• Member Since 7th May, 2021
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Born in a Empire of Intrigue, Emperor Orondion VIII, better known as the Philosopher King, seeks to turn his state to a Empire of Enlightenment.

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  • 84 weeks

    As many of you probably noticed I deleted my Fight Dates : Rematch story and there’s a reason for it; I don’t have the heart for it anymore: I tried I really did, but unfortunately it just wasn’t in the cards. Maybe I’ll continue the story in the form of a series of one shots but who knows. Again sorry for the inconvenience everyone

    2 comments · 89 views
  • 108 weeks
    The Jobs of the Mane Six in the Imperium of Man

    Now, First let’s get something out of the way first, I know that something like this is a little out of place in In a world like the 40K Universe, Not to mention, these six would be entirely too idealistic for the Imperium‘s liking; that being said, it’s something that I have thought about a lot recently and I just wanted to give my thoughts on it. These are the jobs I would assign to the Mane Six if they were in the Imperium of Man (This will be when they are looking like the equestrian girls,

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  • 121 weeks

    To everyone following me, first I apologize for canceling the Bane story, It’s been crazy these past few months and if I’m being honest I’ve plum run out of ideas for it, second I’ve been thinking on doing a crossover with a Superhero, let me know what you guys think

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  • 149 weeks
    Possible story idea

    So I’ve been watching Star Wars for a while, specifically the Clone Wars and Bad Batch, and I had a question: would anyone be opposed to me to putting Cad Bane in Equestria? I know it sounds crazy or stupid, but I feel it would be an interesting idea to see the Consummate professional Bane interact with the ponies, specifically Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. Let me know what you guys think.

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Sorry · 2:32pm Dec 14th, 2022

As many of you probably noticed I deleted my Fight Dates : Rematch story and there’s a reason for it; I don’t have the heart for it anymore: I tried I really did, but unfortunately it just wasn’t in the cards. Maybe I’ll continue the story in the form of a series of one shots but who knows. Again sorry for the inconvenience everyone

Report PhilosipherKing · 89 views ·
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