• Published 30th Jan 2012
  • 1,197 Views, 9 Comments

The Heroes's FoalHood - superfunnelc

These are the stories of the FoalHood of the 2 heroes that are destianed to save Equstria

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*1 week after the Grand Galloping Gala, Secret Nursery*

"The boys are becoming quite the handful." Said Drift taking a sip of cider.

"True, but I am more worried about the annual budget meeting tomorrow." Said Celestia.

"That's tomorrow!?" Said Drift.

"Yes, I have told you that four times." Said Celestia.

"Well, who can we get to watch the boys?" Said Drift.

"Relax, I have already covered it." Said Celestia.

"Cadance?" Said Drift taking another sip of his cider.

"You know it." Said Celestia.

*The next day. current time 12:00 P.M.*

"You wanted to see my Aunt Celestia." Said Cadance entering the throne room.

"I did. Walk with me please." Said Celestia as she and Cadance entered the garden.

"What is it you wanted to see me about?" Asked Cadance.

"I am assuming that you have heard the rumors." Said Celestia.

"What rumors?" Asked Cadance.

"The rumor, that I am a mother." Said Celestia as they neared HaySeed's shed.

"I have heard of them, but I don't believe them." Said Cadance.

"Well then." Said Celestia pushing the secret button that opened the elevator.

"What is this?" Said Cadance.

"This is the only way to get down to where the saviors of Equestria are." Said Celestia as the elevator went down.

"Saviors of Equestria?" Said Cadance as the elevator reached it's destination with a *ding*.

"Yes." Said Celestia as she stepped out of the elevator with a smile on her face. While Cadance just went slack jawed.

"SeaBreeze, down. Daddy's goatee is not a rope!" Said Drift.

"Let me help you with that." Said Celestia as she walked over, and picked SeaBreeze off of Drift's goatee.

"Thanks dear." Said Drift.

"Who's my little Pegasus? SeaBreeze is!" Said Celestia as she tickled SeaBreeze.

"I am so confused right now." Said Cadance.

"Ah, Cadance, allow me to introduce you to Prince SeaBreeze, and Prince Hercules." Said Drift.

"Uh, I only see one foal." Said Cadance.

"What!? He has to be here somewhere, Cadance you help be look, Celly you stay with SeaBreeze, this is probably one of their plans." Said Drift.

"Plans?" Said Cadance with a confused look on her face.

"SeaBreeze, and Hercules, can and have escaped in the past, one of their more planned out escapes was the Grand Galloping Gala one week ago." Said Drift looking around for Hercules.

I see, but how are they going to be the saviors of Equestria?" Said Cadance.

"Cadance, have you ever heard of humans?" Said Drift.

"Just legends." Said Cadance.

"Well, they are not just legends. Humans have their own planet, Earth, millions of miles away. In two years time SeaBreeze, and his brother Hercules will be sent there to learn life's lessons, and when they have learned them they will return here." Said Celestia tickling SeaBreeze.

"Ah." Said Cadance.

"I found Hercules." Said Drift pulling Hercules out of a toy chest, and setting him down next to SeaBreeze.

"Now why do you need me?" Asked Cadance.

"You are one of the best foalsitters in all of Equestria, and the annual budget meeting is today, and neither Drift, Luna, or I can watch the boys." Said Celestia.

"Okay, but I am not the best foalsitter." Said Cadance.

"Don't be so modest, Cadance." Said Drift.

"Alright, here is a list of everything you need to know." Said Celestia handing a list to Cadance.

"Thanks. When should you be back by?" Asked Cadance.

"We should be back around 3'o clock." Said Celestia.

"Alright, that sounds good." Said Cadance.

"Bye, boys. Be nice to Cadance while i am gone." Said Celestia kissing SeaBreeze, and then Hercules on the head before getting into the elevator, and going up.

"Hey, you guys what do you two want to do?" Said Cadance as SeaBreeze, and Hercules started crying. Cadance quickly looked at the list and saw the first thing on it. If SeaBreeze, and Hercules cry when I leave, give each one of them a plushie me, one is in each of their cribs." Cadance quickly grabbed the Celestia plushies out of SeaBreeze, and Hercules's cribs, and gave them gave one to each foal, which quieted them down.

"Alright, disaster averted, now let's see what else is on the list." Said Cadance as she read the second item on the list. "The plushies should keep the boys occupied for about half an hour or so, after that feel free to take them to the park. There is a stroller in the closet if you need it."

"Alright." Said Cadance as she started to play with SeaBreeze, and Hercules.

*30 minutes later*

"Hey you two, do you want to go to the park?" Said Cadance, while SeaBreeze and Hercules just stared at her.

"You want to go to the park?" Said Hercules in baby talk.

"Sure." Said SeaBreeze.

"I think that's a yes." Said Cadance as she went to the closet and got out a double stroller, and a baby bag.

"I like how she can't understand us, what so ever." Said Hercules as Cadance put him in the stroller.

"True." Said SeaBreeze as Cadance put him in the stroller next to Hercules.

