• Member Since 8th Aug, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 16th, 2022


I, the OpenPage, solemnly swear to write the words. Also something about a Patreon for the future.

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Delays · 4:59am Feb 1st, 2019

Hello and welcome to my shop, can I offer you a drink? a seat? no? ok cool, so bad news fans and random people who want to read my blog posts. The new forty hour work week and college have put off editing work and finishing the Cinder and Ash chapter. I feel awful for putting it off like this and I don't want to set a confirmed date but I HOPE to have it finished by the 14th instead of the 1st. To make it up to everyone, if you enjoy my one-shots, I will be posting one tomorrow. I will be

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Report OpenPage · 264 views · Story: Of Cinder and Ash ·

Progress on books i'm writing!


The lonely Oak Tree - Complete!

Other worlds are strange - Complete!

Rain, Rain, go away! - Complete!

May I have a candy? - Complete!

Of Cinder and Ash

Prologue - 100%
Chapter 1 - 100%
Chapter 2 - 100%
Chapter 3 - 100%
Chapter 4 - 60%

Super Sweetie Sunshine
this is a silly non-canon sequel to a fanfiction I enjoy called sweeties mansion!
Link for the lazy: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/7526/sweeties-mansion
Chapter 1 - 100%(on haitus till Cinder is complete)
chapter 2 - 0%
chapter 3 - 0%

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