• Member Since 23rd Jul, 2021
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


I'm here to post blogs and chew bubblegum, and I'm all out of blogs.


The Gala is approaching – A short dialogue for a specific style contest, where two royal mares with opposing positions debate each other. (And with short I mean 851 words, not 1022.)

The only rule for this contest is to use nothing but spoken words (and no formatting) to tell the story. It was a fun endeavor so I decided to give it a try.

Here is the description of the contest:

And this is the group for the contest:

Oh, Unless I missed something, my commentators have the highest average of all stories in the competition (5.0 average). FimFic should give me permission to post just a a title and no story, so people can come here and enjoy the high quality comments I attract.

If you want to read the best story in the contest, you can read The Perfectiest Plan.

It managed to bring a story, while keeping the dialogue distinguishable, using character appropriate vernacular. (I feel some of the winning entries failed in this regard.)
With a ratio at 248/1 (as of this moment) it also seems to be the choice of the readers.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

“You should know that we fulfill many dreams in ours line of work, but this type of fantasy is not healthy.”

Apparently Luna doesn't believe "There is no wrong way to fantasize" as Celestia does.

It's easy for Celly TO say that. SHE'S not the one dealing with everyone's dreams every single night. That's one of the reasons why I love the episode where Starlight swapped their cutie marks and, thus, their roles as princesses, in turn.

If the show wasn't catered to a younger audience, we both know what kind of dreams we'd see in episodes starring Luna.

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