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Psycho-Pass = MLP? · 10:10am Apr 3rd, 2014

Tell me if this sounds familiar? Every single persons life and job is dictated before they are born and they are pretty much assigned a job because that is what they are said to be best at. An all powerful being watches over everything and because of this being, there isn't a lot of crime. What crime is done is handled by a special group of beings the entity selected for that job. Each member of said group has their own history and their own distinct personalities and all have to work

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2412834 Anyway thank you for your answer and he is a number one badass in my book

2412834 Thats what I thought too,He could have killed or beaten but held back,And at the end he smiled like he was free from millennium

To me he's interesting because of the role he plays. He's Millenium's big bad, whereas Alucard was to Hellsing and Anderson was to Iscariot. Yet at the same time, he was someone who yearned for the end to come for him, as he seemed to not be fully on board with Millennium's goals. He was cool, badass, and a bit of a tragic figgure at the end, all without saying a single word.

2412383 I saw your comment on the captain and wanted to ask why u find the captain interesting?

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Psycho-Pass = MLP? · 10:10am Apr 3rd, 2014

Tell me if this sounds familiar? Every single persons life and job is dictated before they are born and they are pretty much assigned a job because that is what they are said to be best at. An all powerful being watches over everything and because of this being, there isn't a lot of crime. What crime is done is handled by a special group of beings the entity selected for that job. Each member of said group has their own history and their own distinct personalities and all have to work

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