• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 9 - Do or Die

Two weeks later in the early morning light, Arc walks down a corridor of Canterlot Castle with Sunburst.

“I’ve nearly completed construction on the device, sir!”

“Did you follow all my notes exactly?”

Sunburst nods. “Yes sir."

As the pair approach their destination, the two guards on duty part to allow the pair access to Princess Celestia’s room. The Crystal Mirror sits in the middle of the room next to a partially constructed machine. Sunburst closes the door behind them.

“Every detail has been taken into account. Although I don’t understand why you insisted on having me construct it here in Princess Celestia’s room of all places!”

They approach the device in the center of the room. It is a rather large platform with several complicated looking sigils perfectly placed in a circle.

“Simple. This section of the castle is already heavily patrolled and heavily guarded. If we did this anywhere else it would look suspicious.”

Sunburst begins making adjustments to the inner workings of the device’s control panel. “That’s another thing, sir. Why are you so keen on keeping this a secret?”

Arc kneels down to inspect the sigils. “For starters, I’m sure Tempest and her ilk would love to have such a powerful magical item in their lair. Who knows what vile plans they could carry out with this!”

Sunburst sighs. “I suppose you have a point, sir.”

“Second, I don’t want to get the citizenry’s hopes up. If this doesn’t end well…”

Sunburst looks up from his work. “It will sir! I just know it!”

Arc chuckles as he stands back up! “This room is also the last place anyone would think to look for a transdimensional portal!”

Luna and Cadance enter the room together.

“How are preparations coming along, Sunburst?”

Sunburst bows to them before answering Luna’s question. “Very well, your majesty. I expect to have the device completed by tomorrow morning.”

Cadance nods. “Don’t rush yourself, Sunburst. It needs to be completely safe before we can allow anypony to use it!”

“I understand, your majesty, and will do my very best not to disappoint you.”

“I’m sure you’ll do your very best! Now then, is there anything else you need to make this device operational?”

“I lack only a handful of components, your majesty. However, the Hero of Light and I have already made arrangements to have the final pieces of the puzzle delivered here via special courier.”

Luna nods. “Very well. It appears you have thought of everything as usual, my friend.”

Cadance looks over the device. “Can we assume you’ve also come up with a reliable way for Arc to return to Equestria?”

Sunburst points a hoof at a nearby workbench. “I have. This is a portable version of the Crystal Mirror. All that has to be done to open a portal back here is for it to be deployed on the ground and activated.”

Luna nods and points a hoof at the mirror standing nearby. “Was the Crystal Mirror of any help to you, Sunburst?”

“Indeed it was, your majesty! It, along with the book from Star Swirl the Bearded, was instrumental in helping us to come up with the device that now stands before you!”

“Exactly how does it work?”

“It’s actually quite simple.”

Arc chuckles. “Yeah! In a complicated sort of way…”

“For this device to function as intended requires not only a vast amount of magical energy, but also a way to focus that energy. All the while dispersing said energy with just the right ratio of throw so as to maintain a stable portal!”

Luna narrows her eyes. “Sunburst?”

“Yes, your highness?”

“Exactly what part of that was supposed to be ‘simple’?”

Sunburst coughs. “Yes, well… I suppose if you understood the inner workings of this device…”

He thinks for a moment.

“For example, this platform is imbued with six separate sigils to keep the energy in check.”

Cadance looks at the platform. “Six? Why so many?”

“While the original Crystal Mirror only had one, to allow for two-way travel requires significantly more energy! The sigils support each other and help to balance out the portal and its energies.”

Arc nods. “It’s also a safety measure. We wouldn’t want to blow a hole in the side of the castle, now would we?”

Luna sighs. “I suppose not. Is that why you wanted to perform these experiments here?”

“Yes. This room’s walls are extremely thick and magically reinforced. If an accident did occur, we would be the only casualties.”

Cadance frowns. “That isn’t very reassuring, Arc.”

“Don’t worry Princess Cadance. I’ve already spoken to Hard Hat and he assures me…”

She interrupts him! “No Arc! I mean the part about an accident!”

“Oh. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.”

Sunburst steps forward. “Fear not Princess Cadance. I will personally operate the device when the time comes! Believe me when I say we’re leaving nothing to chance!”

Luna smiles! “Good. “

Arc turns to the machine. “The only thing I’m at a loss over is what to call it. Ideas?”

Cadance looks up! “How about the Matter Relocator?”

Luna shakes her head. “That’s a bit too ‘on the nose’ Cadance.”

Sunburst chuckles. “I’ve already named it the “Spatial Particle Emission Arc Redirector” or the S.P.E.A.R for short.”

He looks at Arc sheepishly.

“The acronym is purely coincidental, sir.”

Arc nods. “Well, if your calculations for how much energy is needed to pull this off are correct, it will be spearheading the flow of time and space!”

Luna looks confused. “Explain, Sunburst.”

“You see, cosmic energy flows throughout the universe in patterns. Much like the flow of a river. According to the book left by Star Swirl the Bearded, this energy flows past both Earth and Equestria! However, we are downstream so to speak.”

Arc nods. “Meaning it’s easy for something to make its way here. But to get back requires a LOT more energy, as we have to fight our way back upstream!”

Luna suddenly looks nervous. “Isn’t that going to be… dangerous?!”

“It is! That’s why we’re running all these tests, your highness. For the safety of those who pass through.”

Arc turns back to the Lead Sage. “Speaking of passing through, were you able to install that seventh sigil we spoke of, Sunburst?”

Sunburst nods. “I have! It took quite a bit of thought on how to implement it without causing undue interference to the other sigils.”

Cadance looks surprised! “What does it do?”

Arc points to sigil apart from the others. “As the users pass through the ‘Gateway’ so to speak, this sigil will cast a very specialized spell on the travelers. In an effort to ensure the safety of anyone I bring with me, it will automatically turn them into a human.”

“Come again?”

Sunburst smiles! “A pony goes in, and a human comes out!”

Cadance nods. “And the counter-spell?”

Sunburst gestures to the control panel. “The sigil can be recalibrated to automatically turn our forces back into ponies when they make their return trip.”

He looks to Arc.

“It can also be disabled to allow you to return and keep your human form.”

“Good. I’m very happy being myself!”

Luna looks to Arc soberly. “So, whom are you taking on the initial trip to Earth?”

