• Member Since 9th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Johnny Unitas

I do not question the possibility of a fanfic without Rainbow Dash, I am merely pondering on the necessity of such.


On a day of broken hearts and unnumbered tears, a day when it became impossible to believe in the good of the world, Carrot Cake will learn to believe in Pinkie. Because angels do not fly. Sometimes, they bounce.

I'm gonna have to thank everyone here briefly. First of all my wonderful Editor the one and only camuflage deceased facial hair on the site: Ninjadeadbeard. Fun fact apart from his meticulus editing work he also provided the wonderful descriptions for the story.
Second I want to thank Xennox who not only made the wonderful cover art but made sure there is SFW version avilable so I didn't have to burn my eyes out when I cropped it. Cover art used without permission.

And last but definitely not least I want to thank Toriandthehorse who started the editing process. He didn't get to finish it but still, his contribution was invaluable. I want to dedicate this story to him.
Angels might not always have wings and sadly in real life they are rarely immortal, but they are there. And that's enough. Hang in there Tori.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 11 )

Misspelled "weird" in the first chapter title.

Uh oh. I recognize that cropped image.

This needs to be in the feature box.

It will be a damn shame if it isn't.

Nice... dat cover art tho...

I mean I literally linked it in the description.

If the like dislike ratio is anything to go by it won't. Well it's enough that you enjoyed it. That's all I can ask for.

Allright...? I hope you enjoyed the story too.

Comment posted by Stinium_Ruide deleted Jul 3rd, 2020

Hello, I've reviewed your story here. I hope you find it helpful. :twilightsmile:

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