I'm a beginner writer and I hope being here will help improve my writing skills.
An autistic, introverted technicolored talking horse mostly here to read horse words. A tragedian who writes comedy.
Twilight and Luna: two mares made for each other
meh just a NB with ASD that likes MLP what can I say I'm a walking stereotype
I am a giant world ending robot that enjoys reading pony stories
I blow stuff up 4 fun, enjoy poetry that doesn't annoy me, have recently joined the broney army, love lesbians but hate it when gay guys do their thing in front of me, I'm 18 & out of my phyche ward!
I'm from Fillydelphia. I discovered MLP during its third season. I have been enjoying reading a bunch of these fan fics about the characters and world.
I'm a saxophone playing brony. My avatar was made by my wonderful wife.
“If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went.” ― Will Rogers
26 years old (Male/Female idk how much I'm of both :P) Loves Twilestia and Twilunestia Storys like nothing else.