• Published 10th Jan 2013
  • 1,156 Views, 68 Comments

Sweat and Iron - The Psychopath

They arrive. They are advanced. They wish to experiment. None can refuse the "offer".

  • ...

Something to do

Celestia had been taken to an infirmary under the supervision of several of the escaped guards urged to come with the princesses. These were elite guards ponies personally picked by Luna herself. During the ensuing chaos, Rosy had been depressed the entire time Celestia was taken away. She decided to take her comforter and turtle herself away, said comforter being the first true form of comfort she had known in a very long time. The whole room was filled with Equestrian ponies staring at the colored mass in the middle of the room.

The last princess left was Luna. Only time would tell if the Crystal Kingdom would survive the incoming battle. In the mean time, Scilian and a few of his minotaur guards had assisted with the evacuation personally. His grim smile was ever present on his face as was his humor. He wasn't here just to help Celestia, whom Luna knew he despized extremely. No. He was here for something else.

"What do you want; Scilian?" Luna growled in an upright position.

"Something important. While I cannot ensure the survival of your copperlings, it is imperative that each of you find jobs. For...heheh...For logical purposes, the copperlings would find themselves better suited working in the lower levels and coming back up after their shifts have ended."

"An' what're we s'posed ta do? Y'all have an awful scary home here." Applejack interjected.

"Hmmmm. You must be Applejack."

"Ya. How d'ya know?"

"Your family is at the higher levels in the agricultural domes."

"Wh-what? How do you know?!"

"They've been yelling for you since their arrival, although the filly was wounded during your evacuation." he said non-chalantly while observing his hoof.


"Don't worry. She is being treated. The doctors say that she is in good health, but she has been placed in an artificial coma during this time to optimize full body treatment."


Applejack was blocked by two of the minotaurs and pushed back violently, the other ponies catching her in time.

"All farmers and builders would be best suited in the higher areas of Secantor, where their talents can be put to use here. You will all be well paid, except for the copperlings." each unicorn looked annoyed and some even huffed."Please understand. If you are given better treatment than the others, you would surely create jealousy which would be followed by a rebellion, and nopony wants that." he finished with a wider smile but still fatigued eyes.

"Anypony else should report to the stalls we have set up in front of this shop for you. Do know that very few copperlings have been capable of working in the high levels, but it has happened. Only mercenaries will protect you there. Heheheh."

The stallion and his guard left the room and went to whatever place his destination was at. With reluctance, the other ponies turned to Luna; fear and uncertainty painted them utterly. Gathering her courage, the princess spoke to everypony clearly and surly enough, they listened.

"Do as they tell you to do. We cannot do more here. I know you are all reluctant to listen to these ponies, but we have no choice. These who wish to work here may do so. Those who prefer staying here until a plan has been formed can do so as well. In the meantime, I shall consult with Sicilian and the council on how to retake Equestria."

With that, Luna also left, leaving the other ponies to themselves. Loud rambling commenced, followed by some ponies leaving the area to go to the kiosques outside and write their names down for the job positions. Pinkie Pie literally dragged Rosy outside despite her protesting and attempts to cling to the floor. Applejack did just the same, hoping to get to her family as fast as possible. However, the other four remained, as did many unicorns.

"What is going to happen to us?" Rarity cried."Twilight and I witnessed such a horrid scene in the lower levels of this place. Unicorns subjected to such a disgracing way of acting. I worry."

"Do not worry, Rarity. My sister has assured your protection as well as the other unicorns, and I shall remain ever vigilant to your current whereabouts. Now, as for what you will do here..."

He had done it again. Basing himself on the hormonal tests he had discreetly injected into Scarlet Star, Doctor had created a changeling queen who could create any form of infatuation upon any male and, after draining them of whatever compound was within them, turn them into "zombie changelings". He was quite proud of this achievement. These stupid changelings were named such because they obviously had no form of self-control without the guidance of what looked like a "diva queen". Curled pink mane and tail with pink wings and the same pink body-waist apparatus that still seemed only cosmetic. This one even retained its mind, albeit drastically changed. She had the most divine pink eyes any stallion could stare into and dream about for the rest of their lives, and her voice sounded like a soothing tune that healed your body and soul. The Doctor, however, was not affected by these trivial traits and walked towards her without any care; Ignoring any surrounding threats or hormones.

