• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 3 - Round Trip

Arc and Dinky spend the rest of the week working on the house together. Dinky looks up from her paintbrush and turns to her father.

“Dad? Why are we spending so much time on the basement?”

Arc looks over at her as he puts down his paint roller. “Because I get the feeling we’re going to need it in the very near future.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Because I’m probably going to need help rescuing Princess Celestia at some point. I’m only one man, you know!”

Dinky goes back to work. “You mean like mom and I?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of my squad, Ember and Sereb. Don’t get me wrong, Dinky. I do have faith in your abilities. However, I couldn’t live with myself if you or Derpy got hurt!”

“I understand.”

“Want to take a break for lunch?”

Dinky puts down her brush. “Sure!”

The pair head to the kitchen, wash their hands and proceed to cook lunch together. A short time later they sit down to a simple meal. Dinky munches away happily!

“These are pretty good, dad! What did you call them again?”

“Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. It’s a quick meal that goes best with tomato soup for some reason.“

He looks out the kitchen window.

“It’s good for a cold, cloudy day like today. In any case, we should have the basement ready by tomorrow evening.”

“Just in time for our return trip, huh?”

“Yup. “

Arc puts his sandwich down.

“That reminds me. I need to contact Sunburst for a more concrete wormhole timer. We wouldn’t want to miss our bus!”

Dinky looks at him, confused. “Our what?”

“Sorry sweetheart. Human reference. I’ll explain it later.”

She looks on as her father touches his earring.

“Arc to Sunburst. Come in please.”


“Dad? Don’t you need to open a portal for that to work?”

Suddenly there is a crackle on the radio as a weak signal comes through.

“Can you hear me?!”

Arc nods. “Barely.”

“Let me try and boost the signal! Stand by!”

A few minutes pass.

“How about now, sir?”

“Much better, Sunburst! I read you loud and clear. How’s our return trip looking?”

“According to my instruments, the safest time for you and your daughter to return through the portal will be day after tomorrow at exactly 8 AM local time. Please call me before you attempt to return though so I can verify the portal’s stability and monitor it from this end.

Dinky grimaces. “Not really looking forward to another rough ride!”

Arc nods. “More for Dinky’s sake than mine, will the return trip be as rough?”

“Probably not. You’ll be heading downstream this time.”

Arc looks at Dinky. “He says it should be smoother.”

“That’s a relief! The trip over made me feel like my insides were about to become my outsides!”

“How are things back home in Equestria, Sunburst?

“Nothing to worry about here. Although the princesses are looking forward to both of you returning safely!”

“As are we. Anything else I need to know?”

“No sir, that should do it.”

“Alright. Please let my friend Derpy know about this so she can be there to meet us.”

“I’ll see to it personally.”

“Thanks. I’ll contact you again day after tomorrow before we leave. Arc out.”

Arc touches his earring and turns back to Dinky

“You excited to go home, sweetheart?”

Dinky sighs. “Kinda. I do miss mom and my friends. But I’m not really lonely when you’re with me, dad!”

“That’s good to hear, sweetheart. But I do believe you’re better off being around other ponies.”

“What?! But… but I’m a human now!”

Arc walks over to Dinky and kneels down in front of her. He puts his hands on her shoulders and looks her in the eye.

“No Dinky, you’re not. You were born a pony before and still are on the inside.”

“But dad, I want to be a hero just like YOU!”

He sighs. “That’s very sweet of you, but you don’t have to be a human to become a hero. Anyone can do it! Humans, ponies, dragons, even demons!”


"For starters, always do your best to do what is right. Even when everyone around you isn’t."

Dinky thinks for a minute. “That doesn’t sound so hard.”

“It’s a lot harder than you’d think. Those around you will probably insult and belittle you for taking the high road!”

“Anything else?”

“If you see someone in trouble, don’t be afraid to lend a hand… or hoof in your case.”

“I can do that!”

Arc tousles her blonde hair! “I know you can, sweetheart! In fact, you already have!”

Dinky looks confused. “I did?”

