• Published 18th Jan 2013
  • 620 Views, 7 Comments

Times Could Be Worse - AgentHondo

A civilization of ponies older than Celestia her self has appeared and it's up to Twilight Sparkle to peacefully stop them from destroying Equestria. But a war may force Equestria to adapt, hopefully for the good. Times could be worse... right

  • ...

Before the Storm

"I'm still surprised that you remember which rock the pool is covering!" Fluttershy praised Twilight as her, the Doctor and the Cutie Mark Crusaders trekked through the Everfree Forest.

"Of course! How could I ever forget Tom?" Both mares chuckled.

"Um... What now?" Time Turner was as confused as the three fillies beside him.

"Inside joke." Twilight answered.

Twilight levitated a large rock up, revealing a large hole in the ground.

Once everypony had entered, Twilight turned to the Doctor.

"Did you bring the prototype?" The unicorn asked.

"Right here." Turner reached into his saddle bag and pulled out what appeared to be a long brass barrel curved at the end to serve as a grip wrapped with leather. An intricate mechanism sat directly above the handle. A curved metal rod was pulled back by a spring, ready to fire forward and strike the ignition material for the weapon. A metal cartridge stuck out the top of the mechanics, serving to feed a round of ammo into the chamber every time the rod was cocked back.

"Are you sure this will work?" Scootaloo questioned.

"Yeah," Applebloom added. "Doesn't this pool only work with livin' bein's?"

"Of course I'm not sure!" Twilight had a grin on her face, more specifically the grin of an adventurer, a troublemaker. "There's no point in not trying, right? I mean, what other choice do we have?"

"Ah' suppose yer' right."

"Well, lets get on with it!" The Doctor cheered.

"Got it." Twilight pulled a book out of her saddlebag and levitated it in front of her, floating the hoof-cannon into the mirror pool.

She began reciting the poem that Pinkie Pie had given her after the pink pony's infamous cloning incident.

"-and solemnly sweared not to be scared at the prospect of being doubly mared!"

Twilight finished the lyrics with a flash, literally. When everypony opened their eyes, there were two cannons where the original sat.

The ponies all let out a cheer. Finally, Equestria had a fighting chance against their foe.

"Okay. Fluttershy, I need you fly to the top of the entrance, and you fillies be at the bottom ready to throw the cannons to Fluttershy. Turner you toss them to-"

"The fillies, of course! Did I mention how brilliant you are Miss Twilight?"

"Thanks Doctor. I'll be here to recite the lyrics."

The ponies got into position, and Twilight began chanting the words for duplication.

This process continued until there was a stock of about fifteen hundred hoof-cannons beside Fluttershy.

"Twilight," Fluttershy patted her friend on the shoulder. "I think we have enough." She said, pointing towards to pile of weapons.

"Good! Lets get these weapons to Applejack's ponies."

Once everypony had exited the cave, Twilight levitated the large rock back over the entrance, once again sealing it.

"I suppose that we part ways here, Miss Fluttershy" Time Turner gave the yellow pegasus another vigorous hoof shake.

"Thanks Fluttershy, you've been a great help." Twilight hugged her best friend with a tight grip. "I'll see you and the others as soon as this is over."

Twilight levitated her weapons into the air, and closed her eyes. Sparks began to spill from her horn, arcane energy being channeled for a powerful spell.

In one great flash, Twilight teleported two ponies and three fillies all the way across Ponyville.

"Well Twilight," The farm pony held a cannon in her hoof. "it's a might impressive alrighty. But will it do tha' job?"

"Of course!" The librarian/inventor replied. "Operating it is pretty simple; just point with one hoof and use the other to pull the trigger."

"Well, I'll take yer' word for it. We best be getting these weapons distributed to the soldiers."

Now about every other pony in Applejack's army held a hoof cannon.

"I really don't think that this is going to end well." The Doctor grimaced. He looked across Sweet Apple Acres, including the ponies inhabiting them.

Have I advanced history by too much? he thought. Surely if this empire is so powerful, they should have equivalent firepower, if not more... That is, unless Equestria was meant to be defeated.. The Doctor went on to believe that it was his fault for distorting the correct order events, his frown deepening with each thought.

"Twilight?" Turner finally spoke up.

"What is it Time Turner?" She replied.

"Is it alright if I talk to you in private?"

