• Member Since 16th Jan, 2023
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


Only by studying the past can we win the present.

Comments ( 13 )

You know when I first was the synopsis I thought this was a horror story. Please respond to this comment.

I can see how it would be Is interpreted that way. I've never actually wrote a horror story before. I'm not sure I'd be good at it. But if you're interested in one, I can always write a sequel after this is finished.

Please consider continuing this is pretty interesting 🙏🥰

I plan on writing up a chapter today or tomorrow. I'm glad you like it so far

Never understood the whole urban exploring thing. I've seen some videos on Youtube about it and I'm surprised people don't get in trouble for breaking and entering or trespassing. Perhaps it is the adrenaline of the unknown and doing something a little risky? Either way, it is a good thing that they were doing it and was in a position to, hopefully, help Sunset.

"Thank Primus", Trixie muttered.

Never took Trixie as a Tranformers fan, nice! Till all are one!

Have a 👍

I've never done urban exploring but it sounds cool. I'd totally go explore some haunted places if I actually had friends lol. I'd be terrified but I'd do it. Im a transformers fan myself. Till all are one

I'm kind of glad it isn't a horror story, and I'm glad to see Sunset seems to be ok. Well, physically, seriously doubt she is very ok mentally.

Lyra and Bon Bon are awesome, no doubt about that. Really nice that Sunset was caught on her escape attempt and convinced to at least give staying a try,

Trice pulled Sunset up. "Trixie has coffee in the kitchen already made. Different creamers are in the fridge too".

Instead of Trice, did you mean Trixie?

"Is she here to cause drama or something?" The other girl demanded whole Sunset shrank into herself, appearing smaller. Bon Bon put a hand up.

Did you mean while instead of whole?

I to believe Sunset's sunny day is coming and will be beautiful.

Hopefully Gilda doesn't do anything too stupid, it was pretty awesome seeing Sunset stand up to her. Can't wait to see how Sunny takes to skating, ugh the bruises and memories or even trying.

Yeah lol. I really need to rework this whole story. This is super old lol, lots of grammar issues

I've never been rollerskating tbh. I've been ice skating though and that was a fucking trip in itself

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