• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,651 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 10 - Doing What is Right

Arc and the foals walk into the Main Hall together. Upon their arrival Raven walks over to him.

“Sir? May I speak to you?”

“Certainly Raven. Just one moment…”

He quickly turns to the orphans.

“Why don't you all head over to the cafeteria and have some lunch? I'm going to be quite busy this afternoon with work, so don't wait up for me.”

The foals nod and trot toward the cafeteria as Arc turns back to Raven.

“Yes, what’s on your mind?”

“A few minutes ago, a stallion from Canterlot arrived to speak to you about a construction project. He headed to the Cafeteria for a spot of lunch.”

“That must be Hard Hat. Thank you Raven. I'll take it from here.”

Raven returns to her desk and Arc heads to the Cafeteria. He spots Hard Hat taking a lunch break at a nearby table. Arc walks over to him.

Hard Hat smiles at his approach. “Commander! I thought I built you a Command Center, not a Day Care Center!”

Arc laughs. “Good to see you again, Hard Hat! I guess it's like you told us during the tour... the facilities are here if we need them. You didn't say what for!”

Hard hat chuckles. “I suppose you got me there! In any case, shall we head to your office? There are so many details to be talked over and the sooner we get started the better!”

“Let me get my plate from the chef and I'll be right there!”

Hard Hat heads to Arc’s office carrying his own plate. Arc enters the kitchen.

“Commander! Are you ready to try my Roast Cockatrice?”

“Yup! I have a meeting to get to in my office. Just wanted to grab a bite and head over there.”

Saffron levitates a plate over to Arc. “Here you are, sir! I hope you like it!”

“Thanks. I’m sure I will!”

Arc leaves the kitchen with his lunch and proceeds to his office. Hard Hat has already finished his lunch and has begun to unpack his blueprints and papers.

“Let me eat this really quick and I will be right with you Hard Hat.”

“Certainly sir! I need a few more minutes to organize things here anyways.”

Arc bites into his meal. “Tastes like chicken... why am I not surprised. Although this is pretty good! I can see how Ember could eat a whole roast!”

He quickly finishes his meal and walks over to the desk.

“What have you got for me, Hard Hat?”

Well, I have the land plot map of Ponyville right here. I've highlighted several possible locations, but the choice is yours!”

Arc studies the map closely. He picks up a pencil and crosses off a few locations. “Not here... or here... I'm looking for something on the edge of town to make the orphans feel less... penned in. How about here?”

Hard Hat looks up, confused. “Are you sure about that Commander? It seems a bit close to your base.”

Arc nods. “I'm sure. The Orphanage should be close to Light's Hope so we can keep a watchful eye on the orphans. It will also give the soldiers stationed here a reminder of what they are fighting to protect.”

He makes a note on his clipboard before spreading out some blueprints. “As you wish! I have the blueprints of the New Beginning's Orphanage right here. If you would like we could...”

Arc interrupts him! “You may throw those old prints in the trash! I don't want another New Beginning's Orphanage built! The orphans have gone through enough in that hellish place! This building must be something NEW!

Hard Hat respectfully turns the blueprint over to the back side and begins sketching. “Very well, sir. Can you give me a better idea of what you are looking for?”

“I want a building that is less institution and more... cozy... homelike... that sort of thing. The orphanage that doesn't feel like an orphanage. New Beginnings felt more like a military barracks at best, and a prison at worst! At least to me it did!”

“I'm afraid I don't quite get your meaning, sir.”

“Like you told me in the Cafeteria earlier. Is this a Command Center or a Day Care Center? Well, now I WANT a Day Care Center!”

The pair draw several rough sketches. Arc picks up a pencil himself and begins to draw the fence line and playground equipment.

“Let's make the backyard bigger. And I don't want a fence like the other building had. Make it a white picket fence. Something they can see through and not so tall that it feels constricting. The backyard should be fun and inviting. The orphanage in Vanhoover was just a big open yard with no amenities. We're going to change that! I want a merry-go-round, swings and a slide at a minimum! Oh! And there should be a REALLY big sandbox. These foals need their creativity stimulated after living in such oppression for so long. Feel free to add whatever you think the orphans would find amusing!”

