• Published 19th Apr 2013
  • 302 Views, 2 Comments

Velvet Farewell - Dzeraph

The last stand of Equestria. After a millennum everything will come to place. The main six must face the biggest challenge of their lives, while the empire it's being threatened by a powerfull evil.

  • ...

Chapter II


It was easier than it looked. Twilight appeared obstreperously just outside the library almost without feeling it. Her magic had changed, it was flowing like never before. She looked around to make sure not to have bothered anyone, when she noticed that there were more guards than usual. She turned curiously toward the entrance where two soldiers stood relentlessly. She started to greet them when they both came forward leaning on his front paws on reverence. Twilight turned disappointed, but immediately decided that things couldn’t be this way.

"Excuse me?”, she returned to the entrance. The guards reacted by hardening their position.

"You know who I am?”, she continued. This time the two horses looked at each other somewhat confused.

"You’re Twilight Sparkle, the new Princess of Equestria”, they said in martial tone.

"Yes, it's true. However, from now on I insist that every time I cross that door you will not refer to me as a princess, but just as Twilight. You know, the unicorn that hangs around here very often”.

"Anypony that has a title, position or a superior military rank should be greeted in accordance with the provisions of the code of conduct of the royal guard”, replied one of them.

"What?, guys it’s me, Twilight. Bantam, I was here last week”, she said a little upset.

"The orders are clear, it’s only our duty”. Twilight couldn’t help but get angry for a second before putting a cunning expression.

"Really?, But isn’t also against the code to disobey an order of an authority figure?”, they both hesitated.

"Right... if I remember. Chapter One, Section Three, Paragraph Four of the code. You do not want that I tell my brother, captain of the royal guard, that you disobeyed a direct order from a princess”. There was a slight pause.

"Hey Twilight!, How's it going?”
"Good to see you!, those wings really fit you”.

"That's better”, she said with a smile as she stepped into the hallway.
The library was more empy than usual. The atmosphere felt strange, oppressive, yet calm. A well-worn smell slid through the shelves to the wet floor, creaking in an echo almost imperceptible. Twilight timidly approached the librarian’s desk looking to break the silence. There was a pony apparently behind a great book, not paying attention.

"Excuse me?”, she said slowly. There was no answer.
"Hello?”, said a little louder. Nothing. Twilight walked impatiently forward but before she could say anything else the book fell revealing a sleeping pony. Her first reaction was indignation, then she backed just resigned.

"Never mind, I’ll do it”, she said ironically.

"Why do I bother? I know where the books are”, she continued grumbling among the corridors,

"That’s right Twilight, you could go get the books yourself, but no, you always have to follow the rules”. Guided by custom, she came to the section she was looking for.

"There’ll be some changes in this place, it will be the first thing that I’ll do when...”, she stopped when she noticed that the book wasn’t there.

"Of course”, she said frustrated.

"Can even one thing go my way today?". She began to return to the desk, across the shelf behind the main hall. Defeated for her bad luck, found no reason to keep looking for the rest of the books.

"Whatever", She thought aloud when suddenly in one of the study tables, among some documents, there was one of the books she needed. She hesitated for a moment. Surrounded by what appeared to be manuscripts piled on a blanket. At the other extreme, an inkwell and a emerald sandbox. She looked around without distinguish anyone, slipped under the table carefully and gradually rose to put her snout on the board.

"Equestrian Royal House Code of Conduct & Mannerism".

"Hello?”. Again, no one answered her call.
"I guess someone beat me to it”, she said.
“But on the other hand, I can’t think of who might need this book more than I”, she continued with some malice making the book levitate.

"It would be rude to take it without permission, but again, I'm a princess”.

"That's not true”, came so fast from behind that made her scream with fright, making her horn to throw the book away in pieces between smoke and magic.

"Bless you”, said the other pony.
"Oh no, I'm so sorry. I was just...”.

"Poking through my stuff”, he interrupted. In that moment Twilight was able to see him. It was a unicorn, close to her age, quiet looking and soft-spoken. He had dark hair and his body wore a turquoise tone. He had a jacket with multiple pockets that covered his back; leaving only part of his cutie mark to sight.

"No, you do not understand, I'm…”.
"You’re Twilight Sparkle", he said as he picked up the book with his magic.

