• Member Since 16th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 13th, 2022

Kuroyami Fukaikuro

My original account is on fanfiction.net by the same name. I'll use this site to put my MLP fics on. I mean, I'll publish MLP fics on both sites but...You get the idea, I hope.

Comments ( 79 )

Rated M for sex.

You appear to have accidentally set the rating to Teen instead.

Oh my god, you're just going to be shuffling random things out huh?

*SIGH* I'll try to read this when I can! But right now I'am busy with my own fic.

*Yawn* I have no idea how you have enough time for this...

I'm happy you added this fanfiction this was one of my favorite fanfictions on fanfiction.net. I think that Jexxazrez did a good job on this fanfiction and I look forward to seeing how you do when you have added the rest of Jexxazrez's chapters for this story.


Using his original summary:

I honestly didn't think the sex scene he wrote was so outrageous, and not to mention, I definitely won't be writing anymore of that.
It's 'cause I have no social life except for this fandom.
Thanks, I hope I'll finish it in a way that pleases him!



If you're going to be including the sex scene, that's still definitely Mature.

I'll keep it Teen until I post that one to increase views. XD

Whelp, time to see where you take this. I expect good things, and I hope you remember everything I taught you about where to take it.

I kept the comment you sent me about how it's going to end. I hope I don't disappoint!
Don't take it down from your page yet, I'm still copying the first nine chapters you wrote.

1735690 I won't, it'll just stay there, festering and rotting like a plague ridden corpse.

That's my faveorite kind of corpse!

No more clop? But Daze still needs to do it with Trixie

Cool, I can post comments before the chapter's even published.

Oh stop, I'm blushing.
Now get back to work.

:unsuresweetie: dude no affens but you got your work cut out for ya and so far not even scrach the previs ch sorry kid but you may need to tweak this ch some but i will it has a good base just needs twekin:coolphoto:

If I may, I'm going to do my best to make your comment readable to Grammar Nazis.

*Dear sir, I mean you no *offense, but you have your work cut out for *you. The current chapter you have published is not at the same level of quality as the *previous ones that Jexxazrez has written. You may need to tweak this chapter a bit in order to fix it, but I will ((untranslatable)). It has a good base, it just needs *tweaking.

On a more serious note, I realize my writing skills are not at an expert level. But that doesn't mean I'm going to go back and fix little details. I may do that eventually, but probably not until the story is completed.
Thank you for your criticism...useless as it may be, since you offered no theories as to how my writing style could be improved.

2252782 ok dude not cool man any info that can further the story can be consdered helpfubut alas my skills are shit at writing but are great at reading (dont ask how) and all i am saying is maby reread past ch i mean i have read the story 9 times thro but dude maby find some crak a jack betas for help is all im saying man and you dont need to fix it right away but just look at the flow man i understand your a fan a what to keep it alive but every one needs help heck i neded 10 bad ass betas to get my story off the ground :eeyup:

Maybe if you knew how to spell words properly, you wouldn't need as many people to help you?
And I have reread the past chapters, multiple times in order to make sure my additions to the story don't conflict with them.
And betas? I don't know how that system works, nor do I know anyone who'd be willing to help.

2252950 dude 1. i have a hadcap in spelling
2 for betas just pm a good writer and ask and that my firend is how you get betas :flutterrage:
that is for insulting me

Moar. I like this.

perfectionalism strikes again.:ajbemused: this perfectly explains how all zealots are assholes.

I agree with Nealj7772 but the story still needs imporvemt and in my oppin ( i curse my spelling problems) that your story still requres a littem fine tuning if you want i can put in a good word for you to some of my betas to help and dude time jump not a good idea

ps one beta is auther of Auldin Unbound Look it up it is epic auther Crosis he is on my favs dude if you need a short cut
pss Dawn must die at the hands of the almighty dragon race :moustache: or a hybrid still he must die a thousand deaths hopefully by the metyor bringer dragon and daze team up:trollestia:

Why thank you, good sir. I hope you enjoy the coming chapters.
Zealot's were members of a fanatical sect arising in Judea during the first century a.d. and militantly opposing the Roman domination of Palestine.
...Unless you meant Zealot as in zealous, or fanatical.
Please buy a dictionary. Or go back to school. Or if you're still in school, pay more attention in English class.

