• Member Since 24th Sep, 2011
  • offline last seen May 28th, 2024

The Conflicted Writer


Shining Armor is supposed to be an adult. He's grown up, right? King of an empire. He's not supposed to think about being a ballerina or a baby, to dream about wearing puffy diapers and tutus and dance around in that is just some silly notion. His dear wife, Cadence, disagrees, and has a fair bit to talk with him about all that.

Contains Adult Baby/Diaper Lover themes, diapers, sissy stuff, and Cadence being motherly.

Chapters (1)

While this story is not intended to be a fetish story, it does contain ponies in diapers, and slight mention of them using these diapers. If this is something that bothers you, I ask that you either try to enjoy the story despite these things, or simply do not read. My intention is only a sweet, silly, cuddly story.

High Tide lives a quiet life by the sea, pleasantly existing day by day as he scrounged the ocean waves for treasures and nick-knacks. Not a whole lot happens, but that's fine. There's nothing in his life to complain about, and everything is fine.

Then, one day, he sees a mare playing in front of his house, splashing and bouncing in the surf. He watches, mezmerized, but how much fun she's having, and by that strange suit she wears, making her look like a dolphin, or an orca. She's hypnotic, aluring, different, new. His routine is gently shaken just by her being nearby.

Seeing her every day for a while makes him want to go up and talk to her, get to know her. And he finds he wants to talk to her more. Life becomes even better when he makes a friend as nice as Gabby.

Chapters (1)

Contains ponies being cute in diapers and a a subtle messing scene. You have been warned.

A long-coming sequel to Twilight and Rarity go to the Spa

Rainbow Dash is not a foal. She's never thought about it, imagined it, or even given the idea of acting like a foal a passing thought. Which makes it all the more ridiculous when Twilight invites her to go to a spa specifically designed to make ponies feel like foals. Much to her chagrin, Rainbow Dash is talked into visiting. Much to her delight, it was nowhere near as bad as she thought it was.

A simple fluff story that was also a long-waiting commission. I hope you enjoy it for the snuggles.

Chapters (1)

To Princess Celestia, her subjects are also her children and, for them, she strives to be a beacon of integrity and friendship. To Prince Blueblood, she was even more than that, until duties stole her away and his parents naturally filled the role in her absence. They taught him to uphold his family's honor and accept no reproach on his brithright. Their example showed him how to snub his peers if they outshone him and exercise his authority without regard for his subordinates.

To see her own nephew become so cruel pains her. All those around him suffer, and so does he, the pain hidden beneath an unremorseful sneer at those quivering before his hooves. Luna's presence grants Celestia the time that had been denied to Blueblood many years before, and she vows to use it to help him rediscover the loving, happy colt she once knew. Determined and hopeful, Auntie Celly enacts her plan for helping her nephew learn once more what it means to love, and be loved in turn.

Warning: Has a adult pony wearing diapers and snuggling.

Chapters (1)

Sequel to Pinky Dinky Pie. Contains a pony in diapers. You have been warned, but I ask you give me a little bit of leeway in that regard and give it a shot.

Pinkie loves just about everything, big or small. It’s not a matter of whether she loves something, but rather how much she does.

Today, Pinkie isn’t in a very loving mood.

The pep has fled the pink pony, leaving her as sweet as a raw lemon and a mane less poofy than a deflated souffle. She’s grumpy, grouchy, her posture all slouchy, and the Cakes want nothing more than to help their newest ‘daughter’ back to her usual boumcy self. It’s no easy task, figuring out the nuanced and indescribable thoughts of Ponyville’s partier, but Mrs. Cake has plenty of experience in figuring out what her foals need. With lots of love, more than a few snuggles, and a small fleet of balloons, she might just be able to help her Pinkie Dinkie Pie back to her old self.

Chapters (1)

Warning: has a pony go from regular sized to super fat. You have been warned.
Luna's school for Talented Unicorns has just opened, and the Princess in question is thrilled when her first student is ready and waiting to join. And to think, she only attended the opening ceremony less than twenty minutes ago. Kibitz won't mind setting up the paperwork, of course, as Luna preps the entrance test. He loves serving his princess, even if she is loud, obnoxious, eats too much, insults him, makes fun of his job...

Then again, Kibitz might be a little frustrated with his Princess of the Night. Maybe if she'd respected him, he wouldn't have prepared a prank to show what a little too much indulging can do. And maybe if Trixie hadn't been so excited, she wouldn't have triggered the trap first.

Chapters (1)

*Has a pony in a diaper, but no diaper usage. Made for a special friend with a special purpose in mind, at her request.

There are ponies whose special talents extend a little farther than most would first guess, and cutie marks that apply so much greater than most actually know. Heart Healer is such a pony., a nurse with the ability to heal others beyond cuts and bruises. If there is a pony with a broken leg, a broken heart, or a broken spirit, Heart Healer can nurture these things with the tender care of a mother to her foal.

Yet the broken heart on her flank reflects the state of her own heart all too well. Cracked, with little more than a bandage holding it together. How can a pony that brings so many ponies joy be so sad on the inside? And how does she manage to hide it?

Heart Healer is broken hearted, ironic enough, and tired. She has to make others happy, else what is her purpose? Yet, little does she realize, she doesn't do anything special to make ponies happy. All she does is be herself, and the healing happens all on its own. And when she's really broken, all it takes is a good friend to put her heart back together, she just has to let them in.

Chapters (1)

*Contains slight diaper usage*

Twilight Sparkle, as hungry for knowledge as the great unicorn mage Starswirl the Bearded, has created a portal to the multiverse, where endless wisdom awaits her. Excited, proud, and perhaps too tired to be thinking straight, Twilight jumps right into adventure! What does she find? Well, she certainly isn't too big for her britches... compared to the giant horses she meets, how could she be? Suddenly feeling pretty small, Twilight finds herself a foal for a night until she can find a way to prove she's intelligent. Well, it could be worse; at least these Big Horses make some pretty good parents.

Chapters (1)

*Warning: This story has ponies in diapers being silly, and very few adult baby elements. If this displeases you, I implore you to take this with a grain of salt.

Spas are supposed to help a pony relax, yet the close Starling gets to the one in the pamphlet, the more stressed he feels. The printed words say his secret is safe, but for a pony who's never shared his deepest desire, no amount of papered reassurance will calm him. Fortunately, though, he finds more than a confident in Ponyville's newest spa; he finds a friend.

Chapters (1)

This story has a pony in a diaper, and consists of a fetish know as being an 'Adult Baby'. If this doesn't appeal to you, I warn you to turn back, but also ask you don't write this off too quickly.

One fine day, while working in the orchards of Appleoosa, Braeburn is approached by a very dear friend, Little Strongheart, as she returns for her tribe's annual run. After a day of working himself to the bone, accepting a little help in exchange for teaching her a thing or two about taking care of foals seems like an easy peasy trade. Little does he expect, the kind of Strongheart needs in hoof-on experience, and Braeburn is perfect to be practiced on.

Chapters (1)