• Published 13th Jun 2023
  • 426 Views, 2 Comments

The Irregular Misadventures of the Equestria Girls (Volume 1) - ShopperBrony90

Regular Show rewrite, but with the Equestria Girls and the other students and staff of Canterlot High.

  • ...

Time Kiss

It was nighttime, Twilight and Timber went outside of the movie theaters and met up with the main 6 that they just went out from another movie theater.

"So, what do you think?" Timber asked.

"Though, I think I'm gonna enjoy the remake better." Twilight said.

"Well, I'm glad you liked it, because I miss the best part because Rainbow Dash tried to talk to me." Timber groaned.

"I have no idea what you are talking about. I was with the others the whole time." Rainbow Dash said.

"So, what now?" Rarity asked.

"I say we hit the road to my apartment for some of my famous shimmer-shakes!" Sunset Shimmer said.

"I totally agree," AppleJack said.

"I'll see you guys there." Twilight said.

Meanwhile, Timber drove Twilight to Sunset's apartment to meet up with her and the others. And stopped in front of the apartment.

"What's in the shimmer-shakes again?" He asked.

"She said it's a surprise. So, we have to find out for ourselves." Twilight said as they got out of the car.

"It's probably just regular shakes." Rainbow Dash said as she and the others met up with the pair.

"You're seriously gonna load up all the desserts after that chili dog incident?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Ugh! That was really gross!" Rarity said.

"Don't remind me," Sunset Shimmer gagged.

"Come on guys! Sunset said there is always room for her shimmer-shakes!" Timber said. Then he realized something. "Ram it! I forgot my wallet in the car!"

He then went back to his car and looked for his wallet. Then Twilight checked on him and asked, "Hey, what's up?"

"Oh, I can't find my wallet." He answered.

"Okay. Let me check." She then went inside beside him and helped him find it. "Did you check the glove compartment?"

"Oh, I checked there," He faced a bit closer to Twilight's, "Already…"

They slowly and slowly leaned closer to each other, and they were about to kiss. However, Twilight felt his breath smell horrible and lightly shove him a bit.

"Oh sorry. I shouldn't…"

"No, no. It's fine. It's just…your breath is really bad."

This shocks him and tries to get out of the car.

"No really it's…"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Timber ran out of the car in desperation.

"Timber, wait!"

"You know, Sunset Shimmer came up with the name shimmer-shakes," Pinkie Pie said.

"Technically she…"

"Sorry girls, but I gotta hit the road! Enjoy your shimmer-shakes!" Timber said, passing by the group.

"Wait, what?"

"No time to explain! I gotta go home!"

When Timber returned home, he stopped and caught himself some breath and speaking of breath, he is really acting out by what happened earlier.

Then the doorbell rang, he opened up and it was Sunset Shimmer and Rainbow Dash stood in front of him with his car in his driveway.

"Oh, hey guys. What are you two doing here?"

"Well first off, you left your car at my apartment and your car keys. So, I had to bring it back to you and Rainbow Dash insisted she go with me while the others stayed and enjoyed my shakes." Sunset Shimmer answered.

"Timber, what happened?" Rainbow asked.

"Umm, nothing. Nothing's wrong." He lied.

"Oh, come on, you rejected my offer of my shimmer-shakes when you ran off scared. What's going on between you and Twilight?" She asked.

"Well…I kissed Twilight tonight…"

"So? That was normal. So, what's the problem about that?" She asked.

"No…it's just…she said I had a bad breath."

"Didn't you check first?"

"I was in the moment!"

"Well, you gotta pack a mint there, Timber." Rainbow Dash said.

"That was our secret kiss, and I blew it! And now she doesn't want to speak to me again! I wished I could start over…" Timber said sadly and sat down on his couch.

"Oh Timber, I'm so sorry for you. I wish we could help." Sunset Shimmer said with a sad look.

"Hmm, maybe there is another way." She said,

"Like what?" He asked.

"Well, me and my friends have magic so of course, there is another way." She said,

"Rainbow Dash, there really is but then me and Pinkie Pie destroyed it when we got back staged from the other day." Sunset Shimmer said. Remembering that she experienced spending the same day all over and over again.

"I am not saying we're using Equestrian magic to start the day all over again. However, I do remember Twilight showing me something from the other day. And maybe that could help. But first, I'm just gonna run back and ask her." Rainbow Dash said.

