• Published 27th Apr 2019
  • 15,655 Views, 5,903 Comments

The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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VOLUME FINALE - Chapter 10 - Demoted

Arc and Cerulean Skies stand before Tempest.

“S-sister?! Is that really you?!”

Tempest nods. “It's been a long time, Cerulean Skies. How about you and I get reacquainted after Arc and I conclude our... business?”

“What do you mean? What business?!”

A dark portal forms at Tempest’s hooves and Light's Bane materializes from within it! “I merely want to finish what he and I started back at the orphanage.”

Arc looks at the spear, horrified! “Light's Bane?! But... but how?! I personally locked that thing away!”

“This weapon comes at my command! There is NOWHERE you could put it to keep it out of my hooves!”

Arc sighs. “Has the time finally come for our... final confrontation then?”

Tempest nods as she takes hold of Light's Bane. “It has! True to my word, I have not taken any other lives since last we spoke! Tonight, I will fulfill my duty to Equestria!”

Cerulean Skies looks to her sister, confused! “Sister, you're not making any sense! What does you fighting the Hero of Light have to do with your duty?!”

Tempest fiddles with the point of her spear as she addresses her sister. “It's really quite simple, my dear. There is an unimaginably powerful evil coming to Equestria in the future. I've been gathering the souls of those I have felled in defense of these lands in my spear over the years. When at last I kill Arc and absorb HIS soul, I will finally be strong enough to stand against the coming fiend!

“Tempest, that's crazy! You can't kill the Hero of Light! It's treason!”

She moves to a battle-ready position! “To tell you the truth, I don't really care! As long as I have the power to protect everypony, little else matters to me!”

Arc frowns. “How very... soldierly of you.”

“Can you just work WITH him to fight against whatever is coming?!”

“I don't expect you to understand, sister. Know this... I have seen the future, and it is one of darkness and death! However, I won't let that happen! I don't care if everypony is this entire COUNTRY hates me and thinks of me as a traitor! This IS going to happen!”

Tempest turns back to Arc.

“If you would like, I can be merciful and give you a quick and painless death.”

“And why should I believe you?”

Tempest sneers at him! “Because even though you and I are on different sides, I have great respect for you and your power. Now, I would rather kill you in fair combat, but the end result will still be the same.”

Arc calls forth Eidolon's Ward and the Spear of Righteousness. “That's... not going to happen.”

Tempest smiles wickedly! “I was hoping you would say that! Have at you!”

She lunges at Arc, her spear at the ready! Arc readily blocks it! He has to use all his strength to hold it back!

“So, what have you been doing all this time? Even you weren't THIS strong last time we fought!”

Tempest cackles maniacally! I've been training, practicing for this battle! I wanted to be at my very BEST when I faced you!”

Arc breaks away from Tempest's strike! “How touching. I'm flattered.”

Tempest laughs! “You know you can't kill me, Arc! Why are you even trying?!”

Arc stands ready, anticipation her next attack! “It's what a true hero does!”

Tempest charges again, mocking Arc sarcastically. “What? Be willing to die for those they defend?”

He evades her attack narrowly! “Yes. But at the same time doing what’s right in the here and now! I don't really care if others remember me for how I died, but rather how I lived!”

She looks at him, angrily! “Fool! You're not looking at the bigger picture! Don't you get it?! Everything and everypony will DIE! Don't you even CARE?!

Arc steps forward to engage Tempest spear to spear! “I do! It's BECAUSE I care that every action I have taken up to this point has been in the interest of everyone! I may not be perfect, but I do my very best!”

Tempest parries his attach, laughing! “You're even more delusional that I originally thought! How can you weigh your life against the fate of the entire world?!”

Arc recovers his balance and turns again to face his opponent! “When you choose to ignore the needs of the individual, you doom yourself to failure!”

She rolls her eyes! “Even you must know that those words are almost impossible to live by!”

“That may be... but it seems to me that it's not just me who is protesting what you're doing.”


Arc gestures with a nod from his head toward the Town Hall. Everyone who attended the party has come outside to stand and watch. As one they all glare at Tempest!

Cerulean Skies runs over to stand between Arc and Tempest! “Sister! I'm begging you! Please stop this mad quest before you get hurt!”

Tempest glares back at them! “Don't you see?! I'm doing all of this to PROTECT you!”

Dinky shakes her head! “No, you're not! You just want my dad's power all for yourself!”

Flash Sentry nods! “You're not a protector of anything now!”

Coco Pommel looks to Tempest bravely! “Don't you see that you have BECOME what you claim to be trying to protect this world from... matron?!”

Ember points a claw at Tempest, clearly furious! “Okay freak! You have three seconds to get away from Arc before I rip you in half... LITERALLY!”

Another voice comes out of nowhere!

“Now, now whelpling. This fight is between Tempest and Arc. Do not interfere!”