"Pink Perfume." he said with a sign of disgust.

This changeling room had been filled with pink everything, whether it be pink slime or flowers which came from who knows where.

"Yes?" the changeling queen answered with a tempting smile and hopping gently on the ground as if gravity were inexistent.

"I have a mission for you, and remove your tail from my face."

"HUMPF!" Pink puffed her face up. "You never appreciate anything I do."

"Because we all know your intentions. Only these stupid ponies do not."

"And what do you want me to do exactly? I'm not forced to obey you. In fact, I can tell my boys here to kill you and let us take control of this facility."

Doctor chuckled.

"Scarlet wouldn't appreciate that, and don't forget that I can cause you to decay and lose your 'beauty' with this little gadget here."

The biped took out a rounded controller with several buttons on it; One gigantic and blue in the dead center. It took a single press for the changeling to start screaming in horror as her skin bubbled and smoked, losing its smoothness and beauty. She began to decay and looked more ugly as time passed.

"STOP! STOP! I'll do what you want. PLEASE!"

Doctor let go of the button and walked towards a collapsed and gasping queen, then grabbed her by the throat and lift her up violently.

"You will be allowed to leave this sanctuary with the obligation to return when told. I want you to infiltrate that island with your zombies and to destroy everything from the inside."

"And what...what do we get in return."

"Life, and your 'beauty', or do you prefer that I take your appearance away?"

"NO! We'll do as told."

"Good. Hurry up with preparations. You can contact us via that panel near the door." Doctor pointed to a speaker next to said door.

"Okay..." she sniffed.

Twilight had become, as expected, a librarian. Yet, she was given permission to work in the middle levels; Something not common in the island. Pinkie Pie and Rosy had been sent off to organize parties. The pink pony hoped that this would help the nervous mare adapt better to her surroundings and open herself up more. Fluttershy and Applejack were ordered to take care of farm activities, with Fluttershy going to take care of the animals. Rarity was also sent to the middle regions, although she received the middle-lower areas to work on her fashion. Her complaints about the ghastly smells and appearance were left unheard. Finally, Rainbow Dash was given the right to become part of the aerial component of Secantor's army, although she only did it to watch everything occurring on the island and take care of the unicorns there.

Scilian smiled as the ideas rushed towards him. Locked away in his elevated room; A ball-like structure standing on a thin pillar, his chamber barely consisted of more than a bed, a desk, and a few books, yet he smiled as he sat on his bed and looked outside to the bright sun. Its glamor was warming him up as his smile became more devious. The stallion began to fiddle with what looked like an origami brain, which is very disturbing in itself, yet his mind wasn't done there.

"Little by little. Little by little. Soon, they'll obey me and cast their princesses into the zabveniye. The Vergessenheit. The oubliettes. Soon. And then, no more enemies."

The stallion laughed, then crushed the paper art with one crush and chuckled a little as his plans soon slid into action, unbeknownst to the future victims.

Author's Note:

Okay. So...to be honest, I actually made this story so that people could work on it to have fun. I mean, its initial intention was for separate branches to be created for people. Yes. I know, I've done this before and nothing happened, but I thought, perhaps, even the newbies could work with something already in place and train their techniques to get better later on.

DO NOTE that I will integrate the sequel INTO this story.

Comments ( 7 )

2501946 Lemme rework that. I'll put the sequel within this story.

2502017 I won't make a separate story to submit. It'll all be in this one thing.

i hope you dont mind me saying, but there are several words throughout the chapters that are misspelled. if you would like, i could go through each chapter and point out such words.

2502094 Of course I wouldn't mind. I always need some help.

2502100 i will copy all chapters, look them through then send them to you from my email account. sound good?

2502502 Sounds weird. Should I pm you the account?

3206718 Doctor Who? He most certainly could. Doctor is just a scientist with a special cattle prod. He can't really defend himself. However, he always has things standing around to defend him.

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