• Member Since 9th May, 2015
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago

Johnny Unitas

I do not question the possibility of a fanfic without Rainbow Dash, I am merely pondering on the necessity of such.


Nightmare Moon has been banished to the moon. Roaming the accursed landscape she meets someone she never thought she would see there, giving her an offer that she would have never thought was possible to make.

But what are her motives, what does she want, could that they're wanting, really be one?

Written for dart157 for Jinglemas 2023

I wish them a very merry Christmas. I hope they find my story to their liking.

Well alright, acknowledgement time: Really it's just Mr Shakespearicles for both putting this contest up, and giving me a helping hand in editing the story, I grateful for both even if he has reason to doubt the latter.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 4 )

Happy Holidays, my friend. You did a really, really good job with my...admittedly lackluster prompt. Enjoyed reading it a lot!

I really, really liked this one story... but is marked as 'Incomplete', so there will be more chapters?

What I initially thought was a simple mistake, should have been the clue to Nightmare Moon of Celestia's bad faith; In all the discussion they had, Celestia always referred to the ponies as hers, "my little ponies", never of them, "our little ponies". That was a nice detail.

One mistakes I caut was:

Tia, we’re flash and blood.

flesh and blood

No prompt is weak my friend. Even the smallest things can be grabbed on to write stories. For example the thing inspired me, was your wish to specifically not turn NMM into Luna. That immediately sparked a question in my mind:

What is the closest I can bring NMM to reformation, without actually doing it? That question gave me the next idea: What is the closest I can bring Celestia to fall, without doing that? And from that this story came to be, and I'm very glad I took part in this context, it gave me a lot to reflect about personally, in this holiday season, I managed to create the wordplay I'm probably most proud of in my entire life really, and whole lot more that doesn't immediately come to mind.

But the purest, happiest moment was definitely you liking this story. That is what ultimately this whole thing is about.

Merry Christmas my friend.

Sadly no, this is the final story, but I've forgot again that incomplete is the default setting of the site when releasing new stories.

In Celestia's defence, the only reason why NMM called them "our little ponies" is because of her love of the royal plural, she doesn't think they belong to them both either. Luna does, but then again she is too pure to exist in the world. Later on, I do believe Celestia comes to understand the importance of sharing her burden with her sister, as I alluded to that in the second chapter, because that is what we see in the show, but this is a younger, prouder and more brash Celestia than the one in the show. This story was always meant as one of the many steps both of them had to take from the fall of Luna to her redemption in Season 1.

Can you imagine this Celestia having enough humility to effectively stand aside when the elements were dealing with NMM, knowing she can never defeat the monster she knew she created? I can't.

Sadly for Celestia definitely (arguably for Luna too) this was a step towards rock bottom, because as they aptly said in LoK "When we hit our lowest point we are open to the greatest change."

Thanks for spotting that mistake, I corrected it.

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