“I’m going alone. There’s no need to risk anyone else on the first trip. When I’m sure it’s safe, I’ll be bringing my squad through. Maybe even my family if things go well.”

Cadance smile respectfully at him. “That’s very brave of you Arc. Sunburst, do your best to send Arc to Earth safely!”

“Yes, your highness.”

Arc gestures to the door. “We should probably let Sunburst get back to work now. There’s a lot to do before tomorrow.”

Luna nods. “Indeed. Keep at it, Sunburst and let us know if you need anything.”

Cadance smiles at him. “Yes. Including more time.”

Sunburst returns to work as Arc and the princesses leave the room and walk down the hallway together. Luna turn to him.

“So, tell me Arc. Any big plans for the day before your big trip?”

“Actually yes! My family and I are going to Dodge Junction for a bit of a day trip. We’re going to spend some time together at Cherry Hill Ranch before I start this mission.”

Cadance smiles! “That’s very thoughtful of you Arc! Tell me, how is Cherry Jubilee’s sister doing?”

Arc sighs. “Much better after talking with a therapist. She’s having us up there just for the day, which is for the best.”

Luna looks confused. “For the best?”

“I worry that having all of us around for too long might be too much for anyone to handle!”

“She must be so lonely after losing her sister. It’s not easy running things alone.”

Arc nods. “The ranch has two employees that help out as much as they can. I’m sure she’s not alone very much, as they start at dawn and work until dark.”

Luna nods. “Aren’t you worried she’ll work herself too hard?!”

“In the beginning, no. Work keeps her from getting depressed. But now I want to check in on her to make sure she isn’t regressing.”

Cadance smiles! “We wish her only the best! Now if you will excuse us, duty calls.”

“Audiences do not hold themselves. We will see you tomorrow in my sister’s room, Arc.”

Arc waves after them. “See you then!”

He watches them as they round a corner before turning around and looking out the window for a moment.

“Guess I had better be getting back home. There’s so much for all of us to do today.”

Arc calls forth his gauntlet and opens a portal to Derpy’s house. As he appears on the sigil, he spots Derpy and Dinky finishing the morning’s breakfast dishes.

“I’m home! Hope you two are ready for a bit of fun!”

Dinky trots over to her father and gives him a hug. “DAD! We missed you!”

Arc hugs Dinky back! “And I’ve missed you too, sweetheart.”

Derpy dries her hooves on a dish towel and walks toward Arc. “I am! It’s been too long since we saw Cherry Hill Ranch!”

Dinky hops around excitedly! “Me too dad!”

“We haven’t seen much of you for a couple weeks!”

“Sorry about that, Derpy. Sunburst and I were busy with research and development.”

“With what?”

“Figuring out how to build the machine that can take me to Earth.”

Dinky giggles! “You mean us to Earth, right dad?! Miss Ember and Sereb are looking forward to this as well!”

“I’m sorry Dinky, but it’s just going to be me heading through the portal tomorrow.”

“Can’t mom and I come with you?!”

“Maybe after I test the device. I won’t risk your lives on an untested piece of new technology!”

Dinky frowns. “Awww…”

Derpy looks to Arc. “We should probably get a move on. I told Ruby we would be there about now!”

Arc nods. “Yes, but what about Ember and Sereb. They were supposed to meet us here.”

Dinky shrugs. “Maybe they overslept.”

As if in response, there is a sudden knock at the front door! Dinky trots forward happily.

“I’ll get it!”

She opens the door to see a rather winded Sereb and Ember standing on the front steps panting. Arc walks over to stand with his daughter.

“Woah! What happened to you two?!”

Ember tires to catch her breath. “We… we were training in the Everfree Forest and kinda lost track of time.”

Sereb pants. “Our apologies.”

“The two of us wanted to test our mettle against something a bit more dangerous than Lieutenant Flash Sentry.”

“Although he is a fearsome opponent, we needed more training together so as to work as a team on the battlefield.”

Derpy looks worried. “Oh dear! Anypony hurt?!”

Sereb nods. “Yes. Three manticores went limping off.”

Arc sighs. “I do wish you two wouldn’t do that.”

Ember frowns. “Why? We’re stronger than they are!”

“That’s not the point! One, they’re bigger than you are!”

Ember folds her arms over her chest. “Pft! Not by much! Besides, they attacked US!”

“And two, you were in THEIR backyard!”


“From their perspective, they were just defending their home.”

Sereb sighs. “It sounds bad when you say it like that.”

Arc sighs. “Look, just stay out of that place needlessly, okay?”

Ember sighs. “Fine. Have it your way.”

Arc leads the pair inside. “Good. Let’s be off then!”

The group walks over to the sigil. Arc powers it up and they are off! A moment later they appear on the sigil in Ruby’s basement!

Arc turn to the group as they make their way toward the stairs. “Let’s all have a good time now, okay?”

Everyone nods as they head upstairs. Arc calls out as her reaches the main level.

“Ruby! We’re here!”

The clopping of hooves can be heard coming toward them from the kitchen.

“Arc! Glad to see you again!”

He kneels down to give her a hug. “It’s good to see you well again, Ruby. You are well, are you not?”

Ruby nods! “Yes. I’m doing much better these days, thanks to you that is!”

“I… merely sat with you and kept you company, Ruby. At that time, it was all I could do for you.”

She rests her head on Arc’s shoulder. “We were cold, tired, and hungry yet you saw to my needs before your own. I was dirty and you very gently cleaned me, dried and brushed my mane. I… made a mess and you cleaned up after me. I was sick, and you looked after me.”

Ruby Jubilee releases Arc and leans back on her haunches.

“Arc… thank you.”

“You’re welcome, Ruby.”

She turns her head to look at the others.

“Thank you for coming everypony.”

Derpy smiles! “Thank you for having us! “

Sereb nods. “Indeed.”

Ruby looks nervously at the talking wolf next to Derpy. “Um… the pleasure is all… mine.”

“I’m sorry Ruby. This is Sereb. He watches my back when I’m carrying out my duties.”

Ruby giggles! “You mean when your being brave, steadfast and true?”

Arc chuckles. “I would also like to add foolhardy to that list.”

Ember nods. “We both watch your back, Arc.”

“It just something that needs to be done.”

“And I do appreciate it you two.”

Ruby gestures to the kitchen. “Can I offer all of you a slice of cherry pie? I just made it fresh this morning!”