The mare seemed a bit confused, but she agreed.

Turner led her to the top of a small hill and double checked to make sure that no pony was listening.

"Um, Twilight" he began. "Please, whatever I say, try to understand."

"Uh, sure Doctor." Twilight wore an expression of curiosity. "Is something wrong?"

"You see, it's about history. Timey wimey events and such."

"Okay?" Twilight's expression grew into one of suspicion rather than confusion. "What are you getting at?"

"I'm not sure about the best way to put it, but I may have altered time and deviated this universes timeline, which will only result in a paradox. There are fixed points in time that have to happen, no matter what. If a fixed point does not occur, well," The Doctor cleared his throat. "You get the point."

"What? How could you have possibly done that?" Twilight's tone showed that she was obviously confused.

"By... Helping Equestria win a war?"

"Do you really think so?" Twilight asked. "Well..."

Turner shut his eyes and braced himself for a random outburst from his friend.

"How can we fix it?" Twilight finished in a calm voice.

Time Turner was shocked by Twilight's composure. He shook his head and regained his thoughts.

"You see, changing a fixed point can, and most likely will, cause a paradox. A Paradox will either seriously damage a universe-" the Doctor was interrupted by Twilight.

"Or it can completely erase it."

"Correct." He continued. "Normally I can tell whether or not an event is fixed or not, but for some reason my vision, so to speak, is cloudy."

"But what if this isn't a fixed point?" Twilight said. "Maybe Equestria can still win!"

"Maybe. But it's a gamble. I don't want a universe torn up because of my mistakes."

Twilight put a hoof on her friend's shoulder. "I wouldn't flatter yourself Doctor." Twilight smiled. "It's not your decision to make."

The stood for a moment, until the Doctor finally broke the silence.

"Doesn't sound like I'll be changing your mind Twilight." The Doctor turned towards Ponyville. "If you're going to fight this war, I want nothing to do with it."

The librarian's expression grew disappointed. "Are you sure? You've helped us so much already."

"I've seen enough war to last more than a lifetime." He paused. "I believe this is where we say our goodbyes Twilight Sparkle."

The Doctor reached out to shake hooves with his companion, but she brought him in for a tight hug.

"Thank you." Twilight whispered.

The Doctor stared at the ground and began the walk to his TARDIS. He chuckled to himself and thought,Running... Again.

Twilight watched as her friend departed. She trotted over to Applejack and the CMC.

When Twilight returned, everypony had a puzzled look on their face.

"What happened over there sugercube?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah," Scootaloo added. "Where'd Time Turner go?"

"He..." Twilight couldn't find the right words to explain. "Left."

The tension in the air was obviously apparent. It was broken when Applejack spoke up.

"Ah suppose war ain't for the faint hearted." She said. "Me an' the others best be moving out now."

"Of-" Twilight stuttered. "Of course."

"Be careful sis." Applebloom hugged her older sibling. "You'll be back, right?"

Being the Element of Honesty, Applejack could not lie.

"I'll do mah' best." The farm pony gave a weak grin. "You'll take good care of the orchard while am' gone, right?"

"You bet ah' will!" Applebloom perked up. "It'll be exactly the same as it was when you get back!"

"Good." The two Apples hugged one last time.

Applejack walked over to Twilight. The two mares looked each other in the eye with grim smiles.

"Ah suppose we found the limits to tha elements." Applejack said. "We can't just run around blastin' everything we see with those necklaces of ours."

"Don't underestimate the power of friendship Applejack." Twilight's face held a smile brimming with confidence.

The orange mare chuckled. "I believe ya' Twilight. We'll get together when this silly mess of ours is over, ya' hear?"

"Wouldn't have it any other way." Twilight pulled Applejack and the CMC in for a group hug.

With no automobile and her magical resources expended, Twilight was left to walk back to her library. With no Doctor, she was left alone with only the dirt road and her thoughts.

Did I make the right choice? Twilight couldn't help feeling regret the moment she set foot from the Apple orchard.

Not only had she lost an important piece in winning the war, she had also lost a friend.

Twilight wished that she could find her friend, but he could be anywhere right now. With that timey-wimey whatever it was he called that blue box of his, The Doctor could leave Equestria at his will.

The only thing Twilight could do now, was walk back to the library with her head hung low, out of ideas.

