• Published 20th Nov 2012
  • 479 Views, 2 Comments

Wyrmtail Chronicles - Wyrmtail Island

Four sacrifices are sent to Wyrmtail island to keep the wyrms from utterly destroying them all.

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Captains Ship [2]

Silvers eyes slowly opened, the bedroom blurred. He sat up and wiped his eyes with his hooves, examining the bedroom. The bed was comfortable, a nice wooden bed with a memory foam mattress, two orange pillows, and a orange blanket which covered him up from the draft coming in from the outside world. On the wall was the portrait of a tall grey pony wearing a captains hat, that was probably the captain who took the sacrifices to Wyrmtail island. Silver got out of bed and went through the door, onto the dock. In front of him was the captain, steering the ship away from a boulder that was in the near distance. The captain turned his head and smiled "Nice of you to join us " he said, silver yawned "Where are we?" silver asked, "Well son... We are nearing Wyrmtail island soon, we will probably reach the island sometime tommorow morning." he turned his head back to the front of the ship, making a final large turn which made the ship barely avoid the large rock. "The others are up on the second floor, last time I checked they were silent... Still are probably, go say hi." he said, his voice had the fatherly tone to it, it soothed silvers mood, why would he be doing this? Silver walked up the stairs and saw the other three sacrifices sitting in chairs, the tall slender female pony was crying silent, hooves in her face. The tall slender colt was jamming to his music, bobbing his head back and forth, the smaller pony was silent, but looked up and smiled as silver approached them.

He took a seat, there was five chairs but only four could be filled... He looked at the tall pony "Don't cry... It will be alright." silver tried soothing her, but she looked up with anger filling her eyes "IT WILL NOT BE OKAY! WE ARE GOING TO DIE! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT, HUH! WE ARE GOING TO BE EATEN, SLAUGHTERED, DEAD!" her sobs returned, and so did her hooves to her face. Silver sighed, it was apparent trying to calm her down would be a useless attempt. The smaller pony winked at silver and smiled, that was odd he thought but smiled back at her, she was cute. The small pony seemed to be around the same age as silver himself, but he was not looking for a relationship at the moment, not when he was going to die within the next few days, her eyes were mistifying though, he could not stop looking up at them, he was beautiful. Silver got up and walked back down by the captain, "Why would you do this." silver demanded "Why would you send us to our deaths? You monster..." his hoof met the captains side, the captain turned around and landed a solid punch on silvers nose, blood poured out and so did tears. "I do this because someone has too... I was the only one left to ask... If we do not sacrifice the few every year, it would mean death for us all." silver put his hoof on the thought, "Why don't we just kill them..." the captains eyes met his "The wyrms are not a force to be reckoned with... They are merciless killers, not even the best of our men could take them down!" he said.

"A wyrm is a beast that can not be slain. Magic and steel is not enough to conquer the beasts who lurk on the forsaken island. They are very fast and intelligent creatures. Most sacrifices do not last the long, the best last a week. Wyrms like to have to hunt and find their pray." -Book of Wyrmtail 2:11

Silver sat at on the chair, millions of thoughts running through his skull. He needed to think of survival strategies, what will he do? Will he stick with someone? Will he abandon them? No! He can't do that, all of them would have to work together to survive. Fire Sparkle got up and walked down to the captain and started yelling at him, the captain slapped her and told her to shut up and get back upstairs with the rest of them, she wasn't getting no special treatment! He laughed, he thought it was odd, but it was funny, why did he laugh? He did not know. Was he going insane, was his mind slowly shutting down on itself, would he survive the island? Sweat poured down Silver wicks forehead, he brushed it off with his hoove. Thinking to much was bad for the brain, and for the person who had the brain to think. Scooter bug shivered and went downstairs, and went into the bedroom, probably to take a nap and keep warm. Zip Zop still sat their, face into his Ipony while bobbing his head to some techno song, probably DJ - DustStorm. He didn't know many DJ's besides that one, because techno and dubstep wasn't really his music. He preferred classic music like Bayhooven and Bachoof. Silver gazed out to the ocean, many small sea creatures bustled and rushed under the boat, one occasionally jumping out into the air, and plummeting back into the deep waters, he watched the small islands and the occasional medium sized island go by, crossing his fingers and hoping it would not be the island they all dreaded to be on, wyrmtail island. He looked up and saw Zip Zop staring at him, the tall colt took off his headphones, "This sucks... It really does you know? I was going to get my first record deal being DJ Zip-Zop but, I had to be chosen as a sacrifice." he mumbled, "It's alright. I will make sure all of us live." silver reassured him, "I won't let any of us die. I will find a way back to our islands..." Zip zop gave him a sympathetic smile "Kid. I am glad you are willing to do that for us... But we have to be eaten, if we are not..." he didn't have to finish, everyone knew we couldn't escape, the lifes of thousands and thousands of colts and ponies rested in their hands, they had to play their part and sacrifice themselves to the wyrms.

"A sacrifice it made to keep the deal true." -Book of Wyrmtail 2:4

Fire Sparkle returned to her seat, a dark bruise was already forming on her left cheek from where the captain of the ship had struck her. Silver felt sorry for her. He stared at the ponies body, examining her slender figure and unique curves, he found her beautiful, even more so than the other pony scooter bug. He knew she was out of his league, but maybe this survival thing could get him with her until they died, what was wrong with him? Thoughts at a time like this? Silver walked downstairs and leaned over the side of the ship. He splashed some water on his face, the thoughts slowly faded away, it was going to be a long day tommorow, they all knew it. For tommorow they would arrive to their fates, to their deaths, at wyrmtail island... Night soon came along and all the ponies and colts settled into bed, the captain came into the room "Good night y'all. Tommorow you will be dropped off at wyrmtail island. I hope you the best of rest, you will need it." with that he shut the door. "Good night." silver said, the others mumbled their good nights and went off to sleep, and silver joined in.

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