“Thank you Ruby. That’s very kind of you!

Arc and company make their way to the kitchen. A stack of plates sits in front of a fresh cherry pie which is still warm from the oven. Ruby slices it as she serves everyone a piece.

“So how are you enjoying school, Dinky?”

“It’s great! Our teacher Miss Cheerilee is really nice!”

Derpy nods! “She’s doing quite well in her studies.”

“Making a lot of new friends?”

Dinky takes a piece of pie as Ruby gives it to her. “Uh huh! We even formed a club! The Cutie Mark Crusaders!”

Ember laughs as she takes her own piece of the pie. “You should see them in their little capes! It’s adorable!”

Ruby nods! “Well, with a father as smart as Arc and a mother as loving as Derpy is I don’t doubt that!”

The pie is served and everyone eat hungrily. Sereb turns to their host.

“Miss Ruby, are you expecting another guest?”

“No. What makes you say that?”

Sereb looks at a plate with an uneaten slice of pie in front of an empty chair. Ruby sighs.

“I keep doing that.”

Ember looks confused. “Ruby?”

Ruby looks down sadly. “I… as long as I’ve lived in this house, Cherry always sat in that seat. To not serve her at every meal just feels… out of the ordinary!”

“I understand. I felt the same way when my mother passed away. Although I was sent away to live in an orphanage, I would still wake up every morning at the same time to make her breakfast.”

Arc sighs and picks up the plate as he gestures to the door.

“Would you like to visit her with me?”

Ruby nods. “Thank you Arc. I’d like that.”

Arc turns to the others. “Would you excuse us please? We won’t be long.”

Everyone nods as Ruby hops off her chair and follows Arc out the back door. Sereb turns to Ember.

“She is doing well considering her loss.”

“Yeah. It’s good to see thing are back to normal between her and Arc. The way she treated him after the accident… it was really hard to watch.”

“Mom? Is dad okay?”

Derpy sighs as she looks down at Dinky sadly. “They both need each other right now, sweetie. Working through the loss of a loved one takes time.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Ruby make their way to the small family plot together. They approach Cherry’s simple marker. Arc sets down the pie in front of the stone.

“Hi Cherry. It’s me, Arc. I brought Ruby with me today.”

“Hello sister. I… we brought you some pie! It’s your own recipe! I’m… not as good at making it as you were.”

Arc sighs. “Sorry about leaving without saying goodbye last time. It started raining and I had to get Ruby inside. We were both a mess by the time I got her back to the house.”

Ruby nods. “Yes sister. I’m afraid that dress will never be the same again.”

She sighs.

“I caught a bit of a cold that night. But don’t worry! Arc took very good care of me!”

“She just had a small fever and a bit of a tummy ache. I gave her some medicine and stayed by her side that night. By morning she was well again.”

“That I was. But… I… I had done a very bad thing the night before, sister. The pain of losing you… it was just too much for me to bear alone. I took father’s rope and… and tried to kill myself!”

Ruby looks down at the ground.

“I’m not proud of it, but I so badly wanted us to be together again! Please don’t tell mother and father!”

Arc puts his hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “As luck would have it, I came to the door just in time to stop her.”

“Cherry. I need to confess something else to you. When Arc came to check on me I… I… lunged at him and we both fell down the stairs together! Even then, after all I had done, he wrapped his arms around me to keep me from getting hurt!

“Don’t worry! She escaped that fall unhurt.”

“Then I… I hit Arc! I hit him over and over again! It was his fault you were gone for good, or so I kept telling myself!”

Arc grimaces! “She’s a lot stronger than she looks.”

Ruby begins to sniffle. “Even through all that, he stuck with me! Anypony else would have hit me back or at the very least run away! But he didn’t. In fact, he took me back to Ponyville with him and insisted that I see the local therapist.”

“You’d like Emerald Dream. She’s really good at getting to the heart of the matter and helping someone deal with their pain!”

Ruby nods! “That she is! I don’t know how she did it, but she really helped me come to terms with your passing so I could keep moving forward! But how did you know that Arc?”

“I… spoke to her myself.”

“What?! But… but you’re the Hero of Light! The strongest, bravest, most compassionate being in all the land!

Arc shakes his head. “You’re wrong, Ruby. At my core, I’m no different than anyone else. I hurt… I feel pain.”


“One could be the most vile scoundrel in all the land! But tell them that a loved one has passed… someone they truly cared for, and they’ll mourn for them just as anyone else would. Everyone feels pain from such a loss… EVERYONE!”

“I guess that makes sense.”

They are silent for a time. The only sound to be heard is the rustle of the golden colored leaves in the cherry trees as the cool autumn air blows.

“Sister… to be honest with you… I’ve been thinking about… letting the ranch go and moving to Ponyville.”

Arc looks up, surprised! “You have? Why?! I thought you loved Cherry Hill Ranch!”

“Yes! But… it’s because you and your wonderful family lives there Arc! That and there are so many kind ponies who call that place home!”

Arc nods. “If that would make you happy. You can stay in one of my base’s guest rooms while you find a more permanent home. I’m going to be off on another adventure for… let’s just say, an extended period of time though. But Derpy and Dinky will still be there. As will Twilight and her friends. You won’t hurt for company, a roof over your head, or food in your belly.”

Ruby shakes her head. “Thank you Arc. But in the end, I decided to stay here.”


She looks around happily! “My place is here at Cherry Hill Ranch with my own family!”

Arc looks to her confused. “I didn’t know you and Cherry had other relatives in town. Where are they?”

Ruby gestures to the other headstones. “They’re all right here, Arc. I’m all that’s left of my bloodline. Whether or not I marry and raise a family, the Jubilee bloodline ends with me.”

Arc nods soberly. “Does that make you sad?”

She walks over to her sister’s headstone and puts a hoof on its face. “A little, yes. Our parents knew when they had me and Cherry. I don’t have a brother to carry on the family name, and our father was an only foal. Until now, I never really thought about it much though.”

Arc kneels down next to Ruby and puts a hand on her shoulder. “Eventually all things must come to an end. In fact, I too was an only child and have no family left to speak of.”

“You mean…”

“Yes Ruby. When I asked Cherry to be my wife, I did so knowing full well that it would be the end of my own bloodline. To me, the happiness of being with Cherry far outweighed the pain that the conclusion of my family tree would bring!”