Ember looks around! “What?!”

Shadows tear as The Dark One himself emerges from a portal and turns his vile gaze toward Tempest.

“Continue your battle! I will see to it the two of you are not... disturbed.”

Tempest turns her attention back to Arc. “Thank you... old friend. We've been through a lot together over the years! It's good to know I can always count on you to help me reach my goals!”

The Dark One casts a powerful barrier spell over much of the grounds. Arc, Tempest, and Cerulean Skies find themselves under an impenetrable magic dome as The Dark One perches atop it!

Tempest looks around! “Perfect! Nowhere to run now, Arc!”

Arc moves to battle ready position. “Everyone stay back! This isn't a battle anyone other than I could hope to win!”

Tempest pushes past Cerulean Skies and again lunges at Arc! Ember charges at the barrier and frantically bashing it with her claws!


The Dark One looks down at Ember and shakes his head. “Try all you want, runt! You haven't the strength to even scratch my barrier.”

Ember flies straight up at The Dark One, furious! “Argh! I'll KILL you!!!”

“Insignificant vermin! I will teach you the true meaning of pain!”

The Dark One Blinks to the ground and fires a blast of pure dark energy up at Ember/

“What the...?!”

Ember is knocked high into the air. The Dark One Blinks high above her and blasts her again. The dragon takes the magical energy full force and careens back toward the ground. Auriel pushes her way to the front of the group.


As Ember lands hard on her back, the dark energy blast explodes outward blowing out all the Town Hall's windows and that of the surrounding buildings!

Arc looks at his friend lying on the ground. ”What? NO! Ember!!! Damn it Tempest! Look what your ‘friend’ has done!”

“He had no choice! Your pet attacked him!”

As the dust clears, Auriel can be seen standing over Ember, casting a barrier protecting the citizens of Ponyville. Rainbow Dash looks to Auriel, astonished.

“But... why...?!”

Auriel drags the unconscious Ember back to the Town Hall steps. Several ponies scramble toward the brave dragon in an effort to help her.

Auriel looks back at Rainbow Dash. “Because... it was just the right thing to do.”

Meanwhile Arc and Tempest's battle raged on!

“This all ends tonight Arc!”

Arc parries Tempest's attack and countering it with a fist to her face! “Tempest! Don't you see! The Dark One is only using you to achieve its own goals! He's no friend to you or anyone else!”

Tempest staggers back, recovering from Arc's blow. “No! He's the one who gave me this power! I owe him EVERYTHING!”

Arc lunges at Tempest, spear at the ready! “At what cost?! What kind of ‘friend’ demands a soul in exchange for anything?!”

Tempest blocks Arc's attack! Grabbing his spear, she knocks him across the battlefield! His body crashes against the barrier! With a flick of her fetlock she throws the Spear of Righteousness, which The Dark One allows to pass through the barrier! It lands point down in the dirt in front of the townsponies!

“Great rewards require great sacrifice, fool! But I don't really expect a novice like YOU to understand such things!”

Arc rises to his feet! “Oh, I understand all right! You want to protect this world from the coming darkness!”

Tempest nods with determination! “And I will!”

Arc nods. “However, what if YOU are the coming evil?”

“What are you talking about?!”

“Look at yourself Tempest! You're so drunk with power right now that you don't see what's right in front of you! Our battle has imperiled everyone in Ponyville!”

Tempest looks down her nose at Arc. “Acceptable losses.”

“Oh really? Then what about Cerulean Skies? She's in here with us too you know!”

“I... I know that! Why do you think this is taking so long?! If I wasn't concerned with her safety this would be over by now! Drunk on power, indeed!”

“You're just trying to justify your actions! With my power added to your own, who's to say you won't think about just killing everyone in Equestria to ‘save’ them from the coming evil?!”

“WHAT?! I would never... do... that!”

Tempest shakes her head in an effort to clear it.

“No! I won't listen to your ramblings Arc! You're just trying to distract me from doing what needs to be done!”

Cerulean Skies calls over to her sister! “No Tempest! The Hero of Light is right! Stop this now and come home with me! You just need to rest!”

Tempest ignores Cerulean Skies! She rushes at Arc with her spear leveled at his chest! “No way out for you this time Arc! DIE!”

As Tempest nears Arc, she thrusts Light's Bane at him in an effort to end the battle once and for all! Arc quickly ducks and punches her in the gut! Tempest stops dead in her tracks! Her eyes widen and she drops her spear! One of Arc's magic blades can be seen sticking out of Tempest's back! Arc retracts his blade and throws the mare across the battlefield! Tempest falls to the ground gasping for breath!

“NO!!! TEMPEST!!!”

Cerulean Skies rushes to Tempest's side and takes her hoof as tears stream down her face!

“Sister! Don't die! We... we can get help! Just stay with me, okay!”

