• Published 13th Jun 2023
  • 426 Views, 2 Comments

The Irregular Misadventures of the Equestria Girls (Volume 1) - ShopperBrony90

Regular Show rewrite, but with the Equestria Girls and the other students and staff of Canterlot High.

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Luna's Secrets

It all started with Sunset Shimmer, Snips and Snails were at Principal Celestia and Vice-Principal Luna's house to water Luna's plants. The two boys were stubborn because of this.

"Can't we just water the plants later?" Snips asked.

"Yeah, in fact, we didn't even get paid for this!" Snails said.

"No, we're watering her plants now!" Sunset said sternly.

"I still can't believe she just tasked you to water the plants." Snips said.

"Well, I hadn't seen anyone asking you two to water the plants."

"Whatever!" Snails said. "Can we just get this over with so we can leave?"

"Chill snails, you both should be glad that you two were doing something good for once. Not to mention that you two almost screwed up the school play last school year."

"That's not my fault!" Snips defended himself.

"And it's not mine either!"

Sunset sighs annoyed. "Will you two knock it off and help me find the watering can?"

Then for the next few minutes, they were finding the watering can around the house but nothing. The last thing they checked was Luna's bedroom but it was locked.

"Agh, the bedroom doors are locked!" Snips said.

"It wouldn't be in her bedroom!" Sunset's voice was heard from the living room. "Stay out of there!"

"Hey Snips, check out this hat!" Snails then put on a hat and began to intimidate Luna. "It's not like my sister Celestia was adopting Sunset or anything. I just let her come over and water my plants."

The two boys snickered, and Snips wanted to try. "Ooh, ooh, let me try!"

But Snails slapped his hand. "No. I want to wear it while I water the plants!"

"Just let me put it on!"

"No way, I want to put this on while I'm watering!"

Then Snips attempted to snatch the hat from his but Snails quickly grabbed his hands, and they began fighting.

"Get off me! I wanna wear it while I water the plants!"

Then Snails headfirst to a bookshelf knocking out a book and ripped its lock. Sunset came by and was annoyed by their antics.

"What in Celestia is going on here?"

The two boys pointed at each other at the same time. "It was him!"

Sunset sighs again. "Guys, for once, don't do anything rash here!" Then she noticed a book lying on the ground and it had a lock much to her horror. "Oh no! What did you guys do?!" She picks up the book.

"What do you mean, what did we do?! Snips pushed me!"

"Guys, you broke it!"

"Yeah right," Snips said. "You can't break books! And besides, even if it did break, just put it back and don't say anything!"

"Guys, you totally broke it! Look, this thing has a lock on it."

"What kind of book has a lock?"

"I don't know." She then opens the first page, and the text says, "LUNA'S DIARY" she quickly closes the diary.

"Oh no."


"This is Vice-Principal Luna's diary! Guys, she's gonna be reading her diary! This is bad!"

"Sunset, what's the big deal?" Snips asked.

"Yeah, it's just some same old diary! I mean, why do people even need to keep their secrets anyway?"

"I don't care!" Sunset replied. "We'll be in big trouble if she finds this thing broken, we gotta fix this before she gets back!"

Then we see the three in the living room and Sunset tries to put the broken lock back on, but it won't work.

"Sunset, you need to stick with glue." Snails said as he brought out the "Supa Glue" from his pocket.

"Okay Snails, just a drop."

"I know."

"Just a drop!"

I know!" He accidentally squirts a lot of glue on the diary.

"Snails, I said Just a drop!"

"You were making me nervous!"

"Why don't we just tell them the truth?" Snips asked.

"And she won't be pleased and will not give us a chance to explain what happened!" She replied. Takes the glue from Snail's hands and reads the back. "Ok. It says here we can remove the glue with heat."

"I got a solution." Snails grab the diary and put it inside the microwave. Just was he about to turn it on, Sunset stopped him by grabbing his hand.

"Wait, we're not putting anything in the microwave."

The scene transitions to the balcony and Sunset turns on the grill to heat up the glue.

"Sunset, it's working!" Snails exclaimed.

"Yeah, it is."

The glue drips to the fire causing it to explode, and the diary on fire. Sunset tries to use the towel to put the fire out and Snips and Snails comes out with a lighter fluid.

"We got it!"

"Snips, snails, that's not-!" But then they squirt the fluid on the burning diary causing it to explode again.

Sunset rushes to the bathroom and throws the diary to the toilet.

"You think she'll notice?" Snips asked.

Sunset sighs, feeling frustrated as she grabs the Diary. "I think you two helped enough." She walked away.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm going to find a way to fix this diary with the help from my friends. Just find the watering can and water the plants. I'll be back."

