• Published 30th Sep 2023
  • 326 Views, 6 Comments

Celestia's Pawn - Zenith Benigne

Celestia wants to play chess, and she knows you're good, very good, at it.

  • ...

Just sit, and start with d4.

You recalled on your last game with your friend before you end up here, in Equestria, in Canterlot, in the palace.

"I win!!" You celebrated as you checkmate your opponent with a rook... and just a rook. Your opponent seemed to appreciate the game and thanked you for it. In return, you thanked him as well, and he left. It was your last game for the week with him, though.

You played three games, with three different openings.
Caro-Kann was quite tricky to play. You must make sure you didn't fall into Queen to H4 checkmate, which is the fool's checkmate. However, you managed to develop your knight before the queen checkmates, and it blocks your attack.
You tried Bongcloud once, and it didn't work. Your king was in the center, exposed to all kinds of attacks.
But when you tried Queen's gambit, it worked.. 88% of the time.

And now you're here, by invitation, by Celestia. She learnt chess so that she can play with her sister, Luna, who loves chess too. Luna is her only opponent for quite a long time, until she found out about your skill. You will be her second opponent to ever play with her.

You pack up your high quality chess set, which includes a 50×50 chess board and its pieces, and a chess timer. You walked your way through the halls before finding out you're in the throne room. There she is, Celestia, wearing her royal regalia, sitting on the majestic throne. Her guards, around 12 in total, made sure no intruders entered the royal palace. But you are not, because you are invited.

You planned to set up the chess board in front of her throne. But since you're setting it way too far from her, she spoke.

"You may set the board a little closer to me, Anon."

"Yes Princess," you obeyed her words and stepped closer to her, just a little so she can see the board clearly. You began to set the chess game up. You unfolded the chess board, and began to arrange the chess pieces in its correct places.

It took you quite a long time.

"Mind if I help?" Celestia offered a helping hoof.

"Sure, Princess," you approved.

Celestia stands up from her throne, and walks closer to our chess board, and began helping you in setting the chess board up, lifting the pieces at the same time and arranged them in the correct order. You're now familiar with the Equestrian magic.

"How long have you been playing chess, Princess?" You asked.

"I started playing chess around three months ago. My constant loses indicate that I have to learn more," she chuckled.

"I think you have a book for chess theory, is that correct?" You asked again, while lifting your chess timer, setting it to 30 minutes with no bonus time or increment.

"Luna gave me a book about chess theory. It taught me some, what do you call it..."

"Openings?" You guessed.

"No, the other word..."


"Yes, that one. I'm quite fond of the Sicilian, so I think I'll try it for today's game."

"Okay," you and Celestia finished setting up the board. It's time for the play. "It's done."

"Who will begin?" Celestia asked.

"You may play first, because you're the Princess," you answered.

"Royalty doesn't take place in chess game, so you may begin," she answered.

"Alright," you began the game with d4, initiating the Queen's pawn opening. Celestia responds with c5, but that puts her pawn in your line of attack.

"Are you sure, Princess? Your pawn on c5 is under attack. You can take back as you wish," you played easy on Celestia.

"Oh, right," Celestia chuckles, retracting her pawn and moved d5 instead. "There."

You respond with e4, attacking the pawn on d5. Celestia responds with taking your pawn on e4.

"Thanks for the free pawn," she chuckled.

You chuckled as you bring your knight on b1 to c3, attacking the pawn again. "Not for long, Princess."

Celestia grins as she protects the pawn by bringing her knight on g8 to f6. "Taking that one won't benefit."

"How about a trade?" You played f3, attacking her e4 pawn. She took it, indicating the trade is accepted, so you took her pawn with your queen.

"Another free pawn," Celestia brings her queen to d4, taking your pawn.

"I think you have to move that away a little, Princess." You played bishop to e3, attacking the queen.

"Oh right, my queen is in danger. I think I'll attack your pawn instead," she moved her queen to b4.

"Not for long," you chuckled, as you castle queen side.

Celestia notices that both your queen and your rook are now in the same diagonal, so she brings out her bishop on c8 to g4, attacking your queen, and at the same time, pinning your queen to the rook.

"You just sacrificed your queen, or your rook, and thanks for that," she spoke, not expecting your next brilliant move.

Knight to b5, ignoring the fact your queen is under attack!

"Are you sure? Your queen is under attack and you didn't do anything?" Celestia spoke.

You didnt want Celestia to lose for now, so you began to speak. "I'd say you shouldn't take my queen, Princess, because it's a trap."