Tempest lies on the ground, chucking. I'll be fine Cerulean Skies. Look! Even now my wounds are closing.”

She looks at her sister's chest. To her amazement the wound is healing before her eyes!

“What?! But... but how?!”

Tempest gets to her hooves. “This is the power of darkness that my good friend The Dark One bestowed upon me! THIS is the power that will deliver this land from evil one day! Not ‘heroes’ like Arc here!”

She looks over to Arc and glares at him!

“I see you had no qualms about looting the remains of our last battle.”

Arc points one of the magic blades at her. “Unlike you, these blades are not evil! They can bring forth either salvation or destruction at the will of the user! In my possession they have already SAVED a life! However, you only wish to TAKE life!”

“That's what weapons are FOR, you fool!”

Arc shakes his head. “Tempest, you're so blinded by hate and rage that you don't even see what you could really do to protect everyone! That is, if you actually cared! I mean, look at Cerulean Skies! She’s absolutely terrified right now!”

Tempest turns to face Cerulean Skies who is cowering on the ground, terrified! She lays a hoof on her sister's back. As soon as Tempest touches her sister, she can feel the mares entire body trembling in fear!

“P-p-please... stop sister... I love you, but... please... can't we just go back to the way things were back then?! I... I want my sister back!”

Tempest looks at her, confused. “But, I'm right here.

She strokes her sister's mane gently.

“Don't you worry, Cerulean Skies. I'm still the same mare I was back then! Just... just a little stronger! Nothing has to change between us! I... I joined the military back then to protect this land! To protect... you! Can't you see?! I'm still the same old me inside!”

Cerulean Skies trembles! “I see only a MONSTER!”

Tempest lies down next to her sister. “I... I'm sorry sister. But if I have to become a monster to keep you and Equestria safe, then so be it!”

She nuzzles her sister gently.

“After tonight, things will go back to normal, Cerulean Skies. You'll see.”

Cerulean Skies stands up. Walking away from Tempest and toward Arc, she proceeds to look outside the barrier toward the assembled townsponies!

“No! I believe the Hero of Light is correct! Once you take his power it will push you over the precipice of madness! I mean... I'm not the only one here who doesn't want you to do this!

Tempest looks outside the barrier past Cerulean Skies. All of Arc friends are fearfully waiting to see the outcome of the battle. The Dark One still perched above the barrier to maintain it.

“Tempest! What are you waiting for?! Fulfill your destiny! Take the power that is rightfully yours and use it as you see fit!”

Tempest sighs. “Yes... you're right, my friend.”

She looks at the citizens of Ponyville and sighs sadly.

“I'm sorry about this. I really wish there was another way! Hopefully, one day when this is all over, you can understand that I did what had to be done!”

Tempest turns back to Arc. She raises a hoof and Light's Bane comes at her command.

“I'm sorry Arc. But what must be, must be...”

Arc nods. “I'm sorry too.”

“What for?”

“For failing to make you see reason. IF, and that's a very big ‘if’, you take my soul, I hope you choke on it!”

Meanwhile, outside the barrier, Dinky walks over to Ember and Auriel. “How is she? Will Miss Ember be okay?!”

Auriel nods! “Yes dear. She's just unconscious.”

“We'll take her to the hospital as soon as this is over, sweetie!”

But what about dad?!”

Sereb continues to watch the pair inside the barrier. “I get the feeling this fight is beyond all of us. This matter... is personal.”

Coco Pommel nods. “You heard Arc. He wants us all to stay here where it's safe. Have faith in him! I'm sure he has some kind of plan!”

Flash Sentry watches nervously! “I sure hope he does!”

Dinky appears to be concentrating.

“Sweetie? Are you all right?”

“I... I'm trying to use my power to save dad! It worked before, but now I can't seem to bring it forth for some reason!”

Pipsqueak nods! “Do keep trying Dinky!”

Aquamarine smiles! “You can do it! I know you can!”

Arc looks over at Dinky through the barrier. “Dinky... you always try so hard.”

Tempest readies her spear. “If you're done muttering to yourself over there, can we get on with this please?!”

Arc looks to Tempest, his back against the barrier and calls forth his magic blades. “Fine... let's do this!”

Tempest charges madly at Arc who awaits her attack! As Tempest nears Arc there is the sound of running hooves!


Cerulean Skies jumps in front of Arc and stands on her hind legs to shield him from her sister’s blow1 Tempest tries her best, but is unable to stop in time!

“Cerulean Skies, LOOK OUT!!!”

At the last possible moment Arc wraps his arms around Cerulean Skies’ midsection and grabs her, spinning around to take the blow himself! Tempest is able to stop just as the tip of her spear taps Eidolon's Ward!

Tempest breathes heavily! “That... was a close one! Cerulean Skies what were you...”

She suddenly stops talking when she notices the tip of her spear has blood on it! Wide eyed, she looks at the ruby colored liquid on the end of her spear!