The pair continue to draw and talk for another hour or so.

Arc picks up the drawings and gives them to Hard Hat. “Aright! I like what I see! Run these plans over to Mayor Mare before you do anything else and get her approval.”

“Very well, Commander. But if I may be so bold, why? You certainly don't answer to the Mayor, as your authority extends far beyond hers!”

“I'm just trying to be a good neighbor. The mayor should be consulted, even if just as a courtesy. If Mayor Mare has a problem with the idea, I’ll hear her out.”

Hard Hat accepts the drawings. “I shall take care of it immediately sir! When do you need this facility by?”

“You don't need to break any speed records, as I want these orphans to have a more permanent home they can be proud of! Now if you will excuse me, I have many other matters to attend to.”

Arc motions to the files piled up on a nearby table. Hard Hat nods.

“Yes, I know the feeling. I'll let you know if there are any problems. Good day Commander!”

Hard Hat leaves the office as Arc looks over at the files he requested before he left.

“At some point I actually have to look these over. Although I wonder what's keeping Derpy and Ember. “

Arc leaves Light's Hope and starts walking toward town. Before he reaches the town limits, he spots Derpy and Ember sitting along the side of the road. He quickly approaches them!

“Everything alright?!”

“Sorry for taking so long. We had to stop a couple times on the way there for Derpy to rest. And as you can see, she has needed several rest breaks on the way back as well.”

Derpy looks up at him a bit tired. “I think the doctor ran every test they could think of on me! But I guess taking an evil spear to the back warrants extra care! Sorry for being so much trouble Ember. I'm sure you have better things to do other than sit with me.”

Ember puts an arm around Derpy. “Nah! And besides... it gave us a chance to have a nice... chat earlier!”

Arc looks at Derpy, concerned. “How do you feel, Derpy?”

“Well, to tell you the truth, I feel a bit... weak.”

“I'll carry you the rest of the way to Light's Hope then!”

Derpy smiles. “That's okay Arc. You don't have to...”

Ember puts a claw on Derpy’s shoulder. She looks Derpy in the eye and shakes her head.

“Um… on second thought... I think I will take you up on that Arc.”

Ember turns to fly away. “I'll meet the two of you back there in a bit.”

Arc nods. “Okay. See you soon Ember. And thank you for doing this.”

He carefully picks Derpy up and walks back toward Light's Hope.

“So, what did the doctor say?”

“Doctor Horse said I’ll be fine! But I’m going to need a lot of rest the next few days before I start to get my energy back.”

“Would it be too much to ask you and Dinky to stay at Light's Hope for the next few days then? I'd like to keep an eye on you as well.”

Derpy leans her head against Arc’s chest and closes her eyes. “Thank you Arc. That is very Kind of you. I accept.”

“Good! So, how did you sleep last night?”

“Well, the bed was quite soft, but... well... I actually sleep better at home in front of the fireplace.”

“If you’d like, you can rest on the couch in my office in front of the fireplace. I have to go over the personnel records of the soldiers assigned to me if you don't mind a bit of "boring" company.”

Derpy nods. “I'd like that! After the other day, boring is good!”

Arc and Derpy arrive at Light’s Hope. Dinky and some of the other foals are playing out front.

Dinky sees her mother and runs over, worried! “MOM?! What happened?!”

“Don't worry, sweetie! The doctor says I just need a few days rest and I'll be as good as new. Your father was just concerned that I would overexert myself.”

Dinky breathes a sigh of relief. “Is there anything I can do to help?!”

“Well… I am a bit hungry…”

Dinky turns and run toward the building! “I'll go the kitchen and help Miss Saffron make you some soup!”

“I'll be in your father's office!”

Arc carries Derpy inside. “She's such a good girl.”