"Alright, let's head to the park." Said Cadance as she pushed the stroller into the elevator, and went up. When they got to ground level Cadence teleported them to the park.

"You see any of our friends?" Said Hercules.

"Not yet." Said Hercules as Cadance started pushing the stroller towards the playground.

"Cadance, over here." Called a voice near the playground, as they got closer they saw the source of the voice, a white unicorn with a treble clef Cutie Mark, with a stroller next to her.

"Melody, it's good to see you again. Are you foalsitting right now too?" Said Cadance.

"Yes, she is over there playing." Said Melody pointing to the playground.

"Who are you foalsitting for?" Asked Cadance.

"The postmaster Post Stamp. Who are foalsitting for?" Said Melody.

"A guard captain." Said Cadance, which was the truth considering Drift was the current captain of the guard.

"Really. So who are these two?" Said Melody pointing to SeaBreeze, and Hercules.

"These two are SeaBreeze, and Hercules. They are technicality princes." Said Cadance.

"Princes!? I had heard a rumor that Celestia had given birth, but I didn't believe it." Said Melody.

"No, no, no. They are not Celestia's son's, their mother is a distant relative of Celestia, like mine." Said Cadance.

"Oh, well. By the way the two of them seem a little restless." Said Melody.

"Thanks for telling me." Said Cadance as she took SeaBreeze, and then Hercules out of the stroller, and set them down on the ground.

"No problem." Said Melody as SeaBreeze, and Hercules crawled towards the playground.

"Hey SeaBreeze, is that Ditzy?" Said Hercules pointing towards a grey filly.

"I think so." Said SeaBreeze as they walked towards the filly.

"Ditzy, is that you?" Said Hercules.

"Oh, hey guys. What are you doing here?" Said Ditzy as she turned around to face her two friends.

"Our foalsitter, Cadance brought us here." Said SeaBreeze.

"You guys got Cadance as your foalsitter?" Said Ditzy with amazement.

"Yes, why?" Said Hercules.

"She is one of the best foalsitters in all of Equestria." Said Ditzy.

"Well, our mom called her over, and she is our cousin. So there was not really any way she could have said no." Said SeaBreeze.

"Hey you guys wanna play, or what?" Said Hercules.

"Sure." Said SeaBreeze as the three of them ran into the depths of the playground.

*30 minutes later*

"Hey, no fair you two have wings." Said Hercules as he ran after Ditzy, and SeaBreeze who had stopped next to a slide.

"Not our fault." Said SeaBreeze as Hercules cam up next to them panting.

"Next time *pant* you guys *pant* can not use *pant* your wings." Said Hercules as a group of four colt approached them.

"Out of they way peasants." Said the leader of the group a white unicorn with a blonde mane.

"And, just who are you?" Said SeaBreeze.

"I am Prince BlueBlood, of the royal family, now get out of the way before I have my Aunt Celestia throw you all in to the dungeon." Said BlueBlood.

"I doubt our mother would do that to us." Said Hercules.

"You think telling me that Celestia is you mother, will make us friends. Everypony knows that Celestia has no foals." Said BlueBlood.

"You are pushing your luck." Said SeaBreeze.

"I don't care. Now if you will excuse me I will be taking my leave." Said BlueBlood as him and his cronies walked away.

"The nerve of that guy." Said SeaBreeze.

"It's fine he will get what's coming to him." Said Hercules.

"Ya, and I am the one that's going to give it to him." Said SeaBreeze.

"SeaBreeze, Hercules time to go." Said Cadance calling out to them.

"Ditzy, time to go too." Said Melody calling out to Ditzy.

"Well, let's go guys." Said SeaBreeze as the three of them ran off the their respective foalsitter.

"Did you two have a good time?" Said Cadance as she buckled SeaBreeze, and Hercules into the stroller. The two princes only replied with a smile.

"Oh, Celestia. Look out here come BlueBlood, and his mother." Said Melody.

"Ugh." Said Cadance as BlueBlood's mother walked up to them pushing a stroller, in which was BlueBlood.

"Cadance, Melody. It's so good to see you again." Said BlueBlood's mother.

"It's good to see you too. Now if you don't mind we have to go." Said Cadance.

"Oh, alright. I hope to catch up later." Said BlueBlood's mother as Cadance, and Melody pushed their strollers.

"I hate those two." Said Melody once they were out of earshot.

"Ya, they aren't the best ponies to be friends with." Said Cadance.

"Hey, do you maybe want to get some ice cream, I'm buying." Said Melody.

"Melody, you don't have to do that." Said Cadance.

"It's fine, I always carry around a few extra Bits for just such an occasion." Said Melody as they walked towards the Ice Cream parlor.

"Ah. Cadance, Melody what can I do for you?" Said the mare behind the counter.

"Strawberry, for Ditzy, and I. What do you want Cadance?" Said Melody.

Vanilla, for me, and chocolate for SeaBreeze, and Hercules." Said Cadance.

"Alright, that will be 10 bits." Said the Mare.