“No... no, no, no, no! This... this isn’t happening! Cerulean Skies you have to be okay! You're the only reason I'm doing all of this!”

Arc carefully lays the mare on her back. She winces in pain nonetheless. He quickly examines the long wound on Cerulean Skies' stomach.

“Not very deep. I think there's more blood here than actual wound. Sorry I wasn't just a moment faster.”

Cerulean Skies look up at him, wincing! “Thank... you. I know you did... your best.”

Tempest drops Light's Bane and takes Cerulean Skies' hoof in her own! “Sister... I'm sorry! But why?! Why did you do that?!”

“Because... the world needs... protectors! It needs... the Hero of Light. Don't you... see? There's a place... for both of you in this... land!”

Tempest pets her sister's mane tenderly. “Shhh... it's going to be okay now. You just lie still, alright?”

“A-alright, big sister. I will.”

Tempest rises from her sister's side and slowly picks up Light's Bane. Arc again brings forth his magic blades and assumes a battle-ready position.

“If we could stop now Tempest, that would be great. Your sister really needs some medical attention!”

Tempest appears conflicted. Her hooves shake as she looks at Arc! “I... I... need you to do me a... favor, Arc.”

“What is it?”

“Do... do you think you could take my sister to the hospital? I don't want her to suffer any longer than she needs to!”

Arc retracts his magic blades. “Sure.”

He kneels down over Cerulean Skies and picks her up. Careful not to touch her wound! Tempest looks up at The Dark One still high atop the barrier

“Come on, Dark One. We're leaving.”

“What?! But you're so close to realizing you goal! How can you walk away from an opportunity like this?!”

Tempest looks over at Cerulean Skies in Arc's arms. “Simple. Some things are just more important than power.”

“Grrrr... well, as your friend I can't let you do this! I'm not letting either of you out of there until Arc is dead and your dream is realized!”

Tempest throws Light's Bane up at The Dark One! “Oh yes you are!”

Her spear bounces harmlessly off the barrier and falls back to the ground! She looks up at The Dark One angrily!

“My sister doesn't have time for your games right now! She needs help! Arc will still be around to kill another day!”

“No! Now is the time! DO IT!!!”

Meanwhile outside the barrier, Pipsqueak turns to Dinky!

“Any luck?”

Dinky falls to her knees. “Nothing. I... I just don't know what went wrong!”

Derpy stands and looks at The Dark One. “Well, I can't wait any longer! We have to free Arc!”

Coco Pommel nods! “I'll help you Derpy! Together?”

Derpy nods. “Thank you, Coco Pommel!”

Coco Pommel and Derpy fearlessly walk to the front of the crowd to face The Dark One. Auriel runs over and holds out her arms to block their advance.


Derpy sighs. “Auriel, we don't have time to...”

Auriel turns to look at The Dark One! “I'll handle this!”

Before anyone can stop her, Auriel spreads her wings and, at an incredible speed, launches herself at the Spear of Righteousness that is still lodged in the ground! Taking it in her claws she flies straight at The Dark One at a speed that should be impossible for her!

The Dark One shakes his head. “Foolish... just like your father.”

He raises his head and launches a simple dark attack at what he believes to be little more than a minor nuisance.

Auriel does not slow down! “I mustn't be afraid... Arc needs me! I... I CAN DO THIS!!!”

She effortlessly knocks the magical projectile away with Arc's spear and continues on toward her intended target! The Dark One fires again and again, but Auriel continues to deflect all his attacks effortlessly away from herself!

“This... this is IMPOSSIBLE!!! How can this cowardly little girl POSSIBLY stand before ME?! I… I am DARKNESS INCARNATE!!!”

Auriel looks at her opponent furiously. “I DON'T CARE! You hurt my dad, and now you’re threatening all of these innocent ponies! I... I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!’

The Dark one fires a barrage of Dark Magic Missiles at Auriel!

“See if you can dodge all of THAT, mouse! Scurry away now and you may yet survive!”

Arc watches, his eyes wide! “Mouse?!”

Auriel shakes her head with determination! “No! I won't give up! I’m not afraid of you!”

She stops and waits for the projectiles. Auriel puts up a barrier! However, as they near her the dark projectiles slice right through her defensive barrier and careen toward their target! There is a massive explosion, the force of which knocks down everyone on the ground!

Derpy looks up, horrified! “AURIEL! NO!!!”

Coco Pommel sadly shakes her head. “That... that brave young lady!”

The orphans begin to cry. Arc looks down sadly and shakes his head.

“NO!!! Why Auriel?! WHY?!?!?!?!”

Dinky looks up, a confused look on her face. “What...?”

The Dark One looks and screams, clearly furious! “WHAT?! THIS... THIS IS... IMPOSSIBLE!”