She then ran off with her super speed and before a second, she came back, holding a robotic round thing.

"What is that?" Timber asked.

"It's a time machine." She answered. "She said it really works."

"But does she ever test it?" Sunset asked.

"Well even if she doesn't test it doesn't mean it's not working."

"Let me see it for a second," Timber said, taking the time machine from Dash's hands, "Now where's the on switch?"

"Timber, stop! You're gonna break it! We don't even know how it works!" Sunset Shimmer said.

"I just want to go back to fifteen minutes ago!" He repeatedly pressed the button. Then suddenly, the trio disappeared in a small green aura.

After a few seconds, they were teleported outside of Sunset Shimmer's apartment.

"Wait, what happened?"

"This thing just sent us back to Sunset's apartment. What a rip-off." Rainbow Dash said.

"I won't be so sure of that," Sunset said, "Look!"

Sunset pointed out her past self and her friends standing in front of her apartment.

"Whoa! This is weird." Rainbow Dash said.

"Shoot! We gotta hide!" Timber said.

The trio ran and hid behind a nearby car that was parked on the other side of the road as past-Timber went back to the car to find his wallet.

"Well don't just stand there, do something." Rainbow Dash ordered.

"Like what?"

"I don't know."

"I can't just barge in there. What if I see myself?"

"That's kinda ironic seeing as how you're watching yourself right now." Sunset Shimmer said.

Then, they see past-Twilight checked on past-Timber. "Look how embarrassed you are, hey baby, wanna find what I am looking for?" Rainbow Dash said, sounding like Timber's voice and changing her timid voice into Twilight's, "Okay."

"Rainbow Dash! That's not funny!" Timber said.

Then they teleported back to the present to Timber's house.

"What happened?" Sunset wonders.

"I didn't touch it." Timber said.

"But hey! It really works!" Rainbow Dash said. Walking up to Timber. "May I borrow it for a second?" She took the time machine and took a few steps back and pressed the button. "Go back to two months ago!" She teleported away and a split second later, she teleported back. "Awesome!"

"Rainbow Dash! Quit fooling around!" Timber said, sounding not amused.

"Yep. We got a mission to do." Sunset said.

"Okay. Let's think. What was the fastest way to fix my bad breath in the past, when I kissed Twilight, and was it not bad?"

"I told you man. Mints." Rainbow answered.

"Oh yeah. So, we'll just give my past-self a mint after we go back to 2 hours ago at the movie theater." Timber said, as the trio put their hands on the time machine. "Go back to two hours ago!"

They teleported to where Timber and Twilight watched the movie inside the theater and Timber could see his past self and Twilight watching the film. And they quietly sat a few rows behind them.

"You got the mints?" He asked, and Rainbow Dash handed him the mints.

Timber threw some mints to his past self and threw them again and it attracted his attention. Past-Timber looked behind to see who was throwing mints at them but saw no one.

The trio ducked behind the chairs.

"Timber, I doubt this would work." Sunset Shimmer stated.

"Well, I don't want you to see me."

"Rainbow Dash groaned. "Give me those!"

"Rainbow, wait!"

Rainbow Dash went to past-Timber.

"Psst! Hey, Timber!"

"Rainbow Dash? I thought you were with the others." Past-Timber said.

"That's not important. Here, want some mints?"

"What? No! Shush!"

"Come on. They're really good. Take a couple."

"Don't wanna!"

"Just take 'em!"


Then, she accidentally dropped the mints and attracted everyone's attention and quickly ran off with her super speed.


"Dude! We're trying to watch the movie!" Past-Flash Sentry said.

"Yeah, tell that to Rainbow Dash trying to…wait." Past-Timber looked behind and saw nothing.

They teleported back to the present to Timber's place.

"What is wrong with me?! What can't I just take a mint?!" Timber groaned.

"I don't know man, maybe you hadn't eaten that chili dog earlier." Rainbow Dash wondered.

"That's it! I'll just stop myself from eating it!"

They teleported to earlier at night where they were having a chili dog outside of the mall. Timber sees himself ordering from the truck.

"Ram it! I am about to order! If only that truck wasn't there."

"Just leave it to me." Rainbow Dash said and used her super speed and went behind the truck.