2311114 dude you dont haft to be a dick you know i understand and admit to my short cumings but that dosent mean you get to be a bully on the playground so to speak espeshaly if i am trying to help you make a better story and live up to your prediseser:trixieshiftleft:

One more thing. Reminds me of Jackie Chan Adventures.
JACKIEEEE! You must go and befriend these ponies.
One more thing. Be careful. The forest can be verry dangerous.

I don't intend to be a dick, but it's a little hard to take you seriously when you can't even spell *have. Also, the time jump was necessary, I won't waste a chapter or two on uneventful bullshit about Daze being in school.
This ain't no slice-of-life.

I actually plan to make another fic that's basically Jackie Chan Adventures, but with Daring Do, and the shop owner from "Magic Duel" is Uncle.
"One more thing! This is your niece Dinky (Do), she'll be living with us for a year."

2316003 fair anof but man i am just trying to help and my spelling worsens when i type fast wich is what i always do by acsdent and still new to the keybord

2313081 I meant zealous and fanatical.

Good to see that this is still going strong and that you haven't lost your touch. I already hate Dawn Guardian with a righteous passion and I think he'll make a good antagonist, for a while at least. So here's hoping he and Daze have an epic battle, he gets his ass kicked, and Daze isn't too worse-for-wear afterwards.

Long live "A Change in Heart", and long live Kuroyami Fukaikuro!

Sorry, too much?

No, no, keep the praise going...

Damn if anyone else read this they would get a serious mindfuck.
*Firing Orbital Sex Cannon* (yes i did need to do that)

I could provert you mind with the shit I know:pinkiecrazy:

Now you gave me morning wood.:ajbemused:
You unruthful stick.

I feel like beating the living fuck out of Dawn Guardian for being the Omega Racist. (i am american dumbass) He is a great example of why I hate certain people. The greedy fucks don't give two shits about what you think.:flutterrage:

My anger cannot be outmatched.:flutterrage:
And when I'm pissed shit is going down!:flutterrage:

A praise for thee: Keep this going and make me proud!:pinkiecrazy:

I must know what happens to King Douche.:pinkiecrazy:

I want to reply properly,
but I can't. I just can't. I don't know how.

2413153 The randomness of Alicon has been acheved.:pinkiecrazy:

You know, I honestly can't figure out why unicorns fight with horn lasers. I mean, any unicorn that can teleport even a tiny bit of matter could remove a paper thin slice from your neck, separating your head from your body.
There's no such thing as one solid object when everything is made of atoms.
A single unicorn could decapitate an entire army in the blink of an eye with a teleport spell. :flutterrage:

Celestia sighed. "Enough of this..." she muttered. There was a flicker of movement, and every single Gryphon fell to the ground a moment later, their heads removed.

and Celestia does this :trollestia: .

Omega Decapitation Achieved.


That actually isn't what her attack is. She forms a blade with her magic and cuts off each and every head faster than can be perceived.
The way I see it, normal teleportation isn't precise enough to only teleport a small amount of matter. It's an all or nothing deal. You move the whole organism, or none of it.
What you describe is a refined form of what I like to call an advanced form of teleportation called "Atom Displacement" where if you teleport into a tree or something, instead of getting stuck in the tree or split in half, your atoms will push away the atoms of what you teleport into. Another character in another fic I'm working on has this ability.
Ah, you're back.

2559575 Well my fellow alicorn there is an amazing thunderstorm outside with lovely thunder, Black Daze is my favorite character in this story.

And before you think I was being sarcastic about the thunderstorm I actually love to hear them and see the beautiful lightning, I prefer loud ones with lots of lightning and heavy rain than quiet ones.

Cool story bro?
I prefer clear night skies, not too hot but not too cold.
Rain's good too, just not when I have to go out.

decent but I know you can do better:raritywink:

It seems you're improving as well! Just add some punctuation and capitalization, and you'll have achieved basic grammar skills!
Not to be rude. And I know I can do better, I'm not good at writing descriptions or making dialogue meaningful.

2559648 I prefer them during the day so I can admire them.

2559791 I know a lot of guys who would be willing to beta:eeyup: and dude:ajbemused: I just have trouble writing dude but I can read a story like pro critc dude:moustache:


I just a have

*professional *critic
Dammit! You almost had it!

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