As the dust clears, Auriel can be seen hovering where she was a moment earlier, unharmed! A barrier of darkness surrounds her.

“What... is this?!”

Arc looks over at Tempest! “You?!”

Tempest has her horn aimed at Auriel and is channeling a barrier spell. She falls to her knees exhausted!

“The rest... is up to... her.”

The Dark One looks to Auriel! “What is it that drives you, little one?! How can you suddenly be so... BRAVE?!”

He snorts in disgust!

“Small demon... out of respect for your tenacity, I will use one of my most powerful spells to send you to your doom!”

The Dark One charges up a large orb of pure evil at the end of its horn. Arc looks to Auriel and screams to her!


She looks down at him and smiles. “Sorry Arc. But this is just something I have to do. Thank you... for everything.”

The Dark One fires! Auriel closes her eyes and smiles, content with the outcome! Suddenly there is a burst of light! Auriel's demon wings are suddenly replaced with wings of pure light that glow with a holy countenance! Surprised but determined, she reaches a claw forward and catches the orb!

“I... I can do this!!!”

Auriel holds back the orb with everything she has and then some! Suddenly it begins to glow! In a few moments it is glowing so brightly none can look at it!

“What?! How... WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”

Auriel looks to The Dark One calmly. “I think you dropped this... HERE CATCH!!!”

She launches the shining orb back at The Dark One! It hits him squarely in the chest! He falls from above his dark barrier and crashes onto the dome! Auriel flies high above The Dark One! Aiming Arc's spear downward as she descends at breakneck speed!

“THIS... ENDS... NOW!!!”

Auriel slams into The Dark One. The force of her blow shatters the dome as the pair fall to the ground near Arc and Cerulean Skies! Arc turns himself in order to shield Cerulean Skies and Tempest from the blast! Neither Auriel nor The Dark One rises!

“Auriel?! Are you okay?”

Auriel, having changed back to her normal appearance, weakly nods. “I'm... okay. I... I did it. I protected... my friends...”

“Can you stand?!”

“Yes... just give me a moment.”

Auriel slowly gets up and walks haphazardly toward Arc before falling to her knees in front of him!

“I'm... sorry. I think... this is as far as I can go...”

Arc smiles at her. “You did well. I'm proud of you!”

He turns to Tempest.

“What now?”

She rises shakily. “I'm leaving. Don't worry, I'll take The Dark One with me. Oh, and don't bother trying to kill him again. He and I are both immortal.”

Tempest walks slowly over to The Dark One. She reaches toward Light's Bane and calls it to herself. Slicing the air in front of her a portal opens. She picks up The Dark One with her magic and puts him on her back.

“This isn't over, Arc! Just because you saved my sister's life doesn't mean we're friends now or anything! It just earns you a bit of a reprieve! I'll be back soon to finish our battle! You can count on it!”

Arc nods. “Yeah, I kinda saw that coming.”

Tempest walks toward the portal, stopping as she nears it and turning to look at Arc one more time.

"Th-thank you. Take care of Cerulean Skies for me.”

Arc nods. “I will.”

Tempest leaves and the air is silent. Arc looks over to the party guests.

“Sereb, to me!”

Sereb runs over to Arc. Using his magic, he picks up Auriel and carefully sets her on his back. Arc turns back to the townsponies.

“Sorry to break up the party, but I need to get these two to the hospital. You okay over there, Ember?”

Ember stands up weakly. “I've been better.”

Rainbow Dash hovers nearby! “Go Arc! We're right behind you!”

Pinkie looks to her friend, confused! “But Dashie! I thought you said...”

She flies after Arc and Sereb. “I don't leave my friends hanging!”

Later that night Arc and Sereb walk back toward Light's Hope. Auriel is asleep on Sereb's back while Arc is carrying Cerulean Skies.

“You're very lucky. Any deeper and the spear would have been cutting muscle.”

Cerulean Skies nods groggily. “Thank you for taking care of me.”

“It's what I do.”

“Are you... worried that Tempest will come back?!”

Arc sighs and shakes his head. “Not really. I mean, I know she will! It's more a matter of how long I have until then.”

“How can you be so calm about that?!”

“Not much else I can do. In the interim, I'll just keep doing my best to keep everyone safe.”

Cerulean Skies looks over at Auriel. “I... I hope your friend will be okay.”

“The doctor said she just needs to sleep it off. There wasn't really anything else he could do about it. I'm just happy she's okay after all that!”

Arc and Cerulean Skies arrive back at Light's Hope. He takes her to one of his guest rooms and carefully lays her down on the bed and covers her with some blankets.

“You get some rest now. We'll talk again in the morning.”

Cerulean Skies nods. “Thank you... good night.”

Arc and Sereb leave the room and head back to Arc's Quarters. Arc picks Auriel up from Sereb’s back and carries her to his room. Ember is already asleep in Arc's bed.