When she left the house, Snips and Snails looked at each other feeling guilty.

"Snails, I think we messed it up."

"I know. We need to do something about this, but Sunset told us to water the plants while she fixes the diary."

Sunset meets her friends at Sugarcube Corner and tells them what happened.

"So, you're saying that you and those guys were told by VP Luna to water her plants at her house and they both screwed up by breaking Luna's diary by accident and you're seeking Twilight's help to fix it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"That sounds about right." She looks at Twilight. "Besides, even though you are smart and can create any invention, you somewhat knew a lot of answers much like Princess Twilight in Equestria. You know everything about the double glaze donuts, body essences, that tape that traps me in, so you got to know something about this."

Luckily for her, Twilight smiled, meaning that she knows how to fix a diary. "Once again, I do have the answers for that. And surprisingly, I knew the possible, existing ways that could end the universe without a shadow of a doubt."

"Umm…Yer' may be smart and all but how do ya' know this kind of stuff aside from science and other subjects?" Applejack asked.

"As I said, my time at Crystal Prep paid off." Twilight replied.

"So can you fix it?"

"There is one way; I can transfer the secrets to the new diary using a magic quill pen I found back 2 years ago. But in order for this to work, we have to be in the same place where the diary was open."

"Principal Celestia's house," Sunset answered.

"But first, I want all of you to know that diaries are a serious business, because they can contain secrets."

"And if we mucked it up by exposing secrets it would destroy the entire universe or something if I'm, correct?" Rainbow asked.

"Well, something worse than that but yeah. But secrets are a force to be reckoned with."

The girls went back to the sister's place with Twilight, placing Luna's diary with a different journal.

"Wait. That doesn't even look like VP Luna's diary." Fluttershy said.

"As in written content, so too physical appearance, will the books become identical. Girls, join hands."

The girls joined hands as told by Twilight.

"Okay, it's time to begin. Now, no matter what you hear, you must not look at Luna's secrets as the quill transfers her personal privacies.

Twilight opens the box with the magic quill inside as the quill makes a strong wind and it levitates.

"Now we must close our eyes."

The girls closed their eyes. Through Rainbow Dash's POV, they hear ghosts' sounds, whispers and strange laughs while keeping their eyes shut.

"I'm beginning to feel scared!" Fluttershy said, while her eyes were shut.

"Just keep your eyes closed and ignore them."

There are still more whispers that were heard.

"HOW MUCH LONGER IS THIS GOING TO TAKE?!" Rarity asked in fright while her eyes were closed.

"It should be any minute now, just keep your eyes closed!"

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes and saw ghosts, pages from the broken diary being transferred to another journal and her friends were still holding onto each other while keeping their eyes shut.

"Cool." That's all she just said.

The progress was replaced by Luna's face appearing and later morphing into the living room and the table drop on the floor. Twilight opened her eyes and was surprised that the process didn't work.

"The transfer is incomplete. Did everyone keep their eyes shut?"

"I kept mine shut!" Sunset replied.

"Same here," Applejack said.

"Ditto!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Mine is closed as well, Darling."

"Mine was close. Honest."

They all looked at Rainbow Dash, waiting for her answer. She nervously scratches the back of her head.

"Well…there's a chance I might've taken a small peek… maybe."

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight scolded. "Do you have any idea what you have done?!"

Then they heard stomping and screaming.

"What was that?" Fluttershy asked, feeling scared.

"It's coming from outside."

The girls came out of the backyard and saw a gigantic, VP Luna in a warrior dress. And she was coming straight towards the Equestria Girls.

"Vice Principal Luna?!" Sunset exclaimed.

"That's not her." Twilight said. "When Rainbow Dash looked…"

"I said maybe looked, maybe!"

"She released a guardian of Vice Principal Luna's secrets."

The guardian still proceeds.

"She'll kill us because we looked into her secrets!"

"Then ah' say we fight her!" Applejack said. "Everyone, time to pony-up!"

"I'm afraid our powers won't do us any favors, Applejack."


"She's a guardian of secrets, and nothing can stop a kind of guardian like her!"

"Then if our powers won't work, what do we do?!" Sunset asked.

"There's only one way we can stop this. Each of us has to reveal a secret of our own, or we're dead!"

The guardian still stomps towards them.

"Alright, I'll go first." Twilight took a deep breath and revealed her deepest secret. "My time at Crystal Prep was exactly healthy, physically, emotionally and verbally at the same time. Everyone there kept on beating me up and wishing that I should be dead and saying that no one would want to be friends with me. And when Sunset Shimmer saved me after I was corrupted by magic during the Friendship Games, I decided to enroll in CHS and learn more about friendship and hang out with you girls and Sunset, so I'll never forget what Sunset did for me that day."