"You know what you want?" The vendor asked.

"Yeah. I'll take a sloppy dan dog with extra onions and sauerkraut." Past-Timber ordered.

"Extra? Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Pile 'em up!"

While he was busy ordering, Rainbow Dash took the wheel stoppers from the truck. And seconds later, the truck moves downhill and the chili dog falls on the floor. Past-Timber picked it up and took a bite. Much to the girl's disgust.

"What? Five second rule."

"Man, that was really gross." Future-Timber said with disgust.

"See, we told you." Sunset Shimmer said.

Then they teleported through the time vortex.

"Ugh! What the buck is wrong with me?!"

"Don't worry timber, we can still figure it out." Sunset assured.

"If I had eaten something earlier, then I wouldn't want that dumb chili dog." Then he got an idea and pressed the button. "7 hours ago."

They teleported to earlier in the morning at the sushi restaurant where Sunset Shimmer works in her free time. And they hid where the restrooms were located. They saw past-Sunset Shimmer in her uniform and served past Timber and Flash with a sushie pie.

"I saved you guys for piece of a sushie pie." Past-Sunset Shimmer said.

"No, no thanks. We're good." Past-Timber said.

"Yeah. We're saving room for chili dogs tonight." Past-Flash agreed.

"Oh. Okay."

She picked up the food and returned to the kitchen and past Timber called her out, "Hey Sunset? We take that pie after all."

"Okay. Sure." She then returned the pie to them. "Here you go."

"What? We said no." Past-Timber said.


"Yeah, chili dogs tonight. Remember?" Past-Flash reminded her.

"Oh. Sorry it's been a long day." She took the sushi pie and went back to the kitchen. Only for future Timber called her out. "Oh Sunset! Where's the pie? And can we get some sushi meat too with fries?"

"Sure thing." Past Sunset said, getting annoyed and gave the food to them. "Here you go. The fries will be out in a minute."

"Are you feeling alright?"

"Oh, come on guys! If you're trying to mess with me, then it's not funny!"

"We're not! I swear!"

"Great. Now you're mad at me." Future-Timber said.

"Well, at least you hadn't ticked me off enough." Future-Sunset said.

"You know what's ironic?" Rainbow Dash wondered. "All of the things we did happened tonight because we went through time."

"I'm not giving up. There's gotta be a way to fix my bad breath." He thought for a moment. "Wait. I got it!"

Then the past-Timber went to the bathroom and prepared for his date with Twilight. It's early in the morning so he went to the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet and saw a toothbrush, and toothpaste, but he took the hair comb instead.

"Oh yeah. That's what the ladies like." He spoke.

Then the trio barged into the bathroom with his future self and Sunset held him tight.
"Quick, Rainbow Dash! Find the mouthwash!" He ordered.

Rainbow Dash grabbed the mouthwash and tried to pour it into past-timber's mouth. "Open your mouth! It's for our own good!"

Then, the 4 suddenly teleported back to the present in his house.

"Get off me!" Then past-Timber freed himself from them and they sat down on the floor with huge gasps.

"Oh no." Future-Timber said.

"That's not good."

"Talking about Déjà vu." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Wait. Who are you guys?" His past-self asked.

"I'm you from the future."

"What?! Where am I?! What year is this?!"

"Relax. It's still the same day, just later at night." Rainbow Dash assured him.

"Then take me back! I don't want to cease from existence or something!"

"Wait a minute. If we remove me from the past, does that mean I'm gonna disappear?"

"I don't know. I'm not an expert on time travel."

Sunset shrugged. "Don't look at me."

"Okay. Listen to me. There's a reason why he had to do this. We finally kissed Twilight tonight?"

"What? No way." His past self said in disbelief.

"No really! It's true! But we messed it up. We both had bad breaths and she pushed us away. So Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash and I tried to go back in time to fix it."

"Don't tell me that time machine would cost the entire universe." Past-Timber said.

"Hey, it wasn't like that. Your girlfriend made this. So, it really works." Rainbow Dash said.

"Whatever. All I know is that people from the future are telling lies. Remember Sunset talked about living the same day all over and over again?"

"But this is different!" Sunset Shimmer said.

"And what's with 'we' kissed Twilight business? I haven't kissed Twilight especially that we almost kissed that night. Just because you messed it up, doesn't mean I'm gonna."