He lies Auriel down in Ember's bed and covers her up.

“Good job today Auriel. I'm sure your father would be proud.”

Arc lays down in his bed next to Ember and is soon asleep himself. Early the next morning he awakens to Ember licking his face.

“You know Ember, you could just try nudging me or something.”

Ember smiles at him. “Where's the fun in that?”

Arc sighs and gets up. “Have it your way. Are you really okay? You did take quite the beating last night.”

“I'll be good as new after a hearty breakfast! What about Auriel though?”

Arc turns to the demon lying in the bed next to them. “The doctor said she just needs to rest. She'll be okay! Remember... she's tougher than she looks!”

“Don't I know it!”

“Why don't you get a bite to eat? I'll be there with Auriel after I take a shower.”

Ember nods. “Okay. See you there.”

She leaves the room as Arc heads to the bathroom. After a quick shower and a change of clothes Arc returns to his room. He sits down on the edge of the bed and gently shakes Auriel.

“Auriel? It's time for breakfast.”

She slowly opens her eyes and looks up at Arc. Suddenly she bolts upright!

“Are... are we safe?!”

Arc nods! “Calm down Auriel! The Dark One and Tempest are gone! In fact, it's morning now.”

“What happened?!”

“I took you to the hospital. Apparently you had exhausted yourself from that battle. You can go back to bed after breakfast if you want to.”

Auriel yawns. “Thanks. Maybe I will. Still feeling a bit... tired.”

Arc helps Auriel up. “I'll have Sereb carry you to the cafeteria. I need to check up on Cerulean Skies.”

Auriel slowly stands up. “Thanks. Is she okay?!”

“Yes. The doctor stitched her up. She'll be fine in a week or so.”

Arc and Auriel leave his room. Sereb is just waking up as well.

“Good morning Sereb. Can you carry Auriel to the Cafeteria please?”

“Very well.”

“Thanks. I'll meet you there.”

The three leave Arc's quarters and go their separate ways. Arc proceeds to Cerulean Skies room and quietly enters. Walking over to the bed, he gently nudges the sleeping mare.

“Cerulean Skies. It's time to eat.”

She opens her eyes and looks around, dazed.

“Where... am I?”

Arc sits down on the bed next to her. “You're in one of the Guest Rooms at my base. Do you remember anything from last night?”

Cerulean Skies sits up slowly. “Wasn't that just a dream?”

“Nope. Tempest and The Dark One were definitely here!”

He pulls back her covers and points to Cerulean Skies’ belly.

“That and you have the stitches to prove it. Now please let me help you up. The doctor warned me not to let you do anything that might rip your stitching!”

Arc carefully lifts Cerulean Skies and helps her out of bed, setting her down as gently as he can on all fours!

“Follow me to the cafeteria.”

Arc and Cerulean Skies make their way toward the smell of pancakes and eggs.

Cerulean Skies looks around, amazed! “This place is yours?!”

“Well technically it belongs to the citizens of Equestria, but it is mine in the sense that I am in command here, yes.”

The pair make their way to the cafeteria. Arc and Cerulean Skies each take a plate of food and sit down with Ember, Auriel, and Sereb who are already eating. Ember looks to Cerulean Skies as she sits down.

“Feeling better miss?”

Cerulean Skies nods. “Yes, I am. And you?”

“A little sore, but I'll manage. That was quite the party, huh Arc?”

“Indeed. Although I could have done without the part where Tempest arrived and started breaking stuff!”

Cerulean Skies looks to Arc sheepishly! “I'm sorry about that sir!”

“Don't be. None of what happened last night was your fault.”

Ember nods. “Yeah! You can't control what your sister does! No one can!”

“I still feel guilty about it though. Is there anything I can do to make up for what my sister did?!”

Arc nods. “After breakfast I'll have Raven take your statement regarding Baltimare's High Justice. If you can help me put that scum sucker behind bars for good, I'll call it even!”

“Sure. What do I have to do?”

“Just tell Raven truthfully what you witnessed in the time you were employed there. She'll write it up and send your statement to Canterlot.”

“That's all?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “You might need to testify during the trial, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.”

She nods happily! “Great! I'll do what I can to put Judge Hawthorne away for life!”

“That's all I can ask for.”

The group continues eating. Flash Sentry trots quickly into the Cafeteria and salutes Arc!

“Sir! Raven has just received word that you are needed in Canterlot at once!”

Arc rolls his eyes. “What could possibly have happened THIS early in the morning?!”

“I don't know, sir. The message just said for you to report to the Audience Chamber immediately!”

Arc stands up. “Well, okay. I'll head over there now. Oh! And tell Raven that Cerulean Skies here needs to make an official statement. Escort the two of them to the conference room as soon as they are ready.”

“Yes sir!”

“You're in charge while I'm gone, lieutenant. Hold down the fort!”