"Yes. Do you know me?”.
"You're an alicorn, that narrows it down, don’t you think?”.

"I guess, but then what did you mean when…”.
"When I said you weren’t a princess?”, he replied.

"Right. Could you stop...?”.
"Finishing your sentences?”, he continued bothering her.

"Sorry about that. Well, according to the book that you just ruined, a princess is recognized once it has gone through several protocols. Which, if I remember correctly, have not yet taken place”, Twilight was starting to dislike the tone of the stranger.

"Well, Mr. know-it-all, I'm fully aware of what it takes. That doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t be treated with respect. I only have to sign a few things here and there to be a princess in all right”, she said decisively.

"Yes, it's true. But there's still something”, he said while a spell began to emerge from his horn.

"A princess, as a ruler does not exist until it has the most important thing”. Slowly, his magic began to restore the ruined text. Even the ashes turned into place one after another to the amazement of Twilight.

"You need a kingdom. A place to govern”, the pony said with the book completely fixed.

"How come...? I've never seen a spell like that”. The young unicorn put everything back were it was, willing to continue what he was doing.

"I'm sorry if I was rude. I've traveled a long way and I have a lot of work to do. Congratulations on your appointment. I'm sure you will be a great princess”, he bowed and sat quietly.

"Thanks, I guess... ehh… you never told me your name”. Twilight hesitated when his attention was turned to the scrolls on the table.

"My name? They call me Thunderclop”, he looked at her.

"Okay, Thunderclop, nor was it my intention to snoop on your stuff. But I still wonder what does a male unicorn with a book about princesses”. He smiled faintly.

"It's for research”.

"Yes. I make sure that all those protocols we talk about come to place. In addition to document and verify the order of events that led you to be named Princess”.

"Why would you do that?”, she asked somewhat animated.

"Because that's what a chronicler does”, he said seriously.

"Chronicler? You look a little young to be a chronicler”.

"Well, it's a family thing. I practically had no choice. Now, if that answers your question I would like to continue my work, if you do not mind”, he returned to bury his nose in the documents.

"In fact... you see, I still need that book". He looked again at her leaning on the chair.

"Tell you what”, Twilight continued, “How about a trade? You hand me the book and I will give account of the events you want. So you know what happened directly from the source”. Thunderclop gathered both hooves while looking her in the eyes.

"What makes you think I did not consider that possibility?”.
"What's wrong with it?”, she deduced.

"I usually don’t take the word of those directly involved in the events I investigate. I prefer... neutrals witnesses”.

"And why is that?”.

"Ponies who wish to be recorded in history tend to lack… objectivity”, he said with serenity.

"Are you implying that I’m going to lie?” Twilight got upset immediately.
"Exaggerate would be a better word”, he answered calmly.

"I can’t believe it! I'm trying to help you and that's your answer. I should have known this would happen, everything has gone wrong today”, she turned angry and started to leave.

"Okay, never mind. I have better things to do right now”, she lied.

"I take it”, he replied. Twilight stopped and looked at him suspiciously.

"Now what?, are you going to make up other condition that you havn’t told me?”.
"I can think of none”

"Just like that?, You’re going to change your mind?”.

"No. My opinion hasn’t changed, It's just that not every day you have the chance to talk to a princess”.

"I guess. You’re a very strange pony, has anypony ever told you that?”, she stated without being totally convinced of what he said.

"More times than I would like. So, it this a deal?”, he asked as he magically brought another chair for her.

"Here?”, Twilight said uneasily.

"Is there a problem?”.

"The thing is... that I promised somepony I would return soon. I was supposed just to come to find the book”. Thunderclop smiled again.

"It seems that the turn to make up conditions has shifted".

"No, it’s not that. I really must go back”. Suddenly, Twilight was the one who wanted to please the mysterious pony.

"Well, it's a shame really. I guess it was an honor, Your Highness”.

"Wait”, she interjected, "You can come with me, to Ponyville”.

"Ponyville? I had said that my time is limited, can you take me there before noon”, asked Thunderclop getting out of his chair.

"You don’t know where Ponyville is?”, said Twilight surprised.
"I'm not from around here, I thought you would have noticed”.

"What do you mean?”.

