• Published 27th Apr 2019
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The Equestrian Odyssey - A Tale of Two Worlds - Kamahido

Twilight accidently brings a human from Earth to Equestria. Will he be able to coexist with the equine inhabitants of this new land?

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Chapter 2 - The Funeral

Arc awakens to the chilly morning air. Seeing the fire has all but fizzled out, he quickly adds a log to warm the room!

“I guess I had best get to work.”

He heads to the kitchen. In a short time the smells of breakfast wafts into the living room and awakens Ruby. She stumbles into the kitchen still half asleep.


Arc looks over from the stove. “Sorry. It’s just me.”

“What are you doing?”

“Making us a little something to start our day off right. Have a seat! It’ll be ready in just a few minutes.”

Ruby sits down sadly at the Kitchen table. “And what about today is right?!”

Arc puts the contents of the skillet on two plates and walks over to the table. “Today… we will bring Cherry home.”

Ruby sighs as Arc sets the plate down in front of her. “I’m sorry Arc. This must hurt you just as much.”

He sits down across from Ruby with his own plate. “It does. But I do understand somewhat how grief works.”

She picks at her food. “I thought I did until now. Any words of wisdom?”

“Grief is… love.”

“I don’t understand.”

“Think of it this way. You do care for your sister, don’t you?”

Ruby nods! “Very much so!”

“With her passing, that love suddenly finds it has nowhere to go! Right now, it’s being bottled up inside both of us.”

“What do we do?”

“While I’m not completely sure how, all I can do is keep living as best I can. You and me… we’ll see Cherry again someday!”

Ruby smiles. “I look forward to that day.”

“As do I Ruby. As do I.”

Arc and Ruby eat their food together before washing the dishes. The sun has just begun to rise. Ruby Jubilee dries her hooves.

“Thank you for the meal Arc.”

“It was my pleasure, Ruby. “

Arc looks at the clock.

“We should be getting ready for the ceremony. Do you mind if I use your bathroom?”

Ruby heads for the stairs with Arc. “Go right ahead. I’ll get ready in my room. See you in a little bit.”


Arc closes the bathroom door and removes a spare suit from the magic ring. Sighing, he puts it on and tidies himself before returning to the living room. A few minutes later Ruby descends the stairs in her black dress.

“How do I look?”

Arc nods. “Very nice! I wish Cherry was here to see you now.”

Ruby looks down sadly. “S-so do I.“

She looks as if she might cry again, but composes herself.

“Arc? Do you think we might see Cherry now? I… I want to say a few things before the ceremony.”

Arc nods. “Sure.”

He extends a hand to Ruby. She puts her hoof in it as the two of them slowly make their way toward the Lunar Destiny. They climb the gangplank and walk to Arc’s cabin. They pause in front of the closed door.

“Would you like some time alone with you sister?”

Ruby shakes her head. “No, Arc. We should go together.”

Arc nods and opens the door for Ruby. The casket sits where Arc left it yesterday. Ruby walks over to it and sits down on her haunches. Arc stands to her left silently.

“Can… can I see her?”

Arc silently opens the casket. A tear escapes Ruby’s eye!

“Sister… you’re gorgeous!”

Cherry Jubilee lies on her back in a simple burgundy dress. Her front hooves crossed over her chest holding the engagement pendant and a small smile on her face.

Arc puts a hand on Ruby’s shoulder. “Yes she is, Ruby.”

The pair look at Cherry for a time, wordlessly. Arc looks down at Cherry sadly.

“I hope you like the dress, my dear. A friend of mine with good taste picked it out.”

“Don’t worry sister. You look stunning! I… um… I miss you.”

Arc nods. “We both do, Cherry. “

“Arc brought you home, big sister. We’re…”

Ruby Jubilee begins to cry.

“…we’re going to have the ceremony at the chapel! Then Arc and I will… bring you back here so you can be with mother and father!”

Ruby Jubilee turns back to Arc. He kneels down and gives her a hug! She buries her face in his chest as she wraps her hooves around him! Arc holds her as she cries.

“I haven’t forgotten the promise I made to you, Cherry. I’m here for your sister now, and will take care of her in the future as well. She won’t have to live on the streets, no matter what happens to Cherry Hill Ranch!”

Ruby wipes her eyes as she turns back toward her sister. “Y-yes sister. You don’t need to worry about me. I’m going to be just… f-fine.”

Arc nods as he turns to her. “Ruby… do you want to sit down?”