Arc quickly calls forth his armor and opens a portal to Canterlot Castle. He turns to Cerulean Skies, Ember and Auriel.

“I'll be back as soon as I can. Take it easy!”

He walks through the portal. It closes behind him. Cerulean Skies turns to the others.

“I hope everything is all right in Canterlot.”

Auriel nods. “You can trust Arc to take care of this matter... whatever it may be.”

Ember chuckles. “True. He'll probably be back in time for lunch.”

Cerulean Skies sighs. “I hope you're right.”

Ember thinks for a moment. “Just one thing about this bothers me. As long as he’s been the Hero of Light, Canterlot has never actually called for him before!

Auriel looks up. “It must be something of great importance then!”

Ember goes back to eating. “Yeah, well… he’ll call if he needs help.”

Meanwhile, Arc appears on the sigil in his room in Canterlot Castle. He quickly walks to the Audience Chamber. Arriving at the deserted outer chambers he mutters to himself.

“Where is everyone? There's not even a guard out here!”

Arc pushes the large doors open and enters the Audience Chamber. The princesses are nowhere to be seen! Only a single blue robed stallion is present! Arc recalls his armor and approaches him.

“Sunburst?! What are you doing here? Where are the princesses?”

Sunburst meets Arc halfway! He appears frazzled! “I sent for you myself, Arc! This is MOST important! Unprecedented even! In all recorded history such a thing has NEVER before come to pass!

“Okay, calm down Sunburst! You're not making any sense! Slow down and tell me what happened!”

Sunburst takes a deep breath. “Okay, I'll try. This morning the sun came up... rather erratically.”

“I missed that. Last night was... eventful, to say the least. I should probably tell the princesses about it as soon as possible!”

Sunburst shakes his head! “That's just it! I was concerned, as Princess Luna is always VERY prompt and professional in her duties! Especially when it comes to matters concerning the sun and moon! I… I went to her chambers and knocked! Hearing no response, I decided to go inside! What I found inside shook me to my very core!”

“What did you see?!”

Sunburst looks around the empty Audience Chamber, a paranoid look on his face!

“This is for your ears only, Arc, but Princess Luna was lying on the floor, unconscious! I called for the doctor to come to her room and give her an examination! When he arrived, I left to inform Princess Cadance of what had transpired! However, when I entered her room next door, I found her still in bed!”

“Well, they have been working hard lately. She could probably use the rest.”

Sunburst trots frantically in place! “I couldn't wake her! This is more than just a case of the lazies!”

“What did the doctor say?!”

“I informed him of the situation and then ran to contact you! Come! We can see if he has completed his examination of them!”

Arc and Sunburst walk quickly down the hall to Princess Cadance's room. She is lying on the bed asleep. Arc walks to her side and looks down at her.

“If I didn't know better, I would say she was sleeping peacefully.”

“Have you found out anything yet doctor?”

The doctor sighs. “I've completed my initial examination and they appear to be in more than just a coma! Their core temperatures appear to be extremely low! So low in fact that they are in a sort of suspended animation! I should know more after I run some more tests on them!”

Arc nods. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Not at this time, Hero of Light. I’ll let you know if there is anything I need though.”

“Please do!”

Arc turns to Sunburst.

“So what happens now? I'm assuming Equestria has some kind of ‘order of succession’ for times like these.”

Sunburst nods. “Yes! Although it has never come to this, Princess Celestia did put into law the order in which power is to be transferred!”

Arc breathes a sigh of relief! “Great! It seems like she's thought of everything. So... who's in charge now?”

“Next in line after Princess Cadance is... um...”

Sunburst looks uncomfortable as he bows.


“What?! ME?!”

Sunburst nods. “Yes. In the event the princesses are for whatever reason unable to carry out their duties, the Hero of Light shall assume full command of Equestria until such time that the princesses either recover or a new princess can be crowned.”

The doctor nods as he continues his examination. “Hopefully the former, but I'll know more later today.”

“Sunburst, I can't run an entire country by myself! Even Princess Luna had help!”

Sunburst nods soberly. “You don't HAVE to accept the mantle of ruler! If you refuse, we will just go to the next title on the list!”

Arc nods! “Yes. That's probably for the best. Whomever it is would probably be eminently more qualified to rule than I would!”

Sunburst stands and nods. “Very well then Arc. I will inform Captain Decimus that he is the new ruler of Equestria until further notice.”


“Is there a problem? He IS next in line! Oh, I do hope he agrees to do this! After him is... me!”

Sunburst gulps as he walks toward the door.

“Wish me luck.”

Arc puts a hand to his forehead. “Hold it!”

Sunburst stops and turns around. “Yes Arc?”

Arc turns to Princess Cadance and bites his lip. “Um... for reasons I can't really go into, Decimus can't be allowed to take the throne.”

He pauses and sighs.

