• Published 21st Oct 2022
  • 933 Views, 19 Comments

Bardock: Saiyan Warrior of Equestria - Within Dusk

Bardock in a final stand against Frieza, is seemingly destroyed along side Planet Vegeta, until he wakes up on the outskirts of a forest.

  • ...

2. Proof of Power

Bardock woke up with a start. He could have sworn he heard some high pitched ringing, though as his senses cleared he could now vaguely recognize the sound as a voice—a very high-pitched and bubbly voice for that matter. He could tell it was talking about introducing him to everyone in town. He was never one for gatherings or things like that, so he decided to tell this person that a party was not needed or wanted for that matter.

Pinkie Pie noticed the odd stranger coming downstairs and, smiling one of her classic smiles, zipped right up to them. "Hello! My name is Pinkie Pie! you're new in town so I'm gonna throw a party for you! What kinda cake do you like? Do you like chocolate? I love chocolate! It’s my favorite!”

Bardock placed a hand in front of the hyperactive pony's face. "Let's slow down a bit, ok?"

"That's just Pinkie for you," Rainbow Dash said with a chuckle. She reminded him of his old gang member, Fasha.

Bardock sat down. "Look, I appreciate the gesture, but I don't need a party. I'm not good with parties."

Pinkie lost her smile a bit, her lip trembling beneath shining puppy-dog eyes. "Aww, come on! Just try! You've never been to a Pinkie Pie Party!"

Bardock looked at her, unable to deny that this pony's smile was contagious. He smiled and patted her head. "Fine, I'll go, but I want chocolate cake in return."

Pinkie Pie began bouncing around the room. "You got a dealaroo, buckaroo!" she said before bolting out of the treehouse.

Bardock sat there, shocked. This pony was definitely faster than Burter. "Anyway, who are all the others?" He looked over at Twilight, but both she and Rainbow Dash were sitting slack jawed at Pinkie's sudden speed.

Twilight shook her head and refocused. "Oh well, ahem, this is Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and well you already met Pinkie Pie." She smiled sheepishly.

Bardock nodded, leaning back on the couch until he noticed Rarity staring, "uh, something wrong?"

Rarity would stammer a bit before finally getting the words out, "Well you see darling your, attire, is a bit torn and tattered, not to mention those scars! I mean, what vile beast could cause such wounds!"

Bardock would close his eyes, remembering his encounter with death, the sensation of Frieza's attack, the burning. He would open his eyes again and breathe, "Yeah, I'm a little beat up, It's nothing though."

Rarity gawked, "NOTHING?! By Celestia excuse my rudeness but you look horrid! I demand you let me make you something new to wear! I can't in good conscious let you wonder around like that!"

Bardock could tell this wasn't a negotiation, she was just like Gine, always worried and insistent, constantly trying to clean him up when in the end he'd be injured by the next mission, he grumbled, "Fine, but I am not wearing some fancy outfit, either repair this or make something similar."

Rarity was a bit disappointed but she had to oblige, she could tell he was serious, "I understand, come along now! we have much work to do!" she said, leading him to her boutique.

Bardock was waiting patiently for his new armor, he had given Rarity his armor top so she could find the closest material to it, simply having his arms crossed, he waited until he heard the voice of Rarity call out.

"Finished!" Rarity said in a sing song voice, leaving her work area and placing the items on a nearby pedestal, "Behold! A true masterpiece! I was inspired by Celestia's royal guards armor, but the material was a bit odd, but I managed to find Materials durable and flexible enough to hopefully suit your likings."

Bardock walked over and looked it over, it definitely suited him, the colors were similar to his normal battle armor, she even made new wrappings for his arms and legs, "Thank you Rarity, I'll put this on now, anywhere I can change?"

"Of course! right over there dear!" Rarity pointed a hoof to a changing room near by.

Bardock entered the changing room and began to switch out into the new armor, it was definitely comfortable so that was a plus, He would soon exit feeling fresh and surprisingly relaxed, "Well, what do you all think?" Bardock would stand proud in his new armor.

Rarity beamed, "It looks amazing on you! I knew keeping the colors of your old outfit was the right choice!" She trotted forward and wrapped her hoof around Bardocks hand and began to lead him to the party.

Bardock was honestly surprised at how many ponies were at the party, he didn't expect such a gathering for someone like him, but he enjoyed it a little, he impressed Pinkie Pie with how much cake he ate, he honest had forgotten what most sweets tasted like, it had been quite some time for sure.

"How long has it been since your last meal Bardock?" Twilight asked, watching as the Saiyan kept eating.

Bardock with a mouthful of a cupcake mumbled, "Probably a few days or so." He continued eating as the 6 ponies in front of him stared shocked and confused.

"You're telling me that you haven't eaten in days and still have strength to walk around and all that?" Rainbow Dash said in awe.

Bardock finished eating his cupcake, "Yeah, we Saiyans are pretty tough, especially ones like me, Commanders must be on top of everything at all times, your squad comes first, and you focus on yourself later."