Derpy giggles! “I wonder where she learned that from!”

Raven looks up as the pair walk past her desk. “Commander! A holographic comm-link was just delivered to your office. I think you will find it a bit more... private, than the ones in the War Room.”

“Thanks Raven. I’ll head over there and take a look!”

Arc heads to his office still carrying Derpy. Upon arriving he sets her down gently on the sofa and throws a fireball at the waiting wood in the fireplace. It immediately ignites! Derpy sighs contentedly.

“Thank you.”

“Anything for you, Derpy! Now if you will excuse me, I have to see if I can't figure this holographic thingamabob out.”

He walks back to his desk and starts fiddling with the strange device. After a few minutes of reading the manual, a miniature hologram of Princess Cadance appears.

“Good day, Arc! I see your Emergency Comm-Link has been delivered.”

Arc looks nervous. “Emergency comm-link? I thought this was just a really fancy way to say hello!”

Cadance laughs! “No, no! This is a secure line directly to Luna and I, wherever we may be! It's only supposed to be used in greatest urgency.”

“Sorry about that. Let's just say I’m testing it then?”

“Alright! Was there anything else?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Now that you mention it, yes! That strange device we used the other day to "relive" my previous adventure. Can I borrow it? Twilight and her friends are coming over tomorrow for a recap on what happened in Vanhoover.”

Cadance appears nervous. “Do you really think that is wise? I don't want to worry Twilight any more than I have to.”

“If we really are facing a new threat, then the Element Bearers should be made aware of it.”

Cadance sighs. “...very well. I will have the device delivered to your quarters in Canterlot Castle in a little while. You can pick it up there!”

“Thanks for your help Princess. Well, I won't keep you any longer!”

“It's no trouble Arc! Thanks for all your hard work! And you can keep the prototype. I can have another built.”

The hologram disappears and Arc returns to Derpy's side carrying a stack of the files from his desk.

“Derpy, would you please join us tomorrow as well? Quite a bit happened the other day after you... well, you know...”

She nods. “Thanks, I would love to! I've been meaning to ask how you defeated Tempest!”

“Let's just say... stuff started blowing up. And I still don't really know what happened... and I was there!”

Derpy sticks her tongue out playfully! “I’m sure!”

“In any case, let's have a look at these files and see who I have stationed here. Sounds exciting, doesn't it?”

Derpy laughs! “Ha! You can't always be kicking flank and taking names!”

Arc opens the first file. “Boring is good! It means my friends and I get to keep our health.”

“I’ll help”!

A short time later Dinky brings a bowl of soup into the office. “Here you go mom! I hope you like it! We made it just for you!”

“Thank you dear! Don't worry about me now. I'll be okay. Now run along and play with the others!”

Dinky nods happily as she runs out the door. “Okay mom! Call me if you need anything!”

Arc looks over as Derpy tastes the food. “How is it?”

“Pretty good actually! I think our daughter may have discovered her special talent!”

“Only time will tell, I suppose.”

The pair continue to go over the records. They’re mostly the same.

Arc sighs. “Not to belittle their service to me, but I guess it doesn't take much brain power to be on guard duty.”

Derpy and Arc pick up the last two files.

“I found Sergeant Flash Sentry’s file! Maybe it’ll say what he did to become sergeant!”

Arc opens the file and begins to read.

“Hmmm... looks like the good Sergeant grew up in New Beginning's Orphanage along with most of the soldiers here!”

Derpy looks up. “So, you think they all know each other then?”

“It stands to reason they do, yes.”

Derpy smiles. “Quite the coincidence! At least they’re together!”

Arc sighs a bit whimsical. “I guess…”

The pair go back to reading their respective files.

Arc raises an eyebrow. “It looks like the sergeant had a bit of an argument with a visiting dignitary not too long ago. Apparently he was court-martialed for it and spent some time in the Royal Dungeon on the orders of his commanding officer Captain Decimus. This doesn't make sense! Flash Sentry has been a loyal and trustworthy sergeant, at least as far as I’ve seen. I can't help but wonder what really happened! Up until that point his record shows him as an exemplary sergeant!”

