• Published 5th Nov 2012
  • 9,302 Views, 449 Comments

Project Ascension - TheMyth

Scootaloo has a big problem, and it's not what you'd expect.

  • ...

Chapter 6

Rainbow, in spite of the disadvantage they had, showed only bravery to the faces of the two pegasi who had somehow tapped into magic to give them elemental forms. She took a defensive position, with Twilight and Applejack standing by her side as Red’s flames were dancing around him.

“Burn, Baby!”

As he shouted out the words, Rainbow Dash and the others were encircled by a ring of flames, trapping them along with Red and Yellow. The fire touched the newspaper clippings and notes, burning them to ash. Spike, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle made their way behind Fluttershy, who only showed fear at the flames around them.

Com’ mere! I’ll make it all stop... ” Red called out to Rainbow standing before him.

Rainbow decided to charge in, “You got a big mouth for somepony who's gonna be crippled for life!” She kicked him in the gut, and he went flying to the wall of flame. But instead of being scorched, the flames brushed off of him and he picked himself up, dusting his feathers mockingly to Rainbow. “You have got to be kidding me!”

Yellow decided to make her move, and her feathers came out flying towards Twilight and Applejack, “Let’s see you dodge this!” she cried out to them as her flying feathers honed in on their targets. Twilight reacted by casting a shield spell encasing her and Rainbow in a lavender orb. “That’s useful... but that’s to be expected of Celestia’s little bitch!”

Twilight released the shield and her horn started charging with magic, “You haven’t seen anything yet!” a beam of condensed magic shot out to Yellow, whereupon impact she let out a groan and fell to the ground. Though she immediately stood up again, dodging Applejack who thought it wise to try and buck her whilst she was down.

Meanwhile, Red was facing Rainbow in what looked like a stalemate. His flames could not catch up to Rainbow as she was flying around him and fly-kicking him whenever she had a chance, but it seemed like the kicks themselves had no serious impact. Red looked behind him and saw Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie guarding the foals who accompanied them. He then saw Spike, and as Rainbow made another attack, he countered and sent her flying before she could stand up again.

“Hey Yellow! Looks like they brought the doll with them!”

Yellow turned to look at Red, confused at first but when Red pointed to Spike, she saw him and smirked at what she was seeing. Spike became even more afraid as the two looked at him with greed and wickedness.

“Thinking what I’m thinking Red?”


“Let’s take him in.”

Red jumped into the wall of flame, surprising the company but Yellow kept her calm. With a sizzling sound resounding behind Spike, Red jumped out and grabbed the dragon in his hooves as he was hovering above the party with his bounty.

Saying that this didn’t set well with Twilight was an understatement so big that not even Celestia could have seen bigger. Her eyes flashed an intense white as she levitated herself off the ground. When she spoke, it was in a booming voice that would have done Princess Luna proud.

Let. Go. Of. Him!!!

Before Red could obey, Twilight shot out a beam of pure magic which struck him in the barrel, sending him to the ground. Spike fell, landing safely on his mother’s back. Red recovered just in time to dodge another blast of magic, then another. The lavender unicorn kept coming, motivated by her child’s safety. Red shot his flames forward, but they bounced harmlessly off of Twilight’s shield.

“Stand aside Spike.” she instructed her son, who immediately jumped off his mother’s back and ran towards Rarity and the others. Twilight’s fur began to sizzle and char as her rage built up and her whole body became a living inferno. Red was staring in awe at the unicorn’s magic, but that soon turned to horror when she fired a magical beam at him. He hastily dodged the beam, but when it struck the wall behind him, it exploded on impact nearly sending everypony save Twilight flying.

“Screw this,” Yellow muttered, “we destroyed the notes, let’s go!”

“Good idea,” Red said, jumping back through the flames and to the safety of the outside world. He parted a path for Yellow, who managed to follow through before the path closed, leaving the rest trapped.