“Remember how you and your friends saved my life in the Crystal Empire? “

“Yes. But that wasn’t really heroic. I mean, you’re my dad! You would’ve done the same for me!”

“That I would, sweetheart! But you and the other Cutie Mark Crusaders were still very brave to do what you did!”

“I guess so.”

Arc stands up. “Just keep walking down this path, and you’ll be a hero to me at least! I’m so proud to be your father!”

Dinky stands up to give her father a hug! “Thanks dad!”

The pair wash their dishes and return to work, They keep at it for the rest of the day and the following day as well! Arc puts away his tools as the sun begins to set.

“Well, it looks like that’s all we have time for.”

“Awww… but working with you is fun, dad!”

Arc smiles at her. “I like spending time with you too, sweetheart. But we need to eat some supper and get to bed at a decent hour tonight. No staying up late like you did last night!”

Dinky grins sheepishly. “I understand why humans like TV so much! It’s so cool!”

Arc nods as the pair walk toward the back door. “Well, I don’t want you to become a couch potato now.”

Dinky nods and looks over to a small building just off the house. “What’s in there, dad?”

“That’s the garage. I keep bigger tools and whatnot in there.”

“Like what?”

“Such as my lawnmower, power tools and my Jeep in the winter. It saves time not having to brush a bunch of snow off! Oh yeah! There’s also my dad’s motorcycle!”

“What’s a motorcycle?”

Arc walks toward the garage with Dinky. “I’ll show you.”

He opens the small side door and turns on the lights. Inside Dinky sees a workbench, hand tools and quite a few things she cannot identify. Arc points toward a large object covered by a stained sheet.

“It’s over there.”

The pair walk over to it and Arc pulls off the sheet to reveal a large custom-built motorcycle!

“This is a motorcycle, Dinky. Think of it kinda like my Jeep, but with two wheels and a LOT faster!”

“WOW! Can we go for a ride?!”

Arc shakes his head. “Sorry, but this bike doesn’t work as it sits. Like my Jeep, it would need a mechanic to go over it and replace a few parts.“

“How about next time?!”

He puts the sheet back on the motorcycle. “Even before I went to Equestria, I didn’t exactly ride it much. My dad had it made specifically for him, so it just felt wrong riding without asking his permission. Although he never actually rode it before he… disappeared.”

“So, it’s his then?”

“No Dinky. Since it’s a custom job, it doesn’t actually have a make and model. My dad always referred to it as his faithful steed though.”


“He told me it was based on stories that my grandfather used to tell him when he was a young lad. He had a fascination with knights, warriors and the idea of fighting for the innocent.”

Dinky nods as they leave the garage together. “Did you know him?”

“Not really. He died when I was just a little boy. Although I do remember some of his stories.”

They enter the house together.

“Like what?”

Arc thinks as he closes the door behind them. “Why don’t we get started on supper now? We can talk about it as we cook.”

The pair look through the cupboards and refrigerator before settling on what to cook.

“Can I hear about your grandfather now dad?!”

“He used to tell stories of ‘The Four Heroes’.

“Who were they?!”

Arc sighs. “First of all, let me start by telling you that he was a bit… out there when it came to what was real and what wasn’t.”

“Um… what?”

“Grandpa suffered for many years with something called Parkinson’s Disease. He would see things no one else could and insist they were real! Especially at the end!”

“Kinda like Granny Smith?”

Arc nods. “Yes dear.”

The pair begin cooking side by side.

“You see, sweetheart, my grandpa fought in what we humans call World War II. It was a long and terrible conflict that spread across the entire planet! Nearly one hundred million humans died as a result.”

Dinky puts a pot of water on the stove. “Did he get hurt?!”

Arc shakes his head as he turns to cut up some vegetables. “No. He was one of the lucky ones. Although I’m told he was never quite the same after the war. But I suppose going through years of fighting, killing, death and horror on a daily basis would do that to anyone.”

“Did he… kill anyone?”

“I’m not sure. He never liked to talk about what he did back then. All I’m told is that when he came back, he suddenly started telling all these crazy stories. My dad probably heard every one of them a hundred times over.”

Dinky smiles! “I wouldn’t mind hearing about them!”