"I guess this is the part where things get messy." Twilight muttered to herself.

"So this is what war is like, and tha' battle hasn't even started yet." Applejack murmured as she stared at the ponies filled up the many trenches dug in front of Ponyville. Many ponies were carrying weapons and supplies.

"One can only imagine how many faces we won't be seeing again." A stallion's voice with a thick Prench accent caught Applejack off guard. A light blue stallion with a dark red mane and tail stood next to her. His cutie mark was that of a cutlass.

"Oh hiya lieutenant..." Applejack greeted. "Uh how do ya pronounce yer name again?"

"Dubois, general Applejack." A slight, barely noticeable trace of annoyance appeared on his face.

"Ah'm sorry Dubois!" Applejack's cheeks were bright red.

"No need general." He did his best to hearten his commanding officer. "It happens quite often. After all, I am an immigrant from Prance. What else is one to expect?"

Applejack laughed a bit. "Ah suppose so Dubois. Any who," Applejack started. "How're we lookin'?" She asked.

"We are nearly ready for battle." Dubois answered. "About one hundred more ponies left to fill the trenches and this little game shall be off to the races."

"Alrighty then." Applejack looked towards Canterlot. "Rarity sent word that they've just begun to engage enemy forces, so I'd imagine that time ain't of tha' essence."

"Of course."

The two ponies stood and watched as they prepared for the battle that would change Equestria forever.

"Come on ponies!" Pinkie Pie ordered. "We need this hospital in tippy top shape if we're gonna be able to accept injured ponies!"

Doctors, nurses, or any volunteers available were scurrying about Ponyville's hospital. In order for the hospital to function at suitable standards, tents containing cots had to be erected outside of the building to act as an extension to the hospital.

Pinkie Pie was at the head of the staff. Although she had little medical experience, she was left in charge of directing the ones with training.

"I reeeeaaaally hope that there'll be enough doctors to treat the ponies." The party pony thought aloud.

After a moment of thought, an actual lightbulb appeared out of nowhere, directly above Pinkie Pie's head.

"I know!" She squeaked. "Twilight oughta know how to heal ponies! But if I'm gonna talk to her, I'll need to catch her quick!"

Pinkie Pie began to race down the hallway of the hospital's third floor. She dove out the end of the window, did a double front flip, landing on one of the many tents set up outside. The tent bounced her off like a slingshot and sent her soaring through the sky. As luck would have it, she land twenty paces away from her friend's library. She casually strolled up to the front door like nothing happened as gave the door a knock.

Spike was the one to answer the door.

"Hi Spike!" Pinkie smiled. "Is Twilight home?"

"Actually no," Spike answered. "She's been running some last minute errands involving war."

"Gotcha. But where was she headed last?"

And as if on cue, Twilight arrived, glad to be home.

"Hey Pinkie, what brings you here?" Twilight inquired.

Pinkie took an abnormally large breath in before speaking. "Well you see Twilight I've been working really hard to set up the hospital lately and we had to set up tents and cots and extra ponies had to volunteer and-"

Pinkie's spiel was cut short by

"Pinkie." Twilight said. "Just tell me what it is you need.

"Oh right!" Pinkie said. "Is there any way to quickly heal ponies?"

Twilight sat for a moment as everypony knew this face. Twilight adorned her ponder face.

Twilight lit up. "How could I have forgotten?" She turned towards the basement and began to gallop. "Follow me!"

In the basement, Twilight took a minute to dig around in her junk drawers until she pulled out a crystal about the size of an apple.

"Wooooow" Pinkie Pie stared at the object. "What is it?"

"This is a healing crystal given to me by Zecora a while back. She couldn't find a use with her magic, so she gave it to me." Twilight set the rock on her work table. "I meant to get around to working with it, but I never found the time."

"Until now?" Pinkie asked.

"Until now. I think I could build a pack powered by unicorn magic that will be able to directly heal the injuries of ponies. Only minor injuries of course, say a broken leg or a single bullet wound. But seriously injured ponies should still seek medical attention."

Twilight pulled sheets of brass out and began pounding them with a hammer. Pinkie knew that this could take time, so she sat down in a nearby chair.

After welds and rivets, cogs and sprockets, Twilight removed the welding goggles from her face.

"Aha!" Twilight yelled in excitement, waking the snoozing Pinkie Pie.