"Sure thing Marble Slab." Said Melody as she took the bits out of her saddle bag, and gave them to Marble Slab. Who in return handed her 2 bowls of strawberry ice cream, and handed Cadance one bowl of vanilla, and two bowls of chocolate.

"Thanks." Said Melody.

"Anytime." Said Marble Slab as the two foalsitters, and their charges exited the store.

"You want to eat out side?" Said Melody.

"Sure." Said Cadance as she went back inside and brought out three high chairs, and set them down next to a table.

"Thanks." Said Melody as she set Ditzy in one of the the high chairs.

"Anytime." Said Cadance as she put SeaBreeze, and Hercules in the two remaining high chairs.

"Hey Cadance, how did you end up foalsitting those two?" Asked Melody as she fed Ditzy a spoonful of ice cream.

"Well, their mother called me, and asked if I could foalsit, for her today." Said Cadance feeding SeaBreeze some ice cream, and then Hercules.

"Ya, same thing here." Said Melody wiping a bit of strawberry off of Ditzy's face.

"You know, it's so hard to tell what is ice cream, and what is fur on SeaBreeze." Said Cadance laughing.

"I had same problem, with another foal, that I used to foalsit." Said Melody laughing as well.

*8 minutes later*

"And then Ditzy accidentally knock down a jar of glitter, covering herself with it, and laughing non-stop. Boy, it was so hard to explain that to her parents." Said Melody finishing the last of her ice cream.

"Jeez." Said Cadance wiping Hercules face.

"Ya. Well it's about time for Ditzy's nap. I'll see you later." Said Melody as she put Ditzy in the stroller, and started walking towards Ditzy's house.

"See you later." Said Cadance wiping SeaBreeze's face.

"Hey Cadance don't worry about the high chairs, I got them." Said Marble Slab as she came out of the parlor.

"Thanks Marble." Said Cadance as she put SeaBreeze, and then Hercules into the stroller.

"See you later Cadance." Said Marble as Cadance threw away the bowls, and teleported her and her charges to the palace.

"Well, that sure was a fun day." Said Cadance as she pushed the button the open the elevator, and bring them back down to the nursery.

"Well I can say that that was a great day." Said SeaBreeze in baby talk.

"Yep." Said Hercules as pungent smell filled the room.

"Alright, which one of you needs a change?" Said Cadance as she sniffed the air.

"Dude!" Said SeaBreeze.

"What? I had to go." Said Hercules in self defense.

"Smells like both of you need a change." Said Cadance as she brought SeaBreeze to the changing table first, changed his diaper, and repeated the same thing with Hercules.

"What do you want to do now?" Said Hercules.

"I think I am going to take a nap." Said SeaBreeze.

"I think think its time for lunch." Said Cadance as she put two bottle in the bottle warmer.

"You hungry?" Said Hercules.

"A little." Said SeaBreeze as the bottle warmer dinged, and Cadance gave them both bottles, and then took her own lunch out of her bag, a daisy sandwich.

"This is one of the best foalsitting jobs I have ever had." Thought Cadance as she munched on her sandwich.

"I love Cadance." Said Hercules.

"Me too." Said SeaBreeze finishing his bottle.

"Well, aren't you the speedy eater." Said Cadance finishing the last of her sandwich, and burping SeaBreeze, and then Hercules, and setting them down in their cribs.

"Yawn." Yawned SeaBreeze as he fell asleep along with Hercules.

"Alright, now that they are asleep, let's see what books Drift has in his library." Said Cadance as she walked towards the small bookcase next to Drift's bed.

*Meanwhile at the budget meeting*

"Hey, Drift are you okay?" Whispered Brave hoof.

"Ya, I'm fine. Just a headache, I think Cadance might find my stash of Playcolts." Whispered Drift.

"Drift, Brave hoof is there something you would like to share with the rest of us." Said Celestia interrupting the current speaker.

"No, your Highness." Said Drift.

"Good." Said Celestia.

*3 hours later*

"Rise, and shine you two." Said Cadance waking up SeaBreeze, and Hercules.

"Jeez, I slept like a log." Said SeaBreeze as Cadance picked him up, and then set him down on the floor, and then she did the same thing with Hercules.

"Your mom, should be here any second now." Said Cadance as the elevator dinged, and Celestia walked out.

"Thanks again Cadance, I assume that they weren't much trouble." Said Celestia.

"Not at all Aunt Celestia. In fact I would love to foalsit again anytime." Said Cadance smiling.

"Well, I will call if I need you again." Said Celestia as Cadance started to walk towards the elevator, when SeaBreeze, and Hercules began to cry.

"It's okay. You'll see me again soon I promise." said Cadance kissing both of the foals on the head, and headed for the elevator.

"Bye, Cadance feel free to stop by anytime." Said Celestia.

"Thanks I will, said Cadance pushing the button to go up, and as the elevator doors closed shut, Cadance could see the smiling faces of the two foals, and that made her smile as well.

*End of Chapter*

(A/N: Well sorry for the long delay I have just been doing a lot of thing that took priority over this.)

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