Arc walks over to the stove and turns the burned down before the pot can boil over. “Let’s finish making supper and I’ll tell you more about it.”

Dinky sets the table. “Okay!”

The two finish making supper and sit down at the kitchen table together. As they eat Arc begins to talk.

“As I said earlier, he liked to speak of what he called ‘The Four Heroes’. Many of his stories revolved around these individuals and their exploits.”

“Just them?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. There were others such as ‘The Spy’, ‘The Betrayer’, ‘The Queen’, and a few others. That’s all I can remember off the top of my head.”

“What about the four heroes? Did they have names?”

“No. He always referred to them as, ‘The Leader’, ‘The Warrior’, ‘The Mage” and lastly ‘The Rogue’.

“Which one was he?”

“I don’t think he viewed himself as any of those characters. More of a passive bystander.”

Dinky nods. “Did those heroes go on adventures together?”

“Yes, all the time! For example, one time The Queen tasked The Leader with slaying a dragon that had been plaguing a local town. The Leader gathered the others and set off.”

“Did they win?!”

“Yes. But not in the way you would have thought. Instead of killing the dragon The Leader insisted on speaking with it first.”

“That was very brave of them!”

Arc nods. “Indeed. As it turned out, the whole debacle was just a big misunderstanding! The town had been built as the dragon lay sleeping. He had viewed them as a threat and retaliated as such. They came to an agreement, and they all lived happily ever after.”

“That was a nice story, dad!”

“It was. But in his mind, it really happened!”

“Maybe it did!”

“Not possible. There’re no dragons anywhere on Earth. That and there was the story of the time he helped defeat the Germans during World War II.”

“He was a hero?!”

“He was. But he didn’t end the war. The Allied forces marched on Berlin, the enemy’s capital, and took it. This forced the Germans to surrender, unconditionally. There was still Japan to deal with, but they were defeated later by obliterating Hiroshima and Nagasaki with atomic warheads. Now I’m sure in HIS mind he saved the world, but the history books tell a different tale.”

Dinky frowns. “Did anyone ever tell him?”

“I don’t think so. We all just let him have his moment. It’s unlikely it would have worked anyways, as he was always a very stubborn individual when it came to matters he believed in.”

“So he was kinda like you, huh dad?”

“I suppose so. In that regard, anyways.”

“Any other stories?!”

“Well… there was the one about The Queen, The Farmer and The Beast.”

“The Beast?!”

Arc nods. “It’s a very sad tale of how the kind and caring queen is killed by a creature he only referred to as The Beast. The Farmer then takes it upon themselves to lead the country in The Queen’s place.”

“That’s it?”

“His stories weren’t exactly detailed. They were mostly abstract ramblings.”

“Was he a kind human?”

“Very. He once told me he fought hard in the war to ensure that I would have a world to grow up in! In fact, he sometimes referred to me as ‘The Future’.“

“Did he have names like that for everypony? I mean everyone!”

Arc stands to clear the dirty dishes from the table. “A few. He called grandma ‘The One’. My father was ‘The Present’. The military soldiers were ‘The Guards’. Lastly, anyone who harmed innocents were referred to as ‘The Betrayer’. I do miss him, even if he was a bit off.”

Dinky helps her father clear the table. “I wish I could have known him. He sounds like a good human! What was his name?”

Arc sets the dishes in the sink and turns back to Dinky.


Dinky and Arc wash the dishes before sitting down to watch a little TV together. As the sun finishes setting Arc and Dinky make their way upstairs to bed. They change into their pajamas and lie down in Arc’s bed as he switches off the light. Dinky snuggles up to him as Arc turns to her.

“Are you sure you wouldn’t be more comfortable in the Guest Room, sweetheart?”

Dinky shakes her head as she yawns. “No dad. I feel safest when you’re next to me.”

Arc puts an arm around his daughter and smiles. “Okay. Good night, Dinky.”

As the pair drift off to sleep together, Kronos looks down on their home.

“Arc. It would appear you have come full circle. You have returned to Earth, just as I knew you eventually would. I do hope you’re up to what is to come…”

The next morning the pair rise early and get ready. Arc and Dinky stand at the bathroom sink together brushing their teeth.