But only for a moment. Twilight’s sheer will activated her magic. With great effort, she manipulated the flames to step aside for them. Most of the rescue party ran out, stopping to catch their breaths.

But not Rainbow Dash. She kept flying at top speeds, chasing after the two magical pegasi. After a few twist and turns, she was outside, just in time to see the two pegasi flying off.

“Oh no you don’t!” she yelled, flying after them. She ended up tackling Yellow, wrapping her forelegs around her sides and locking her wings. The two began falling to the ground.

“Tell me where Scootaloo is, or I’ll...”

She never finished that threat. At that point, several volts of electricity ran through her. She let go out of surprise and pain, allowing Yellow to regain her altitude. Rainbow Dash, however, hit the ground stunned with her body going into spasms from the shock.

Yellow swooped down to finish her off, but Red stopped her. “Forget it, we need to get as much distance between us and those other mares as possible.”

Yellow snorted at this and yanked her hoof away, but looked down on the stunned Rainbow. “Consider yourself a lucky bitch! Try and follow us and you won’t be so lucky!” she sneered at her as she and Red made their way. Rainbow tried standing up, but her her hooves gave in and she fell to the ground yet again.


Mountain climbing was not one of Scootaloo’s strong points, as she was struggling to not fall to where her pursuer were standing. Like a hanging piece of meat in a lion’s den, Scootaloo was desperately trying to make her way upwards to where Canterlot was and away from Black.

“Come on down little lady, I won’t bite~” he yelled out to Scootaloo in a tone fitting to a wolf inviting himself to a sheep’s herd.

Scootaloo just kept on climbing until she made it to a ledge, seeing that she was not so far away from the top. She rested on the ledge for a moment, till she opened her eyes and saw the whole forest before her. Scootaloo admitted to herself that this was a view to treasure, but under the current circumstances, she could not enjoy it properly.

“Tell you what? If you come down now, we’ll let you see that Rainbow mare again... how’s that sound?” he reasoned to her, but he still got no answer as she was climbing further up.

Scootaloo reached her hooves to another ledge as she made her way up and stopped momentarily. A smile crept on her face when she got up and stood on the ledge, looking down at Black, who was staring upwards at Scootaloo.

“You promise I can see Rainbow?!” she yelled out to him, not caring if he promised or not.

Thinking he struck gold, he smiled triumphantly for a moment. “I cross my heart, and hope to die~” he sang crudely to her.

Scootaloo just stared before standing up, “Ok! Just give me a moment to jump and glide!” she backed away from the ledge, with Black rubbing his hooves in glee for his prize. As he looked, he smile immediately turned into a look of horror as a huge boulder came falling down from the sky.

“Oh buck!”

He made a dodge just in time, but where he stood was a miniature-sized crater with the boulder in the centre and Scootaloo jumped to the last ledge as she climbed closer to her goal. “Now get lost, you creep!”

“You little bitch!” Black snarled. “Oh, when I get my hooves on you...if you thought I hurt you before...”

Scootaloo just blew a raspberry and kept climbing.

Rainbow Dash got to her hooves just in time to see Twilight and Fluttershy running up to her. “Are you okay?” the pegasus asked.

“No,” the athletic mare snapped. “They got away!”

“Yes... but we wanted that.”

Rainbow just gaped. “What?” How can you say that?”

“Because while you were fighting Yellow, she shedded some feathers and hair. We can follow her, and if she doesn’t think we’re following, she’ll lead us right to Bloodwing.”

Rainbow Dash brightened up. In a split second, she threw her forelegs around her friend. “You’re a genius! Let’s get going!”

“Not so fast,” Twilight said. “They’re flying now, we can’t all follow as easy. Spike’s sending a message to the Princess for a chariot for us.”

“No! I’m sick of waiting! I’m going now!”

“...I figured,” Twilight sighed. “I’ll cast the spell. Take Fluttershy with you, I can follow the tracer spell on you. Just be careful, and when you find Bloodwing, don’t engage him without us.”

