• Member Since 25th Dec, 2021
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


As the name says, I'm just a nerd with a Switch.


At 19:47 on 19 July 2163, eight students of UA’s Class 1-A vanished off the face of the Earth.

Due to a series of cosmic coincidences, a bored god of chaos, and the unpredictable effect gravikinetic quirks have on each other, an interaction between [Zero Gravity] and [Warp Gate] ends with a group of superpowered high schoolers landing in the Everfree Forest. It’s a good thing that UA’s motto is “Plus Ultra,” because these teens may need to push past their limits just to survive their first night in Equestria. Let alone figuring out a way back home.

Well, at least the locals may be able to help—assuming Bakugo doesn’t scare them off first.

Cover art is a placeholder for now.
Romance tag is specifically for Green Tea.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 18 )

Alright. I'll bite. For now... (I'd highly recommend watching the rest of the currently available anime though. A LOT happens in the next three seasons.)

good start lets see what comes next shall we

I do plan on watching it eventually, and probably relatively soon at that; I fell off the show after the Provisional License Exam arc, but since falling back into the fanfic scene for MHA I've wanted to catch back up. But for the moment with writing this fic, I feel like just having general knowledge of characters, locations, and the timeline is enough. With most of the main protagonists and half of the League missing, canon has been defenestrated at this point.

After all, with [One For All] MIA, things might get...messy post-Kamino.

And I'm out. The out of place and out of character swearing is just too much, and that's just the first ten sentences. On top of the characters just not acting like themselves.

I don’t know what this due below is talking about - THIS IS GOOD

I NEED MORE :pinkiehappy:

The truth is that I'm already looking forward to the meeting between Izuku and Twilight.

They are both adorable and endearing nerds. :twilightsmile:

I love bote histories and I really hope to see both of them completed

excited for the next chapter

Cuando crees que estara listo el proximo capitulo?

But oh, she’d track them down. Nopony escaped the notice of Pinkamena Diane Pie.


But oh, she’d track them down. Nopony escaped the notice of Pinkamena Diane Pie.

*face palms*

Someone get a bucket please. Extra large. It will be needed to clean up the mess. Figurative and literal. Figurative because Twlight will no doubt do something profoundly stupid - either out of shock at how the MHA crew "defaced historical treasures" or her utter lack of social skills. Literal because Pinky is going to pop into the immediate personal space of eight super-powered teenagers who severly on edge and do Pinky things without considering said consequences. Oh and lets not forget that Katsuki, A guy with a hair-trigger temper that can produce explosions pretty much at will, might just be realizing that there is some mind-altering voodoo going on affecting him and the seven people who he might treat as friends. And then there is Rainbow "Jump the Gun" Dash waiting in the wings ready to react to the tiniest precieved slight as grounds for a full-out attack.

Yeah. This is the sort of situation that calls for patience, self-restraint, discipline, empathy, thoughtful consideration, and tact to keep things from escalating. Things the Mane Six wouldn't recognize if it hit them upside the head with a 4x4.

I've had this under "Read It Later" for a little while, but one of the problems with that is that I hardly ever get around to actually reading the stories I put there. I have over 200 entries that I need to get around to checking out at some point.

And reading this makes me happy that I actually managed to make the time to sit down and read. Definitely tracking this. Keep up the good work!

Couldn't stop smiling the whole time I read this.

This is the mare who decided that kicking a full-sized, adult dragon in the snout was a good idea; she knows no fear.

I would say more along the lines of "she has no common sense, self-restraint, or tact". Rainbow is the type of person who charges in (over) confident of victory then falls apart when the other side proves tougher than expected.

I suppose all things considered this went as well as could be expected. Even if you did cheat by putting Zecora - one of the series most rational creatures - with Twilight and have them meet probably the least-emotional of the MHA group. And Bakugo is clearly not that pissed as he only moved to close the distance to Twilight instead of blasting her apart.

On the downside though it felt as if some of the interactions at the end were rather... rushed? I mean theses are the mares from a town where Zecora showing up caused the entire place to shut down. I would have thought that they would have jumped right to suspicion first and it would have taken a good bit of time for them to stop treating the humans as a threat. Well except for Fluttershy. She's so much the caregiver, and the only one with regular experience interacting with non-ponies*, that its a given Fluttershy would focus the injury and its need for immediate attention to the exclusion of all else.

*Spike doesn't count since he's a good example of the whole "save the man, kill the Injun" idiocy. In other words he thinks and acts like a pony in a dragon suit.

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