“I will accept the responsibility of ruling Equestria until the princesses are again fit to do so!”

Sunburst nods, clearly confused! “I won't ask your reasoning behind this change of heart Arc, but I know you will do a fine job!”

“Thanks... I hope you're right. Now what do I have to do to make this official?”

Sunburst points the Princess Cadance’s nightstand where her crown sits silently.

“All you have to do is take Princess Luna and Princess Cadance's crowns to the Audience Chamber! Put them on the small table between their respective thrones and sit on Princess Luna's throne. Until the time comes that they are well again, you will have full authority to rule in their stead!

The doctor looks over and nods. “I'm not trying to make you nervous sir, but this is a very precarious time for our land!”

“I don't understand.”

Sunburst gestures out the window. “We are surrounded on all sides by hostile nations! At the first sign of weakness they may attack!”

Arc gulps! “By weakness, do you mean when they learn the princesses are no longer fit to rule?”

Sunburst nods. “Sadly, yes. You should prepare Equestria for a potential invasion, possibly from multiple sides!”

Arc walks over to Princess Cadance's night stand. He picks up her crown with one hand and takes her hoof in the other.

“Princess Cadance, please get well soon. I don't know if you can hear me or not, but the ponies of this land need you! Now, I'm going to borrow your crown for a while. Wish me luck!”

Right before he lets go, Cadance's hoof twitches. Arc can only assume that she heard him and understood. He walks toward the door with the crown in his hand.

“Keep at it doctor. I want to know what's wrong with both princesses as soon as possible.”

“Yes sir!”

Arc leaves the room with Sunburst and walks next door to Luna's room. The guards outside the door part to allow him entry. Sunburst gestures to the door.

“I will wait out here. Do hurry though! Time is a precious commodity that we have little of!”

Arc nods. “Right! Just give a few moments with her!”

He enters the room alone. Arc walks up to Princess Luna's bedside and puts Cadance's crown on the nightstand next to Luna's. He sits down on a chair next to the bed. Picking up one of her hooves, he holds it for a few moments before speaking.

“Princess Luna? It's me Arc. I'm not sure if you can hear me or not, but you need to know that Princess Cadance is in the same state as you are! Sunburst has told me that I'm supposed to rule Equestria until you two are better. I... don't really know how to lead an entire country, but I'll do my very best to return this land in as good a condition as when it was entrusted to me!

Arc gently squeezes Luna's hoof.

“I need to borrow you crown now. Don't worry. I'll take good care of it! You just get better now, okay?

Luna does not stir. Sighing quietly, Arc stands up.

“I... I know you needed a good long rest. But this is the furthest thing from that I could have imagined! In any case, please get well soon. I'll do my best, but Equestria needs both you and Princess Cadance!”

Arc picks up both crowns from the night stand and quietly leaves the room. He returns to Sunburst.

“Okay. I'm ready.”

Sunburst nods soberly! “To the Throne Room then!”

Arc and Sunburst make their way to the Audience Chamber. The red carpet leading up to the throne is lined with Royal Guards! They bow as Arc walks past them! He slowly makes his way up the steps to the thrones

“Now just put the crowns on the small table between them and have a seat.”

He neatly and carefully puts the crowns down on the table, facing outward. Arc looks down at the throne before him.

“Here goes nothing.”

Arc turns and sits down. As he does so the Royal Guards turn and bow! They speak as one!

“We hereby pledge our service, and if necessary, our lives to you, prin...”

The Royal Guards appear unsure what title to address Arc by. Sunburst looks over to Arc.

“They don't know what to call you. Ideas?”

Arc thinks for a moment. “Well... I guess I'm the Lord Regent, as the princesses are unable to carry out their duties. Just shorten it to Lord Arc and let's move on.”

The Royal Guards nod and begin again. “We hereby pledge our service, and if necessary, our lives to you, Lord Arc!”

Several Royal Guards enters the room each carrying an item! They approach Sunburst. He picks up the first item and levitates it over to Arc.

“A royal cloak. It bears your Insignia of Light and will be a reminder of your duty to this land.”

The next Royal Guard walks up to Sunburst with something on a pillow.

“Your Royal Scepter. With it you can cast judgement upon the various matters brought before you.”

The third and final Royal Guard approaches Sunburst and presents him with another item on a pillow. Sunburst picks it up with his magic and ascends the steps to the throne. It is a simple crown, most likely hastily made for the occasion!

“And lastly, your crown. It is proof of your title and station as Equestria's legitimate ruler! May your reign be long and fruitful!”

The Royal Guards again speak as one!

“All hail the new Lord Regent! ALL HAIL LORD ARC!”

Arc can only sigh and mutter to himself. “Great... just wonderful. What have I gotten myself into now!?”

Sunburst turns to him. “I'm sorry, Lord Arc. Did you say something?”

“No... it was nothing. Well... let's get to work!”

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