“You should probably talk to him about it later.”

Arc nods. “I'll do that! But right now, I really want to finish these files! They have been put off for too long.”

Derpy looks over the file in her hooves. “: Hey, here's Raven's file! Let's see here... it looks like she was a top performing aide in the past. There’re several letters of recommendation here that suggest she be reassigned to a Royal Aide position!”

“I guess the princesses decided I needed her more than they did.”

Derpy continues reading. “It doesn't look like it. You remember how Flash Sentry's file said he was involved in an argument? Well according to this, Raven was at the center of it!”

Arc looks over at Derpy, wide-eyed. “What?! Was she jailed too?!”

“Yes, but only until the dignitary left Canterlot. On the orders of Captain Decimus, no less! Then she was released and put on unpaid administrative leave.”

“I can imagine that must have been hard on her... emotionally and financially.”

Derpy picks up a couple files from earlier. “You know, I'm seeing a pattern here. Most of these transfer orders are signed by Captain Decimus! Actually, make that ALL of the transfers! It looks like the captain put a lot of effort into seeing to it you received sub-standard troops! The real question now is... why?”

“Maybe he was still sore about the incident on the drawbridge?”

“Probably. Something tells me there is something more to it than that though. Think about it this way... you would be less effective in your role as Equestria's Hero of Light with poorly trained troops. Perhaps he was hoping to discredit you after some future failure?”

Arc stands up and walks over to the fireplace. He leans on the mantle and stares into the fire. “As usual... rather than finding answers, now I have more questions! Your theory is sound, but that still leaves Flash Sentry and Raven. As the cream of the crop, the only reason I can think of is he wanted them out of Canterlot.”

Derpy yawns. “Your probably right, but I think I need to take a nap at the moment.”

Arc nods. “I understand. Don't push yourself too hard!”

There is a knock at the door. Ember walks in carrying Derpy’s mat. She looks around the room at all the files scattered around

“Hey! How are you feeling, Derpy?”

“A bit tired to be honest.”

“Well it looks like you and Arc have been quite busy. Don't work her too hard Arc!”

Arc nods. “Yes. Derpy was just about to take a bit of a rest break. Thanks for bringing her mat!”

“I never could sleep very well without it.”

Arc takes the mat from Ember. She turns to leave.

“Well, I should get a move on. Pleasant dreams Derpy!”

“I need to leave for a bit now Derpy. Duty calls... are you going to be okay by yourself? Or if you would prefer, would you be more comfortable in my quarters? I have a fireplace with your name on it!”

Derpy nods. “Actually yes! And I must say Hard Hat really did quite a good job on your quarters!”

Arc escorts Derpy to his quarters, lights a fire for her, and lays her mat on the floor in front of it.

“Thank you Arc. You're so good to me!”

Derpy lies down on her mat. Arc sits down next to her and strokes her mane for a few minutes. Soon she is fast asleep. Arc kisses her on the top of her head and stands up.

“Goodnight, Derpy.”

Arc leaves his quarters quietly and heads for the Main Hall. Stepping onto the sigil and calling forth Eidolon's Ward, he teleports to his room in Canterlot Castle. He looks around.

“Now... let's see here... ah, there it is!”

He spies the familiar device on a nearby table next to a portable projector screen stand. He picks it up carefully and walks back to the sigil. Arc turns around to look at his room.

“This really is quite a nice room I have here. If only I had someone special to share it with...
Oh well… I guess there's no point wasting time thinking about what can’t be...”

Arc steps back on the sigil and teleports back to the Main Hall. When he arrives Raven and Sergeant Flash Sentry are standing next to her desk talking. They both stop when they see Arc.

Flash Sentry looks guilty. “C-C-Commander! Back so soon?!”

