• Member Since 15th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen Feb 4th, 2023


"Plagues, blights, and swarms of insects are my heralds, and the screams of the tormented are my chorus."


I'm a Liar · 3:09pm Mar 30th, 2015

Simple as that. After reading through a bunch of stories, I realized how bad mine was in comparison, so before I do anything new, I'm going back and re doing a bunch. I'll post another blog post when everything is updated, as I'm probably going to change a lot in terms of mechanics after re reading a bunch of stories with better ideas than I. That's really it. Until next time.

Report icecoldbite · 317 views ·

New Story! Sort Of! · 8:53pm Jan 25th, 2015

So, I'm almost done with the next chapter for The Gateway, but I just can't get the motivation to finish it. So, I've decided to do the smart thing, and instead of just arduously going through it and write a sub par chapter, I'm going to start a bit of a new story, which you should see relatively soon. Right now, I'm just going through the actual story creation and trying to lay out the basis of the prolougue/first chapter. Just an update explaining why the next chapter will be delayed, and an

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Midterms/Delays · 1:01am Jan 18th, 2015

This is going to be a quick one. Basically, midterms are coming up, so chapter 7 will be delayed for a while. I'll try to work on it between breaks in work and my personal life, but it won't be coming out this weekend as I planned;there's just too much to do. Maybe... Never mind, I'm in a rush, and I have to start doing my mid term review work, as always until next time.

Report icecoldbite · 281 views ·

Chapter 7 Progress · 10:37am Jan 14th, 2015

Hey everyone, just a quick little progress update. If you're wondering why chapter 7 is taking so long, I'll give you a hint. It is now the longest chapter ever written for this story, and I still have a bit to write. Also, I've been reading a couple of fics on this site, and I think I've realized something very important. My fic sucks XD. In all honesty, the first two chapters are in my opinion good, but then it falls off from there. I'll try to improve the quality as I go along, maybe even

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Updates, Delays, and Christmas Break · 2:10pm Dec 24th, 2014

So, there are probably some of you that are wondering why I didn't get a chapter out last weekend like I said I would. Short answer- solar power. Long answer- slightly more complicated. Basically, my keyboard for my computer is solar powered, and it ran out of battery due to me forgetting to leave it out under my windowsill whenever I wasn't using it to get charged. This was more of a problem because it was winter and the time of day when the sun was out was shorter, which isn't too great when

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Updates On Progress... Sorta · 3:00am Dec 12th, 2014

Hello everyone, nice to see you all again. I'm sure not too many of you missed me, or even forgot about me, but I might as well update everyone that does care, because I've kind of just... disappeared, for the past month or two. First, let's start with The Gateway, and the important question, will it get finished. Short answer, yes. Long answer, a bit more complicated than that. I don't really have much reason to not have gotten up a chapters, other than the fact that I tried making the new

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Homework Sucks and Delays · 1:47pm Oct 19th, 2014

As the title implies, home works sucks, and that has something to do with delays. Basically, I got so much homework this weekend, along with a special event in Smite, a game that I highly recommend and play a lot, that I won't be getting out a chapter. It sucks, because I'm halfway done with it too, and I would have been able to get it out and work on the next one, but that's just life. There isn't anything other than that, so I'm going to go do my entire Spanish project I haven't even started

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Clarification · 7:31pm Oct 5th, 2014

As the title implies, this is just some clarification on one of my recent stories. The organ that changelings use to transform is more of a spell focus than an actual organ that changes the body. Basically, you channel energy into it, and a high teir illusion will be placed over your body. It's not like the organ actually changes the cell structure and everything. Other than that, there isn't much, so until next time.

Report icecoldbite · 282 views ·

I'm Not Dead, If You Were Wondering · 12:05pm Sep 25th, 2014

Okay, this blog post is pretty self-explanatory. You've probably noticed that a new chapter hasn't come it on a couple of weeks. No, this doesn't mean I'm going to stop the gateway or writing. I've just been busy with school and I recently got destiny, which by the way, is really fun so far, and so you could say I've been a bit preoccupied. The good news is that I have a massive break from school, and so you will be getting a new chapter. It would be unfair to you guys spend the entire time

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Report icecoldbite · 254 views ·

A Change of the Change of Plans · 1:13am Sep 19th, 2014

So, basically, I couldn't find a way to make the story I said I was working on mlp without it being extremely forced and overall un enjoyable, so because I would say I'm decent at poetry and greatly enjoy it, I decided hey, why not make it into a poem. So, enjoy, tell me what you think, and if you would like me to do more things like these. As always, until next time

Spirit Wolf
Alone, a wolf sat for time immortal
In the middle of a frosty clearing

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