Ruby nods. “I suppose we have that in common as well.”

Arc looks to the headstone. “I suppose we do.”

The pair are silent for a short time before Arc notices Ruby is shivering slightly. He reaches for his ring and pulls out his magic cloak. Wrapping it around her and turning to the headstone.

“I need to get Ruby back inside now, Cherry. I’ll be starting the most dangerous mission yet tomorrow! If I succeed, Equestria will have all three princesses back~ If I fail… well, let’s just say you and I will be together again sooner than we planned. Goodbye, my love.”

Arc takes Ruby by the hoof and leads her back toward the house.”

“Arc? Did you really mean what you said? About bringing Princess Celestia home?!

“I did. Please keep that to yourself though. But don’t worry! I’ll do my best to bring her back safe and sound!”

Ruby nods happily! “I know you won’t let her down, Arc!”

The pair walk in the back door to find the others chatting amongst themselves.

“Sorry for taking so long.”

Ruby removes the cloak and gives it back to Arc. “My apologies as well. I guess we had more to talk about than we originally thought.”

Ember nods. “We understand.”

“That pie was really good, Miss Ruby! Could you teach me how to make it?!”

Ruby looks to Arc. He smiles and nods.

“Sure! I mean if that’s what you want to do!”

Ember laughs! “Sounds like fun!”

Derpy turns to Sereb. “You can be our taste tester!”

Arc puts his hands on his hips and smiles! “Now hold on there just a minute Derpy! I can’t let him take all the risks! We’ll do it together!”

Dinky laughs! “Have it your way dad!”

The group spends the next several hours mixing, baking and experimenting with different seasonings. Ruby looks up as she stirs the contents of a bowl.

“My sister always had a secret blend for making her pies taste so good! She was going to teach me how, but never got around to it.”

Derpy nods! “Then you’ll have to come up with a special recipe of you own!”

She stops stirring and looks up. “How?”

Ember looks over, rolling pin in claw. “The same way your sister did. By trial and error.”

Arc nods! “We can do it together, Ruby.”

“You mean like a… family?”


Ruby nods happily! “Okay! Let’s do it!”

Dinky grins! “What should we make?!”

“I always liked my recipe for bite sized cherry tarts.”

Derpy picks up the bag of flour. “We could help you perfect it!”

“Okay! Cherry always did like them! It would be nice to come up with the perfect recipe in memory of her!”

Arc nods! “Cherry tarts it is then!”

Ruby Jubilee smiles as she puts down a fresh batch of dough in front of Ember. “My sister and I always used to call them Pop Tarts.”

Dinky looks over with flour in her mane. She uses a bottle as a makeshift rolling pin. “Why?”

“Because they were small enough to just pop in your mouth whole!”

Arc chuckles

“What’s so funny, Arc?”

“Nothing. It’s just a human reference.”

For the next hour the group tries their best to come up with the perfect cherry tart recipe. Sereb tastes yet another sample.

“Very good.”

Arc eats a ‘Pop Tart’ as well. “These really are tasty! But I still feel like it’s missing something.”

Ruby sighs. “I’ve felt that way for years. Although what that something is still eludes me.”

Arc looks out the window at the sun’s position in the sky. “Shouldn’t we start working on lunch soon?”

Sereb lies on his back on the brink of a food coma. “You can’t be serious.”

Ember rolls her eyes! “Yeah Arc! We’ve been trying recipes then eating them! How are you still hungry?!”

Arc laughs! “Just lucky I guess!”

Derpy looks around the room. “Maybe we should think about getting this place cleaned up. We’ve made quite the mess of this kitchen!”

Ruby looks to Derpy and Dinky. “Why don’t you ladies go and get cleaned up? We can handle this mess!”

“Are you sure?”

Ruby laughs as she boops Dinky’s nose. “Yes! I think your daughter has more flour in her mane than all of us combined!”

Dinky giggles! “Awwww… okay!”

Derpy walks toward the bathroom. “This way, Dinky.”

They get to work cleaning up the kitchen and getting the dishes done. By the time Derpy and Dinky have cleaned up, the kitchen is back in order. Dinky looks around.

”Things go quick when you're here, dad!"

Arc tosses a dish towel in the sink. “That it does. Many hands make light work, sweetheart.”


Sereb looks over to Ember. “He means the job gets done faster when we all help.”

“Oh… Arc, why didn’t you just say that?!”

He laughs! “I did! In my own way, that is.”

Dinky grins! “Your turn to get cleaned up, dad.”

“Actually, Ruby should go next. I’m sure she wants to get the flour out of her own mane.”

Ruby nods and heads for the bathroom. “That I would. Don’t worry! I won’t be long!”

Arc nods and opens a portal. “I’m heading back to Ponyville for just a bit.”

“Why dad?”

“To get cleaned up. That and I need some clothes with less flour on them.”

Ember winks at Arc. “Makes sense!”

Derpy nods and winks as well. “See you when you get back!”

Arc steps through the portal and arrives back at Derpy’s house. He quickly gets cleaned up and heads out the front door! Running down the street he mutters to himself.”

“I’d better hurry. Don’t want anyone getting suspicious now!”

A short time later Ruby emerges from the bathroom and trots down the stairs to the living room looking more her normal self. The others are sitting on the couch talking.

“Is Arc not back yet?”

Ember looks nervous. “Well he was pretty messy!”

Derpy nods, guiltily! “I-I’m sure he’ll be back any time now!”

A few minutes later the sound of footsteps can be heard coming up the basement steps. A few moments later Arc enters the living room.

“Sorry for the wait.”

Ruby smiles. “It’s alright.”

Ember chuckles. “Yeah Arc! You were probably the messiest out of everyone!”

“You’re probably right.”

Arc turns to Dinky.

“Ready for some more fun, sweetheart?”

“Yeah dad!”

Ruby Jubilee trots over to a cupboard and opens the door. “We have quite the assortment of board games here. Some days there really isn’t much to do.”

Ember looks confused. “What’s a board game?”

Arc laughs! “We’ll show you.”

The group plays games until late afternoon.

“Well I gotta say, that was more fun than I thought it would be. What did you call that game again, Arc?”

“Texas Hold ‘em. There’s quite a bit of strategy involved. Reading your opponent, probability, and bluffing.“

Derpy grins! “I’ll say! I still can’t believe Dinky beat all of us!”