“Today’s the day, dad!”

“That it is!“

Dinky rinses her mouth out. “I guess I’ll be home in time for school, huh?”

Arc nods as he uses some mouthwash. “That you will be! You’ll have quite a bit of homework to catch up on methinks.”

Dinky frowns as she brushes her hair. “Ugh! Don’t remind me!”

Arc sighs as he combs his own hair. “I would prefer the homework over the preparations I have to make before coming back to Earth next time!

“Like what?”

“Getting the sages of Canterlot to build me a few things, have tea with Twilight, some upgrades to my armor, new armor for my squad whose human sizes are unknown. To say nothing of Ember! She’s not going to let me come back here without her!”

Dinky nods! “I kinda got that impression. But that doesn’t sound so bad.”

“Just the tea part with Twilight. But that’s only half the work! When I get them back here, I have to finish teaching them how to act like humans! I’m still working on a cover story for the five of them.”

“Cover story?”

“Like how I said you were my cousin’s daughter. People around here are very curious. A bunch of people showing up and walking the streets raises questions.”

“Is it really that important?”

“Imagine several unknown ponies started hanging around Ponyville.”

Dinky thinks for a moment. “I guess it would make me a bit nervous.”


The pair descend the stairs and head for the kitchen. Arc heads for the refrigerator.

“Um… dad?”

“Yes Dinky?”

“Can we go to Shelly’s Kitchen for breakfast?”

“Why? We’ve been there almost every morning this week.”

Dinky looks down sadly. “I… kinda want to say goodbye to Lily and Shelly.”

“But Dinky, you’ll probably see them again at some point. This trip back to Equestria isn’t permanent you know.”

“Yeah, I know but… it just feels wrong to leave town without a proper goodbye.”

Arc nods and closes the refrigerator. “Okay sweetheart.”

Dinky smiles as she and her father put on their coats and make their way to the driveway. They get in the Jeep and make the short drive to Shelly’s Kitchen. As they enter the building, they find Shelly sitting behind the counter.

“Good morning Miss Shelly!”

“Good morning, Daisy!”

Arc chuckles. “We’re here for one of your wonderful breakfasts before heading out.”

Lily emerges from the kitchen. “Did I hear you say you’re leaving again, Arc?!”

“It’s only for a little while this time. I… need to take Daisy back to my cousin’s house. She misses her.”

Shelly sighs. “I suppose she would. “

“Hey dad! Do you think we could bring mom to Angel Grove?!”

“Sure! If she wants too!”

He turns back to Lily and Shelly.

“She would have come with us, but… she had to work.”

Shelly nods. “Understandable!”

Arc turns to Dinky. “Do you mind if we sit at the counter, Daisy?”

Dinky hops up onto a stool. “Okay!”

Arc sits down next to her as Lily walks over with her order pad.

“So, what can I get you two?”

Dinky grins! “I want a cheeseburger and fries!”

Arc laughs! “Same here!”

Shelly giggles as Lily takes down the order. “You never did care much for traditional breakfast food, Arc!”

Lily nods! “Even back when we were kids! In any case, I’ll get this in for you right away.’

She heads to the kitchen as Shelly turns to her.

“I’ll keep them company!”

“Sounds good, Shelly.”

Lily enters the kitchen as Shelly turns back to the pair.

“So, when do you think you’ll be back, Arc?”

“Hopefully in a week or so. Sadly, Daisy won’t be with me next time. She has to get back to school.”

“Where do you go to school, Daisy?”

“Dinky looks to her father. He nods.

“The Little Hooves Orphanage.”

Arc nods. “The school and orphanage are the same building.”

Shelly thinks for a minute. “Not a bad idea, I suppose. Saves taxpayer money as well. Do you like your teacher?”

“Very much so! Miss Cheerilee is so kind to us!”

“That’s good to hear! I hope to be able to meet your mother when you come back, dear. What does she do for a living?”

“My mom… works at the orphanage.”