Then her fire stops for a second but later restarts.

"Wow Twilight," Sunset said. "I am so sorry to hear how tough your time at Crystal Prep was."

"Yeah, we had no idea you suffered so much." Rarity said.

"I appreciate your concern, but we have a problem on the matter right now! You guys reveal your secrets!"

"Uh, okay," Sunset spoke. "Sometimes, when I was helping Rainbow Dash to clean out the gutters, we went to Sugarcube corner instead."

"Yeah, good one," Rainbow Dash said. "And a lot of times, I don't even need to eat anything, I Just don't like cleaning out the gutters!"

But their secrets are not working.

"No, it has to be something meaningful!" Twilight clarified. "Unless you tell your personal privacy, we're dead!"

"All right I'll do it! I like to sing along to really bad pop music!" Sunset admitted.

"I ate a donut out of the trash can!" Rainbow confessed.

"Ah' like to wear a bodybuilder suit…a lot!" AJ exclaimed.

"I actually like the taste of donuts better when they're from the trash!" Pinkie said.

"Applejack, remember that day when I went to your house while I was building for the school play and saw your diary open, and I said I didn't read it? I lied! I read your diary page by page, especially your most private ones! I'm sorry AJ! Your secrets are just too jucy!"

"Are you serious?" Her flame goes out again and restarts. "Ah' forgive you Rainbow Dash and ah' had something to say too, I've been pumping weights at the school gym with ma' super strength so I'll be prepared for extra battles!" Her secret works as the flame goes out and later proceeds. "Everyone! Say something!"

"I sometimes eat sugar from a dumpster!" Pinkie Pie confessed.

"Sometimes!" Fluttershy adds. "I smuggled one of my pets to school!"

"It has to be something deep!" Twilight clarified.

"Very well," Rarity said. "This would scare me the most but okay, whenever I fall asleep, I always drool from my mouth with my hair being a mess!"

"I have a big problem that I can't control my act while I'm partying like an out-of-control party animal!" Pinkie Pie admitted.

"Every night, I sneak into the zoo and feed the animals there even though the rules say don't feed them!" Fluttershy confessed.

All their secrets seemed to work but there's one person left to say, and AJ spoke, "Sunset, it's up to you now Sugarcube!"

"What can I say?"

"Say anything Darling!" Rarity told her.

"The Canterlot illegal street-artist Flanksy is me!" She admitted that it's not working.

"It has to be something deeper than that!" Twilight cried.

"I became arrogant and obsessed with power, so I turned my back on Princess Celestia! I bullied everyone mercilessly at school and broke my friend's friendship once before! I stole Princess Twilight's crown and turned into a raging she-demon when I put it on during the Fall Formal! I'm a heartless person back then! I lied about being on the cheerleader team! I AM ATTRACTED TO MY SPECIES IN THIS WORLD!"

Then the guardian disappears and the destruction she caused turns back to normal. And so, the secret transfer process proceeds as it's finally transferred the secrets to the new journal and that journal turned into the same diary before it was broken.

"Woah, it looks exactly like her diary!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed. "Twilight, you're so awesome! And I'm sorry I looked; I was just too curious."

"It's fine, Rainbow Dash." Twilight replied. "At least we stopped this together."

Rainbow turned to Sunset and snickered. "And you who knew that you have a thing for horses in this, Sunset?"

Sunset blushed. "Okay Rainbow Dash, stop it."

The next day at CHS, the girls were gathered at the band room.

"I can't believe we got the diary back together!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Yes. And thanks to my help." Twilight said.

Then Applejack realized something and turned to Sunset. "Wait a minute. Ya' forgot to water her plants do you?"

"Don't worry I just got a call from Snips and Snails saying that they indeed water the plants."

"So, what do ya'll want to do next after class?"

"I say we crash at my place for a sleepover!" Rainbow suggested.

"Sounds like a plan to me."

"Oh, a sleepover would be lovely, darling." Rarity said.

"Group hug!" Pinkie exclaimed, hugging her friends.


Comments ( 2 )

The rewrites of many episodes of Regular Show, but instead features all the characters from My Little Pony: Equestria Girls!

Why not use the actual Regular Show characters and just put it on fanfiction.net or something like that?

Well, I’m trying to make more Equestria Girls fanfics, with this one putting them in various unexpected situations, different from the actual series!

I’m only experimenting with something different.

It’s just to add more attention to Regular Show and mostly Equestria Girls!

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