• Published 24th Jan 2013
  • 861 Views, 10 Comments

Scarlet - Capo First

Two ponies living an ordinary lifestyle are suddenly thrown into an adventure full of danger and excitement at every turn, all at the fault of one mare.

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Mind Games

The trio was ushered towards the waiting Raven by the guards. Capo and Magik pushed against them, but Scarlet obeyed without question, a million thoughts flashing through her mind. Through the haze of confusion rose one question. Why? Why was it her that was chosen to be tortured this way? Why was her mother the leader of the changelings? Why was it her daughter swinging from the rafters? and why wasn't she doing anything about the fact that these brutes were bringing her towards her impending doom?

With a sudden burst of energy, Scarlet bucked her back hooves out, catching one of the guards in the jaw. It stumbled backward with a howl, knocking over the guards holding Capo. With a snarl she leapt to Scarlet's side, her dagger in her teeth in a flash. Magik struggled for a second before using his brute strength to throw his guard into the growing pile of changelings, springing to join his wife and friend.

"Here!" Capo tossed him another dagger. He shrieked and jumped back as it clattered to the floor. Capo rolled her eyes and jerked her head at the dagger. Magik blushed and picked it up, holding it awkwardly in his teeth.

"How are you supposed to use this thi-" He was cut off as one of the guards got back to its feet and lunged at him, teeth bared and ready to kill. Magik shrieked again and instinctively slashed with the dagger, cutting the beast's throat wide open and sending it crashing to the ground with a gurgled howl. He stepped back, wide eyed and splashed with green blood. "I j-j-just k-killed-"

"Not now you twat!" Scarlet had already kicked two more changelings into unconsciousness and was eyeing a third when she was tackled from the side by one of the larger ones. She was thrown on her back with the wind knocked out of her. The monster towered over her, grinning triumphantly, before Capo's dagger was thrust down through its skull, the tip barely puncturing the roof of its mouth. The changeling froze before toppling over sideways, blood leaking out of its mouth. Capo extended a hoof to Scarlet, helping her to her feet before she sprung away to help Magik deal with two enemies of his own. Scarlet turned to face the next changeling, her face twisted into a look of pure hatred and rage.

Capo zoomed back and forth between Magik and Scarlet, never taking any hits herself. Years of living in foster homes and living on the streets had taught her the necessary fighting skills to survive. Her subconscious surveyed her surrounding for her, like a sixth sense that told her exactly when one of the beasts was going to attack. More had joined the original guard, far outnumbering the three fighters, and Capo expertly spun and weaved in and out, delivering punches and kicks where needed, and slashing with her dagger elsewhere. Several lay dead by her blade already, their blood wetting the floor and creating a harder battleground. She nearly lost her footing once or twice, but stayed on her hooves as more succumbed to the bite of her dagger's edge.

All this time the three ponies had been fighting, none of them remembered Raven. She sat in her throne with a sort of amused smile, tapping her hoof as if there was some kind of musical beat and the fight some distance in front of her was a sort of dance. She did nothing to help; she merely observed the chaos and destruction unfolding in front of her. It was entertainment. She didn't care who lived or died, just so long as she had her way in the end. And all she needed was Scarlet. Her eyes flickered back and forth as a changeling was thrown across the room before crashing into a pillar and falling among several of her dead and unconscious brethren. Chrysalis stood by her side, ready to halt the battle with her magic on command. Raven's eyes slowly traveled upward to the swinging body of her granddaughter, hanging over the fight like some ghostly spectator.

Raven smiled. Never had such a sight filled her with such glee, such euphoria, such happiness! The sight of her own dead descendant brought a tear of joy to her eye. While Scarlet wondered why, so Raven did the like. Why did she make that decision long ago to come here and help a struggling nation of beasts? Why had that driven her so insane? Why did she derive this satisfaction, this gratification, this pleasure from this normally sickening scene? She had no answers... but she had stopped caring long ago. Now the only thing that mattered to her was the survival and continuation of the nation as a whole.

It was impossible to tell how long the fight had gone on. Was it minutes or hours? Scarlet thought, as she pounded her hoof into the face of what seemed like the thousandth changeling. Sweat poured from her, and yet they kept coming. Magik and Capo were fighting on the other side of the room, making their own small piles of disabled changelings. Scarlet whirled her head around, searching for the next enemy, when she locked eyes with her mother.

She had completely forgotten about her during the fight. A new fury burned inside her, a hatred rekindled from the sight of her wicked smile. The memory of her decaying daughter's body fueled her as she crouched, preparing to launch herself at Raven.

The moment's distraction was all the changeling needed. In a flash it rammed Scarlet in the side, sending her crashing to the floor with a dull thud. Scarlet's vision flashed and then darkened slightly. The scene began to appear in her mind again just as the changeling made the final leap, its teeth closing the gap to Scarlet's face, just inches away-

And it stopped. The beast froze mere centimeters from Scarlet's nose, its eyes reflecting the confusion in Scarlet's own. It took all of three seconds for Scarlet to notice the green glow surrounding the two of them before they were lifted apart, the changeling and all its aware counterparts flung from the room and the heroic trio deposited in front of the throne. Raven sat in the throne, clapping her hooves together excitedly, even going as far as to whistle. She cheered, and it echoed around the room, which was now silent save this unusual demonstration. Scarlet glared at her mother, while the other two looked with an expression of confusion. Raven continued to cheer and clap until she broke into a fit of coughing, followed by several heavy breaths.