Arc smiles. “She’s the Assistant Matron. Her duties are mostly to the orphans who live there. But she also helps in the preparation of meals and lessons with the teacher”

“Very commendable!”

“I think this is her way of trying to give the orphans the love she didn’t receive as a child.”

The three continue to talk. After a short time, Lily emerges from the kitchen carrying their food. She sets it down in front of them along with a cup of milk for Dinky and a large glass of brown liquid for Arc.

“I hope you two like it. Enjoy!”

Shelly looks up. “Lily, would you help me to the restroom please?”

“Of course! “

Shelly looks back to Arc and Dinky. “Please excuse me.”

Dinky nods. “We understand.”

“When you gotta go, you gotta go.”

Lily escorts Shelly slowly to the nearby restroom. Dinky turns to her father as they begin to eat.

“Dad, I’ve been meaning to ask. What is that you’re drinking?”


“Is it… good?”

“I forgot! You’ve never had soda before, have you?!”

Dinky raises an eyebrow. “Soda? I thought you said it was Coke?”

“There are many different kinds of soda in the world. One of the most famous is Coke. There’s also Pepsi, 7UP, Dr. Pepper and a plethora of other flavors too numerous to count!”

Dinky looks at the bubbles rising to the top of the glass. “What’s with the bubbles?”

“That’s called carbonation. It helps make soda taste good. Would you like to try some?”

Dinky warily looking at the glass in her father’s hand. “I guess so.”

She takes a small sip and swallows it. Making a face, she sets the glass down.

“It makes my throat feel funny!”

“That’s the carbonation! It can be kinda uncomfortable if you drink it too fast. How do you like it?”

Dinky takes a larger gulp and hands the glass back to her father. “I can’t really compare it to anything I’ve ever had before. But it is tasty! Can I have a glass of my own?!”

Arc nods. “Sure! Just finish your milk first and I’ll have Lily bring you a Coke when she gets back.”

Dinky downs the milk in but a few gulps as Lily and Shelly emerge from the restroom. Lily helps Shelly back to her seat before noticing Dinky’s empty glass.

“Oh my! You must have really been thirsty! Let me get you another glass of milk!”

“Can I have a soda like my dad, please?”

Shelly looks over to Arc and smiles. “I don’t know. Is that okay, dad?”

Arc laughs! “Sure!”

Lily picks up the empty glass and replaces it with a small cup of soda as the pair continue eating.

“So how’s everything tasting?”

“Top notch, as usual!”

Dinky opens her mouth to speak, but belches! She looks over to them, embarrassed.

“Excuse me. It is good though!”

Arc laughs! “I guess the carbonation was a bit too much for your tummy, sweetheart!”


Arc and Dinky finish their meal as Arc looks at his pocket watch and stands up.

“We should get a move on, sweetheart. Busy day ahead, and all.”

Shelly smiles at him as Arc pays for their meal and leans over to give him a parting hug.

“Don’t be gone too long now, Arc!”

Lily nods. “Yes. We missed you terribly the last time!”

Arc nods as he embraces Lily as well. “I’ll be back soon. I promise.”

“Me too!”

They walk toward the door. Arc turns back to them.

“When I come back, I may bring some friends along that I met in my travels. I haven’t forgotten about the town’s problems now!”

Lily nods! “Take care you two!”

“Drive safely!”

Dinky waves! “Bye! We’ll come again!”

Arc and Dinky leave the restaurant as Lily turns to Shelly.

“They’re so cute together!”

“Yes, they are! It’s almost like Daisy really is his daughter! But of course, we both know that’s impossible.”

Lily nods. “Yes. But I always imagined Arc one day having a family.”

Shelly looks over to Lily and smiles. “With you?”

“I… I once hoped we could. Do you think he has someone special in his life?”

Shelly shrugs. “No idea. Why didn’t you ask him?”

“I wanted to! But… I was too afraid, as always.”

Shelly shakes her head. “You’ve been scared to ask him that since we were in middle school for crying out loud! Are you really that afraid of the question?

Lily sighs as she turns away from Shelly to pick up the dirty dishes. “No. Afraid of the answer.”