Ruby pats Dinky’s head. “She must have some kind of sixth sense!”

Dinky giggles! “Maybe I do! I just kinda have a feeling of what I need to do sometimes!”

Arc nods. “Well, remind me never to play with real money against you then sweetheart!”

Sereb smiles. “Indeed. I quite enjoyed Pickup Stix.”

Dinky laughs! “That was fun too!”

Arc stands up. “Well, we should probably get back home.”

Derpy turns to Ruby. “Would you like to come over for supper tonight, Ruby Jubilee?”

“Thank you. I’d like that.”

Derpy turns to Sereb and Ember. “You two are invited as well!”

Ember shakes her head. “Thanks, but we have other plans tonight.”

Dinky frowns. “Awww!”

Everyone heads to the basement sigil. They all stand on it as Arc powers it up. A moment later they appear in Derpy’s house. Derpy steps off the sigil and walks to the kitchen.

“I know it’s not much, but please make yourself comfortable, Ruby.”

“Thank you, but can I help with supper? “

Dinky trots over to join her mother! “Sure! It’ll be fun!”

Derpy, Dinky and Ruby head for the kitchen as Ember and Sereb head for the door.

“Thanks for having us over today, Ruby.”

Sereb nods. “Yes. Thank you.”

Ruby smiles at them. “Thanks for coming! I had a lot of fun!”

Dinky glances over at her father from the counter. “Do you want to help too dad?!”

“I’ll be there in a moment, sweetheart!”

Arc follows Ember and Sereb to the door before lowering his voice to a whisper.

“Alright. You both know what to do. Above all, don’t let the target know your intentions! Got it?”

The pair nod soberly and rush out the door. Arc heads to the kitchen to help with supper. Before long a simple meal is on the table. Ruby looks over to Derpy as they all sit down together.

“Thank you for having me over, Derpy. It’s kinda lonely eating alone all the time.”

Derpy smiles at her as she puts some food on Dinky’s plate. “I know what you mean. It wasn’t that long ago that I too was alone.”

“Oh? Did you lose your family too?”

“No. That… I never had. I met Arc and he… took me in, so to speak! We’ve been together ever since!

Dinky nods as she munches away happily. “Me too!”

The group enjoys their meal together. They talk about the day’s activities as well as the past as they eat.

Ruby looks to Derpy. “That was a wonderful meal!”

“Yes. Very tasty!”

“I liked it too mom!”

“Thank you everypony. I’m glad you liked it!”

Ruby looks at the sink. “Can I help you with the dishes?”

Dinky bounds out of her chair. “I’ll help too! Do you want to help me dry the dishes, dad?”

Arc shakes his head. “Maybe next time sweetheart. I… uh… have something else I have to do right now. I’ll be back in a little while.”

Derpy waves! “Bye Arc! See you in a bit!”

Arc quickly leaves the house.

“Any idea where dad’s going, mom?”

Derpy sighs. “He probably just wants to take care of a few things before he leaves tomorrow.”

Dinky nods sadly. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

A little while later Arc returns just as Dinky puts away the last dish.

“Hey dad! Where did you go?!”

“Just checking up on Ember and Sereb. I sent them off on a very important mission.”

Dinky looks confused. “Oh? What was it?”

“Sorry sweetheart, but it’s a secret. In any case, is anyone else up for dessert?”

Derpy nods! “I’m in!”

Ruby giggles! “Me too!”

Arc motions for the others to follow him. “Let’s head over to Sugar Cube Corner then! I could go for a cupcake… or twelve!”

The others laugh as they leave the house. As a group they walk toward the bakery. About two-thirds of the way there Arc turns to his daughter.

“Hey Dinky! Do you want to play a game?”

She looks to him, confused. “Right now?”

“Sure! Why not?!”

“Okay! What should we play?!”

Arc stops and turns around toward Dinky. He extends his index finger and lightly taps the tip of her tiny nose. Turning around suddenly, he sprints away!


Dinky laughs as the takes off after her father as quickly as her small legs will allow! “I’LL CATCH YOU DAD!!!”

Derpy and Ruby laugh as they follow as best they can behind Dinky! Arc turns the corner and runs toward Sugar Cube Corner! As Dinky follows a few moments later she suddenly stops dead in her tracks!


The entire town of Ponyville is standing in front of the bakery which has been decorated with balloons and streamers! There are party games all around and even a sound system and DJ! Everyone shouts as Derpy and Ruby catch up!


All assembled cheer as Arc walks toward Dinky!

“D-dad! Is all this for me?!”

“Yes Dinky! This is your first birthday party!

“It is?!”

Derpy nods. “Yes sweetie! Your father wanted you to have it before he left!”

The Cakes roll out a huge cake for the occasion as Ember flies overhead!

“Is everyone ready to sing ‘Happy Birthday’?”

Pinkie Pie comes out of nowhere!

“WAIT! She needs a party hat!”

Pinkie pulls a party hat out of her mane and puts it on Dinky’s head! She then pulls out her party cannon and blasts Dinky and her family with confetti!

“Okay! Now we can sing!”

Everyone takes a deep breath!

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday to you

Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday to you

Pinkie continues singing alone!

“From good friends who are true! From old friends and new! Happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you!”

Pinkie hops away but returns a moment later!

“And many more!!!”

Pinkie ducks behind a tree and pushes a manticore wearing a party hat and a party horn in its mouth toward the cake as she continues the melody!

“A manticoooooooooooore!”

Ducking back behind the tree to push Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and all the school fillies out next to the manticore.

“And Apple Bloooooooom! And all her crew!!!”

Pinkie ducks down for a moment. When she stands, she is holding a number of clocks while wearing socks.

“And lots of clooooooocks! With stripy sooooooocks!”

Ruby looks up at Ember. “How does she…”

Ember interrupts. “It’s Pinkie Pie. Just go with it.”

Arc lights a single candle with his magic on top of the cake in front of Dinky before picking her up and holding her high enough to reach said candle! “Okay sweetheart! Make a wish and blow out the candle!”

Dinky thinks for but a moment before successfully blowing out the candle. Everyone cheers and stomps their hooves! Pinkie points a hoof at the DJ!

“Let’s get this party started!!!”

The DJ nods and starts playing some festive music as Arc sets Dinky down.

“Thanks for the party dad! I had no idea!”

Ember chuckles! “Sereb and I left earlier to make sure everything was on schedule.”