Raven appears nervous as well. “Sir! I… um…”

Arc nods to the pair. “It's okay. All work and no play make for dull boys!”

The pair look relieved.

Raven points a large bad on her desk. “Sir, this month’s troop wages were just delivered.”

“Shall I distribute the wages to the troops, sir?”

Arc shakes his head. “No. I will see to this myself. Call everyone together in the Main Hall.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Yes sir!”

In a few minutes all the troops are lined up in front of Raven's desk to receive their pay. Arc looks at a clipboard, calls each soldier by name and gives him his wages.

“...and lastly... Sergeant Flash Sentry.”

Flash Sentry walks forward to receive his pay. Arc places a much larger bag of bits on the table than a sergeant would normally receive!

“Good work this month Sergeant! Keep it up!”

The sergeant looks to Arc, confused. “I think there has been a mistake sir! A sergeant doesn't make anywhere NEAR this amount in a month!”

Arc looks at the clipboard as he talks. “Very true. However, you forget that you were Acting Base Commander for part of this month. I believe if you are taking on the role and responsibilities, you should be also be privy to the wages of a Base Commander.”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Thank you sir!”

All the troops salute Arc.

Arc picks up the projector from Raven’s desk. “Sergeant, I would like a word with you and Raven in private. The rest of you are dismissed!”

The soldiers disperse as Arc leads Flash Sentry and Raven to his office. He gestures to the chairs in front of his desk as he sits down.

“Have a seat.”

They do so. Flash Sentry respectfully removes his helmet.

“Derpy and I just finished going over all the personnel records... including yours.”

The pair look suddenly worried!

Arc opens the sergeant’s file. “Flash Sentry, it says here you are a very capable soldier, with a near perfect record... until recently that is. From what I can gather from the official report, there was some kind of argument between you and a VIP regarding Raven.”

Raven and Flash Sentry look down at the floor. Arc gestures to the projector on his desk.

“I wanted to hear your side of the story, Flash Sentry. Do you know what this device is?”

He shakes his head. “No sir, I do not.”

Arc stands and sets up the portable screen in front of the projector. “This is a prototype developed by the sages of Canterlot. It can project the memories of the user via this projector for all to see. I borrowed if from the princesses in order to bring the Element Bearers up to date on what happened in Vanhoover at the New Beginnings Orphanage.”

He hands a crystal to Flash Sentry.

“Just hold onto this crystal and concentrate on what happened.”

Flash Sentry sighs and does as he is told. “Yes sir…”

A few moments later a view of the hallways of Canterlot Castle appear on the screen.

“I was making my rounds and had to pass through the Guest Wing of the castle when I heard what I believed to be muffled screams from one of the rooms!”

Raven does not look up. “I was to deliver a message to Griffon Lord Goldstone regarding his audience time with the princesses later that afternoon.”

Flash Sentry peeks into the room through the keyhole. He sees Lord Goldstone holding a squirming mare in one claw while using his other to cover her mouth!

“It was pretty obvious what was about to happen to Raven, so I burst into the room and confronted him!”

The Griffon Lord and Flash Sentry verbally spar for a minute while Raven cowers in a corner. Flash Sentry walks over and helps her up.

“Seeing that I was getting nowhere with him, I helped Raven up and led her out of the room!”

A tear runs down Raven’s face. “: I really don't remember too much from that time. My mind was in a fog!”

“I didn't really know what else to do other than to get her away from the Guest Wing! The gardens were the first place I thought of!”

“I do remember holding on to Flash Sentry the whole way to the gardens, as I was too afraid to let go!”

The next scene is of Captain Decimus and a squad of guards surrounding the pair!

Flash Sentry sighs. “Lord Goldstone must have gone straight to the Captain, because before I could say a word, the two of us were on our way to the dungeon.”

As two Royal Guards toss them violently into a cell, Captain Decimus himself slams the door shut! He looks at the pair angrily through the bars.