Rainbow grimaced, but nodded in agreement. “Fine. Think you can keep up, Fluttershy?”

“If it will save Scootaloo,” she said with a determination she put on whenever she was standing up for her friends.

Twilight finished her spell. “There,” she said proudly, admiring her work. “I programmed this to go faster, so you better hurry.”

“You got it!” she saluted. Without another word, the two pegasi dashed off, Fluttershy barely keeping up with her more aggressive friend.

Scootaloo finally reached the top of the mountain after much trial and error, which nearly cost her life. As she observed her surroundings, she took one last look from where she first started and was slightly baffled of the distance to where she was and to where the bottom stood. She jerked her head up quickly and turned back to the city of Canterlot, where she hoped against all hope to find any form of help. A part of her mind wished it was Rainbow Dash who would save her, but she had to face the reality that it was very unlikely to happen.

As she walked to the city entrance, she noticed the guards were not present at their posts. This alerted her senses, for she knew that the guards would never leave their posts unless something catastrophic happened to the city or any part of Equestria. She carefully walked past the entrance and began to relax as she noticed the normally uptight rich ponies walking among the streets. They might be able to help her, but some of them might be working for Bloodwing, as far as she knew. Hope began to blossom in her as she further calmed her senses with her taking the first steps towards the castle, hoping the princesses would tend to her emergency.

“Why do I always get stuck with the icky jobs?”

“I don’t give a crap about your opinion, Red, let’s just get the bitch and teach her a lesson!”

Scootaloo’s fur stood on end when she heard this voice, the same voice belonging to an earth pony that chased after her with his comrade. She slowly turned around and saw not only him and a red pegasus, but the other blue earth pony with a yellow pegasus mare. Black’s facial expression had anger written all over it, Blue just looked stoic as always, Red was looking somberly at Scootaloo oddly enough and Yellow’s mouth could not stop watering at the sight of Scootaloo.

Yellow ruffled her feathers as she gulped in anticipation, “Is that little filly the one who will bring us closer?” she asked Blue as she leaned in rather lustfully against his frame, but he did not move an inch at this action.

“Yes,” he answered her, not bothering to turn his head to his yellow companion who snorted and turned her head away mockingly closing her eyes for added effect.

Red just closed his eyes as he shook his head, “Look kid... just come along with us, ok? Don’t wanna hurt you further here,” he tried to reason with Scootaloo, but she backed away and galloped towards the castle, ignoring the ponies she bumped into.

Black nostrils flared as he started staggering, “That bitch is dead!” as he spoke these words, a hoof came flying to his head from behind and he groaned at the pain coursing through him. “Blue?! What the buck?!”

Blue just glared at him, instantly silencing him in the process. “We need her alive and unharmed, is that clear!?”

Scootaloo turned around and bolted, hoping to put as much distance as possible between her and the quartet of ponies sent after her. Seeing this, Yellow was off like a shot, flying after her target at top speed.

This turned out to be to Scootaloo’s advantage. An alleyway wasn’t too far from where she began running. She darted inside while the elder mare flew past it, going too fast to stop.

The filly made it to the fence at the end just as Red, Black, and Blue were coming around the corner. Black charged forward, looking ready to kill regardless of Blue’s instructions, but Scootaloo jumped up, flapping her wings to make it over her obstacle.

Black ended up hitting the wooden planks. After a moment he violently banged against the barrier, shouting unprintable words. Scootaloo kept running as Red flew over the fence, calmly chasing after her.

“Come on, kid, don’t make this harder than it has to be,” Red sighed.

The filly ignored and kept running, but in her heart she knew it was a futile gesture. She was tired, having not slept and barely eaten all day. Every muscle begged for rest, which she knew she would have to give very soon.

She darted into the street, pushing past the various elite ponies who only gave a few “Well, I never!” type responses to being pushed aside, most not even noticing her horn due to her going so fast. Red flew overhead, yelling apologies that her daughter was acting up.