“It was not. So, we lent a paw.”

Arc nods. “And then I came over to check up on things myself when they didn’t come back.”

Ruby looks to Dinky. “Your dad asked if he could come over to keep you out of town while they set this all up!”

Dinky giggles! “It really was quite the surprise! Thank you everypony!”

The Mane 6 walk over.

Twilight smiles and levitates a book with a bow on it over to the birthday filly! “Happy Birthday Dinky!”

“Yeehaw! What a time it’s been!”

Rarity walks over to Dinky with a cup of punch. “It’s hard to imagine it’s been a year already!”

Fluttershy nods! “Happy birthday. I hope you have fun.”

Rainbow Dash looks over to Pinkie. “This party has got to be some of your best work Pinkie Pie!”

Pinkie smiles! “I spared no expense! Arc told me to make it EXTRA special! So that’s what I did!”

“And we’re very happy with how it turned out! Good work! But where did you find a manticore?”

Pinkie laughs! “It’s just a really big stuffed animal! I’ve had it for what feels like forever, just waiting for the right event to bring it out! Then I figured, what bigger event than the Hero of Light’s daughter’s first birthday!!!”

Derpy smiles. “Thank you very much for making this day special!”

The foals from the school run up to Dinky wearing party hats! Pipsqueak is wearing a pirate’s hat!

“Great party Dinky! At least I think it is! “

Aquamarine nods! “We’ve never been to something like this before!”

Apple Bloom laughs! “Pinkie Pie always throws the best parties!”

Sweetie Belle grins! “Yeah! I want her to do my next birthday too!”

Babs Seed walks over to them sheepishly. “What should we be doing, Mister Arc? “

“Have fun! That’s what parties are for!”

Applejack looks over to her little sister. “Go on and party with your friends, Apple Bloom! “

Derpy smiles at her daughter. “You too, Dinky! Have fun!”

Dinky runs toward the games with her friends. “Thanks dad!”

Twilight looks back to Arc sheepishly as the fillies run off. “So… tomorrow’s the big day, huh?”

“Yup. Tomorrow we make history! Are you all coming?”

“Darn tootin’!”

“Wouldn’t miss it!”


“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, darling!”

“Um, I… okay…”

Twilight laughs! “We’ll all be there, Arc! Even Auriel is coming! But are you sure this will work?!”

“It does on paper. Sunburst is working on the loose ends as we speak!”

Ember sighs. “Knowing him, he’ll probably be checking things all night!”

Derpy smiles. “That’s reassuring!”

Ruby nods. “Yes! We can’t have something bad happen to such a fine human!”

Miss Cheerilee walks through the festivities toward the refreshments table. She glances up at the banner overhead and reads it to herself.

““Happy 1st Birthday”?”

Meanwhile, Arc turns to Pinkie as he sips a cup of tea.

“Thanks for getting this all set up so quickly, Pinkie!”

“It was EASY! The hard part was finding a DJ on such short notice!”

Arc looks over at the sound booth. “Is that Vinyl Scratch?”

“Yeah! You know her?!”

“She ran sound for my big speech not that long ago. How did you get her here?!”

Pinkie laughs! “She actually called ME! Said something about wanting to see you again!”

“Oh? Well I had better go over there and thank her then. Please excuse me.”

Arc walks away as Rarity turns to Pinkie.

“What do you suppose she wants?”

Pinkie shrugs. “Well Arc is a big name in Equestria now! Maybe she wants his autograph!”

Twilight looks over. “Do you know her?”

“Only by reputation! She’s HUGE in the nightclub and entertainment scene!”

Applejack thinks for a moment. “Maybe she wants to know how humans like their music?”

Rainbow Dash laughs! “Yeah, that’s probably it! She looks totally AWESOME when she works!”

Ember smiles and mutters to herself. “Just like Arc.”

Twilight turns to Ember. “Did you say something?”

“It was nothing!”

Meanwhile, Arc makes his way over to Vinyl Scratch. She waves as he approaches!

“Wassup Lord Arc?!”

He laughs! “It’s just ‘Arc’ now! The princesses are back in power, and I’m back home where I belong. I just wanted to come over and thank you for doing this! It made my daughter very happy!”

“Anything for you, sir!”

“I’m told you wanted to talk to me about something.”

“I just wanted to tell you about the ratings from your speech! You broke pretty much every record out there! According to the numbers, it looks like every radio in the country was listening to you!”


Vinyl Scratch nods! “Yup! I worked some broadcast magic and was able to boost the signal! All the surrounding nations were able to pick it up as well. Maybe not as clearly as here in Equestria, but they got the message!”

“Thanks for doing that. Our enemies will think twice before attacking us now!”

“You’re welcome sir! Now I gotta get back to mixing, and you need to get back to PARTYING!”

Arc laughs! “Okay! You take care of yourself, Vinyl Scratch! I hope to see you again someday!”

He walks toward the cake cutting station as Vinyl smiles to herself and mutters under her breath.

“Take care on your next mission, Lord Arc. Even if you do save Princess Celestia and restore her to the throne, Equestria will still have great need of you in the future! We will meet again someday! You can count on that!”

The party lasts late into the evening! The moon has long since risen before Arc takes his little family home! Dinky is asleep in Arc’s arms by the time they arrive back at Derpy’s house. He puts her to bed as she giggles. in her sleep.

“Good night, my little birthday girl. I love you.”

Arc returns to the living room where Ruby is waiting for him. He gestures to the sigil.

“I’ll take you home now, Ruby.”

She nods and walks with Arc over to the sigil. “Thank you for inviting me! This is the most fun I’ve had in years!”

“Thanks for coming. Dinky was really happy you could make it!”

Arc powers up the sigil and teleports with Ruby back to her house.

“She’s such a sweetheart too! You and Derpy are doing a great job of raising her!”

“Thanks. She’ll be grown up before I know it! And I’m looking forward to spending every moment I can with her! After this mission, I’m going to retire as the Hero of Light and be a full-time dad to her!”

Ruby nods! “Good! She needs one!”

Arc kneels down to give Ruby Jubilee a hug.

“You take care, okay?”

Ruby nods as she returns the hug. “You too!”

She gives Arc a small kiss on his cheek as they break the embrace.

“Take care on this mission and come home safely! Okay?”

“I will. Good night Ruby.”

Arc powers up the sigil and is gone.