“I don't know what you two did to upset Lord Goldstone, and frankly, I don't care! We are in the midst of very delicate negotiations right now and I will NOT have anypony sabotaging them!”

Raven begins to choke up as her voice cracks. “We... we were thrown into a cell together! It was a cold, dark and miserable place!”

Arc watches as Raven collapse on the dirty dungeon floor, sobbing!

“To add insult to injury, Raven and I were thrown into a small cell that was designed to hold a single prisoner!”

Arc mercifully turns off the projector as they continue.

“I’ve never felt so lost in my entire life! As the sun set, the cell became very cold! Flash Sentry took the thin blanket off the bed and covered me with it. He then put a hoof on my shoulder and tried to comfort me. I couldn't understand what he was saying. My mind was still a mess! All I remember is grabbing his hoof and begging him not to leave me alone!”

Flash Sentry blushes slightly as he puts a hoof behind his head. “Not that I could have even if I wanted to. So I did the only thing I could. I sat with Raven until she fell asleep... if you could call it sleeping. It was more like whimpering and squirming. She didn't speak again for two days straight! When she was awake she kept herself on the ground and her eyes darted around the room at every little noise!”

Raven’s voice shakes. “I was always so terrified that Lord of Goldstone would come and... finish what he started!”

She puts her hooves to her face and begins to cry! Flash Sentry puts a hoof around her neck to comfort her. Raven turns and buries her face in the sergeant’s chest.

“Did either of you report this to the proper authorities?”

Flash Sentry shakes his head as Raven continues to weep in his hooves. “Like who? Captain Decimus? He would simply assume we were trying to pass the blame!”

Arc nods. “I see where this is going.”

“After Lord Goldstone left Canterlot a week later we were released. The guard informed us that we were being put on administrative leave until further notice. She... didn't move from the floor. I had to literally carry her out on my back! I left the castle with her and walked down the street. We really had nowhere to go! I saw a small, cheap inn and took her inside. We were both tired and filthy from our stay in the dungeons.”

Raven does her best to compose herself. “wasn't exactly sure what Flash Sentry was planning to do with me there, and at the time, I didn't really care! There wasn't much will to live left in me after all I had been through! He... carried me into the bathroom and laid me in the shower! I remember he cleaned me up so very gently, dried me off and even brushed my mane for me! Then he carried me to the bed and told me to get some rest.”

Flash Sentry nods. “I then got cleaned up myself and sat in front of the fireplace to wipe the grime from my armor.”

Raven blushes slightly. “I hadn't noticed until that moment just how handsome he was. He had stuck his neck out for me. A total stranger! His career in the military... his future... in shambles, and all because of me! If he had just walked away that day in the Guest Wing, none of this would have happened! To him, at least!”

Arc nods and look Flash Sentry in the eye. “Sergeant, I have to know. Why did you do it? How could you go so far for somepony you didn't even know?”

Flash Sentry straightens up and looks Arc in the eye. “I am a Soldier of Equestria, sir! Sworn to protect and serve this land and the ponies who live in it! How could I have done any different and still call myself a soldier? Commander... I will take any punishment you deem fair, but please... spare Raven! She’s suffered enough.”

Arc looks confused. “Punishment? For what?

Raven looks down at her hooves sadly. “It’s against regulations for an enlisted stallion to be in any kind of relationship with another soldier, officer, or support staff. I unfortunately fall into the latter. We had hoped to keep it a secret, but... Please Commander, be merciful! I love Flash Sentry and don't want his career to be endangered even further because of me!”

Arc leans back in his chair and sighs. “Well... it looks like I have a rather difficult decision to make.”

He stands up and paces around the room for a few minutes, thinking. “I suppose there really isn't anything else to do about this...”

Arc walks over to Flash Sentry and removes the Sergeant’s Insignia from his shoulder. “I'm sorry Flash Sentry, but you can no longer be my Sergeant of the Guard.”

Flash Sentry hangs his head, sadly. “I… I understand, sir…”

Arc nods. “I’m sure you do… lieutenant.”