Ruby, unable to speak through her tears, nods. Arc turns toward one of the couches and uses his magic to pull it toward them. He sits down together with Ruby. She does not let go!

“Go ahead and let it all out, Ruby.”

Ruby does so! He does his best to console her as the sun rises. An hour later there is a small knock on the door. Arc slowly stands.

“Ruby? It’s time.”

“I… I understand.”

As Ruby dries her eyes, Arc walks over to the door and answers it. His squad is assembled. They are wearing their Honor Guard armor. Max salutes.


Arc steps aside. “Come in.”

His squad does so. Arc closes the door behind them.

“You guys don’t have to salute me. When we’re off duty you can just call me Arc.”

Xenos shakes his head. “Forgive us sir, but that just feels wrong.”

The others nod in agreement. Arc walks over to the casket with the others.

“In any case, thank you for doing this.”

Hugh nods soberly. “It’s no problem, sir.”

Arc closes the lid and his squad moves to pick up the casket. He then walks back to Ruby and extends a hand.

“Are you ready?”

She nods sadly. “I… I am.”

Arc nods to his squad. They slowly begin making their way toward the door with the casket. Arc and Ruby follow them hand in hoof. The group leaves the ship and descends the gangplank. There is a decorated wagon waiting for them nearby. Princess Cadance, Derpy, Dinky, Ember, Sereb, Auriel and the Mane 6 are waiting for them patiently. Everyone is dressed in black dresses except Rarity who is also wearing a very sheik black hat. Dinky looks to her mother and whispers as the casket is loaded onto the cart.

“Mom? What’s going on?”

“This is what we do when somepony dies, sweetie. We’re on our way to the chapel for Miss Cherry’s memorial service now.”

Dinky follows her mother down the road with the procession. “What will we do there?”

“Talk about how much we love her and we’ll miss her, I think. This is actually my first time as well.”

Cadance nods and looks over to the pair. “I have not attended a funeral in many years myself. Such things are… difficult for us alicorns.”

Auriel looks confused. “It is? How?”

“You might find this hard to believe, but alicorns take death very hard! While aren’t fully sure if we are truly immortal, we try our best to stay strong for those whom look up to us!

Twilight looks over to her friend! “I hope you live forever, Cadance!”

Cadance sighs. “I hope you’re wrong Twilight. I really do.”

The small procession slowly makes its way through the streets of Dodge Junction. As they pass by, the home’s occupants come outside and join the procession. As they near the chapel it appears the entire town is with them! The wagon stops and Arc’s squad carries the casket inside. They set it down carefully in front of the pulpit before respectfully moving to stand on either side of it, two by two. Max opens the lid before taking his place. Arc leads Ruby to the pew nearest the casket and sits down with her. Derpy, Dinky and the Mane Six join them. Dinky puts a small hoof on her father’s hand.

“I’m here for you, dad.”

Arc looks down at Dinky and smiles as he takes her small hoof in his hand. “Thank you, sweetheart.”

He notices Ruby appears to be on the edge of tears again and puts his hand on her fetlock. She takes his hand and gives him a small smile. Before long everyone in town has packed the chapel! The priest makes his way to the pulpit and begins the service.

“Ruby Jubilee, I am honored to be with you to offer my sympathies and to celebrate a great life! All of us have watched you and Cherry Jubilee grow from birth to young mares in what felt like the blink of an eye! Please know that you have our condolences.”

Ruby nods.

The priest looks up at all assembled. “Cherry Jubilee was born and raised here in Dodge Junction at Cherry Hill Ranch to her loving parents. Many of us had a hoof in her upbringing. From her schoolteachers, foalsitters, and neighbors both far and near. All of us helped shape Miss Jubilee into the mare she grew up to be! And in turn, she helped shape Dodge Junction into the prosperous town it is today!

The priest looks down at the casket below him.

“Miss Jubilee… thank you.”

He pauses before looking up at the assembly.

“As per our customs, I will now allow anypony who would like to share an experience they had with Miss Cherry to come forward at this time.”

The priest steps down from the pulpit. An elderly mare slowly makes her way up to the podium, aided by a young mare and her colt. She walks up to the pulpit.

“I’ve known Miss Cherry for as long as she’s been alive! She was always such a good girl! Now as everypony here probably knows, I’ve had trouble making ends meet since my husband passed away quite a few years ago. If it wasn’t for Miss Cherry bringing me food a few times a week, I don’t know if I would have made it this long!

She looks down at Cherry Jubilee and smiles!

