• Member Since 27th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen March 23rd


Say something about my look, I dare you...


Old Dog · 11:40am Dec 14th, 2018

Freddie's using it's Tactical Espionage Combat Method

It's a logical one two since he's a ww2 veteran and most modern-day military combat systems weren't around back then, but were invented because of ww2.

Report Wiltrose · 426 views ·
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Say something about my look, I dare you...

Your avatar is gorgeous:moustache::trollestia:

Thanks for joining my group "the good prince".

Hello there! Welcome to FIMFiction.:pinkiesmile:

If you need any help figuring out how the site works, don't be afraid to ask. I'm always happy to help, and we're all glad that you are here!:twilightsmile:

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