Twilight spoke up, "So you were a soldier?" she began to think of her brother and how he must be doing right now, she should really write a letter to him at some point.

Bardock nodded, "Yeah, me and my squad were one of the best there were" He trailed off, remembering their deaths, and Tora's last words, he may have failed to protect Planet Vegeta, but he at least kept his son safe and now he has a new world to protect. He thought back to his dream, Kakarot's words rang in his mind, he could be better, no, he will be better.

Fluttershy stepped up, "Where's the rest of you squad?" She said timidly, "I never got the full story so is it just you that was sent?"

Bardock clenched his fists, he couldn't blame the shy winged pony, but he was still upset, their lives meant nothing to Frieza, he breathed in then out and began to explain, "I wasn't sent here exactly, my crew was killed by the men of an evil tyrant named Frieza, in an effort to avenge them and save my people I stood up to him, but he was too strong, in fact he was so strong his attack sent me here, leaving the planet to explode, I'm just glad I bought time for my Son Kakarot to escape."

Fluttershy wore a look of sorrow, "How could someone be so cruel?"

Bardock stood up, "No worries, I'm sure there's no one as twisted as him in this place, either way I'm tired and tomorrow I wanna wake up early to get some training in."

Rainbow Dash flew over, "Wanna train with me pal? I'm pretty good at fighting."

Bardock laughed leaving Rainbow Dash confused, had she said something funny? was he doubting her?

"Listen, I may not have my scouter but I can tell you are not on my level, I've seen your speed on the way to this party and yeah that's impressive but speed doesn't always help with power." Bardock began to walk towards the door until he was stopped by Rainbow Dash

Rainbow Dash wore a look of determination, "Oh if you wanna go we can go! anytime! anywhere!"

Bardock smirked, "Really? Anytime? Anywhere?"

Rainbow Dash smirked back, "Yeah."

Bardock walked out the door and when he was in the middle of the road, he used his hand to beckon Rainbow Dash, "Come on then."

Rainbow Dash charged forward pushing Bardock towards a more empty area, she saw as Bardock lowered his arms, still wearing that smirk, she charged forward again attempting to land a kick but was caught off guard as Bardock grabbed her leg and threw her behind him.

"You know you shouldn't show off such an obvious attack, here let me show you how it's done!" Bardock yelled out as he charged forward before ducking down and landing an uppercut to Rainbow Dash's chin. "Heh, see you aren't even near my, huh?" Bardock stopped midsentence as Rainbow Dash got right back up and charged in once more landing two hoof onto his chest, temporarily knocking the wind out of him.

Bardock stood up, "More durable than I thought." He said holding his chest, "But can you withstand this!" Bardock shouted as he threw out a simple ki blast.

Rainbow Dash put her guard up and when she felt it hit it felt similar to how she felt whenever lightning stuck her, she gritted her teeth and when the dust settled she smirked, "See? we ponies aren't as fragile as you think Bardock."

Bardock smiled, "Seems so, Good, well that was fun but we should head to bed before it gets too late, see you all tomorrow." Bardock waved as he followed Twilight to her home, immediately laying in his bed as soon as he got to his room. Bardock sighed and as he drifted off to sleep he said, "I'm doing just fine Kakarot, I just hope you are too."

Author's Note:

Bardock has been welcomed with open hoofs to Ponyville but what will this world hold for him now? Find out when Chapter 3 comes out! Meeting With A Goddess!

Comments ( 7 )

So far it's good and this story is good quality But the Aspect of such little opening or entrance and the characters trust factor by having going through a event that makes the bond of them feel’s off but to a extent it isa good read so far

More good

I understand that the trust factor is a bit quick but this is mainly due to the fact that I wanted to reverse the trope that the ponies would be hostile upon meeting someone and something completely new, I always felt that with how the show was it never sits right with me that the ponies would attack first and ask questions later, sure I can see that with Rainbow Dash or Applejack but as seen in Chapter 1: A Final Stand, A New Life Applejack is witness to Sweetie Belle treating Bardocks wounds, I also wish to mention that (Spoiler warning for DBS Manga and Old DBZ movies) Bardock isn't exactly a conqueror or unnecessarily violent, in Episode of Bardock aka DBZ: Father of Goku, Bardock after the loss of his crew wanted to avenge them, which according to Vegeta later on, Saiyans are usually brutes who may fight together but care not who lives or dies, Bardock is different, he is the father of goku after all =)

thank you! and yes there will be more! I'm now finalizing concepts for chapter 3 and working on more concepts for chapter 4

put this on your tracking cause it's coming

3. Meeting With A Goddess

thank you so much! everyone's kind comments keep me going with this series! I hope people enjoy the images! I'm thinking of adding more images per chapter but if people prefer I'll keep it to 3 images per chapter but of course there may be exceptions depending on the chapter

Take your time with writing but please continue because this is amazing and you're really good at writing.

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