"Forget it. I'll go with you, but you must show me the way”. With enough skill, Thunderclop levitated all his things simultaneously. Somehow settled all into the clefts and pockets on his vest, along with the straps he carried.

"The town can be seen even from here”, said Twilight.
“There is an oriel in the west side of the building. Sometimes I use it to study the stars”. They started walking toward the exit.

"Really? Are there any other surprises that this princess must keep?” Twilight felt some embarrassment with that. She wasn’t good at taking compliments; let alone from a stranger.

"Well actually, I have studied all the sciences, but that's another story”.
"I think a little modesty would be a good addition too”, he laughed.

"But I am modest”, she complained.
“That is not what a modest pony would say”, he continued.

Both continued to exchange words almost like a competition. Twilight began to like him a little more, despite his initial arrogance, he seemed a decent pony.


They passed the entrance, where the librarian was still sleeping. In the center stood a ladder that led to the second level, upstairs there was nopony as well. Twilight followed a passage from the top shelf until she found another staircase made of stone, which rose strongly between the walls to a wooden door.

“And Physics?”, Thunderclop continued.
"What do you want to know?”, she said as she crossed the door. It was a waiting balcony, above the level of the buildings nearby. A lone bench next to an old telescope was the only things that lived there.

"You're the first pony that I bring here. My friends aren’t interested to know about the sky. In fact, they don’t care about anything that I study”, she said almost sad.

"How about philosophy?”, he interrupted.

"The nature of existence? or perhaps the state of our consciousness?”, proposed with strange enthusiasm.

"Well, is not my forte. I've always been more... empirical”.
"Good and evil, what do you think?”, he insisted while approaching.

"What this has to do with documenting the facts?”, said Twilight a little nervous.
"Do you think there is a purpose behind these two elements?”.

"Hey... Look!, You can see Ponyville from here”. Twilight moved aside in search of the telescope.

"You just have to adjust... there, take a look". Thunderclop moved without changing his previous expression. He approached the peephole and watched a little bemused.

"Brilliant!”, he exclaimed.
"Well, I admit it's a nice place...”.

"Two converging lenses that amplify on a proportional distance. It’s some kind of reflection right?”, asked excited.

"Refraction, actually... you know, a telescope”.
"Right. I can see the town, it seems to be about seven miles away”.

"Yes, that may be the distance. Although, getting there is another matter. For my part, I-”.
A strong buzz interrupted Twilight. The other pony was gone.

"Hello? Thunderclop?”, she exclaimed when the pony reappeared next to her in the same way. He had teleported.

"Yes, that seems about right. Are you coming?”, he said before transporting again.

"How come...?”.

Twilight was surprised for a moment without understanding what had happened. Not everyone could do that so easily. She focused her magic once again making an effort. She appeared at the center of Ponyville, but not without bother some ponies who where passing by.

"Sorry”, she said with demure
A few feet ahead, next to the fountain, it was he. Waving a leg for her to notice him.

"Show off”, she said to herself.


In time, several miles to the north, passing the snowy mountains, a group of soldiers from Equestria was marching in the blizzard. Only four of them went into that part of the tundra on a mission. Tired and hungry they stopped under a tree before nightfall.

"How much food we have left?”, asked one of them.
"Enough for a day, maybe less”.

"We should go back”, said the youngest.
"Impossible. We can not be seen in the Crystal Empire, they’ll suspect”.

"It doesn’t matter, They will find out sooner or later”.
"Enough!”, exclaimed the one with higher rank.

"I will not disobey the orders of the empire."
They remain silent in resignation. They knew that Equestria was too far and they had been looking for a trail for weeks. However, they could not return until be sure that what they were looking for was there.

"What's that?, said one of them staring at the floor.

"There”, he pointed in front of him. It was a strange object emerging from the earth.
They walked slowly, almost attracted by what appeared to be some sort of rock.

"It's Black”.
"Here's another”.
Another showed some feet away. Suddenly they were everywhere, like a circle in the middle of nowhere with them in the center. There were black crystals.

"Sir?”, sounded with fear. Something could be seen inside the biggest. It had cracks that ran inside it up to the middle. There were all connected at one point that lay static before the perplexed eyes of the soldiers. It was a horn; pointing up to the south.

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