“Thank you, Miss Cherry! I owe you everything!”

The elderly mare steps back to allow the young mare and her colt, who appears to be about Dinky’s age, to approach the pulpit. She appears quite a bit shyer than the previous speaker.

“Um… hello. My foal and I would like to thank Miss Cherry for all her help over the years.”

The colt nods! “Yeah! She’s always been there for us! Ever since my dad left!”

“Hush now, my little angel!”

The young mare blushes feverishly before continuing.

“Many of you know me as the Ticket Mare down at the station. I… don’t exactly make a lot of money at my job. Certainly not enough to support myself, let alone a colt! Miss Cherry always saw to it we had enough food to last us through the winter months! Last year when my little angel and I were sick in bed, she came over every day with a home cooked meal for us!”

The colt smiles! “That’s right! And she was also the one who noticed that mom was getting worse!”

“Yes dear! She went and got the doctor, who told me that I had pneumonia! If it hadn’t been for Miss Cherry, I wouldn’t be here today!”

“I need my mom! She’s all I have left!”

The young mare kneels down and hugs him. “And I need you too, dear!”

She looks down at Cherry Jubilee.

“Thank you, Miss Cherry… for everything.”

Ruby whispers to Arc. “I… I had no idea!”

Arc nods and whispers back. “She didn’t want anyone to know what she was doing though.”

“Why do you suppose that was?”

“She probably was trying to protect her recipient’s pride. It isn’t easy having the whole town knowing that you’re accepting charity.”


One by one they came, far as the eye could see! Each life somehow touched by her generosity! The service lasts for most of the day, during which time ponies come and go. The Mane 6, Ember and Auriel step outside to get some air and stretch their legs. Twilight turns to her friends.

“There’s… just so many stories!”

Applejack nods! “Darn tootin’!”

Rainbow Dash hovers nearby. “Holy cow! After listening to these stories, I think Cherry Jubilee was cooler than anypony in Equestria!”

Fluttershy nods. “I… um… think she was truly worthy of Arc’s love!”

Sereb bows his head. “Indeed, yellow one. Arc is an honorable warrior, and worthy of only the best mate.”

Twilight mutters to herself. “The best… mate?”

Rarity tears up. “Indeed! I… I believe she would have made a better Element of Generosity than I!”

Pinkie cartoonishly cries as her mane deflates. “She was just so WONDERFUL!!!”

Everyone around Pinkie Pie turns to stare as the Mane 6 try to quiet her.

Auriel nods soberly to Ember. “This is much better than our way of remembering the dead.”

“Dragons aren’t much for grieving. But… I’m truly going to miss Cherry Jubilee. She was certainly one of a kind!”

Auriel looks back toward the chapel. “From what the others have said about her, I would have to agree.”

Ember sees Arc and Ruby sitting in the front row. “Yeah. She was the only one who was able to get to Arc.”

“What do you mean?”

Ember heads back inside the chapel behind the Mane 6. “Come Auriel. You’ll see…”

Meanwhile inside the chapel, Derpy and Dinky make their way up to the podium.

“I once came here with my daughter and a very good friend of mine to Cherry Hill Ranch. We were escorting Cherry Jubilee home after she underwent heart surgery in Ponyville. While I have a bit of a past, she never once judged me for my mistakes! I… I’ve never met a more compassionate mare in all my days!”

Dinky nods! “Miss Cherry let me pick cherries at her ranch with my dad! She was so nice to me! I really miss her!”

Ember stands and walks up to the podium.

“I… um… I too came here with a friend of mine. The two of us met Cherry Jubilee in the Saloon. She… she didn’t judge me or my friend for not being ponies and invited us to stay at her ranch! She was one of the kindest individuals I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing!”

As Ember, Derpy and Dinky return to their seats the priest returns to the pulpit.

“Before our service comes to a close, it is customary to allow our departed loved one’s closest relation to speak.”

The priest looks to Ruby Jubilee. She looks over to Arc, gives his hand a small squeeze and heads for the podium.

“Thank you everypony for coming! It means a lot to me to know just how much my sister was loved by our community! But I have a confession to make. I am not my sister’s closest living relative.”

Ruby motions for Arc to come forward. He stands up and does so.

“Hero of Light Arc is!”

Those assembled murmur to each other, confused. Ruby Jubilee steps aside to allow Arc to stand in her place.

“You should be here right now, Arc. Not me.”