Scootaloo thought of begging for help, but memories of Ponyville flooded back to her. Blue and Black pulled the DFS scam, no doubt the others could as well.

It was then that she saw her. Standing in front of an alleyway was Rainbow Dash. The elder mare looked frantic, as if she was looking for something.

“Rainbow!” she yelled at the top of her lungs, running toward her. She dared look back for a moment, and was relieved to see she had lost Red. “Rainbow!”

Rainbow Dash turned, and brightened when she saw who it was. “S... Scootaloo?” she stuttered as the younger filly jumped at her, throwing her forelegs around her neck. She hugged her back. “Oh kid, I’m so sorry! I never should have let those idiots take you!”

“They’re after me! They’re...”

“Okay, calm down, Rainbow Dash said. “No need to attract attention to ourselves. How many are there?”

“Four. Two of them pegasi.”

Rainbow Dash started to frown slightly, “Where are the other two, those two earth ponies that took you away?” she asked her calmly.

Scootaloo looked behind her to see if they were there, and they were not. “They are also there, but quick, Rainbow! We have to tell the others about this now!” she told her as she let go of Rainbow, but Rainbow had one hoof attached to the shoulder.

Rainbow just sighed before looking at Scootaloo, “There’s one little problem with that...”

Scootaloo raised her eyebrow at Rainbow’s strange behaviour, “What’s that?” she asked her innocently.

Rainbow closed her eyes and suddenly opened them as she looked maliciously at Scootaloo with an gleeful grin, “I’m not Rainbow Dash.” she told the filly, and slammed a hoof into her before she could make any movement of escape. As she fell the ground, her body went numb with spasms coursing through her veins and the imposter placed a bracelet on Scootaloo’s horn. The Rainbow Dash imposter suddenly groaned in pain as she shook her hoof to try and alleviate the pain from the bruise forming on it.

“Ohhh! I told them they were sending in the wrong guy!”

Just as the imposter spoke these words, the imposter’s body suddenly glowed and like water pouring from above and hitting an object in its way, the fur and mane started changing to show a white unicorn stallion with a golden brown mane. He looked down on his bounty with glee, using his magic to wrap another gag around the stunned filly’s muzzle just before lifting his head up to see four more ponies arriving at his location.

“You!” Black yelled out to the white stallion, “White! How the buck were you able to catch her?!” he demanded to know from him, but White just shrugged and smiled coyly.

“Good looks and charms always catches the ladies~” he said as he walked up to Yellow and placed his other hoof under her chin, which she just slapped away as she looked rather irritable by his actions.

Yellow snorted as she saw Scootaloo still lying on the ground, “If that is true, then why don’t you have a marefriend yet?” she snidely asked him, as he just rolled his eyes and returned them to the fallen Scootaloo.

Blue walked up to Scootaloo and hoisted her up his back, “Mission accomplished. Now we must rendezvous back the main base. White, stay at the guard post and disguise yourself as one of them. If you see anypony looking for this filly, lead them to a false destination.”

White saluted at this command, “You got it,” he said as he trotted away, using his magic to form another perfect disguise.

“Yellow, Black, Red... you follow me.”

Scootaloo finally got her bearings together and tried to stand, but was pushed back down. She felt it, another restraint belt.

She cried. She didn’t struggle. There was no point. She was caught again, and nopony was around to help her.

The fabric was tightened, and she was hanging by Black’s mouth again. He was moving, following Blue carefully through the alleyways. She saw Yellow who was smiling in triumph, holding her head up high as though she had won a gold medal. The same could not be said about Red, who just walked behind Black and he looked rather miserable for whatever reason Scootaloo could not fathom at that time, nor did she care. Tears fell like rain from her eyes. They had her, and she knew she wouldn’t get lucky again. They’d suppress her magic somehow, or have failsafes for such an event as her blow out in the forest.

A door opened, she realized. She was entering somewhere. This was it, Rainbow Dash would never find her now. Nopony would.

All her exhaustion overcame her, her pain, her hopelessness.

She blacked out.