"Whew! That was quite *cough* something!" She gave another three claps. "That must have been- how many do you think, Chrissy, fifty? No more, a hundred maybe! A hundred of my finest guards! Oh you are good! Especially you!" At this she motioned to Capo. "You are a machine! Never have I seen such beauty and skill in fighting! Your husband leaves something to be considered... but you are a warrior!" Capo blushed slightly and said nothing flattered. "Now that was some show!" She turned to Chrysalis. "Did you see the part where Scarlet kicked one into three others? Or when Capo stabbed two at once! Or-"

"Yes, my mistress, I saw the entire thing. Now do you want to get to business?"

"Scarlet looked angrily at her. "I was just having a little fun... alright then, if you insist." She turned back to the three, who were still held in place by magic. "Long story short, I'm getting along in years, and living in caves isn't really healthy for a pony. I'm going to die soon, and I need a... heir." She looked at Scarlet with a solemn expression.

"Never." Scarlet bared her teeth and snarled. Raven sighed and shook her head.

"Many years ago, I lived in the land of Equestria above the soil. I had a daughter named Scarlet, whose father was a client willing to pay for my services. I was poor, starving, and unhappy. One day, I was out wandering around the wastelands, having left you, Scarlet, in the care of some trusted individuals in Canterlot, when I was ambushed. The changeling didn't stand a chance. I was about to kill it when it began to plead with me. It told me a tale of a once-great crumbling nation, plagued by poverty and hunger, led by a poor leader." Chrysalis hung her head slightly at this, her pride hurt slightly. "I saw this as a new opportunity for myself... I traveled with the creature to this city, and established myself as ruler. They were so desperate, they almost forced it upon me. I reformed the trade, established taxes... effectively built a government from scratch. I helped restore the nation to its former beauty. But not even I can live forever. I knew that one day, I would need a heir to the throne that I could pass my knowledge onto. Who else but my own flesh would be worthy to hold this position?"

Raven smiled at Scarlet. "We were already planning the invasion of Canterlot during the royal wedding. Before our main assault, I had Chrysalis and some of my elite forces... borrow you. Naturally I had no clue you had extra baggage." She rolled her eyes and waved a noncommittal hoof at the hanging Melody. You were brought here... but you didn't have the will to lead them. You fought, you wanted out. I blame myself for not taking you when you were a child, you had learned to love the false world above when true paradise is here. We had to break you. We tried torture, we tried starvation, we tried everything. We drove you insane. I know we did. Do you recall? You killed your own husband, and laughed!"

"You..." Scarlet was lost for words as she shook with rage. Raven grinned and continued.

"Your mind was fragmented. We developed a rudimentary form of magic, the likes of which have never been seen. We attempted to use it on you, only to have it fail miserably. It backfired, knocking Chrissy here out and you escaped... somehow. I still don't know how. We spent nearly two years tracking you down, I wanted no other to rule after me. During that time we perfected the mind spell... which you will see in due time."

"And what about us? What do you want us for?" Magik had spoken up this time.

"Oh I don't want you. I could kill you if I wanted, be glad I haven't yet." Raven turned to Scarlet. "Now, ready yourself dear, this is going to hurt. A lot." Chrysalis stepped forward, her horn aglow with ghastly green light. Scarlet closed her eyes.

She immediately let out an earsplitting scream. It felt like a knife was tearing through her skull, though she could feel that there was nothing there. She tried to open her eyes but she couldn't, and realized she had lost control over her whole body. The scream stopped as she ran out of breath and her subconscious took over automatic breathing. The piercing sensation continued deep into her mind. She couldn't form complete thoughts without the pain stopping her. The object seemed to move through her brain, as if it were searching and wrecking everything in its path. Suddenly her memories began flashing before her eyes, some followed by a rush of the pain as they were seemingly torn apart. Scarlet realized through her fragmented thoughts that they were altering her memories.

"No-" She tried to fight it, attempting to conjure mental defenses with no experience. She could feel her mind shattering again, this time differently, repairing itself in a different way as the mental weapon tore through.

Scarlet and Capo looked at the quivering Scarlet worriedly. Raven's smile grew and grew as time wore on. Finally Chrysalis let out a gasp and her horn stopped glowing. Scarlet crashed to the ground, her body coated in sweat. No one moved or spoke for several minutes. The chamber seemed to hold its breath as Scarlet lay, panting. Finally she slowly rose to her hooves, sweat dripping from her mane.

"How do you feel, Scarlet?" Raven cocked her head and looked at her daughter. Scarlet raised her head and looked her mother in the eye.

"Ready to lead the Changeling Empire, my dear!"

Comments ( 5 )

Could I have a link to the other half of that picture?

If you'd like I can message it to you, it is an explicit picture however, so be warned.

Where'd ya get that pic?

5628211 It's been a very long time since I've worked on this and have since gotten a new computer. I might be able to find the file somewhere and I'll let you know if I do, but no promises

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