"Wha? Who's there? Oh, it's you Twilight." Pinkie calmed down. "So you finished?"

"You bet I did. Check it out!"

Twilight was wearing a large metal pack on her back, mechanics similar to a clock turned on it. There were glass jar on both sides of the pack, sloshing around with a glowing purple liquid. A leather coil ran from the pack to a cylindrical tube with a lever on the top. At the end of said tube was the crystal, ready for the magical energy to pass through it.

"Pinkie would you mind being a test subject for the heal-o-gun?"

"Hm," Pinkie thought of any injuries she may have. "I know! I've got this little paper cut from earlier today!" Pinkie held out her hoof to Twilight for her to examine it.

"Alright. Here goes nothing." The librarian stood on her hind legs and pointed her tool at the small incision. She flipped a switch on the back of her pack and the machine whirred to life. Steam was released from to pipes at the top of the pack and the glowing liquid was seen drawn into the coil.

"Okay. Three, two," Twilight pulled the lever. "One!"

The crystal at the end glowed purple as a beam spilled out of it. It seemed to sense Pinkie's wound and encircle it.

Both mares could see the wound undo itself, as if time was sped up to heal it.

After Pinkie's wound was healed, Twilight flipped the switch again to being her pack's noise to an end.

"Fantastic!" Twilight grinned. "How do you feel?" She asked her pink friend.

"Lands sakes alive!" Pinkie exclaimed. "Never been better!"
At that moment the whole of Ponyville shook, even in the basement of a library.

"What was that?" Pinkie asked as she regained her bearings.

"Sounds like they're here." Twilight said. "Here take the pack."

"What are we supposed to do?"

"Now-" Twilight helped fit the pack around Pinkie's shoulders. "Now you're going to practice medicine."

Both ponies rushed out of the basement and ran towards Applejack and the trenches.

"Um, can everypony listen for moment?" Fluttershy could barely be heard over the chatter of the ponies she was put in charge of leading. "If you could listen to me for a second, we can take our spot in this battle."

The soldiers sat around a campfire in the Everfree forest. Their camp was positioned just deep enough into the woods to be obscured from view outside.

The pegasus's attempts to gain the attention of the fifty or so ponies was fruitless. The only attention she grabbed was her friend Angel the Bunny's.

Angel could be described as Fluttershy's assertive side, so naturally, he hopped off of the log he was sitting on and hurried over to the campfire.

Carrying a pile of pebbles he had gathered, Angel pelted each of the soldier's in the head.

Now that everypony had eyes on him, he pointed directly at the yellow mare.

"Eep!" Fluttershy's eyes grew beady as she felt the many stares of many ponies.

"Oh... Um, well," she cleared her voice. "As you know, we're fighting a war. But I guess you already knew that seeing that you're here. So I suppose that makes my first sentence redundant-" the strained expression Fluttershy had only grew worse with each sentence.

Angel noticed his caretaker's discomfort. He scampered up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. Fluttershy exchanged glances with the cross bunny, finally getting the message.

Be assertive. She thought. Just be assertive.

Fluttershy took a few breathes, and began in a calm tone, "Hopefully when you signed up to fight under my orders, you knew what you were in for."

At this point everypony had started to pay close attention to their leader, surprised due to the sudden change in disposition.

"This division of Equestria's military will show even less mercy than that of which is under general Applajack's command." She continued. "And by that," Fluttershy paused for a moment. "you will show no mercy."

Fluttershy now had complete authority over her soldiers. Mares and stallions alike were both inspired and terrified of the future that lie ahead of them.

"Now our mission is simple; pick away at the enemies forces, but be silent. It is very likely that if the Empire pushes far enough that they can reach the forest, they will set up camp here. Now we will only be armed with bows and knifes, so you better be used to both weapons."

"So." She turned and look across her soldiers. "Any questions?"

The only sound that could be heard was the rustling of trees and the occasional chirp of a bird.

"Alright." Fluttershy's face grew into a freakish grin. "I hope your affairs are in order, because this is where we have some fun."

Author's Note:

Back from the dead! Hopefully I'll be writing on schedule from now on, so don't expect anything less!

With soooooo much help from my good friend Banjoman. He's created a new account called CoolStoryBro. Check him out! He just released a fic and he needs some attention!

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