Raven and Flash Sentry both look at their commanding officer, confused. Arc walks back to his desk and removes something from a drawer. Returning to Flash Sentry, he hands him a Lieutenant’s Insignia.

“Congratulations on your promotion, Lieutenant Flash Sentry.”

Flash Sentry looks at the insignia in his hooves. “But sir… I don’t understand! Why…?”

“You have demonstrated great kindness and resolve to do what is right. Even willing to throw away your career to protect the innocent! For that, I want you as my lieutenant!”

Arc turns to Raven. “Tell me Raven, what do the regulations say about an Officer being in a relationship with the Support Staff?”

She smiles. “Not a word, commander!”

“Good! Now Raven, would you like me to send this crystal to the princesses? I don't like the idea of anyone, much less a Lord, getting away with what he did!”

She appears suddenly fearful! “But... what about Captain Decimus?!”

“I will send a letter and the crystal to Canterlot with my squad. Their instructions will be to deliver them to the princesses only!”

Raven nods her head meekly. “Um… okay.”

Arc walks over to Raven and kneels down in front of her. “Don't you worry Raven. Everything will be fine. Now, do you need anything else? Some paid time off perhaps? Counseling?”

Raven shakes her head and looks over at Flash Sentry. “Thank you, Commander! To tell you the truth, I feel safest here at Light’s Hope with Flash Sentry around. That and my work won't do itself.”

Arc nods. “I’m proud of you Raven. You’re very brave to do this. Now... Equestria won't protect itself! We should all get back to work!”

Flash Sentry salutes. “Of course, sir! I'm sure you have many pressing matters at hand...”

Suddenly there is a loud pounding at the door. Raven looks over, confused. “Who in Celestia's name could that be?!”

“Ah! She's here! I knew she wouldn't let me down!”

Arc walks toward the office door and swings it open wide to allow the newcomer entrance!

“Come in, come in!”

Pinkie enters the office carrying a chest that appears MUCH too heavy for a single pony to be able to lift alone! She sets it down on the floor and smiles!

“Hi Arc! I got the stuff you asked for!”


Arc turns to Flash Sentry.

“Get a few guards and bring this chest to the barracks.”

He runs out the door. “Yes sir!”

Flash Sentry returns a minute later with several guards who, with great difficulty, carry out Arc's instructions.

Arc follows them into the barracks. “Put it in the back corner... Yes, perfect!”

Flash Sentry looks at the chest then back at Arc. “I'm almost afraid to ask sir but... what's in there?”

“Take a look.”

Flash Sentry carefully opens the lid of the chest and cautiously peeks inside with Raven.


Raven reaches in and pulls out a doll. “Toys?”

Arc nods. “Yes! I figure the orphans will need SOMETHING to do on a rainy day!”

Flash Sentry looks at the assortment of toys before them. “Looks like you've thought of everything, sir!”

Arc looks at the chest as he responds, a bit sadly. “I just want the orphans to be happy while they’re here.”

He turns his attention back to Pinkie Pie.

“Thanks for doing this Pinkie Pie! These orphans have had a rough life so far!”

She bounces around the room happily! “I know, right! Who doesn't know what CUPCAKES are?!”

He turns to leave the barracks. “Well, if you all will excuse me, I have a few more things to do before supper.”

Arc heads to his office as Pinkie Pie hops back to Sugar Cube Corner leaving Flash Sentry and Raven alone.

Raven looks down at the doll in her hoof. “Why do I get the feeling there is more to this than the Commander is letting on?”

Flash Sentry nods. “I agree! But the commander has always done what is in the best interest of everypony! We should trust his judgment.”

Raven nods. “Agreed.”

Meanwhile… Arc returns to his office. He sits down at his desk and swivels his chair to look out the window at the orphans playing ball behind the base happily! A single tear courses down his cheek. He watches them for some time before saying to himself…

“Mother... whether you like it or not... I WILL help these little ones.”

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