in all honesty, I do want them.”

Rainbow Dash gasps. “You WANT to be raped?!

Applejack shakes her head. “No, Rainbow Dash. But I do want intimacy with Arc.”

She looks to Twilight before continuing.

“I don’t feel that I was pressured very hard to do anything I didn’t want. However, at the same time, it was a total violation of my rights as a citizen of Equestria and a mare.”

Twilight nods. “So what do you think should be done?”

“I don’t really know, Twilight. After all, it’s not like we can imprison her or take her magic away.”

Arc frowns. “Technically we can. Well, I could.”

Pinkie gasps. “How?!”

“Remember, I’m the Hero of Light. And I’m free to do whatever it takes to bring any situation concerning an alicorn to heel.”

Hammer grins. “So Arc could put her in jail?!”

Auriel shrugs. “Theoretically, yes.”

Rarity groans. “I can’t she her OR her loyalists taking that lying down though.”

Fluttershy sighs. “That could start a civil war all over again.”

Rainbow Dash groans. “So we’re just supposed to do NOTHING?!”

Twilight looks to Applejack. “I’ll speak to her about this matter. Get her side of the issue before doing anything more.”

“You might also want to talk to Princess Luna about it. See if she’s ever done anything like it in the past.”

“I will, yes. While it’ll take some time to figure out what to do, rest assured that I’ll get to the bottom of it along with Doctor Whooves and Emerald Dream.”

“Thanks, Twilight. I know you’ll be thorough.”

Auriel smiles. “It is good to know someone like you in on the throne right now though, Twilight.”

Arc nods. “Yes. You’ll do your best to see to it this is properly investigated.”

Fluttershy looks to Applejack. “What about talking to Princess Cadance as well?”

Hammer shrugs. “Might be worth a shot. After all, she is the Princess of Relationships, right?

Rainbow Dash facehoofs. “She’s the Princess of Love, cupcakes.”

“I was close.”

Applejack clears her throat loudly. “In any case, there’s nothing for us to do about this at the moment. So I’d like to end by saying that the date was a resounding success and that even though I was more or less forced to feel certain things, I wouldn’t have traded it for anything.”

Auriel smiles and nods. “That’s good. And I hope that little bag from Princess Cadance was helpful.”

Applejack raises an eyebrow. “Bag?”

Arc groans. “I forgot all about it!”

Pulling it out of his ring, he opens it carefully and peeks inside for a moment before turning away and pulling something out. Rainbow Dash frowns.

“What’s in there?!”

Pinkie grins. “Treasure?!”

Arc shakes his head as he puts the bag back in his ring. “Not... exactly.”

Twilight smiles. “If it was from Cadance I’m sure it was okay. Right, Arc?”


Applejack raises an eyebrow. “You sound uncertain.”

Pinkie giggles. “Yeah! What was in there anyways?!”

“It’s... kinda embarrassing.”

Hammer grins. “Well, now we REALLY wanna know!”

Rarity groans. “Come now, girls. If Arc doesn’t want to say...”

Arc interrupts her. “I suppose I probably should though. After all being in a relationship, or in this case relationships, means not keeping secrets.”

Pulling the bag from his ring, he opens it up and dumps the contents on the table. The mares look at them, clearly confused. Rainbow Dash frowns.

“What the heck...?

Applejack turns to Arc. “I don’t get it.”

“They’re... um... you see...”

Hammer interrupts him. “Condoms.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “What are they...?”

Arc groans. “It’s something a guy puts over his penis before having sex.”

Pinkie frowns as she looks over the packages. “How?!”

“They’re rolled up to allow for easier... um... installation.”

Auriel opens a package and looks the material over carefully. “This appears as though it would stop semen from entering the vaginal canal.”

Ember scoffs. “Where’s the fun in that?”

Arc sighs. “It’s to prevent pregnancy, Ember.”

“I stand by my previous statement.”

Fluttershy looks to Arc. “But why would she give you these, Arc? I mean, even if you had slept with Applejack there’s no way should would have gotten pregnant.”

“There’s a note in here too.”

Pulling a small paper from the sack Arc reads it over as Applejack watches him nervously. Looking up and over to her, Arc speaks.

“Princess Cadance wrote a warning to me.”

“Did she now?”

Arc nods. “Yes. She told me to use these before sex with you.”

Rarity appears confused. “But why? After all, pretty much every unmarried mare in Equestria has ‘the shot’.

Applejack looks to the floor. “I don’t.”

Twilight raises an eyebrow. “Applejack?”

“We were always so busy down on the farm that it just always go pushed back. Then... forgotten.”

Pinkie gasps. “So you COULD have gotten pregnant?!”

“With a stallion, yes.”

Auriel looks to Applejack. “Not to worry. It’s medically impossible for a mare's egg and a human’s sperm to produce a zygote.”

Twilight nods. “True. But Cadance must not have known that.”

Hammer folds her arms over her chest. “Or she was just being extra cautious.”

Arc puts the paper down. “Yeah. She says here that she checked Applejack’s medical records and found that she wasn’t on what you call ‘the shot’.

Applejack sighs. “Sorry for not saying anything, sugarcube.”

“It’s okay, Applejack. After all, I couldn’t have impregnated you anyways.”

He looks at the pile of assorted condoms before speaking again.

“But it is nice to know that she was thinking ahead.”

Hammer grins sheepishly as she slowly reaches for the condoms. “Uh... if you’re not going to use those...?”

Everyone groans and looks to her as they speak in unison.


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