"That's not how it works!"

"Forget it girl. Now give me that piece of junk!" He snatched the time machine from his future self's hands.


"Don't worry. It's not like he's gonna know how to use it." Rainbow assured.

Past-Timber pressed the button. "Take me back to this morning!" He teleported away.

"Well, that came out of nowhere." Sunset said.

"I guess he's smarter than you are somehow."

"Well, I guess that's it then. We lost the time machine. I can't believe I'm going to live with his kiss…"

"Never say never man," she said with a sly smile.

"I didn't say never…" He spoke.

"Who's the fastest Equestria Girl?"

"Rainbow, what are you talking about?"

She dashed away and then came back holding the same exact time machine.

"What? How?" Sunset asked in surprise.

"Remember I sent myself back to two months ago? You guys think I was fooling around but I went back and got the second time machine."

"Rainbow Dash, you're a genius! Oh, if Twilight hears this, then no offense to her." Timber said.
"If I was Twilight, I would say none taken." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Now come on guys. We have to stop before it's too late." They put their hands on the time machine and Timber pressed the button. "Back to this morning!"

They went back to earlier in the morning where they caught past-Timber, but he got away. They even chased him earlier at night when they're past selves are watching the movie and teleported to an hour after the movie to where they're past selves were having chili dogs outside of the mall.

The chase was so long that they even went back to the Equestria Girls' past adventures. Such as Holidays Unwrapped "Saving Pinkie's Pie", Sunset Shimmer's Backstage Pass, Forgotten Friendship, Driving Miss Shimmer (RARITY ending), Overpowered, The Fine Line, Monday Blues, Legends of Everfree, Friendship Games, Rainbow Rocks, and all the way up to My Little Pony: Equestria Girls.

Then everyone flew through the time vortex.

"Wait, stop! We're trying to help you!" Sunset Shimmer said.

"Yeah right. You can't keep me from kissing twilight!"

"Whatever dude is not like you know I kissed her at 11:55." Future timber said.

"Timber, what are you doing?" Rainbow Dash asked with a shock.

"I have a plan. Oh shoot. I can't believe I just gave that away. I'm such an idiot."

Past-Timber pressed the button. "11:55!"

He teleported to later at night in front of Sunset's apartment and saw his past-self went to his car. He quietly dragged him and tied him up and hid in the dark shadows. And went inside his car and glanced at his future self he just tied up.

"Sorry bro, but you ain't getting my kiss tonight." Then he heard the door open, thinking it was actually twilight." Oh, hey twilight-"But then he sees his other future self and backs away and gets out of the car. "Just stay away!"

But Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer held him tightly, so he wouldn't escape.

"Okay guys. Remember! Go back to the present and destroy the time machine!" He ordered.

"Okay! But you're gonna owe Twilight a romantic date!" Rainbow Dash said glaring at him.

"Well, he was going to owe her anyway." Sunset said. And then she pressed the button. "Back to the present!"

Both of the girls' teleported past-Timber back to the present. Both Sunset and present Timber destroyed the time machine at the same time. (Timber threw it on the ground, while Sunset smashed it with the sledgehammer, the same one she used in the fall formal)

And everything was back to normal.

Now back in the past like before, Timber went in front of his car and realized his breath was still bad.

"Hey, what's up?" Twilight asked.

"Oh…uh…. I can't find my wallet."

"Okay let me see." She then sat beside him and helped him find it. "Did you check the glove compartment?"

"Yeah, I check there…" Just like before, he faced Twilight, "Already…"


But since Timber forgot about the mints, he even weaseled out not wanting to repeat and grabbed his wallet.

"I found it!"

"Oh. Okay. Great."

"Were you just about to-"

"What?! Of course not!" Twilight jumped with a blush.

"Nothing. It was just-"

"Oh, never mind. Let's try that for another night, another time." Twilight said.


The duo regrouped with the others that were still waiting for them.

"Took you guys long enough." Sunset Shimmer said.

"Oh, you have no idea." Timber said with a mischievous smile.

And the group went inside.

"You know, Sunset Shimmer came up with the name shimmer-shakes." Pinkie Pie said.

"Yeah, yeah."

They went inside, as if their time traveling adventure never happened at all.