Ruby sighs and mutters to herself as she climbs the stairs to the main level. “I understand why my sister thought so highly of you Arc.”

Very early the next morning Arc, the Mane 6, Auriel, Derpy, Dinky, Ember, Sereb, Arc’s squad and Flash Sentry meet at Light’s Hope in the Main Hall.

“Take care of things until I come back, lieutenant.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Yes sir! I know you can do this. Just be careful out there!”

“I will.”

Max nods. “We’ll keep this land safe while you’re gone, sir!”

Xenos laughs! “Come get us through if you need some help!”

Hugh smiles! “Yes. Don’t try to keep all the fun for yourself!”

Viktor salutes! “Day or night, we’ll be ready!”

“Thanks. I’m counting on all of you.”

Arc turns back to the others and gestures to the sigil.

“We should get going. The princesses are waiting for us.”

Everyone nods silently and steps onto the sigil. In a moment they are teleported to Arc’s chambers in Canterlot Castle. The party wordlessly makes their way to Princess Celestia’s room! They find Luna and Cadance waiting for them along with Sunburst. Arc walks over to him.

“How are things on this end, Sunburst?”

“Sir! I’ve just finished checking and rechecking everything! All that’s needed now are the final items! I assume you brought them.

Arc turns to the Mane 6 as they each step forward with their Elements.

“I really appreciate this everyone.”

Rainbow Dash chuckles. “Well, it wouldn’t be very Loyal of me to not do my part!

Applejack sighs. “To be completely Honest with you, sugarcube, this makes me mighty nervous! But… you have to get back to Earth somehow!”

Rarity smiles. “Tis but a simple task on our part! You’re the one with the tough job ahead darling! I must say I find it quite Generous for you to take such risks for somepony you’ve never met!”

Pinkie bounces around happily! “I don’t mind parting with this! If it brings happiness and Laughter to this land, then I’m all for it!”

Fluttershy looks at her element sadly. “I know it wouldn’t be very Kind of me to hold this back, but… I’m worried what could happen without the Elements within hooves reach! But… I know that this is for the best!

Twilight walks to stand in front of Arc as she pulls out her own element. Looking at it for a moment before holding it out to him.

“Please, Arc! Take my element and use its power to bring my mentor home!

Arc nods soberly as he takes the Element of Magic from Twilight. The rest of the Element Bearers follow her lead. One by one they put their respective Elements in Arc’s hands.

“Thank you. Please understand that if there was another way to do this, I’d gladly take it!”

Ember nods. “Don’t worry! If something happens here, they can just grab these things out of their… holders or whatever, right?

Sunburst nods. “Yes, however the machine will be inoperable until the Elements are returned.”

He turns to Arc.

“During that time, you will be unable to return to Equestria, sir!”

Arc nods. “I understand. But if something comes up, don’t hesitate to remove the Elements! I’ll manage!

Dinky looks to him, sadly. “But dad! We would never see you again!

Derpy pats Dinky on the head. “Don’t worry, sweetie. As soon as they can, I’m sure Twilight and her friends would return their Elements to the machine. Right?"

Twilight nods. “That we would! Arc may have to make a hasty return as some point! We’d have to be ready!”

Arc turns to Sunburst and gives him the Elements.

“You know what to do.”

Sunburst nods and heads back to the platform to install the Elements on their respective sigils. Derpy eyes the machine with caution.

“Is it… safe?”

Sunburst looks up from his task. “It’s as safe as I’m capable of making it. Sadly, that is the best I can offer right now. The Elements should give it the extra kick needed to complete this task.”

Dinky appears nervous! “What?!”

Luna nods. “Cadance and I have been helping Sunburst test the S.P.E.A.R for a couple hours now. We’ve confirmed that whatever we send through does indeed make in to Earth intact!”

Cadance sighs. “The only think we haven’t done yet is… test whether or not a living being can make it from one end to the other… alive.”

Ember narrows her eyes. “I don’t like where this conversation is going.”

Auriel frowns. “Neither do I! Isn’t there SOMETHING we can do to test that aspect?!”

Sunburst shakes his head. “Other than actually sending through something that is alive, no.”

He turns back to Arc.

“If you don’t want to do this sir, I completely understand.”

Twilight puts a hoof on Arc’s side. “We can find a way to ensure your safety, Arc! I just know it!”

Arc sighs. “I don’t think time is a luxury we have. Sunburst, is everything ready?”

He stands up from the platform and walks over to the control panel. “It is! I’ve already programmed the coordinates you requested.”

“Good. Is there anything else I need to know?”

“Actually, yes! In order to keep you safe, and have the best chance of returning successfully, both the S.P.E.A.R. and the portable recall unit should be facing each other.”

Arc frowns. “You mean the planets need to be aligned, or something?”

Luna nods. “Precisely!”

Twilight appears suddenly nervous! “But how is he supposed to know when that is?!”

Luna points a hoof to the nearby workbench. “We can stay in contact via an interdimensional transmitter. “

Arc walks over to the bench and picks up the transmitter.

“An earring?”

Cadance nods. “It seemed a logical choice. Compact and functional.”

Sunburst walks over to the workbench to stand with Arc. “It will also work domestically, so you don’t need to switch earrings when coming back. We’ll do our best to stay in contact with you at all times!”

He points a hoof at the bag lying next to where the earring sat.

“This is the portable recall unit I spoke of earlier. Just set it down on the ground, turn it on and press the button. The machine will do the rest”

Arc picks it up and putting it in his ring. “Sounds simple enough.”

Cadance shakes her head. “I don’t recommend putting it in your ring, Arc! We’re not sure if the enchantment that makes your ring function will work on Earth!”

He nods and removes the device from his ring. Putting it back in the bag as he breathes a sigh of relief! “Thanks for the warning!”

Sunburst nods. “We could always open a portal from this end with the Crystal Mirror if need be. However, that’s a backup plan that I hope not to need.”

Rainbow Dash frowns! “Why not?”

Twilight sighs. “Because the Crystal Mirror is largely untested when it comes to moving living creatures!”

Applejack’s eyes grow wide as she looks at Twilight! “You mean, Arc surviving the trip here might have just been a fluke?!”

Luna nods. “Perhaps. Let’s not find out the hard way, shall we?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Crystal Mirror… last resort… got it! Anything else?”