As Ruby turns to walk off the podium Arc kneels down and puts a hand on her shoulder. She turns to look him in the eye.

“No. We should do this together.”

Ruby gives Arc a small smile.

“Thank you.”

Arc sits down beside the pulpit next to Ruby and looks out over the crowd.

“I too knew Cherry Jubilee. Sadly, not as long as many of you here today. We first met in Dodge Junction’s saloon as a friend and I were making our way to the Dragon Lands. Some rather rough looking stallions were giving her and her companions a hard time, so I taught them a lesson in manners.

The crowd softly claps their hooves as they remember Buffalo Bull and his gangs trouncing at Arc’s hands.

“She invited my friend and I to supper and later even allowed us to stay with her and Ruby Jubilee! That was the night she was kidnapped and nearly forced to marry a cowardly cretin whose name is not worth mentioning!”

All assembled nod in agreement.

“When I returned to town from the Dragon Lands, I found that Cherry was lying in the hospital dying from internal bleeding! Her sister and I took her to Ponyville for emergency surgery!”

Ruby nods. “Which wouldn’t have happened at all if you hadn’t found a way to get a train here, Arc!”

“Indeed, Ruby. But that is a story I would like to keep to myself.”

“I understand.”

Arc looks back to the crowd. “The operation was a complete success! Before too long, we were able to bring her back to Dodge Junction.”

He pauses for a moment.

“I didn’t see much of Cherry or Ruby for some time. That is, until my friends and I were invited back for the town’s Cherry Festival! We came a bit early to help cook some special cherry-based goodies!”

Ruby nods! “They were delicious, Arc! Cherry and I really enjoyed having you over!”

“And I had the time of my life as well, Ruby!”

Arc takes his time before continuing.

“That time was memorable to me for a number of reasons. But the high point of my visit came the night of the festival. Do you remember it, Ruby?”

“I do indeed! That was the night Cherry asked you to marry her!”

The crowd takes a collective gasp, speechless!

Arc nods, sadly. “Y-yeah. And I told her… no.”

All assembled appear confused.

Ruby puts a hoof on Arc’s hand. “Arc… I want you to know that both my sister and I understand why you turned her down. Neither of us blamed you for it! In fact, looking back at it now, I think it just made Cherry love you all the more!”

“Thanks Ruby. I just want to tell you… that moment right there changed my outlook on life!”

“It did? How so?!”

“I didn’t realize until that very moment that there were those who… who cared for me enough that they would want to spend the rest of their lives with me! Truth be told, I had been too busy up to that point to even think about my future family life!”

Arc appears to be reminiscing.

“After that day, I found I couldn’t put her proposal out of my mind! It was both maddening and wonderful at the same time!”

Ruby smiles. “My sister… she talked about you every day after that! I would have thought being turned down by you would have made her reconsider her feelings! Somehow it had the opposite effect though!”

“I too thought of her constantly after that. While I didn’t let anyone else know, even as I ascended to the position of Lord Regent, she stayed at the forefront of my mind!”

“It must have been very hard to carry on with your duties with such a burden.”

Arc nods. “It was! I had to lead the nation, give audiences, complete mountains of paperwork, make public appearances, go on diplomatic visits, defend the realm, find out who had done such a thing to the princesses, how to reverse it, and find a way to make time for my family back in Ponyville!”

Arc nods to Derpy, Dinky and Ember. They smile and nod back.

“Cherry wanted to see you so badly back then! But she knew you had so much to do that she decided it was for the best if she stayed here in Dodge Junction. When Ember called and said she needed to come to the Crystal Empire, she was beyond overjoyed! She had no idea you were dying!”

“That was indeed a bad day.”

He sighs.

“Before I passed out from the pain, I saw in my mind’s eye, Cherry… one last time. All I could think of as darkness overtook my mind was how much I wanted us to be together!”

Ruby nods. “I’m… sure she knew, Arc.”

“I do hope so!”

“I’m sure Cherry was glad to see that you made a full recovery!”

“She was! Shortly after waking up, she bounded over to me and gave me a big hug! I… knew then that I couldn’t wait any longer! The first chance I had, I got down on my knee, took her hooves in my hands and asked her to marry me!”

All assembled gasp!

Arc shakes his head, sadly. “However, that very day there was an accident. Cherry lost her memories of me!”

“I’m sorry for not being more supportive of you, Arc. That must have been very hard on you!”

“It was. But I don’t blame you for feeling the way you did back then. I always hoped that Cherry would one day remember our love and we could live happily ever after!”

