• Published 13th Nov 2022
  • 452 Views, 16 Comments

Coming Back Home - Starlight Fan

Two months ago, Starlight had left Ponyville without a word to stop a villain from stealing cutie marks; but now that she’s home again, will her friendships be the same?

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Old Friends

Starlight stared at Trixie for a good while before the showboat broke the silence.

“Where have you been?!” Trixie asked incredulously, “You left Ponyville for two months without a word, and ever since then, I’ve felt more lonely than I used to be.”

“Than you used to be?” Starlight asked with a sympathetic but confused glance, “Trixie, aren’t you on good terms with Twilight, Sunburst, and maybe Discord?”

“Hey.” Discord said in offense before putting a finger to his chin, “Actually, that’s fair.” He admits with a shrug.

“Yes. I have been able to become better friends with other ponies but that doesn’t change the fact that my best friend fled from my life without so much as a word.” Trixie explained angrily before tearing up, “You have no idea how it feels when somepony you really care about just disappears from your life! It feels awful Starlight, like a piece from your life is just missing!”

Starlight silently gasped at this, what Trixie just said described her feelings when Sunburst had left her to go to Canterlot, she felt horrible, it was one of the worst feelings of her life. She had tried to get over it, but the hurt never seemed to fade.

She never held a grudge against Sunburst for this, he had no idea things would turn out this way.

But now she realizes that she had put Trixie through that exact same level of hurt and now she had a friend to make up with.

“Is it alright if we talk about this in the castle? I think the two of us should be alone.” Starlight asked Spike.

“Probably the best idea.” Spike nodded sympathetically.

Starlight soon teleported herself and Trixie to inside the entrance of Twilight’s castle while Trixie huffed in frustration, “I can’t believe you left Starlight.”

“Trixie, I’m so sorry.” Starlight apologized full of remorse, “I shouldn’t have left without telling you why. The truth is I had to leave because some evil unicorn was stealing cutie marks from ponies and Luna needed my help with stopping him.”

“A unicorn stole cutie marks, hmmm, how familiar.” Trixie rolled her eyes bitterly, if this were any other time, Starlight would be furious at the backhanded joke made about her past, but given the circumstances, she let it pass.

“Yes. I’m aware of how similar the situations are.” Starlight rolled her eyes in annoyance before sighing, “But I still should have told you all what I was doing. All I did was put you through a similar amount of pain that I went through when Sunburst left. You’re right to upset Trixie, and I’m not sure if we’ll ever be the same again but all I can say is that I hope one day I can make it up to you.”

Trixie seemed to falter a bit before heading to walk out of the castle, “Trixie appreciates your apology Starlight, but I’ll have to think about it before I forgive you.”

“I understand.” Starlight looked away sadly as Trixie then left the castle without a word, leaving Starlight to sigh to herself.

Soon Discord appeared with a sympathetic frown, “Man, even I felt bad for you two and Trixie and I are frenemies.”

“Were you eavesdropping?” Starlight asked monotone, she didn’t really care if he was, she just wanted to know.

“Yes, but only to make sure it wouldn’t turn into a shouting match.” Discord admitted solemnly, “I know how Trixie is, she can be quite irritable, and you’re not the most well tempered either.”

Starlight chuckled bitterly, “I appreciate the thought Discord even if you did sort of insult me.”

“Anytime.” Discord said with a soft smile, “You know, I’m glad we got the confrontation with Trixie out of the way, there’s actually somepony that you need to see.”

“Who is it?” Starlight asked in confusion before Discord turns Starlight’s head around softly to see that the castle door entrance was opening and Twilight was being led inside with a blindfold on her face with Pinkie Pie guiding her along with Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Sunburst, and Spike much to Starlight’s shock.

“Pinkie. Do we really need the blindfold?” Applejack asked with a sigh.

“This is the biggest surprise of her life. Of course she needs a blindfold.” Pinkie Pie squees.

“Look Pinkie, I’m a bit worn down so can you take off the blindfold please and show me the surprise?” Twilight sighed politely.

Pinkie Pie glanced over at Starlight with a smile and winked, “Sure thing Twilight!”

She then took the blindfold and removed it and soon Twilight opened her eyes and was shocked at the sight before her. It was Starlight.

“Hey Twilight.” Starlight smiled nervously, “I-I’m back.”

“Starlight?” Twilight asked with a gasp, “It’s really you?”

“Yes Twilight. It’s really me.” Starlight said reassuringly, “I’m so sorry I left without saying goodbye, I know it was tough for you and… I understand if you’re…”

But to her surprise, Twilight embraced her with a tearful smile, “You’re back! You’re really back!”

“You… you’re not mad at me? I caused you so much heartache.” Starlight said in shock.

Twilight let Starlight go and wiped her eyes, “I’m certainly upset that you never told me what you were doing, but I know you Starlight. If you left you had a reason for it.”

Starlight smiled warmly at Twilight, she knew her so well.

Starlight took a breath before speaking up, “Okay. Here’s what happened, Luna came to me in my dreams and told me that there was a unicorn stealing cutie marks, though it wasn’t for equality like I did, but it was for power and to be the most talented pony in Equestria. Since I had experience with this sort of magic, I was called on to help.”

“Okay… but why didn’t you tell me where you went?” Twilight asked sadly.

“I figured if you knew that I was facing a villain, you’d go after me and get yourself hurt.” Starlight explained sadly.

Twilight looked away a bit upset when she heard that, “Starlight, I definitely would have been worried about you, but I know you can handle yourself. I wouldn’t have gone after you.”

“I know that now.” Starlight said with an ashamed look.

“I’m not mad at you Starlight, and I know you didn’t want me to get hurt. I understand why you did what you did.” Twilight said reassuringly as she put a hoof on Starlight’s back.

“But I still hurt you.” Starlight pointed a hoof at Twilight’s chest, “Right here.”

Twilight couldn’t deny Starlight was wrong, her leaving did hurt Twilight but she couldn’t let Starlight be so down on herself.

“Starlight, I can’t say you’re not right and I think it’ll be tough to get over you leaving so long without any notice but given that you’re here now and clearly remorseful for what happened, I think we have a good chance at getting past this.” Twilight told Starlight with a smile, “For now, I’m just glad you’re back.” She embraced Starlight who smiled tearfully and hugged Twilight back.

“Thank you Twilight.” Starlight said happily, “Honestly, I’m so glad I met you.”

Everyone else just watched the scene with pride, healing from this experience will likely not be the easiest but now that Starlight was back and was overcoming her guilt, it would probably be easier.

Author's Note:

Discord: “Uh, aren’t you going to give the Trixie situation any closure?”

Must you ruin the moment Discord? Yes, I will get to it in the Epilogue.

Discord: “Glad I could help.”

Comments ( 3 )


“Thank you Twilight.” Starlight said happily, “Honestly, I’m so glad I met you.”


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