“Always contact us before using the portable recall unit! I’ll need to monitor the energy readings and make sure they stay in harmony! With any luck, one day I’ll be able to automate that task to a sigil.”

Pinkie jumps around excitedly! “Then could we go visit Earth?! I’d love to taste their version of sweets!”

Rarity giggles! “Perhaps one day, Pinkie! I’d love to see their ideas for fashion!”

Rainbow Dash does a backflip! “And I’d love to hear their music! It’s gotta be AWESOME!”

Fluttershy looks over to him. “Are there many animals there, Arc?”

“Quite a few actually.”

“Woo hoo! I’d love to make some more animal friends!”

Applejack grins! “Maybe I could learn how they grow crops!

Twilight trots in place, excitedly! “I’d be happy just walking the halls of their great libraries!”

Auriel has a faraway look in her eyes. “Me too, Twilight!”

Cadance sighs. “Perhaps one day, my little ponies. But that day is not today.”

“Right. If we can nail this technology down, I’d love for all of you to see my world!”

Dinky looks up sadly. “Even me, dad?”

Arc kneels down to look Dinky in the eye. “Especially you, sweetheart! There are toys there for human children beyond your wildest dreams!”

Dinky throws her hooves around his neck as she begins to cry. “I don’t care about that dad! I just want to be with YOU!"

He holds Dinky close. “And I want that too, sweetheart. I’ll come back as soon as I can. Believe me, this is far from permanent.”

Auriel turns to the Lead Sage. “How long before Arc can return, Sunburst?”

“I won’t know for sure until he arrives back on Earth. From there I can take readings via his earring.”

Luna frowns. “Can you guess?”

“Probably a week. Not more than a month.”

Arc nods. “I can live with that.”

Derpy puts her hooves around her daughter. “Then I guess Dinky and I can too.”

Dinky nods sadly. “I’ll miss you dad!”

Arc puts his arms around both Derpy and Dinky. “I’ll miss you both too! Take care of our daughter, Derpy.”

“I will.”

Sunburst turns back to the machine. “I’ll just do some last-minute checks while you finish saying your goodbyes then.”

Arc lets go of his little family and turns to the Mane 6. “Well, I guess this is it.”

Applejack smiles! “Take care of yourself, sugarcube.”

Rarity nods! “Keep an eye out for bad humans!”

Rainbow Dash grins! “You just worry about finding Princess Celestia and we’ll take care of Equestria!”

Fluttershy nods and gives Arc one of her sweet smiles. “Equestria will be waiting for you.”

Pinkie hops around him. “Yeah! And when you succeed, I’ll throw you the biggest ‘welcome home’ party EVER!!!”

Twilight sits down sadly. “I… I really don’t want you to go! Can’t somepony else do this?!”

Arc kneels down to give Twilight a hug. “No Twilight. Just me. I have to do this and you know it.”

“I know that! It’s just… it feels like you’ve only just arrived! If this doesn’t work, I might never see you again!”

“Don’t worry about that! I’ll find a way back, come hell or high water!”

Twilight nods as Arc lets go of her and walks toward the S.P.E.A.R. and Sunburst. He turns to look at the princesses.

“I’ll find your sister, Princess Luna. Count on it!”

Luna nods. “I know you won’t let us down. Come back safely though.”

Ember frowns. “I still don’t like you taking this first trip alone!”

Arc sighs. “We’ve been over this, Ember! You yourself agreed that if anything happened to me, you and the others would need to watch over this land!

She sighs. “I… I know. But… sorry.”

Sereb nods. “I will defend this land with my life in your absence, Arc.”


Arc smiles and looks out the window as the first rays of dawn shine through.


As the stallion pushes a few buttons, the device hums to life and a portal forms! “We’re ready! Go ahead sir!”

Arc picks up the bag and hefts if over his shoulder. He walks slowly but confidently toward the portal’s maw. He stops just before walking through, turning around to take one last look at his friends! There isn’t a dry eye present! He gives everyone a smile before saying his own farewell.

“Take care… everypony.”

Arc smiles and turns back toward the portal. After taking a deep breath he steps through and vanishes from sight!

Luna looks down at her hooves. “So brave…”

Cadance puts a hoof around Luna. “Agreed.”

Derpy sniffles. “I… I’m going to miss him!”

Dinky looks up. “I won’t.”


“I… I’m sorry mom.”

Before anyone has time to react, Dinky breaks free from her mother’s fetlocks and charges headfirst at the portal! Ember shouts over to Sunburst!

“Sunburst! Shut it down! Hurry!”

Dinky leaps into the closing portal and disappears from sight! Derpy falls to her knees screaming!


The others surround her in an effort to comfort her as she sobs!

“Dinky… Arc… I can’t… I can’t lose BOTH of you!”

Meanwhile…Arc awakens. He opens his eyes and sees the familiar dirt as he lifts his head a few inches off the ground.

“I… I made it! Earth! My old house!”

He sits there for a moment, enjoying the familiar sights and sounds until he hears a small moan nearby. Turning around he sees a naked little girl with blonde hair and a familiar hairstyle lying face down in the dirt nearby!

“What the… D-DINKY?! Is that you?!”

He quickly runs over to her and puts two fingers on her throat.

“Good! You’re alive!”

He instinctively removes his coat and wraps her up in it as he picks her up.

“Dinky?! Open your eyes, sweetheart! Please!!!”

A few moments later Dinky opens her small eyes and looks up at her father with a weak smile.

“H-hi dad. I’m sorry, but I couldn’t stand the thought of being without you. Did… did we make it?”

Arc smiles back at her. “Yes sweetheart! We made it! We’re on Earth!”

Dinky squirms weakly in his arms. “Dad? My… my body feels funny. Why am I in this getup?”

“That’s because you’re a human now, Dinky. You have fingers and toes, arms and a nose just like me. But there’s one thing you don’t have right now.”

Dinky looks up at him, confused. “Oh? What’s that?”

“Clothes. You didn’t put anything on before you ran through the portal, did you?”

“Sorry dad.”

Dinky looks up at the sunrise. Her eyes grow wide.

“It… it’s so beautiful! Are all sunrises like this on Earth, dad?!”

He turns to look at the sunrise with Dinky.

“Yes. Look on it well, sweetheart. Look upon this sunrise as a new dawn… for both of us. Now I have to find Princess Celestia. Now… the real challenge can finally begin.”

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