• Published 21st Oct 2022
  • 934 Views, 19 Comments

Bardock: Saiyan Warrior of Equestria - Within Dusk

Bardock in a final stand against Frieza, is seemingly destroyed along side Planet Vegeta, until he wakes up on the outskirts of a forest.

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1. A Final Stand, A New Life

Bardock after suffering the loss of his crew, Tora, Fasha, Borgos and Shugesh, decided he'd change the fate of every living saiyan, Bardock, injured with his encounter with Dodoria walks sluggishly to the throne room, if the saiyans at the bar wouldn't listen, the king would. Bardock flung the doors open and stepped forward, "King Vegeta, you must listen to me, Frieza, he's going to destroy us all.", The air in the throne room went cold as King Vegeta stood up.

"You're a fool to imply that Frieza would destroy the majority of his own forces.", King Vegeta then looked over to his guards, signaling him to escort Bardock. "Have this low class saiyan brought to his home."

Bardock's eyes widened at this, "Me!? a fool!? You're the fool! can't you see?! he's using us!", with a growl, He then flew out the window, shattering it, as Bardock flew up to the atmosphere, he thought to himself, He would change everything, the fate of Planet Vegeta, the fate of his son, his own fate, and most of all, he would kill Frieza.

Bardock eventually encountered Frieza's soldiers, with every bit of his remaining power he fought them off, soon enough this commotion would force Frieza out of hiding, and it did, the Soldiers stopped fighting as they saw their leader in his space pod, glaring down at Bardock.

"And so the Legendary Super Saiyan has arrived.. how very unsavory.." Frieza hissed, unamused that a mere Saiyan would defy him.

Bardock looked up at the evil tyrant, smiling, "So you've come out of hiding, finally, I'll kill you!" Bardock charged forward, pushing soldiers out of the way and shooting ki blasts at the Emperor. Bardock's eyes widened as the blasts dispersed, Frieza floated, unaffected.

"Fine, I'll play along, but don't you die on me so easily.." on those last words, Frieza was already in front of Bardock, back handing him, sending the lone warrior flying backwards, "Now then, I shall force you to suffer like so many of you Saiyans deserve."

The fight was fierce, Bardock standing his ground, no matter how much it hurt, he kept fighting, he had to buy time for Kakarot, his youngest son, his oldest, Raditz was on a mission with the prince and the general, Bardock landed a swift punch to Frieza's face, sending him backwards.

"Hahaha, a decent effort, but sadly all too useless." Frieza sat back in his chair and stuck his hand out, firing a blast.

Bardock caught the blast, beginning to be pushed back, he then saw a vision, his son, facing off against Frieza, "No.. It must be me! ME!, You're dead.. You're.. DEAD!!"

Frieza looked at the struggling Saiyan with slight intrigue and fear.

"YOU'RE GONNA PAAAAYYYY!!" Bardock roared as he fired his own blast pushing it back to Frieza, the blast exploding, but revealing an unaffected Frieza.

"This.. will change.. everything!" Bardock began to charge a final attack, "The fate of Planet Vegeta, the fate of my son Kakarot, My own fate.. AND YOURS!!"

Frieza simply lifted a finger, charging a small sphere.

"This is your end!!!, GRAAAAAHG!!", Bardock threw the ki blast, but to his shock it was consumed by Frieza's rapidly growing Supernova. He was taken aback "What!?"

"Hahahaa! Farewell, Super Saiyan, and farewell to your entire race!" Frieza launched the attack, watching as it slowly descended onto Planet Vegeta.

Bardock wore a face of shock as he felt his entire being slowly being torn apart, he yelled out in pain, "UUUWAAAAAAAAHG!!!" as he was consumed by the Supernova, he had one last vision, His son, Kakarot, as a Super Saiyan, with Frieza trembling, Bardock smiled, and yelled out his sons name, "KAKAROOOOOT!!"

Frieza laughed manically, "AHAHAHAHA! Zarbon! Dodoria! are you seeing these lovely fireworks! how absolutely astonishing!" Zarbon and Dodoria watched in shock and fear as Planet Vegeta was destroyed and eventually exploded, leaving nothing but space dust.

Three fillies walked to the outskirts of Sweet Apple Acres, one was a sort of cream color with red mane and tail, another was orange with a purple mane and tail and the last one was pure white with a lavender and pink mane and tail, one of them spoke with a country accent.

"I tell you, I heard someone yellin out here ya'll!", Apple Bloom said "it sounded like it was near our clubhouse!"

Scootaloo spoke up, "What did it sound like?"

Apple Bloom then looked back at Scootaloo, now realizing she give all the details, "Well it sounded like a stallion screaming."

Sweetie Belle then began to look nervous, "If he's hurt what will we do? what if whatever attacked him is out there somewhere?"

"Don't worry, we can handle ourselves!", Scootaloo said faking a look of confidence.