Arc looks over to the casket and sighs.

“I… guess that’s not going to happen though.”

Ruby puts a hoof and Arc’s hand. “I miss her too, Arc.”

Arc nods and looks up toward the assembled ponies. “Everyone… please… don’t end up like me! If you care for someone, tell them! Don’t wait! You… you never know when it might be too late!”

The priest approaches the pair and lays his hooves on them.

“Both of you have borne pain that nopony should have to at such a young age! Cherry loved you two dearly, and I’m sure would have she would have wanted to spend the rest of her life with both of you! “

Arc and Ruby nod sadly as they look down at the casket as the priest continues.

“However, I’m sad to say good things don’t always come to good ponies. You can do everything right… live life to the best of your ability… and still have things turn out badly because of the actions of another. Where you go from here is entirely up to you. It is natural to mourn the loss of a loved one. But you cannot let such things rule your life, lest you descend into darkness and despair! Miss Cherry would not have wanted such a fate to befall either of you.”

Arc stands up. “I understand that, Father. I choose to live on! To protect this land that Cherry held so dear!”

Ruby Jubilee joins him! “I will too! Cherry Hill Ranch must go on! For the town, and for Cherry!”

“Yes! Until the day comes that all of us are reunited in the next life, I’ll live my life to the fullest!”

All assembled smile, nod and clap their hooves as Arc and Ruby make their way back to their seats. The priest looks over at them and smiles.

“Good! I’m certain that would make Miss Cherry very happy! May the two of you never forget the good times you spent together.”

The priest slowly steps down from the podium and walks over to stand in front of the casket. He pauses to look down at Cherry Jubilee one last time before closing the lid.

“Rest now, Cherry Jubilee. You will be missed.”

The priest turns to the assembly.

“As the family escorts Miss Cherry to her final resting place, let us always remember that death is not something to be feared. It is but the natural conclusion of life. A life… that came to an end too soon!”

Arc nods to his squad. They respectfully approach the casket and pick it up. As they walk down the aisle Arc, Ruby Jubilee, Derpy, Dinky, the Mane 6, Ember, Auriel and Sereb rise and follow them out. They make their way back to the wagon and begin the walk back to Cherry Hill Ranch. Arc and Ruby lead the way. Auriel looks around as she and the others stay back a respectful distance.

“Where is everyone?”

Ember looks around. “I think the whole town was at the funeral.”

Sereb sniffs the air. “Indeed. These building are all empty. To think that one individual could have such an impact on this place…”

Cadance nods. “The Power of Love in action.”

Arc and Ruby lead the procession back to Cherry Hill Ranch. They walk behind the house and through the orchards to a small clearing. There they find a small fenced in family plot where Cherry Jubilee’s father, mother and grandparents are buried. There is a freshly dug grave in front of a new headstone. The flowers that had surrounded Cherry’s casket aboard the Lunar Destiny have been moved to the graveside. Arc’s squad stops outside the fence and carefully removes the casket. They walk over to the grave and set it down next to the hole as the others watch from outside the fence.

Max steps back with the others. “Take as long as you need, sir.”

The squad respectfully steps outside the fence to join the others as Arc leads Ruby hand in hoof toward the casket. She walks slowly toward the casket and lays her head down on it as she begins to cry!


Arc kneels down and puts his arm around her as Ruby sobs uncontrollably!

“Sister! It… it isn’t right!”

Twilight tears up as she turns to her friend! “This… this ISN’T right, Cadance!”

Cadance nods and puts a hoof around Twilight as the rest of the group turns to walk back toward the Lunar Destiny. “I know Twilight. Very little in life is though.”

Auriel turns to Applejack as they walk away. “I feel so bad for Arc and Ruby Jubilee. They look so lost right now.”

Applejack sighs. “Life can be tough sometimes, but…”

Rainbow Dash interrupts. “But Arc doesn’t deserve THIS!”

Fluttershy nods in agreement. “It’s too bad. He and Miss Cherry would have been very happy together! I’m sure of it!”

Rarity wipes her eyes. “You’re right Fluttershy. But none of that really matters now.”

Pinkie’s mane bounces back to normal! “When we get back to Ponyville, I’ll make him a ‘sorry for your loss’ cake!”

Auriel looks confused. “A cake?”

Ember nods. “That might not be a bad idea, Pinkie. Just do me one favor.”

“Sure! What is it?”

“No cherry frosting.”

Pinkie nods. “I understand!”