Meanwhile, Arc and Dinky get back in the Jeep and make the quick drive home. As they pull into the driveway Arc pushes a button above his head. The garage door begins to open.

“DAD! The door! It’s magically opening by itself!”

Arc points to the remote above his head. “It’s an automatic garage door opener, sweetheart. I wanted to put the Jeep in the garage to keep it safe while we’re gone.”

They pull in and Arc shuts off the engine. He then pushes the button and the door dutifully closes. Dinky steps out of the vehicle and sighs.

“That was fun.”

“You’ll come back another time, sweetheart. No need to frown.”

“I know. But what about you dad?! Who’ll keep you company?!”

“I’m not coming back alone. “

“I know, but… won’t you miss me?!”

Arc walks over to his daughter and kneels down. “I will. But you have schoolwork to get back to and a mother who wants what’s best for you.”

Dinky throws her arms around his neck as she begins to cry! “But I belong HERE! With you!!!”

Arc embraces his daughter. “I… I know that Dinky. Believe me. I don’t like being away from you any more than you do! But this is my last mission! When it’s over, I’ll settle down in Ponyville with you and your mother.”

“But… how long…?”

Arc pulls back to look Dinky in the eye. “I don’t know. But… but we need to get back. Okay?”

Dinky nods her head sadly. “Okay.”

The pair leave the garage and head inside the house. Arc closes and locks the door behind them.

“Dad? Can I use the bathroom before we go?”

Arc nods. “Sure. Just be quick about it!”

Dinky runs upstairs. “I’ll hurry!”

“Arc to Sunburst. Come in please.”

Sunburst’s voice crackles forth from his earring.

“Sunburst here. Are you two almost ready?”

“We are.”

“The cosmic energy will be most closely aligned in approximately two minutes. You can activate the return unit now.”


He presses the button and the device comes to life.

“I’m receiving your return portal’s telemetry, sir. Standby as I make a few adjustments to it from my end.”

“Alright. Did you get ahold of Derpy for me?”

“Yes sir! She’s right here along with the princesses and your other friends from Ponyville! Care to say hello?”


A few moments pass as Sunburst steps back to allow Derpy to approach the microphone.

“Arc! Dinky! Can you hear me?!”

“She’s using the bathroom right now, Derpy. Don’t worry. She’s doing just fine!”

Derpy breathes a sigh of relief! “That’s good! I haven’t had a decent night’s sleep since you two left! It’s felt like an eternity!”

“We’ll be together again in just a few minutes. As soon as Sunburst gives us the okay and Dinky gets back.”

“Okay. See you soon! “

Derpy steps back to stand with the princesses and the Mane 6. Sunburst returns to his place in front of the microphone.

“I’m almost done over here. Just another minute or two.”

He turns to looks out the window. “Okay. Let us know when you’re ready. Arc out.”

Arc touches his earring as he hears Dinky coming down the stairs. He turns to her.

“We should be ready to go any time now… DINKY!!!”

Dinky walks toward him sheepishly. She is naked.

“Sorry dad, but after I finished using the toilet, I remembered that I would be turning back to my normal self when we returned to Equestria. Those clothes you bought me won’t fit a pony! I didn’t want to ruin them!”

Arc pulls his magic cloak out of this ring and wraps Dinky up in it. “That’s very conscientious of you sweetheart. But you should have said something before just coming down here like that!”

“I will next time. Promise!”

His earring chirps. Arc touches his earring.

“Go ahead, Sunburst.”

“We’re ready on this end! Step through the portal when ready!”

“Understood. Give me a moment and we’ll be off! Arc out!”

He turns to Dinky.


Dinky soberly nods. Arc picks her up and looks to the portal’s swirling energies. He looks her in the eye.

“Are you scared?”

Dinky shakes her head as she wraps her small arms around his neck. “No, dad. You’re with me!"

Arc smiles at his daughter as he walks toward the portal. “Hold on tight!”


“Yes, sweetheart?”

Dinky clutches his neck tighter! “Don’t let go!”

Arc wraps his arms around her tightly. “I won’t. Promise!”

Father and daughter enter the portal and are gone.

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