Eventually the three fillies would find what they were looking for, They asked each other questions about who, or what they had found, eventually they would manage to bring the creature to their clubhouse, and while Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were getting Applejack, the creature would wake up.

Bardock awoke with a start, "Kakarot!?", He said without much thought, he looked around, he seemed to be inside some sort of house, but this wasn't his home, in fact when he looked out the window he saw bright vibrant plants and trees, "Where am I?..", He stood up, and made his way outside of the home.

"What is this place?.. this is definitely not Planet Vegeta.." Bardock said under his breath, he then heard rustling in the bushes, he spun around to face the noise, "Who's there!? show yourself!" he quickly got into his battle stance.

"Calm yourself fella, no need to get antsy." A voice called out as an Orange pony made it's way through the bushes, "Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Applejack, I run Sweet Apple Acres not too far from here."

Bardock stood up calmly, "My name is Bardock."

"An odd name but it's nice to meet you, Bardock.", Applejack says with a friendly tone "Heh, looks like Apple Bloom's friend managed to patch you up."

"Huh?", Bardock looked at himself seeing cloth over some of his more major wounds, "I didn't notice until now, tell her I said thank you."

Applejack smiled as she led the strange being to her farm, "You can thank her yourself."

Bardock then saw three smaller ponies, the white one ran up to him, "Hey there, You the one who patched me up?"

"Yeah! did I do a good job?", She asked.

Bardock couldn't help but smile, "Yeah, honestly it's better than most medics back home.", he watched as she made a high pitched noise as she checked her flank but then became disappointed. "Something wrong?" he asked.

Applejack trotted forward as she began to explain, "These three are on a mission to earn their cutie marks, these marks on our flanks that show what our special talent is."

"I see, well..", Bardock patted Sweetie Belle's head, "You'll get it soon." He smiled.

Applejack then realized something, "You should go see Twilight, she'll have plenty of questions for you, besides, uh, we don't have much room here." she looked down sheepishly.

"I understand, where can I find her?" Bardock asked.

"Over at the Golden Oaks Library!, you can't miss it!", Applejack says, waving as Bardock began to walk towards the small town.

As Bardock walked towards his destination he thought about all this, was he dead?, is this some sort of Heaven? or is he alive and he's been displaced? if he's been displaced, that means Frieza has more power than he ever could have known, under his breath he mutters, "I just hope Frieza never finds this planet."

Bardock knocked on the door and saw a purple unicorn, she seemed shocked so he broke the ice, "Your friend Applejack said you'd have questions for me and maybe a place to stay?"

Twilight shook her head, "Oh um, sure come in!" she leads him inside, letting him sit on her sofa as she sat on her chair, "So um.. wow, where do I start? well, what's your name?"

"Bardock." He said simply.

"Interesting, well what are you?" Twilight asked curiously.

"Well." Bardock began "I'm a Saiyan, from Planet Vegeta, well used to be from Planet Vegeta."

"Used to? what happened?" Twilight asked, beginning to write things down.

"It was destroyed by an evil tyrant known as Frieza, I tried to stop him but it seems I failed, so either I'm dead and this is some sort of heaven or I'm alive and he's powerful enough to displace me to another planet." Bardock said looking down at his hands.

Twilight looks at him, understandingly, "Well I can at least assure you, you aren't dead, this planet's name is Equis, and you're in Equestria."

Bardock looked up, "I guess I have been displaced.. I've never heard of this place.. or this planet.."

Twilight flew over and placed her hoof on Bardock's shoulder, "Well I have an extra room you can stay in, it's getting late, go and get some rest, I'll write a letter to Princess Celestia."

"Who's that?" Bardock asked.

"Oh, she's the princess of the sun, she controls the sun and is one of the monarchs of Equestria." Twilight stated.

Bardock nodded, "I see, ok, I'll talk to you tomorrow." Bardock walked upstairs to the extra room, he entered the room and sat on the bed, he then laid down and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Bardock awoke on another planet, another vision, he was getting tired of this, he looked around the area until he heard a voice.


Bardock put his guard up, "Who's there! where are you?!" he then saw someone wearing an orange and blue outfit, his hair was like his "Kakarot?.."

"You know who I am, don't you?" the figure said.

"Yes... you're.. my son.." Bardock reached out, seeming so close yet so far.

"This is your chance to change, to be better.. than him.." the figure turned and as it did it turned into Frieza, laughing.

Bardock's eyes widened, "YOU!" He charged forward only to be blasted away "AAAAAAAAAAAHGG!!"

Bardock then woke up in a panic, "Just a dream... but.. You're right Kakarot.. this is my chance.. my chance to fight for something.. a chance to not be a conqueror.. a chance to just be a fighter to protect and better myself.." Bardock then laid back down and slept once more.

Author's Note:

And thus begins Bardock's new life, how will he adjust to this new world, he'll just have to wait and see.