• Published 8th Sep 2022
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Life as a Sonic OC Redux - Kitsulestia

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Afungus Among Us

*Danyelle's POV*

After getting rid of the parasite in Midnight's brain, I had gone to the Mushroom Kingdom to get rid of the controlled Toads.

I soon spot Mario and Luigi.

I spoke "Hey guys!"

Mario and Luigi spoke "You’re here!"

Luigi spoke "I’m starting to hope that this invasion was from Bowser instead, not alien slugs!"

I spoke "Master Hand alerted me about it though plus Sonic should be along soon."

Sonic soon pops up via magic.

Sonic spoke "Hey Mario, Luigi."

I spoke "It was NOT easy getting the one out of Midnight though!"

Mario gasps "Mama Mia! When did you get wings?!"

Luigi was also shocked.

Sonic chuckles "I've always had them but I've always kept them hidden with magic during Smash tournaments or the Olympics."

Luigi asks "Why?"

Sonic spoke "I'm half alicorn."

Mario and Luigi gasp "What?!"

I spoke "Sonic's dad is a wolfish alicorn."

Sonic spoke "But we can worry about that later."

I growl since I sensed at least ten controlled Toads.

“We got trouble.” I warned.

Sonic growls "if those nasty things take control of Princess Peach, then it'll be a lot harder!"

“No time to waste!” I agreed.

Sonic spoke "I hate to say this to you guys but we need DK's help."

I then noticed a barrel saying DK, making me smirk. “I know a way to summon him.”

I picked up the barrel before smashing it, summoning Donkey Kong, much to his confusion as of why he’s here.

Sonic chuckles "Holy cuss Dany, are you sure you're the keenest?"

“Whaddya mean?” I asked.

Sonic spoke "You could put the Knucklehead to shame with that strength of yours!"

“It’s only because of my Stand.” I pointed out.

A psychic ping was felt in my mind.

I ask "Hey Sonic, did you feel that?"

Sonic asks "What was that?"

Twilight suddenly pops up with Zoey, Dren and Bayonetta.

Twilight spoke "The four of us felt some sort of message in our minds, stating that we were needed here."

“Good timing.” I said.

Sonic chuckles "You know Mario, I heard that Bowser got his scaly butt kicked by a lion."

“Save now, gossip later.” I pointed out.

Sonic, Zoey and Dren spoke "Right!"

Twilight spoke "Let’s move!"

Zoey, Sonic and I took flight at the same time as Dren and Twilight.

Airlifting Mario, Sonic spoke "Let's fly!"

Airlifting Luigi, I spoke "Right behind you Sonic!"

The group and I head to Princess Peach's castle so we could discuss a way to free the controlled Toads.

Zoey and Dren tag-team to airlift DK.

Soon, we arrived.

I spoke "Hold on, I hear something..."

Signaling the others to land, I land as well before using a long distance hearing spell on my ears to listen in on the conversation.

Peach spoke "Daisy, we gotta do something to snap them out of it!"

Daisy spoke "But how? We can’t even see what’s making them like that!"

I soon arrive with the group.

I spoke "Ladies, I believe I have a general idea."

Peach asks "Really? What’s the idea?"

Sonic spoke "Danyelle and I know someone that knows what we're dealing with."

Daisy asks "Who?"

I spoke "Hir name is Honeystar-Ferris-Clement but most call hir Honeystar."

As if on cue, a warp ring opens up before Honeystar steps out but shi was no longer a chakat-Andalite hybrid.

Honeystar spoke "Hello."

Sonic asks "What the…?"

Honeystar spoke "I chose to become a chakat nothlit, meaning I no longer have the morphing ability. And as to what we're dealing with... It's Yeerks, slug-like aliens that want nothing more than to destroy everything thing in their path."

"And that’s pretty annoying.” I added.

Honeystar spoke "Not only that but the only way to get rid of the Yeerk is to kill the host."

"I was afraid of that.” I admitted.

Daisy spoke "Oh geez…"

Peach asks "WHAT?! Isn’t there a way to take them down from the inside?"

Honeystar spoke "I'm afraid not..."

“I already did that once, but it was only on one person. Not sure if I can go multiple.” I said.

Sonic spoke "Not to mention... We don't know if the Toads even have ears."

Mario asks "Wait, what else do we not know about you, Sonic?"

Zoey giggles "Well... He's got 14 wives... I'm one of his cousins... And our grandmother is the princess of the moon."

Mario gasps "…WHAT?!?!"

Luigi spoke "Mama Mia…! *Faints*"

Zoey spoke "Guess it was a bit too much for them to handle."

I giggle "You think?"

Mario stuffed a green mushroom down Luigi’s mouth and throat, waking him up.

I spoke "I could have just zapped him though."

Luigi spoke "That’d hurt!"

I giggle "I can control the voltage though, Ash can't."

Sonic spoke "Don’t let him hear you say that."

