• Member Since 15th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2023


"Plagues, blights, and swarms of insects are my heralds, and the screams of the tormented are my chorus."


I'm a Liar · 3:09pm Mar 30th, 2015

Simple as that. After reading through a bunch of stories, I realized how bad mine was in comparison, so before I do anything new, I'm going back and re doing a bunch. I'll post another blog post when everything is updated, as I'm probably going to change a lot in terms of mechanics after re reading a bunch of stories with better ideas than I. That's really it. Until next time.

Report icecoldbite · 317 views · Story: The Gateway ·
Comments ( 18 )
  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18

Thanks for the fav!:moustache:

Thanks for favoriting The Candy Maker! :twilightsmile:

1575641 I was really confused for a second how you knew before I realised you could probably check the favorites XD. Seriously though, amazing job on it. Also, thanks for pointing me in the direction of that sweet jazz song in the second to last chapter, it's quite pleasant to listen to:twilightsmile:

I'm glad you enjoyed my story Reformation Buddies. :twilightsmile:

1353429 I'll check it out and tell you what I think. :twilightsheepish:

  • Viewing 14 - 18 of 18
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