• Member Since 4th Mar, 2018
  • offline last seen June 29th


Hey all I'm Spy AKA SFL AKA whatever you wanna call me, anyway I like to write and draw, and here's where you can find my pony stories! I hope you're entertained and if not oh well I tried!


Pinkie Pie finds a mysterious box, which summons a mysterious entity when the button on top is pressed...

That's right. It's a Meeseeks Box. From Rick and Morty. I've had this sitting around in my files and decided to toss it up onto the Internet for the approval (or disdain) of the masses. Woe

Rated Teen for violence between aliens, alien blood, swearing, alcohol use, general unpleasant/insulting language (Rick Sanchez being himself basically), and references to sex.

Made it to the featured box as of 06 April 2022?? Wow! Thank you for enabling my nonsense. This was posted to AO3 as well, if anyone wants to drop a kudos there, here's a link.

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Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Symbiote

Warning: The following description may contain spoilers for The Symbiote! If you have not yet read that and do not wish to be spoiled, please go no further.

After the events of The Symbiote, Twilight is no longer the only pony in Equestria to be host to one of the alien symbiotes captured by the Life Aura Center. Most of her friends have also agreed to host the aliens, understanding that they are unable to survive on their planet alone. This is a compilation of everyone's experiences with their respective partners! Chapters probably won't necessarily be in chronological order but I will include references to how long it's been since everyone became bonded. Most of these will take place shortly after The Symbiote and through the beginning parts of The Parasite.

Note, symbiotes will likely not have the exact same personalities and abilities as their Marvel comics counterparts! I draw largely from Sony's Venom movie along with information researched from the Marvel wiki, but otherwise my interpretations of the characters are my own. That being said I am more than happy to hear about what YOU like about each of these symbiotes and I may incorporate what I learn into future chapters. Oh and Rainbow and Pinkie's symbiotes, Slasher and Hysteria respectively, are my own OCs.

I will update with warnings and tags as I write. The rating on this may go up as well. We'll see.

Spike/Lasher - A Game of O&O contains mild fantasy violence and swearing.
Applejack/Phage - Healing and Repairs contains some swearing. No other warnings.

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Chapters (2)

The Life Aura Center is one of Equestria's top medical research centers, the producer of spells and medicines that have cured many once-fatal illnesses, and they continue to produce quality technology and cures. No one wants to think that they're doing anything unethical, but Celestia has her suspicions, so she sends Twilight to investigate.

One symbiotic pairing with an alien later, Twilight realizes Celestia was right to be suspicious. Now, working together with the strange creature inhabiting her body, Twilight will have to expose the center's shocking truth. And not get killed in the process. It's gonna be a wild ride.

Now with an audio reading by Mr. Snarky on YouTube! Please give him your support!
Part 1 Chapters 1-4
Part 2 Chapters 5-12
Part 3 Chapters 13-19
Part 4 Chapters 20-25

I also have a Discord! Rather quiet right now but feel free to join if you wanna talk fics or just ponies in general! Ask me for the link if you want in, I had to remove it because of too many spam bots.

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Chapters (25)

Discord gathers the Mane 6, Starlight, and Spike together for a single reason. Pinkie dared him to switch their races around for a day. So he does. Hilarity ensues.

Join the fun as they go through twenty-four hours of weirdness. Twilight fights doors, Applejack fails at apple bucking, and Starlight's newly acquired alicorn magic goes to her head and she attempts to stage a hostile takeover of Equestria. And so much more! And if you're wondering about Spike? Let's just say he's gotta go fast.

I felt like writing something silly and this is what I came up with. I'll be honest I kinda lost steam toward the end and the whole thing might be pretty disjointed but... I had fun and that's what matters. I hope y'all enjoy it too. Cover art by me, except for the background which was nabbed from a collection of show backgrounds. Because I'm lazy.

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Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Discord Does a Thing

Last time Discord ran into Mud Briar in the local park, he was so frustrated by his personality that he swore he never wanted to see him again. Well, guess who he just ran into at Sugarcube Corner. Here we go again.

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Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer is quitting her job as school counselor to travel Equestria performing magic shows with Trixie. She really wasn't expecting to have such a big going away party, but she's thrilled to see how many people are there to support her. Twilight invites members of the audience to talk about Starlight... and then the fun really begins.

Featured on 07 August 2018! Thank you so much!

I also did a reading of it on YouTube! Here!

This is part of the Like Fireworks in the Sky universe but that fic is not required reading for this.

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Chapters (1)

It was just supposed to be a nice walk in Ponyville. But how will Discord handle facing off against the world's most frustrating pony?

Written entirely for fun and with no regard for proper pacing. Enjoy.

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Chapters (1)

After being injured in an unfortunate accident, Fluttershy struggles with her daily tasks. Luckily, she has a good friend like Discord to help her out.

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Chapters (1)

Seeing potential in Tempest Shadow and Discord's budding friendship, Twilight Sparkle assigns them the task of helping the Storm King's old soldiers reintegrate into society. But the appearance of a vicious creature in one of their southern towns threatens to destroy their newfound freedom, and so far from Equestria, it's up to Tempest and Discord to defeat it.

I also have a Discord! Rather quiet right now but feel free to join if you wanna talk fics or just ponies in general! Ask me for the link if you want in, I had to remove it because of too many spam bots.

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Chapters (32)