I ask "Is that a challenge bro?"

Sonic asks "And what’s that supposed to mean?"

Honeystar spoke "Focus guys!"

“Right!” Sonic and I responded.

Twilight spoke "First off, we should isolate the controlled Toads. Gah... If only Applejack were here, she'd be able to corral them better than I could."

“What happened?” I asked.

Twilight spoke "The Cutie Map sent her and Crosswind to a place in Jasmine’s dimension."

I groan "StarClan's sake.... Applejack's skills are needed here though Twilight!"

Sonic asks "on’t you have your magic, Twi?"

Honeystar spoke "Hold on Sonic, magic won't work against the Yeerks."

Sonic asks "What? Why?"

Honeystar spoke "They're immune to magic."

Twilight spoke "*Gasp!* I have an idea, but it might seem crazy, even to me."

I spoke "Twilight...."

Twilight asks "Listen, remember what activated the Element of Magic?"

I spoke "I know Twi but we don't have the rest of the Harmony Guard with us."

Twilight asks "Listen to me! What if I can somehow use a spell that’ll help me temporarily use Applejack’s skills as my own?"

Sonic spoke "Girls! We don't have time to discuss this!"

Twilight spoke "Right! Hope this works."

Twilight started concentrating her magic with her horn glowing magenta before it started glowing orange.

My right ear twitches before I started snarling.

Tails shows up via warp ring.

Tails spoke "Guys! Another attack was launched! This time it's the Pokemon world!"

Twilight heard that as she canceled the spell. "ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!"

I spoke "We need to kill the Yeerks at the source! And no offense Twilight but I don't think you have a long range fire blast spell... But I think I might know somepony who does!"

I contact the OC-verse counterpart of Jasmine via telepathy.

I spoke "{Sorry to interrupt you but I need your universe's Twilight to help out.}"

Sumarda giggles "{One Twirama comin' up!}"

I spoke "{My universe's Twilight is half alien though.}"

A larger than normal Ninetales tumbles out of the portal that Sumarda had opened.

Twirama growls "{I FUCKING HATE YOU SUMARDA!!!}"

Sumarda spoke "{Sorry! Still working out the side effects!}"

Twirama spoke "{Consider yourself lucky I wasn't pregnant or I could have had a miscarriage.}"

Twilight asks "Can we please focus?"

Twirama spoke "Sorry, just tell me what to shoot then!"

"Our targets are the Yeerks." I answered.

Twirama tilted her snout towards the sky as she locked onto the Yeerk homeworld before blasting it with the long range flame blast spell, killing off all of the yeerks in one strike.

I spoke "Great StarClan.... That was powerful!"

One by one, the Toads started regaining control of themselves.

Twirama spoke "Well, I'm gonna go beat the crap out of Sumarda for that shit she pulled."

Twirama returned to the OC-verse via warp ring before attacking Sumarda.

But as we saw, not all of them broke free.

I spoke "Shit! CHAOS HEAL!!!"

A wave of healing energy washed over the still controlled Toads, keeling the yeerks inside their heads.

Sonic asks "Couldn’t you have used that earlier?"

I spoke "Shut up Sonic."

Twilight spoke "Well, we did it."

I spoke "Thanks to OC-verse Twilight, a major crisis was avoided."

I soon burp up a scroll from Sindel, stating that the tournament was about to begin.

“Whoa! Talk about timing! We better get ready!” I noticed.

Honeystar spoke "Yeah but we don't have a representative for the Andalites now that I'm a nothlit... Plus Cinderstar's too young."

Rei then showed up. “Actually, there may be another Andalite.”

I read the scroll over.

I spoke "The folks that are taking part in the tournament are as follows. From Equis, we have Prince Ryōta. From Mobius, we have Prince Sonic and Princess Zoey. From the Mushroom Kingdom, we have Mario. From Spiral Mountain, we have the tag team duo of Banjo and Kazooie. We also have Popo and Nana as a tag team since they're never seen apart. From Hyrule, we have Link. From Inkopolis, we have Meggy the Inkling. We also have Bayonetta, Orion, Blaze, Pit and Michiru. Oh? Hold on, we got a Sunset Shimmer on the list but it's not the one from Equis! It's the one from the EG world!"

Twilight spoke "Wow, I bet you didn’t expect that."

I spoke "We also got Dren on the list too since he's one of the strongest Cyniclons on Cynnth."

Sonic asks "Anyone else?"

I spoke "From Chakona, we have TWO representatives. Honeystar and Blizzardstar!"

Sonic spoke "Okay."

Twilight asks "Wait, are spectators from other worlds allowed?"

I looked over it. “Yeah, it seems so, but let’s not bring too many.”

My ears droop down since my name wasn't on the list.

I spoke "I'm not on the fighter list..."

Sonic spoke "Given how crazy skilled and strong you are, probably for the best."

I spoke "True..."


Author's Note:

Side Chapter to "Helluva Honeymoon"

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