"A trap?" She took your queen instead. "Now show me your trap." She put a grin.

You respond with knight taking the pawn on c7, which is a smothered checkmate. "Checkmate," you declared.

She didn't see your rook, so she bring her king to d7 attacking your knight.

"Princess, there's a rook over here," you pointed at your rook on d1. "You can't move your king to that square because my rook is controlling it."

"Oh right, it's a checkmate," she giggled. "Mind if we begin from the point you bring your knight and ignoring your queen completely?"

"Sure, Princess." You took your knight back to b5 and returned the pawn on c7, while she puts back your queen on f3 and moved her bishop to g4. "You can do a couple of things to protect the c7 square."

"Can I take your knight instead?" Celestia played Queen takes the knight on b5.

"You can, but the knight is protected by the bishop," you pointed at the f1 bishop that hasn't developed yet. "You can always take back."

"Oh right, I think I'll take back." She puts her queen back to b4 and your knight back to b5. "Can you give me some hint?"

"Of course, Princess. You can play knight to a6, protecting the pawn on c7," you hinted her.

"That could work," she played knight to a6.

"Now I can't take your pawn on c7, but I'll take your pawn on b7 instead," you played Queen to b7, taking the pawn.

"Okay I can take your rook now," Celestia played bishop to d1, taking the rook.

You respond with Queen to a8, taking the rook. "It's a trade of rooks, but with a check. You have to move your king now."

"Oh, of course." Celestia plays king to d7, the only legal move. You respond with playing Queen to a7, taking the pawn.

"Now I must protect my knight, correct?" Celestia plays queen to a4.

"A trade of knights?" You offered, by playing Knight to c7, taking the pawn, and attacking Celestia's knight on a6 at the same time.

"Accepted," Celestia took your knight on c7, which... actually gives up her queen. You successfully trapped Celestia.

"Ha, you fell into my trap." You played Queen takes Queen on a4. "Check."

"Oh dang, you trapped me, heheh," She chuckled, moving her king to d4.

You played Queen to d4. "Check, and I got your bishop."

"Wow you're really good at this!" Celestia blocks your attack by playing c7 knight to d5. You still get the bishop, however. You took it with your queen.

"So it's not a legal move to take this bishop, correct?" Celestia meant Knight taking the bishop on e3.

"Unfortunately yes. I pinned your knight."

"Very well then. I shall attack it once more time again," Celestia played knight on f6 to g4. "I gave up my knight. Feel free to take it. I'll get your bishop too."

You accepted the trade. You play Queen takes g4, Celestia responds with knight takes e3. "Not for long," you said, playing Queen to d4 check, and you get her knight.

"Oh no, my knight!" Celestia plays king to e8. Its just a game, however.

You didn't take her knight. Instead, you played bishop to f5 checkmate. "Checkmate," you declared.

Celestia laughed. "Good game. Care for another next day?"

"Sure! I love playing with you, anyways."

"Likewise. Okay let's make a deal for tomorrow. If I win, you will teach me chess."

"And what happens if I win, Princess?"

"If you win, I promise you will be a pony, and an Equestrian citizenship." Celestia smiled.

"Sounds good, alright, see you tomorrow!" You begin to pack your chess set up.

"Mind if I help?" Celestia offered a helping hoof again.

"Oh of course, Princess." You turned off your chess timer and pack it inside your bag, while Celestia lifts all the pieces into your bag and carefully fold your chess board and put it in your bag again.

What a game.

Comments ( 6 )

"Yes, that one. I'm quite fond of the Sicilian, so I think I'll try it for today's game."

"Okay," you and Celestia finished setting up the board. It's time for the play. "It's done."

"Who will begin?" Celestia asked.

"You may play first, because you're the Princess," you answered.

"Royalty doesn't take place in chess game, so you may begin," she answered.

"Alright," you began the game with d4, initiating the Queen's pawn opening. Celestia responds with c5, but that puts her pawn in your line of attack.

It's actually Old Benoni (1. d4 c5 and the main move is 2. d5). It's a fine opening, but I prefer Benko (1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 c5 3. d5 b5!?).

I prefer the Nakhmanson Gambit (deadliest chess opening)

Imma be honest, I have no clue what even half of that was. I'm not a chess buff. The only chess Gambit I know is the Albin Countergambit NPBMS Variation.

Alright, I'll take that into consideration

Thanks for informing! I'll consider adding that countergambit in the next chapter.

Here is a link that explains the Albin Countergambit NPBMS Variation, so that you may properly implement it within your story.

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