Cadance turns to her friend. “Twilight, would you head back to the ship with everypony else please? I’ll catch up with you in a few minutes.”

Twilight nods. “Alright. But don’t stay out here too long! The weather’s getting colder these days!”

“I won’t be long.”

Twilight turns to follow her friends as she mutters to herself.

“I want Arc to feel better too! And I think I know just the way!”

Cadance slowly approaches Arc and Ruby. She sits down on her haunches behind the pair and puts her hooves on their shoulders.

“I’m sorry this happened you two. If there were any way to undo this terrible event, I would do it!”

Ruby nods sadly but does not look up. “Thank you for coming Princess Cadance. But nothing will ever bring my sister back to me!”

Arc sighs. “I… I feel so… alone right now. Even with all my friends near me.”

“They came to support you in your time of need.”

“I understand, and thank them for that.”

Arc sighs.

“But right now, I think the two of us just need to be alone. Forgive me Princess Cadance, but could you and everyone else head on home now?”

“Very well. What shall I tell the others?”

“Tell them… I’ll catch up with them later.”

Cadance turns to walk back to the Lunar Destiny. “I’ll do that. Just… take care not to forget yourself.”

Arc nods as Cadance leaves. In a few minutes the Lunar Destiny takes off majestically with the setting sun on its west side! A large formation of rain clouds begins to roll in. Ruby turns to Arc a short time later as she does her best to stifle the sobs.


“Yes Ruby?”

“What did Princess Cadance mean by that?”

“She was telling me to not let this event destroy my life.”

Ruby looks back at the casket as fresh tears course down her face! “How are we supposed to DO that?!”

Arc holds Ruby tightly! “By mourning our lost loved one here and now.”

Unable to speak, Ruby nods. At twilight Arc notices Ruby is shivering.

“We should probably get you inside, Ruby.”

Ruby appears exhausted from crying. “Why?!”

“You’re shivering.”

“I honestly hadn’t noticed. Right now, I just feel so… empty inside.”

Arc gently pulls Ruby back. “I think it’s time, Ruby. We can’t put this off forever.”

Ruby sniffles. “I know, but… could I see her face just one more time? I’d… like to say goodbye.”

“Of course.”

Arc slowly opens the casket. The pair look into Cherry Jubilee’s smiling face for the final time.

“Sister… as long as I live… I will never forget you or your kindness”

Arc gently caressing his fiancée’s cheek. “Cherry. You are the most beautiful creature I have ever laid eyes on! I look forward to one day looking into your luminous green eyes once again and seeing your wonderful smile! As Ruby said… I will never forget you! Rest now, my love! We will be together again one day!”

Arc gives Cherry a small kiss on her cold lips. He then moves to close the lid.

“Just a moment Arc.”


Ruby leans forward and takes the engagement pendant from Cherry’s hooves. She looks at it for a moment before extending it toward Arc.

“You should have this.”

Arc looks back at Cherry, sadly.

“No. She should be buried with it. I’ll never find another individual whom I would want to give it to anyways. Human or pony.”

Ruby takes Arc’s hand and puts the pendant in it. “Listen to me Arc. Cherry was, if nothing else, thrifty. She wouldn’t be happy knowing such a beautiful item wasn’t being properly cared for! Take it, and remember the good times you two shared… always.”

Arc closes his fingers around the pendant. He looks at it for a few moments before nodding silently and putting it securely in his pocket.

“I’ll take good care of it. As I would have cherished your sister.”

“Don’t you mean… the way you did?”

Arc shakes his head as he closes the casket. “No. Better.”

Ruby steps back from the casket as Arc picks it up with his magic. He slowly and carefully lowers it into the hole! There is a small bump as it touches the bottom. As if in response to this act, the clouds let loose a cold drizzle. A low rumble of thunder can be heard in the distance. Ruby picks up a single pink rose and tosses it onto the coffin, sadly.

“Good night, dear sister.”

Arc picks up a single red rose and does the same. “Goodbye, Cherry. I’ll always love you!”

The pair step back. Arc takes a deep breath before using his magic to push the nearby dirt into the hole! Ruby Jubilee falls to the ground, unable to hold her composer any longer! She lies in the mud crying loudly!


Arc stoops down to give her a hug. “This is all we can do, Ruby. Let’s go inside.”

Ruby wraps her hooves around Arc’s neck and continues crying! He picks her up and takes one last look at the grave before slowly walking toward the house carrying the inconsolable mare in his arms.

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